A question for liberals: Washington State MW=$11 an hour, Texas MW=$7.25 an hour ..

And who in the hell would want to live in a shithole like ft worth! And that's not a question.

The only places I would consider living, and this is a stretch, Galveston and Austin.

I used to travel to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area a lot, and I always found them to be very pleasant places, with very nice people. Not as nice as the people in Utah, but . . .
And who in the hell would want to live in a shithole like ft worth! And that's not a question.

The only places I would consider living, and this is a stretch, Galveston and Austin.

Armadillo Texas... One heck of a college coed town
And who in the hell would want to live in a shithole like ft worth! And that's not a question.

The only places I would consider living, and this is a stretch, Galveston and Austin.

I used to travel to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area a lot, and I always found them to be very pleasant places, with very nice people. Not as nice as the people in Utah, but . . .

Salt Lake City flying into was like heaven on earth... Just looking out the airplane window you knew you were in a special place.. No wonder the Mormon's stopped there..

And who in the hell would want to live in a shithole like ft worth! And that's not a question.

The only places I would consider living, and this is a stretch, Galveston and Austin.

I used to travel to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area a lot, and I always found them to be very pleasant places, with very nice people. Not as nice as the people in Utah, but . . .

I have heard....... that people in that area tend to treat you nice, while they hate you and gossip behind your back.

I really don't like that. If you don't like me, I want you to tell it to my face. Just let me know. It doesn't bother me when people on this forum say they hate me. At least then I know where I stand with people.

I don't like that southern.... "Oh bless yer heart" crap. I want you to say "I don't really like you" so I can say 'thanks appreciate your honesty'.

Now granted, I have never been that far south (I hate the heat)... but I've heard this from numerous people.
When you consider the cost of living those Seattle warehouse workers are getting screwed.

Also I know that $12 bucks an hour in Seattle is like $3 bucks an hour in Alabama


Nobody in their right mind wants to live in a thirdworld shithole like Alabama. At any rate of pay

I my goodness you are nuts.

You can live down there like a king, for the same wage you would live like a peasant in New York city.

I know people who have done it. You can retire down there, and live like you grew up in Buckingham Palace. (yes exaggeration to make a point)

I've been down to that area. You can buy a massive home, for tiny fraction of the price of here in Ohio, and Ohio isn't super expensive itself. You can easily live a life style unaffordable elsewhere.

Now as to whether you can get a job that pays that amount of money, that's harder. There are fewer high paying jobs.

But you specifically said "at any rate of pay" oh no.... no no. You make really good money, and live in Alabama like a Royal Monarch. Servants, care takers, the whole deal.
And who in the hell would want to live in a shithole like ft worth! And that's not a question.

The only places I would consider living, and this is a stretch, Galveston and Austin.

I used to travel to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area a lot, and I always found them to be very pleasant places, with very nice people. Not as nice as the people in Utah, but . . .

I have heard....... that people in that area tend to treat you nice, while they hate you and gossip behind your back.

I really don't like that. If you don't like me, I want you to tell it to my face. Just let me know. It doesn't bother me when people on this forum say they hate me. At least then I know where I stand with people.

I don't like that southern.... "Oh bless yer heart" crap. I want you to say "I don't really like you" so I can say 'thanks appreciate your honesty'.

Now granted, I have never been that far south (I hate the heat)... but I've heard this from numerous people.

I spend very little time worrying about what people think that they aren't telling me. Thoughts are private for a reason, and what's going on in their heads, by and large, is none of my business.

For the record, "bless your heart" IS telling you that they don't like you. Unless they're southern newbies who are misusing the phrase, they're basically saying, "You're such a pathetic loser that you need all the blessings you can get".

I have no particular need for people to spill a bunch of personal poison in the form of rudeness for me to have to deal with. I have a generally good sense of when someone's courtesy is utterly fake bullshit, and when they have a sincere desire to be courteous and pleasant, and beyond that, I rarely have any need to know more.
You wish.

Seattle Minimum Wage — Working Washington
Working Washington › seattle-minimum...
ALERT: On January 1, 2017, the first group of Seattleworkers reaches $15/hour! And across the state, the minimum wage rises to $11/hour.

I already answered this. Are you just ignoring the facts? Seriously you are just going to post "working Washington" which is a political lobbying group, as if that is a trust worthy source of information? That's like smoking doesn't cause cancer, the Tabasco company said so.

The number of restaurants being affected by this law, is extremely small.

I punched up Seattle Craigslist jobs.
seattle jobs - craigslist

In under 1 minute, I had run through a dozen plus jobs that all paid less than $15.

Kirkland Kidd Valley now hiring all positions! Start at $12 per hour
SUMMER JOB- Artistic& Crafty Needed in WEDDING INDUSTRY- $11-$13/hour
Silver City Restaurant - Experienced Line Cook - $14.00 per hour
Dairy Queen is hiring 11-16 an hour
Red Robin - Line Cook / Kitchen Prep @ $13+ per hour!

That's a just a few I found. There are DOZENS on there paying less.

Which of course begs the question how they can pay less than the $15 minimum wage. The answer is on your own link.

$15 an hour if you work at McDonald's, Target or another large company or chain with more than 500 employees nationally, and you do not receive healthcare benefits from your employer.

As long as they are offered health insurance, then they do not have to pay $15 an hour.

Now it's true that the minimum wage has gone up, and the facts are in... they are cutting working hours, and increasing prices to consumers.

Fast food prices on the rise in Seattle area

Customers are quickly finding out they can drive two blocks to get outside the city limit, and save $2 on their meal. Prices are going up quickly across the city.

And let me ask you.... assuming you are not that dumb.... what happens when you increase the price on any good or service? Consumption goes down. Right? Is that not obvious? If the price of a whooper doubles to $10... it's a safe bet that they are going to sell fewer whoopers.... can we agree on that?

Well when the price of a drink at a McDonalds inside the minimum wage zone is $1.59, and the exact same drink is only $1 across the street.... What do you think is going to happen? People are going to stop buying from those places.

Huh..... what do you think happens when customers stop buying from those places?..... Fewer customers means fewer workers needed doesn't it? How much are those workers going to make with that higher minimum wage, after they are unemployed?

