Zone1 A Question For Pro-Choicers

All allegations and no evidence to show for it.

Keep alleging, or rather telling these GROSS lies about abortions and women being "forced" to have abortions.

To you, too many women simply have no brains.

One cannot imagine where you would have gotten such an idea. Hummmm
Actually, there is a LOT of evidence to show for it, liar.
You are the one lying to women in order to coerce them into abortions that they wouldn't get if ppl like you didn't lie to them, and pressure them into getting.
You are the one who thinks women don't have brains, who lies to and gaslights women into believing it's their DUTY to kill their offspring.

"After adjustment for confounding, abortion was associated with a small increase in the risk of mental disorders; women who had had abortions had rates of mental disorder that were about 30% higher. There were no consistent associations between other pregnancy outcomes and mental health. Estimates of attributable risk indicated that exposure to abortion accounted for 1.5% to 5.5% of the overall rate of mental disorders.

"The evidence is consistent with the view that abortion may be associated with a small increase in risk of mental disorders. Other pregnancy outcomes were not related to increased risk of mental health problems."

"Young women reporting a pregnancy loss had nearly three times the odds of experiencing a lifetime illicit drug disorder (excluding cannabis): abortion odds ratio (OR)=3.6 (95% CI 2.0–6.7) and miscarriage OR=2.6 (95% CI 1.2–5.4). Abortion was associated with alcohol use disorder (OR=2.1, 95% CI 1.3–3.5) and 12-month depression (OR=1.9, 95% CI 1.1–3.1).

"These findings add to the growing body of evidence suggesting that pregnancy loss per se, whether abortion or miscarriage, increases the risk of a range of substance use disorders and affective disorders in young women."

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Actually, there is a LOT of evidence to show for it, liar.
You are the one lying to women in order to coerce them into abortions that they wouldn't get if ppl like you didn't lie to them, and pressure them into getting.
You are the one who thinks women don't have brains, who lies to and gaslights women into believing it's their DUTY to kill their offspring.

"After adjustment for confounding, abortion was associated with a small increase in the risk of mental disorders; women who had had abortions had rates of mental disorder that were about 30% higher. There were no consistent associations between other pregnancy outcomes and mental health. Estimates of attributable risk indicated that exposure to abortion accounted for 1.5% to 5.5% of the overall rate of mental disorders.

"The evidence is consistent with the view that abortion may be associated with a small increase in risk of mental disorders. Other pregnancy outcomes were not related to increased risk of mental health problems."

I will leave it up to Doctors, real ones, not someone like you who likes to play at being a doctor.

It will always be between any woman and their doctors, not extremists like you.
I will leave it up to Doctors, real ones, not someone like you who likes to play at being a doctor.

It will always be between any woman and their doctors, not extremists like you.
You mean doctors like the ones who constructed and published those studies?

I say the extremists are the ones who kill dependent humans and try to trick desperate young women into participating in negative eugenics by killing their offspring.
" Female Pickles "

* Warranted Elective Abortion Is Not A Human Wrights Violation *

The dictatorial implementations of public policy on abortion , by traitors to principles and constitution of us republic , by conceited arrogance of sanctimonious , sacrosanct , damned dirty apes , are human wrights violations .

* Not Giving A Rapist A Chance For An After Life *

A life to come , an after life , reincarnation , being born again , transmutation of soles , are metaphors with a literal meaning for passing on ones genetic identity through ones offspring , so that another both figuratively and literally as oneself , may have an opportunity to experience the sentience , sapience and introspection afforded as life , where failure to do so in perpetuity is ascribed the metaphors of final judgement and eternal damnation .

* Population Gluttony Of Apex Predator Damned Dirty Apes *

Historically , between 0% and 200% of the poverty line have optioned to have 75% of abortions , and more than 50% of those optioning abortion already have children .

The 1986 welfare reform act from the contract with america removed additional stipends for additional children to stop generational welfare ,

* State Interests Versus Personal Volition *

Let us know when you get a child tax credit for being pregnant .

We don't dictate who is human and who isn't by taxing them.
Late term abortion is exceedingly rare. As for your percentages. First, how do you define coercion? Is the husband expressing a preference "coercion" for instance?
And source those percentages please.

