A Question For My Democrat Pals

....about well-known sexual predator, and the most popular of Democrat former Presidents....

1. :"May 25, 1996| Associated Press

LIMA, Peru — A top Peruvian anthropologist said Friday that President Clinton's joke about the sex appeal of an Inca mummy was "tacky" and criticized the display of the mummy in Washington.

Clinton joked during a political fund-raiser Wednesday that the 500-year-old frozen mummy, known as the Ice Princess, was "good-looking" and if he were single he might ask her out. "That mummy looks better than I do on my worst days," he said.

The mummy is believed to be the best-preserved body from the pre-Columbian era. Also called Juanita by Peruvian scientists, the 12- to 14-year-old girl ....

Anthropologist Sonia Guillen said, "Obviously, there's a lack of respect" in Clinton's remarks."
Remark About Mummy Called 'Tacky'

2. The question is based on today's news....
"ANCIENT “hobbits” recently discovered in Indonesia were not an early form of modern human but an entirely different species, scientists have found.

The ancient hobbits, who would have stood at 3.5 foot tall, were found at Liang Bua on the island of Flores in 2003."
Flores Man ‘hobbits’ found in Indonesia were NOT our human relatives, scientists confirm

The question is, would the fact that this female was not human, have slowed Bill down?

....not that Democrats wouldn't have still voted for Bill.
Not Homo Sapiens, but Homo none the less.

As far as the rest of your silly spiel, President Bill Clinton will also be remembered for his two terms of prosperity and relative peace. Whereas the last Republican President will be remembered for dragging us into two endless wars, and collapsing the economy. The present GOP President, the orange clown, will probably do in 3 years what it took Bush eight years to do for the economy.

Did you also remember him for selling missile technology to the Red Chinese?

May 27, 1998 - In May 1993, Loral Chairman Bernard Schwartz made his first "soft money" contribution to the Democratic National Committee. By 1998, Schwartz had become the DNC's No. 1 soft-money donor, giving more than $600,000 during the 1995-1996 cycle alone.... that Bernard Schwartz and Johnny Chung gave Bill Clinton's reelection ..."

Don't you believe an American President would have been better than this greedy rapist?
President Bill Clinton will be forever remembered as the President who disgraced the Oval Office allowing a young woman to blow him there, and then get disbarred for lying about it under oath. Also a close second place will be his bringing to fame the word "is". Whatever else he did will forever be in the BJ shadow of infamy.

But you are just fine with a Pussy Grabber. Who has had a suit filed against for sex with a 13 year old. Hmmmmmm...............

However, as amusing as the sexual peccadilloes of the rich and famous may be, it is the job we hired them for that counts. And both the prior GOP President and the present sure don't measure up.
Was Hillary an "enabler" or a "champion of women's rights?"

Hillary Clinton and the “Whiny Women”

"In 1993, Hillary Clinton derided a group of women who made claims of sexual harassment against Republican senator Bob Packwood, according to Blair. “HC tired of all those whiney women, and she needs him on health care,” wrote Blair of her conversation with Hillary Clinton, who was heading up her husband’s ultimately unsuccessful effort to reshape the U.S. health care system."
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....about well-known sexual predator, and the most popular of Democrat former Presidents....

1. :"May 25, 1996| Associated Press

LIMA, Peru — A top Peruvian anthropologist said Friday that President Clinton's joke about the sex appeal of an Inca mummy was "tacky" and criticized the display of the mummy in Washington.

Clinton joked during a political fund-raiser Wednesday that the 500-year-old frozen mummy, known as the Ice Princess, was "good-looking" and if he were single he might ask her out. "That mummy looks better than I do on my worst days," he said.

The mummy is believed to be the best-preserved body from the pre-Columbian era. Also called Juanita by Peruvian scientists, the 12- to 14-year-old girl ....

Anthropologist Sonia Guillen said, "Obviously, there's a lack of respect" in Clinton's remarks."
Remark About Mummy Called 'Tacky'

2. The question is based on today's news....
"ANCIENT “hobbits” recently discovered in Indonesia were not an early form of modern human but an entirely different species, scientists have found.

The ancient hobbits, who would have stood at 3.5 foot tall, were found at Liang Bua on the island of Flores in 2003."
Flores Man ‘hobbits’ found in Indonesia were NOT our human relatives, scientists confirm

The question is, would the fact that this female was not human, have slowed Bill down?