Let me give a little bit of history between me and Bear about this particular subject (MW in Seattle) since I've joined this board. Two of my relatives own 2 seafood restaurants in Seattle, most of them work for the (34) city and Boeing. I can find out how many permits issued, building in process or closed. That said.
Your link are all anti-MW that pick and choose for your convenience. They can print or publish just about anything. You make it sound that Seattle is collapsing bc of MW hike.
Your McDonald's example of $1.59 drink is purely bogus. Most or all customers go to McDonald's for cheap meal. The only way it's cheaper across the street are those little hamburger stand because they have lower over head like 3 or 4 employees & no drive thru ------------ It's NOT because of MW hike. And no matter where you go in America that is always 100% the case------ It's NOT because of MW hike. Most of these hamburger stand do not survive if they are near McDonald's or other large franchises.
BOTTOM LINE-------- Are Seattle businesses suffering because of this MW increased? NO.
Is the economy in Seattle is booming? YES. Unemployment? I will leave that to you.
How many businesses that went bankrupt bc of MW increased?

We already said that. You keep making claims that are not in dispute.

We already said that the economy of Seattle was growing BEFORE the minimum wage hike.
We already said that wages were going up in Seattle BEFORE the minimum wage hike.

If the natural economy is driving up wages above the minimum wage... then we wouldn't expect the minimum wage to have any effect at all.

A clear example, is working at the Wendy's store, in down town Columbus ohio. The STARTING wage at the down town store, is $12.00

The minimum wage is $9. If the city of Columbus raised the minimum wage to $11.00 an hour..... what effect would that have on the employees and employer at the Wendy's down town? None. ZERO. You didn't help anyone, you didn't hurt anyone.

The economy is already pushing wages above the minimum wage, so it has no major effect.

Only the stores that have lower wages would be affected. Because those are a minority... which I already said very few people are affected by this minimum wage.... then they won't have a noticeable impact on the general statistical numbers. Again, everything you are saying, we already said.

The part you disagree with, is that the few people that are affected by the minimum wage, the effects are negative.

They increase prices on consumers, and reduce working hours.

You claim that I'm citing sources that cheery pick data to paint it in the worst light.

Do you even know who the source of that information is?
Why raising the minimum wage in Seattle did little to help workers, according to a new study

Yet the actual benefits to workers might have been minimal, according to a group of economists whom the city commissioned to study the minimum wage and who presented their initial findings last week.

Accounting for these factors, the average increase in total earnings due to the minimum wage was small, the researchers concluded. Using their preferred method, they calculated that workers' earnings increased by $5.54 a week on average because of the minimum wage. Using other methods, the researchers found that the minimum wage hike actually caused total weekly earnings to drop -- by as much as $5.22 a week.​

So let me help you out there...

The information I've been posting, is from the very city government of Seattle, which paid economists to research the effects of the minimum wage.

So you are telling me, that the politicians of the city, are cherry picking data, to make themselves look bad?

Are are you just wrong, and full of crap?

Yes I checked out your links (all links posted here in USMB) but ------------ Did you really understand what they are trying to imply? I'm very sure you don't.
Since when that kind increase will have a big impact to an employee? Of course it's minimal. Do you expect them to start buying a new car? If an employee making $10/hour -------- increase to $11 working 5 hours----- reality, logically and technically he/she only made extra $5. Duh----------- OPINION from W. post as anti MW is just a crap.
Employers or any kind of businesses ------------ ANY kind of businesses --------- increases or decreases working hours because of DEMANDS ------------ that has NOTHING to do with a modicum lousy peanut MW increase. Nothing.
Prices of any kinds of enterprises increased their prices almost every year-------- Like restaurants ------- Are the menu prices the same as last year or 2 years ago?
Oh! McDonald's hamburger cost $0.25 more here so I will drive 2 or more miles away because it's cheaper. Do you understand how ridiculous that is?
Try again.

No, you missed my point. I'll explain it again....

I did not say they were working 5 hours. Read what I say....

The economists that the city hired, determined that most employees at the minimum wage level, only saw a difference of $5. That's it. Some earned $5 LESS. Some earned $5 MORE. But the difference was about.... $5.

So the question that *I* posted was, how are they only seeing a $5 difference? I *ASKED* how do you account for that? Do you think they are only working 5 hours a week?

Obviously..... that is not the answer. The way that they only see a $5 dollar difference in their check, when they are earning a dollar more per hour...... according to the economists the City hired to research the effects of the Minimum wage..... they determined that businesses were CUTTING BACK ON HOURS, to offset the higher minimum wage.

That is what the economists the City of Seattle hired to research this topic, determined.

Companies were cutting back the number of hours that people were working.
$11 per hour X 40 hours = $440 weekly wage.
$12 per hour X 36 hours = $432 weekly wage. Employees worse off.

Do you understand now? The mount of money available for wages is 'finite'. It's not unlimited.
So when you arbitrarily increase the cost of labor, they cut the number of hours, to offset that cost.

This is the reality. This is exactly what we've been saying. Everything the economists found from researching the Seattle minimum wage, is happening exactly as we said it would.

Prices go up. Employment goes down. (reduced hours *IS* reduced employment).

Totally totally disagree. This is exactly what I called cherry picking.
Name me an enterprise or any businesses that reduced hours because of MW increased? Not just blanketly -------- $11/hour x 40 hours = $440 $12/hour x 36 hours = $432
1. Again the reduction or increase of hour depends on ----------- demands --------- Which has been the nature of businesses since the beginning of dawn--------- but using that as excuse because of MW hike is totally false.
I will use McDonald's as example---------- If a McDonald's has 10 employees all working on first shift 8 hours-------- they will cut it 6 hours. Is McDonald's shut down the store for the 2 hours gap or they will bring in the second shift 2 hours earlier? ----------- Then cut the second shift 2 hours ---------- then bring the third shift 2 hours earlier---------- Then close McDonald's 2 hours early? Or Olive Garden normally closed at 10 pm then close it at 8 pm? How is that even possible?