And again. I'm pro-choice. Meaning I'm not in favor of coercion either way. Discussion within a family about the impact of another human being in the household doesn't qualify, if that's how you define it in my opinion.

I also see you didn't engage my premise. How do you reject the rights of the women to control her body with "human rights"
Abortion is not rare. That's just a lie.
Coercion is when you gaslight/lie/target vulnerable and victimized women and then shame them, lie to them, and pressure them into killing their offspring.
Pro choice is coercion, it is literally pro-death.
Women don't have the special right to kill their dependent offspring. Sorry, there is no human right to kill dependent offspring. You can discharge your duty to someone else, but until you do, as humans we are obliged to provide care for those who are dependent upon us. It's a human rights violation to just kill those who are dependent upon us through no fault of their own.
You mean doctors like the ones who constructed and published those studies?

I say the extremists are the ones who kill dependent humans and try to trick desperate young women into participating in negative eugenics by killing their offspring.
Pity you have no sway with all the wealthy women who have abortions because they can afford it, or any woman who does have any amount of money to do it.

I am yet to find where thousands of women are being interned because having any abortion caused them extreme mental illness as this study alleges. And that is the point. One study which is usually worthless when it comes face to face with the facts of how women are Not suffering mental illness from abortions and never have.
* Killing Without A License *

* Empathy For Suffering Requires Sufficient Capacity For Sentience *

We don't dictate who is human and who isn't by taxing them.
No tax deduction , huh ? Well , better luck next time , not .

You somehow believe yourself privilege to dictate what is human , without an actual standard for hue mammon , and idiotically dictate quality of life and liberty to others who option " WITH CAUSE " abortion due to developmental anomalies.

About 3% of all conceptions are associated with major congenital malformations, many of them are lethal developmental defect and genetic in origin or teratogenic (adverse effects of the envi- ronment during gametogenesis or early embryogenesis).

Humans usually have 23 pairs of chromosomes, with two sex chromosomes that determine sex and 44 chromosomes that direct other factors, such as growth and function.
Trisomy (‘three bodies’) means the affected person has three copies of one of the chromosomes instead of two. This means they have 47 chromosomes instead of 46. Down syndrome, Edward syndrome and Patau syndrome are the most common forms of trisomy.

The Hominidae (/hɒˈmɪnɪdiː/), whose members are known as the great apes[note 1] or hominids (/ˈhɒmɪnɪdz/), are a taxonomic family of primates that includes eight extant species in four genera: Pongo (the Bornean, Sumatran and Tapanuli orangutan); Gorilla (the eastern and western gorilla); Pan (the chimpanzee and the bonobo); and Homo, of which only modern humans (Homo sapiens) remain.[1]
Due to the close genetic relationship between humans and the other great apes, certain animal rights organizations, such as the Great Ape Project, argue that nonhuman great apes are persons and, per the Declaration on Great Apes, should be given basic human rights.

* Dictatorial Freak Farm Psychopaths Disavow Their Own Accountability *



The sanctimonious , sacrosanct , sick fucks of the ABORTION ANTI-CHOICE TROPE are BLUBBERING because 90% of INDIVIDUALS are choosing NOT to carry TRISOMY offspring to term !
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and over 70% at 26 weeks and medical technology is improving all the time

I guess if you consider a lifetime of medical issues to be "progress".

But these are women who WANT their kids and are willing to bankrupt themselves.

As opposed to a woman who didn't want that kid to start with, or was told at 22 weeks it was going to be horrifically deformed.

This is why you leave these decisions to women and their doctors.
" Rhetorical Arguments Of Hubris Conveniently Ignoring The Obvious "

* Sick Fucks At Freak Farm Fanatics Are Not Satisfied With Demanding Infliction Of Angst Suffering *

and over 70% at 26 weeks and medical technology is improving all the time
And yet nearly all , if not all , " without cause " abortions occur prior to the first trimester , given available services , while " with cause " abortion , are optioned due to developmental anomalies most often identified in the fetus between 13 and 20 weeks .

The substitution of natural viability in lieu of a live birth requirement , where a live birth requirement is the constitutional basis for equal protection with a citizen and therefore abortion , along with a necessity for sentience as a valid basis for empathy , are RHETORICAL , as women seeking WITH CAUSE abortion after first trimester want to deliver a healthy child .