....not that Democrats wouldn't have still voted for Bill.
Not Homo Sapiens, but Homo none the less.

As far as the rest of your silly spiel, President Bill Clinton will also be remembered for his two terms of prosperity and relative peace. Whereas the last Republican President will be remembered for dragging us into two endless wars, and collapsing the economy. The present GOP President, the orange clown, will probably do in 3 years what it took Bush eight years to do for the economy.

Yanno maybe if Dubya had just groped him some intern he might not have had all that pent-up penis anxiety he had to foist metaphorically on "A Rack".

I understand when you're POTUS, "they let you do anything. Even grab 'em by the posies".
But you are just fine with a Pussy Grabber. Who has had a suit filed against for sex with a 13 year old. Hmmmmmm...............

However, as amusing as the sexual peccadilloes of the rich and famous may be, it is the job we hired them for that counts. And both the prior GOP President and the present sure don't measure up.
You are correct. A proven liar found guilty in court and one who endures slander from liars certainly does not measure up.
Trump has never been found guilty of any of your lies. Clinton however, well, you know.
But you are just fine with a Pussy Grabber. Who has had a suit filed against for sex with a 13 year old. Hmmmmmm...............

However, as amusing as the sexual peccadilloes of the rich and famous may be, it is the job we hired them for that counts. And both the prior GOP President and the present sure don't measure up.

How the heck you low-lives can simply shrug at this:

"Bill Clinton’s rape of campaign supporter Juanita Broaddrick, “was an event that in fact took place” according to a Wall Street Journal piece, Feb. 19, 1999. “To hear the details of her story and the statements of the corroborating witnesses, was to understand that this was an event that in fact took place.”

...Clinton persisted and forced her onto the bed and used his strength to hold her down.

According to Broaddrick’s account Clinton tore apart her pantyhose at the crotch, that he inflicted pain when he penetrated her, and that he bit her lips which also inflicted pain. Norma Rogers says she found Juanita on the same bed shortly afterward, in a state of shock, her pantyhose torn in the crotch.

Broaddrick says that after his ejaculation, Clinton told her not to worry about becoming pregnant for he had the mumps when he was a child and that he was sterile. Juanita first publicly told of Clinton’s claim of sterility in 1999 when Chelsea was about 20 years old. He was reportedly the first president who has kept his medical records secret.

Juanita says that his behavior and words as he was leaving are seared into her memory, that he put on his sunglasses, and gestured toward her mouth saying “You better put some ice on that,” and walked out."
ShadowGov | Clinton Rapist / Summary

Weight 216-236, height 6’2”

Can you bleev the tards are still whining "B-b-b-b-but Clinton!"?
Yeah, "whining" about things like rape is only for college hate hoaxes that help the Democrats recruit young impressionable minds....


Dems "care" about "womens rights" until Bill SEX PREDATOR Clinton rapes one, and then the Dems real four core values stand out again...

Yeah, "whining" about things like rape is only for college hate hoaxes that help the Democrats recruit young impressionable minds....


Dems "care" about "womens rights" until Bill SEX PREDATOR Clinton rapes one, and then the Dems real four core values stand out again...

Hey, as Bill O'Reilly and so many other pseudocons have said; if you don't like being sexually harassed at work, leave.
And you are correct with that term


What do all "pseudocons" have in common???

They are all 100% for war in the Middle East to help Israel re-conquer the "Promised Land" regardless of reason.

The question is, would the fact that this female was not human, have slowed Bill down?
Nah he would have called her "chocolate thunder thighs" or something and still lost his TV show.

Did Clinton try to grab her pussy?

NYTimes: a day late and a dollar short...

"But with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, we know what happened: A president being sued for sexual harassment tried to buy off a mistress-turned-potential-witness with White House favors, and then committed perjury serious enough to merit disbarment. Which also brought forward a compelling allegation from Juanita Broaddrick that the president had raped her.

The longer I spent with these old stories, the more I came back to a question: If exploiting a willing intern is a serious enough abuse of power to warrant resignation, why is obstructing justice in a sexual harassment case not serious enough to warrant impeachment? Especially when the behavior is part of a longstanding pattern that also may extend to rape? Would any feminist today hesitate to take a similar opportunity to remove a predatory studio head or C.E.O.?" Opinion | What if Ken Starr Was Right?

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