2. Prices go up employment goes down--------- Again that depends on the nature of business---------- but using that as an excuse because of MW hike is totally false. Name me a company that did this because of MW hike.
To make up the difference is just increase the price of french fries to 15 cents. BUT they DO NOT ------- DO NOT increase the price of french fries from $1.25 to ridiculous $4.00 -------- which is what the economist or W. post or Forbes are trying to imply.
I increase my prices from manufacturer -------- list ----------- distributors prices every year but I do not increase my prices that reduces my ability to compete.
Most or ALL of my post are based from real life, specifics, facts and honesty. I do rely on economist most of the time but there are times that I totally totally disagree. If the *OPINION* repeat *OPINION* of a reporter from Washington Post, Forbes or the economist is anti MW ------------- then that is what you got. All of them are saying the same thing ------------ They make it sound that the MW increase from whatever-------- to $15/hour overnight. And prices like french fries go up from my example $1.25 to $4.00 per bag.
AND COMMUNISM NEVER COMES WITHOUT REVOLUTION, AND ALWAYS FAILS. Socialism is the endgame, the final solution- well regulated, fair capitalism.

AND COMMUNISM NEVER COMES WITHOUT REVOLUTION, AND ALWAYS FAILS. Socialism is the endgame, the final solution- well regulated, fair capitalism.

Meanwhile he was putting all the real socialists in concentration camps lol. So you believe ALL RW BS propaganda, even the Nazis'? I'm shocked, dupe. My World Book 1960 says socialism is ALWAYS democratic in its first sentence on the subject- and so do all the people i've talked to overseas FOREVER.. Start there. GOP dupes and cold war dinosaurs just can't get past their propaganda induced confusion here in the fortress of freedom....
Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, regardless, it is the reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.
I already answered this. Are you just ignoring the facts? Seriously you are just going to post "working Washington" which is a political lobbying group, as if that is a trust worthy source of information? That's like smoking doesn't cause cancer, the Tabasco company said so.

The number of restaurants being affected by this law, is extremely small.

I punched up Seattle Craigslist jobs.
seattle jobs - craigslist

In under 1 minute, I had run through a dozen plus jobs that all paid less than $15.

Kirkland Kidd Valley now hiring all positions! Start at $12 per hour
SUMMER JOB- Artistic& Crafty Needed in WEDDING INDUSTRY- $11-$13/hour
Silver City Restaurant - Experienced Line Cook - $14.00 per hour
Dairy Queen is hiring 11-16 an hour
Red Robin - Line Cook / Kitchen Prep @ $13+ per hour!

That's a just a few I found. There are DOZENS on there paying less.

Which of course begs the question how they can pay less than the $15 minimum wage. The answer is on your own link.

$15 an hour if you work at McDonald's, Target or another large company or chain with more than 500 employees nationally, and you do not receive healthcare benefits from your employer.

As long as they are offered health insurance, then they do not have to pay $15 an hour.

Now it's true that the minimum wage has gone up, and the facts are in... they are cutting working hours, and increasing prices to consumers.

Fast food prices on the rise in Seattle area

Customers are quickly finding out they can drive two blocks to get outside the city limit, and save $2 on their meal. Prices are going up quickly across the city.

And let me ask you.... assuming you are not that dumb.... what happens when you increase the price on any good or service? Consumption goes down. Right? Is that not obvious? If the price of a whooper doubles to $10... it's a safe bet that they are going to sell fewer whoopers.... can we agree on that?

Well when the price of a drink at a McDonalds inside the minimum wage zone is $1.59, and the exact same drink is only $1 across the street.... What do you think is going to happen? People are going to stop buying from those places.

Huh..... what do you think happens when customers stop buying from those places?..... Fewer customers means fewer workers needed doesn't it? How much are those workers going to make with that higher minimum wage, after they are unemployed?

Let me give a little bit of history between me and Bear about this particular subject (MW in Seattle) since I've joined this board. Two of my relatives own 2 seafood restaurants in Seattle, most of them work for the (34) city and Boeing. I can find out how many permits issued, building in process or closed. That said.
Your link are all anti-MW that pick and choose for your convenience. They can print or publish just about anything. You make it sound that Seattle is collapsing bc of MW hike.
Your McDonald's example of $1.59 drink is purely bogus. Most or all customers go to McDonald's for cheap meal. The only way it's cheaper across the street are those little hamburger stand because they have lower over head like 3 or 4 employees & no drive thru ------------ It's NOT because of MW hike. And no matter where you go in America that is always 100% the case------ It's NOT because of MW hike. Most of these hamburger stand do not survive if they are near McDonald's or other large franchises.
BOTTOM LINE-------- Are Seattle businesses suffering because of this MW increased? NO.
Is the economy in Seattle is booming? YES. Unemployment? I will leave that to you.
How many businesses that went bankrupt bc of MW increased?

We already said that. You keep making claims that are not in dispute.

We already said that the economy of Seattle was growing BEFORE the minimum wage hike.
We already said that wages were going up in Seattle BEFORE the minimum wage hike.

If the natural economy is driving up wages above the minimum wage... then we wouldn't expect the minimum wage to have any effect at all.

A clear example, is working at the Wendy's store, in down town Columbus ohio. The STARTING wage at the down town store, is $12.00

The minimum wage is $9. If the city of Columbus raised the minimum wage to $11.00 an hour..... what effect would that have on the employees and employer at the Wendy's down town? None. ZERO. You didn't help anyone, you didn't hurt anyone.

The economy is already pushing wages above the minimum wage, so it has no major effect.

Only the stores that have lower wages would be affected. Because those are a minority... which I already said very few people are affected by this minimum wage.... then they won't have a noticeable impact on the general statistical numbers. Again, everything you are saying, we already said.

The part you disagree with, is that the few people that are affected by the minimum wage, the effects are negative.

They increase prices on consumers, and reduce working hours.

You claim that I'm citing sources that cheery pick data to paint it in the worst light.

Do you even know who the source of that information is?
Why raising the minimum wage in Seattle did little to help workers, according to a new study

Yet the actual benefits to workers might have been minimal, according to a group of economists whom the city commissioned to study the minimum wage and who presented their initial findings last week.

Accounting for these factors, the average increase in total earnings due to the minimum wage was small, the researchers concluded. Using their preferred method, they calculated that workers' earnings increased by $5.54 a week on average because of the minimum wage. Using other methods, the researchers found that the minimum wage hike actually caused total weekly earnings to drop -- by as much as $5.22 a week.​

So let me help you out there...

The information I've been posting, is from the very city government of Seattle, which paid economists to research the effects of the minimum wage.

So you are telling me, that the politicians of the city, are cherry picking data, to make themselves look bad?