However , the abortion anti-choice trope , simply lies that women are seeking without cause abortion when in fact they are seeking with cause abortion .
I guess if you consider a lifetime of medical issues to be "progress".

But these are women who WANT their kids and are willing to bankrupt themselves.

As opposed to a woman who didn't want that kid to start with, or was told at 22 weeks it was going to be horrifically deformed.

This is why you leave these decisions to women and their doctors.

So now move the goal posts.

When did I ever say that a fetus with abnormalities should not be aborted?

If there is nothing abnormal with a fetus that is viable then your statement where you said viability was what? Another one of your bullshit lies?

There is no reason not to have some restrictions on abortion especially in this day and age where a woman can find out she is pregnant as soon as she is a few days late for a period.
" Rhetorical Arguments Of Hubris Conveniently Ignoring The Obvious "

* Sick Fucks At Freak Farm Fanatics Are Not Satisfied With Demanding Infliction Of Angst Suffering *

And yet nearly all , if not all , " without cause " abortions occur prior to the first trimester , given available services , while " with cause " abortion , are optioned due to developmental anomalies most often identified in the fetus between 13 and 20 weeks .

The substitution of natural viability in lieu of a live birth requirement , where a live birth requirement is the constitutional basis for equal protection with a citizen and therefore abortion , along with a necessity for sentience as a valid basis for empathy , are RHETORICAL , as women seeking WITH CAUSE abortion after first trimester want to deliver a healthy child .

However , the abortion anti-choice trope , simply lies that women are seeking without cause abortion when in fact they are seeking with cause abortion .
I know that.

only 1% or less of all abortions take place after 21 weeks.

Which is why I see no problem in having some restrictions on abortion in later weeks of pregnancy

But the 2 exceptions to all restriction would be to save the life of the mother or some fetal abnormality.
So now move the goal posts.

When did I ever say that a fetus with abnormalities should not be aborted?
Why do you always try to pretend you don't associate with the rest of the crazies on your side when called on it.

Here's the thing, no one is having an abortion at 22 weeks for contraceptive purposes. It just doesn't happen. Making a woman jump through more hoops for a medically necessary abortion is just cruel, but as is often with conservatism, the cruelty is the point.

If there is nothing abnormal with a fetus that is viable then your statement where you said viability was what? Another one of your bullshit lies?

There is no reason not to have some restrictions on abortion especially in this day and age where a woman can find out she is pregnant as soon as she is a few days late for a period.
Sure there is.

It's none of your business. It's none of the Church's Business. It's none of the Government's business.

If a woman and her doctor decide to terminate a pregnancy, that should be their call, period.
Why do you always try to pretend you don't associate with the rest of the crazies on your side when called on it.

Here's the thing, no one is having an abortion at 22 weeks for contraceptive purposes. It just doesn't happen. Making a woman jump through more hoops for a medically necessary abortion is just cruel, but as is often with conservatism, the cruelty is the point.

Sure there is.

It's none of your business. It's none of the Church's Business. It's none of the Government's business.

If a woman and her doctor decide to terminate a pregnancy, that should be their call, period.

Because I am not and never have been anti abortion but you have the memory of a goldfish and can't seem to recall any of the many posts we have traded on the issue.

If a fetus can be delivered and survive there is no reason to abort it.

The woman can simply waive her parental rights and give it up for adoption.
Because I am not and never have been anti abortion but you have the memory of a goldfish and can't seem to recall any of the many posts we have traded on the issue.

You work on the assumption I care about your goal-posting moving, equivicating positions on any issue.

If a fetus can be delivered and survive there is no reason to abort it.

The woman can simply waive her parental rights and give it up for adoption.

Okay, we can apply that standard to any babies that come out of your uterus... Oh, wait you don't have a uterus.
You work on the assumption I care about your goal-posting moving, equivicating positions on any issue.

Okay, we can apply that standard to any babies that come out of your uterus... Oh, wait you don't have a uterus.
I haven't moved any goal posts in my argument That's your thing. Saying that there can be reasonable restrictions on abortion is hardly an equivocation

And a late term abortion is really no different than a vaginal birth but you're too stupid to know that

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