Are are you just wrong, and full of crap?

Yes I checked out your links (all links posted here in USMB) but ------------ Did you really understand what they are trying to imply? I'm very sure you don't.
Since when that kind increase will have a big impact to an employee? Of course it's minimal. Do you expect them to start buying a new car? If an employee making $10/hour -------- increase to $11 working 5 hours----- reality, logically and technically he/she only made extra $5. Duh----------- OPINION from W. post as anti MW is just a crap.
Employers or any kind of businesses ------------ ANY kind of businesses --------- increases or decreases working hours because of DEMANDS ------------ that has NOTHING to do with a modicum lousy peanut MW increase. Nothing.
Prices of any kinds of enterprises increased their prices almost every year-------- Like restaurants ------- Are the menu prices the same as last year or 2 years ago?
Oh! McDonald's hamburger cost $0.25 more here so I will drive 2 or more miles away because it's cheaper. Do you understand how ridiculous that is?
Try again.

No, you missed my point. I'll explain it again....

I did not say they were working 5 hours. Read what I say....

The economists that the city hired, determined that most employees at the minimum wage level, only saw a difference of $5. That's it. Some earned $5 LESS. Some earned $5 MORE. But the difference was about.... $5.

So the question that *I* posted was, how are they only seeing a $5 difference? I *ASKED* how do you account for that? Do you think they are only working 5 hours a week?

Obviously..... that is not the answer. The way that they only see a $5 dollar difference in their check, when they are earning a dollar more per hour...... according to the economists the City hired to research the effects of the Minimum wage..... they determined that businesses were CUTTING BACK ON HOURS, to offset the higher minimum wage.

That is what the economists the City of Seattle hired to research this topic, determined.

Companies were cutting back the number of hours that people were working.
$11 per hour X 40 hours = $440 weekly wage.
$12 per hour X 36 hours = $432 weekly wage. Employees worse off.

Do you understand now? The mount of money available for wages is 'finite'. It's not unlimited.
So when you arbitrarily increase the cost of labor, they cut the number of hours, to offset that cost.

This is the reality. This is exactly what we've been saying. Everything the economists found from researching the Seattle minimum wage, is happening exactly as we said it would.

Prices go up. Employment goes down. (reduced hours *IS* reduced employment).

Totally totally disagree. This is exactly what I called cherry picking.
Name me an enterprise or any businesses that reduced hours because of MW increased? Not just blanketly -------- $11/hour x 40 hours = $440 $12/hour x 36 hours = $432
1. Again the reduction or increase of hour depends on ----------- demands --------- Which has been the nature of businesses since the beginning of dawn--------- but using that as excuse because of MW hike is totally false.
I will use McDonald's as example---------- If a McDonald's has 10 employees all working on first shift 8 hours-------- they will cut it 6 hours. Is McDonald's shut down the store for the 2 hours gap or they will bring in the second shift 2 hours earlier? ----------- Then cut the second shift 2 hours ---------- then bring the third shift 2 hours earlier---------- Then close McDonald's 2 hours early? Or Olive Garden normally closed at 10 pm then close it at 8 pm? How is that even possible?

2. Prices go up employment goes down--------- Again that depends on the nature of business---------- but using that as an excuse because of MW hike is totally false. Name me a company that did this because of MW hike.
To make up the difference is just increase the price of french fries to 15 cents. BUT they DO NOT ------- DO NOT increase the price of french fries from $1.25 to ridiculous $4.00 -------- which is what the economist or W. post or Forbes are trying to imply.
I increase my prices from manufacturer -------- list ----------- distributors prices every year but I do not increase my prices that reduces my ability to compete.
Most or ALL of my post are based from real life, specifics, facts and honesty. I do rely on economist most of the time but there are times that I totally totally disagree. If the *OPINION* repeat *OPINION* of a reporter from Washington Post, Forbes or the economist is anti MW ------------- then that is what you got. All of them are saying the same thing ------------ They make it sound that the MW increase from whatever-------- to $15/hour overnight. And prices like french fries go up from my example $1.25 to $4.00 per bag.

Google is your friend next you will tell us no one lowered hours because of Obama care..

BTW was just at McDonalds they are hiring for $8~$9 bucks an hour... That's 75 cents, $1.75 over minimum wage..
So why the fuck does both places pay warehouse workers $12 bucks an hour?

I thought it was supposed to be more in a pro union state high minimum wage state?

It appears that a Right to work state low minimum wage state like Texas employers are less greedy by paying $4.75 more then minimum wage, while in Washington State they only pay $1 dollar more then minimum wage...

I thought according to liberals a rising tide rises all boats?

Warehouse Positions - 2nd Shift, $11 - $12/hr

Warehouse Positions - 2nd Shift, $11 - $12/hr (Fort Worth) hide this posting

compensation: Minimum of $11.00 per hour
employment type: full-time

To be considered for employment, you must complete an online employment application (www.ttiinc.com).



TTI, Inc., has been a leading specialty distributor of electronic components for over 40 years. We currently have multiple openings in our climate controlled, fast paced distribution centers.

Minimum starting wage is $11.00 per hour (Additional shift premium for 2nd shift of .65 cents per hour. 2nd shift begins at 12:00 p.m.)

Pay increases at 90 and 360 days during the first year

Temperature Controlled Environment

Background & Drug Test required

High School Diploma or GED required

Recent warehouse experience preferred

Specific openings and shift/pay rates are listed on the website


compensation: $12.00
employment type: full-time

General Warehouse Worker
Codel Entry Systems is looking for a General Warehouse Worker able to work various departments in a fast paced environment. Candidate must be eager and willing to work long hours if needed.
Job Duties
• Multiple warehouse related jobs such as Delivery Driver, machining doors and door frames, glazing doors, putting inventory away, loading trucks, Paint, Stain, etc.
Skills and Qualifications
• Must be familiar with hand tools, power tools, and MUST be able to read a tape measure
• Must be able to lift 75-100 lbs repeatedly
• Previous door shop experience desired, but not required
• Must have dependable transportation
• MUST be able to pass a drug test before being hired

Starting Wage $12.00/hr
Hmmmmmmm......................... LOL Yes, Washington state has the 12th highest average wage in the US, Texas has the 25th. Are people in Texas just less intelligent, or are they pussies that won't press for good wages?
Let me give a little bit of history between me and Bear about this particular subject (MW in Seattle) since I've joined this board. Two of my relatives own 2 seafood restaurants in Seattle, most of them work for the (34) city and Boeing. I can find out how many permits issued, building in process or closed. That said.
Your link are all anti-MW that pick and choose for your convenience. They can print or publish just about anything. You make it sound that Seattle is collapsing bc of MW hike.
Your McDonald's example of $1.59 drink is purely bogus. Most or all customers go to McDonald's for cheap meal. The only way it's cheaper across the street are those little hamburger stand because they have lower over head like 3 or 4 employees & no drive thru ------------ It's NOT because of MW hike. And no matter where you go in America that is always 100% the case------ It's NOT because of MW hike. Most of these hamburger stand do not survive if they are near McDonald's or other large franchises.
BOTTOM LINE-------- Are Seattle businesses suffering because of this MW increased? NO.
Is the economy in Seattle is booming? YES. Unemployment? I will leave that to you.
How many businesses that went bankrupt bc of MW increased?

We already said that. You keep making claims that are not in dispute.

We already said that the economy of Seattle was growing BEFORE the minimum wage hike.
We already said that wages were going up in Seattle BEFORE the minimum wage hike.

If the natural economy is driving up wages above the minimum wage... then we wouldn't expect the minimum wage to have any effect at all.

A clear example, is working at the Wendy's store, in down town Columbus ohio. The STARTING wage at the down town store, is $12.00

The minimum wage is $9. If the city of Columbus raised the minimum wage to $11.00 an hour..... what effect would that have on the employees and employer at the Wendy's down town? None. ZERO. You didn't help anyone, you didn't hurt anyone.

The economy is already pushing wages above the minimum wage, so it has no major effect.

Only the stores that have lower wages would be affected. Because those are a minority... which I already said very few people are affected by this minimum wage.... then they won't have a noticeable impact on the general statistical numbers. Again, everything you are saying, we already said.

The part you disagree with, is that the few people that are affected by the minimum wage, the effects are negative.

They increase prices on consumers, and reduce working hours.

You claim that I'm citing sources that cheery pick data to paint it in the worst light.

Do you even know who the source of that information is?
Why raising the minimum wage in Seattle did little to help workers, according to a new study

Yet the actual benefits to workers might have been minimal, according to a group of economists whom the city commissioned to study the minimum wage and who presented their initial findings last week.

Accounting for these factors, the average increase in total earnings due to the minimum wage was small, the researchers concluded. Using their preferred method, they calculated that workers' earnings increased by $5.54 a week on average because of the minimum wage. Using other methods, the researchers found that the minimum wage hike actually caused total weekly earnings to drop -- by as much as $5.22 a week.​

So let me help you out there...

The information I've been posting, is from the very city government of Seattle, which paid economists to research the effects of the minimum wage.

So you are telling me, that the politicians of the city, are cherry picking data, to make themselves look bad?

Are are you just wrong, and full of crap?

Yes I checked out your links (all links posted here in USMB) but ------------ Did you really understand what they are trying to imply? I'm very sure you don't.
Since when that kind increase will have a big impact to an employee? Of course it's minimal. Do you expect them to start buying a new car? If an employee making $10/hour -------- increase to $11 working 5 hours----- reality, logically and technically he/she only made extra $5. Duh----------- OPINION from W. post as anti MW is just a crap.
Employers or any kind of businesses ------------ ANY kind of businesses --------- increases or decreases working hours because of DEMANDS ------------ that has NOTHING to do with a modicum lousy peanut MW increase. Nothing.
Prices of any kinds of enterprises increased their prices almost every year-------- Like restaurants ------- Are the menu prices the same as last year or 2 years ago?
Oh! McDonald's hamburger cost $0.25 more here so I will drive 2 or more miles away because it's cheaper. Do you understand how ridiculous that is?
Try again.

No, you missed my point. I'll explain it again....

I did not say they were working 5 hours. Read what I say....

The economists that the city hired, determined that most employees at the minimum wage level, only saw a difference of $5. That's it. Some earned $5 LESS. Some earned $5 MORE. But the difference was about.... $5.

So the question that *I* posted was, how are they only seeing a $5 difference? I *ASKED* how do you account for that? Do you think they are only working 5 hours a week?

Obviously..... that is not the answer. The way that they only see a $5 dollar difference in their check, when they are earning a dollar more per hour...... according to the economists the City hired to research the effects of the Minimum wage..... they determined that businesses were CUTTING BACK ON HOURS, to offset the higher minimum wage.

That is what the economists the City of Seattle hired to research this topic, determined.

Companies were cutting back the number of hours that people were working.
$11 per hour X 40 hours = $440 weekly wage.
$12 per hour X 36 hours = $432 weekly wage. Employees worse off.

Do you understand now? The mount of money available for wages is 'finite'. It's not unlimited.
So when you arbitrarily increase the cost of labor, they cut the number of hours, to offset that cost.

This is the reality. This is exactly what we've been saying. Everything the economists found from researching the Seattle minimum wage, is happening exactly as we said it would.

Prices go up. Employment goes down. (reduced hours *IS* reduced employment).

Totally totally disagree. This is exactly what I called cherry picking.
Name me an enterprise or any businesses that reduced hours because of MW increased? Not just blanketly -------- $11/hour x 40 hours = $440 $12/hour x 36 hours = $432
1. Again the reduction or increase of hour depends on ----------- demands --------- Which has been the nature of businesses since the beginning of dawn--------- but using that as excuse because of MW hike is totally false.
I will use McDonald's as example---------- If a McDonald's has 10 employees all working on first shift 8 hours-------- they will cut it 6 hours. Is McDonald's shut down the store for the 2 hours gap or they will bring in the second shift 2 hours earlier? ----------- Then cut the second shift 2 hours ---------- then bring the third shift 2 hours earlier---------- Then close McDonald's 2 hours early? Or Olive Garden normally closed at 10 pm then close it at 8 pm? How is that even possible?

2. Prices go up employment goes down--------- Again that depends on the nature of business---------- but using that as an excuse because of MW hike is totally false. Name me a company that did this because of MW hike.
To make up the difference is just increase the price of french fries to 15 cents. BUT they DO NOT ------- DO NOT increase the price of french fries from $1.25 to ridiculous $4.00 -------- which is what the economist or W. post or Forbes are trying to imply.
I increase my prices from manufacturer -------- list ----------- distributors prices every year but I do not increase my prices that reduces my ability to compete.
Most or ALL of my post are based from real life, specifics, facts and honesty. I do rely on economist most of the time but there are times that I totally totally disagree. If the *OPINION* repeat *OPINION* of a reporter from Washington Post, Forbes or the economist is anti MW ------------- then that is what you got. All of them are saying the same thing ------------ They make it sound that the MW increase from whatever-------- to $15/hour overnight. And prices like french fries go up from my example $1.25 to $4.00 per bag.

Google is your friend next you will tell us no one lowered hours because of Obama care..

BTW was just at McDonalds they are hiring for $8~$9 bucks an hour... That's 75 cents, $1.75 over minimum wage..

What should I? I didn't made any claim------ only asking for REAL proof and effects of this MW hikes.
So why the fuck does both places pay warehouse workers $12 bucks an hour?

I thought it was supposed to be more in a pro union state high minimum wage state?

It appears that a Right to work state low minimum wage state like Texas employers are less greedy by paying $4.75 more then minimum wage, while in Washington State they only pay $1 dollar more then minimum wage...

I thought according to liberals a rising tide rises all boats?

Warehouse Positions - 2nd Shift, $11 - $12/hr

Warehouse Positions - 2nd Shift, $11 - $12/hr (Fort Worth) hide this posting

compensation: Minimum of $11.00 per hour
employment type: full-time

To be considered for employment, you must complete an online employment application (www.ttiinc.com).



TTI, Inc., has been a leading specialty distributor of electronic components for over 40 years. We currently have multiple openings in our climate controlled, fast paced distribution centers.

Minimum starting wage is $11.00 per hour (Additional shift premium for 2nd shift of .65 cents per hour. 2nd shift begins at 12:00 p.m.)

Pay increases at 90 and 360 days during the first year

Temperature Controlled Environment

Background & Drug Test required

High School Diploma or GED required

Recent warehouse experience preferred

Specific openings and shift/pay rates are listed on the website


compensation: $12.00
employment type: full-time

General Warehouse Worker
Codel Entry Systems is looking for a General Warehouse Worker able to work various departments in a fast paced environment. Candidate must be eager and willing to work long hours if needed.
Job Duties
• Multiple warehouse related jobs such as Delivery Driver, machining doors and door frames, glazing doors, putting inventory away, loading trucks, Paint, Stain, etc.
Skills and Qualifications
• Must be familiar with hand tools, power tools, and MUST be able to read a tape measure
• Must be able to lift 75-100 lbs repeatedly
• Previous door shop experience desired, but not required
• Must have dependable transportation
• MUST be able to pass a drug test before being hired

Starting Wage $12.00/hr
Hmmmmmmm......................... LOL Yes, Washington state has the 12th highest average wage in the US, Texas has the 25th. Are people in Texas just less intelligent, or are they pussies that won't press for good wages?

Why so they can live in their car like some google employees?

Several Google employees say they've lived in the company parking lot — here's why they did it


I already answered this. Are you just ignoring the facts? Seriously you are just going to post "working Washington" which is a political lobbying group, as if that is a trust worthy source of information? That's like smoking doesn't cause cancer, the Tabasco company said so.

The number of restaurants being affected by this law, is extremely small.

I punched up Seattle Craigslist jobs.
seattle jobs - craigslist

In under 1 minute, I had run through a dozen plus jobs that all paid less than $15.

Kirkland Kidd Valley now hiring all positions! Start at $12 per hour
SUMMER JOB- Artistic& Crafty Needed in WEDDING INDUSTRY- $11-$13/hour
Silver City Restaurant - Experienced Line Cook - $14.00 per hour
Dairy Queen is hiring 11-16 an hour
Red Robin - Line Cook / Kitchen Prep @ $13+ per hour!

That's a just a few I found. There are DOZENS on there paying less.

Which of course begs the question how they can pay less than the $15 minimum wage. The answer is on your own link.

$15 an hour if you work at McDonald's, Target or another large company or chain with more than 500 employees nationally, and you do not receive healthcare benefits from your employer.

As long as they are offered health insurance, then they do not have to pay $15 an hour.

Now it's true that the minimum wage has gone up, and the facts are in... they are cutting working hours, and increasing prices to consumers.

Fast food prices on the rise in Seattle area

Customers are quickly finding out they can drive two blocks to get outside the city limit, and save $2 on their meal. Prices are going up quickly across the city.

And let me ask you.... assuming you are not that dumb.... what happens when you increase the price on any good or service? Consumption goes down. Right? Is that not obvious? If the price of a whooper doubles to $10... it's a safe bet that they are going to sell fewer whoopers.... can we agree on that?

Well when the price of a drink at a McDonalds inside the minimum wage zone is $1.59, and the exact same drink is only $1 across the street.... What do you think is going to happen? People are going to stop buying from those places.

Huh..... what do you think happens when customers stop buying from those places?..... Fewer customers means fewer workers needed doesn't it? How much are those workers going to make with that higher minimum wage, after they are unemployed?

Let me give a little bit of history between me and Bear about this particular subject (MW in Seattle) since I've joined this board. Two of my relatives own 2 seafood restaurants in Seattle, most of them work for the (34) city and Boeing. I can find out how many permits issued, building in process or closed. That said.
Your link are all anti-MW that pick and choose for your convenience. They can print or publish just about anything. You make it sound that Seattle is collapsing bc of MW hike.
Your McDonald's example of $1.59 drink is purely bogus. Most or all customers go to McDonald's for cheap meal. The only way it's cheaper across the street are those little hamburger stand because they have lower over head like 3 or 4 employees & no drive thru ------------ It's NOT because of MW hike. And no matter where you go in America that is always 100% the case------ It's NOT because of MW hike. Most of these hamburger stand do not survive if they are near McDonald's or other large franchises.
BOTTOM LINE-------- Are Seattle businesses suffering because of this MW increased? NO.
Is the economy in Seattle is booming? YES. Unemployment? I will leave that to you.
How many businesses that went bankrupt bc of MW increased?

We already said that. You keep making claims that are not in dispute.

We already said that the economy of Seattle was growing BEFORE the minimum wage hike.
We already said that wages were going up in Seattle BEFORE the minimum wage hike.

If the natural economy is driving up wages above the minimum wage... then we wouldn't expect the minimum wage to have any effect at all.

A clear example, is working at the Wendy's store, in down town Columbus ohio. The STARTING wage at the down town store, is $12.00

The minimum wage is $9. If the city of Columbus raised the minimum wage to $11.00 an hour..... what effect would that have on the employees and employer at the Wendy's down town? None. ZERO. You didn't help anyone, you didn't hurt anyone.

The economy is already pushing wages above the minimum wage, so it has no major effect.

Only the stores that have lower wages would be affected. Because those are a minority... which I already said very few people are affected by this minimum wage.... then they won't have a noticeable impact on the general statistical numbers. Again, everything you are saying, we already said.

The part you disagree with, is that the few people that are affected by the minimum wage, the effects are negative.

They increase prices on consumers, and reduce working hours.

You claim that I'm citing sources that cheery pick data to paint it in the worst light.

Do you even know who the source of that information is?
Why raising the minimum wage in Seattle did little to help workers, according to a new study

Yet the actual benefits to workers might have been minimal, according to a group of economists whom the city commissioned to study the minimum wage and who presented their initial findings last week.

Accounting for these factors, the average increase in total earnings due to the minimum wage was small, the researchers concluded. Using their preferred method, they calculated that workers' earnings increased by $5.54 a week on average because of the minimum wage. Using other methods, the researchers found that the minimum wage hike actually caused total weekly earnings to drop -- by as much as $5.22 a week.​

So let me help you out there...

The information I've been posting, is from the very city government of Seattle, which paid economists to research the effects of the minimum wage.

So you are telling me, that the politicians of the city, are cherry picking data, to make themselves look bad?

Are are you just wrong, and full of crap?

Yes I checked out your links (all links posted here in USMB) but ------------ Did you really understand what they are trying to imply? I'm very sure you don't.
Since when that kind increase will have a big impact to an employee? Of course it's minimal. Do you expect them to start buying a new car? If an employee making $10/hour -------- increase to $11 working 5 hours----- reality, logically and technically he/she only made extra $5. Duh----------- OPINION from W. post as anti MW is just a crap.
Employers or any kind of businesses ------------ ANY kind of businesses --------- increases or decreases working hours because of DEMANDS ------------ that has NOTHING to do with a modicum lousy peanut MW increase. Nothing.
Prices of any kinds of enterprises increased their prices almost every year-------- Like restaurants ------- Are the menu prices the same as last year or 2 years ago?
Oh! McDonald's hamburger cost $0.25 more here so I will drive 2 or more miles away because it's cheaper. Do you understand how ridiculous that is?
Try again.

No, you missed my point. I'll explain it again....

I did not say they were working 5 hours. Read what I say....

The economists that the city hired, determined that most employees at the minimum wage level, only saw a difference of $5. That's it. Some earned $5 LESS. Some earned $5 MORE. But the difference was about.... $5.

So the question that *I* posted was, how are they only seeing a $5 difference? I *ASKED* how do you account for that? Do you think they are only working 5 hours a week?

Obviously..... that is not the answer. The way that they only see a $5 dollar difference in their check, when they are earning a dollar more per hour...... according to the economists the City hired to research the effects of the Minimum wage..... they determined that businesses were CUTTING BACK ON HOURS, to offset the higher minimum wage.

That is what the economists the City of Seattle hired to research this topic, determined.

Companies were cutting back the number of hours that people were working.
$11 per hour X 40 hours = $440 weekly wage.
$12 per hour X 36 hours = $432 weekly wage. Employees worse off.

Do you understand now? The mount of money available for wages is 'finite'. It's not unlimited.
So when you arbitrarily increase the cost of labor, they cut the number of hours, to offset that cost.

This is the reality. This is exactly what we've been saying. Everything the economists found from researching the Seattle minimum wage, is happening exactly as we said it would.

Prices go up. Employment goes down. (reduced hours *IS* reduced employment).

Totally totally disagree. This is exactly what I called cherry picking.
Name me an enterprise or any businesses that reduced hours because of MW increased? Not just blanketly -------- $11/hour x 40 hours = $440 $12/hour x 36 hours = $432
1. Again the reduction or increase of hour depends on ----------- demands --------- Which has been the nature of businesses since the beginning of dawn--------- but using that as excuse because of MW hike is totally false.
I will use McDonald's as example---------- If a McDonald's has 10 employees all working on first shift 8 hours-------- they will cut it 6 hours. Is McDonald's shut down the store for the 2 hours gap or they will bring in the second shift 2 hours earlier? ----------- Then cut the second shift 2 hours ---------- then bring the third shift 2 hours earlier---------- Then close McDonald's 2 hours early? Or Olive Garden normally closed at 10 pm then close it at 8 pm? How is that even possible?

2. Prices go up employment goes down--------- Again that depends on the nature of business---------- but using that as an excuse because of MW hike is totally false. Name me a company that did this because of MW hike.
To make up the difference is just increase the price of french fries to 15 cents. BUT they DO NOT ------- DO NOT increase the price of french fries from $1.25 to ridiculous $4.00 -------- which is what the economist or W. post or Forbes are trying to imply.
I increase my prices from manufacturer -------- list ----------- distributors prices every year but I do not increase my prices that reduces my ability to compete.
Most or ALL of my post are based from real life, specifics, facts and honesty. I do rely on economist most of the time but there are times that I totally totally disagree. If the *OPINION* repeat *OPINION* of a reporter from Washington Post, Forbes or the economist is anti MW ------------- then that is what you got. All of them are saying the same thing ------------ They make it sound that the MW increase from whatever-------- to $15/hour overnight. And prices like french fries go up from my example $1.25 to $4.00 per bag.

So the economists hired by the city are all lying?

But beyond that, you are saying stuff here that is not just 'possible' but normal. This happens all the time.

But you want a specific answer, McDonalds. This is actually an absolutely perfect example, because I actually lived this. I worked at McDonald's in 1996 when the minimum wage went from $4.25 to $5.15. (phased in over 2 years).

So I can tell you exactly how this worked when I was there. We had 3 part time people that worked there. They fired all of them, and replaced them with one single full time person.

Now as you can mathematically grasp, 3 people working 30 hours, is 90 hours a week. 1 person working 40, is significantly less hours.

So how did they deal with that? The rest of us that were still employed.... simply had to do more work. We had a guy that would empty all the trash cans, and mop the floors, and clean the bathrooms. Now we had to do that in additional to our regular duties. We had another guy that would clean all the trays, and do cleaning on the grills and fry cookers. Now we had to do those things, in addition to our normal duties.

By the way, another thing we did was eliminate the 1 AM close. We started closing at 10 PM instead of staying open till 1 AM. Late night shifts when the number of customers is predictably small, become less profitable real fast when you increase labor costs. So it doesn't surprise me in retrospect that the store quit staying open late when the minimum wage went up.

I increase my prices from manufacturer -------- list ----------- distributors prices every year but I do not increase my prices that reduces my ability to compete.

Two things:

Your inability to compete in this specific case, is mitigated by the fact that all your competitors are facing the same problem.

If only McDonald's was being forced to pay higher wages, and all the other stores were not... then yes, competition would keep the price inflation in check. (of course it would likely push McDonald's out of business in those areas).

But a minimum wage law, forces up wages on ALL the stores. Thus, McDonald's can safely jack up their prices, because Wendy's, Burger King, Subway.... all the stores are also dealing with the same wage hike, and thus all are going to be pushing the same price hike.

If ALL your competitors were raising prices, would you be nearly as hesitant to raise your own? Of course the answer is no.

Second, if you were faced with going out of business, as some stores are, your trying to stay competitive really doesn't matter much.

Lastly, what I posted before, and I posted now, is not "opinion". It's fact. The post before was fact based analysis of labor data. The post this time was fact based reality which I lived through.
So why the fuck does both places pay warehouse workers $12 bucks an hour?

I thought it was supposed to be more in a pro union state high minimum wage state?

It appears that a Right to work state low minimum wage state like Texas employers are less greedy by paying $4.75 more then minimum wage, while in Washington State they only pay $1 dollar more then minimum wage...

I thought according to liberals a rising tide rises all boats?

Warehouse Positions - 2nd Shift, $11 - $12/hr

Warehouse Positions - 2nd Shift, $11 - $12/hr (Fort Worth) hide this posting

compensation: Minimum of $11.00 per hour
employment type: full-time

To be considered for employment, you must complete an online employment application (www.ttiinc.com).



TTI, Inc., has been a leading specialty distributor of electronic components for over 40 years. We currently have multiple openings in our climate controlled, fast paced distribution centers.

Minimum starting wage is $11.00 per hour (Additional shift premium for 2nd shift of .65 cents per hour. 2nd shift begins at 12:00 p.m.)

Pay increases at 90 and 360 days during the first year

Temperature Controlled Environment

Background & Drug Test required

High School Diploma or GED required

Recent warehouse experience preferred

Specific openings and shift/pay rates are listed on the website


compensation: $12.00
employment type: full-time

General Warehouse Worker
Codel Entry Systems is looking for a General Warehouse Worker able to work various departments in a fast paced environment. Candidate must be eager and willing to work long hours if needed.
Job Duties
• Multiple warehouse related jobs such as Delivery Driver, machining doors and door frames, glazing doors, putting inventory away, loading trucks, Paint, Stain, etc.
Skills and Qualifications
• Must be familiar with hand tools, power tools, and MUST be able to read a tape measure
• Must be able to lift 75-100 lbs repeatedly
• Previous door shop experience desired, but not required
• Must have dependable transportation
• MUST be able to pass a drug test before being hired

Starting Wage $12.00/hr
Hmmmmmmm......................... LOL Yes, Washington state has the 12th highest average wage in the US, Texas has the 25th. Are people in Texas just less intelligent, or are they pussies that won't press for good wages?

Why so they can live in their car like some google employees?

Several Google employees say they've lived in the company parking lot — here's why they did it



You seem to be implying that's bad.
This is actually a choice they are making that is brilliant.
So why the fuck does both places pay warehouse workers $12 bucks an hour?

I thought it was supposed to be more in a pro union state high minimum wage state?

It appears that a Right to work state low minimum wage state like Texas employers are less greedy by paying $4.75 more then minimum wage, while in Washington State they only pay $1 dollar more then minimum wage...

I thought according to liberals a rising tide rises all boats?

Warehouse Positions - 2nd Shift, $11 - $12/hr

Warehouse Positions - 2nd Shift, $11 - $12/hr (Fort Worth) hide this posting

compensation: Minimum of $11.00 per hour
employment type: full-time

To be considered for employment, you must complete an online employment application (www.ttiinc.com).



TTI, Inc., has been a leading specialty distributor of electronic components for over 40 years. We currently have multiple openings in our climate controlled, fast paced distribution centers.

Minimum starting wage is $11.00 per hour (Additional shift premium for 2nd shift of .65 cents per hour. 2nd shift begins at 12:00 p.m.)

Pay increases at 90 and 360 days during the first year

Temperature Controlled Environment

Background & Drug Test required

High School Diploma or GED required

Recent warehouse experience preferred

Specific openings and shift/pay rates are listed on the website


compensation: $12.00
employment type: full-time

General Warehouse Worker
Codel Entry Systems is looking for a General Warehouse Worker able to work various departments in a fast paced environment. Candidate must be eager and willing to work long hours if needed.
Job Duties
• Multiple warehouse related jobs such as Delivery Driver, machining doors and door frames, glazing doors, putting inventory away, loading trucks, Paint, Stain, etc.
Skills and Qualifications
• Must be familiar with hand tools, power tools, and MUST be able to read a tape measure
• Must be able to lift 75-100 lbs repeatedly
• Previous door shop experience desired, but not required
• Must have dependable transportation
• MUST be able to pass a drug test before being hired

Starting Wage $12.00/hr
Hmmmmmmm......................... LOL Yes, Washington state has the 12th highest average wage in the US, Texas has the 25th. Are people in Texas just less intelligent, or are they pussies that won't press for good wages?

Why so they can live in their car like some google employees?

Several Google employees say they've lived in the company parking lot — here's why they did it



You seem to be implying that's bad.
This is actually a choice they are making that is brilliant.

Making 100 grand a year to live in your car for two years is brilliant?

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