Zone1 A Question For Pro-Choicers

Elective abortion is not health care, it's butchery. Most abortions are coerced-we know this. Every reputable study supports this. Abortions lesd to poor mental health outcomes and appear to do NOTHING to alleviate trauma, or poverty, or depression.. and in fact contribute to poor trauma outcomes and depression.
You can shriek hysterically as much as you want- it doesn't change the fact that you are exploiting and lying g to vulnerable women to push a negative eugenics/misogynistic/anti human rights ideology.
Typical democrat bullshit. Just call the murder of defenseless innocent lives "reproductive healthcare." REPRODUCTIVE? What is reproductive about murdering a child.
* Nascence Standards Of Mindedness *

* Sentience Is Required Of Empathy For Physical Suffering To Be Valid *

Science says at conception a new, living, genetically distinct human being has come into existence.
Science says at conception a current living , genetically distinct , female is optioning to perpetuate a haploid instance of her own genetic existence .

And based on principles from certain rules , a female may option to abort the perpetuation of a haploid instance of her own genetic existence .

One rule based in normative ethics is that empathy for suffering is valid .

One rule based in a priori political science , and based in us constitution , is that a live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen .

The onset of sentience in a fetus occurs well beyond a time when any woman would be seeking a without cause abortion .

Given a general timeline for when sentience is estimated to onset , fetal deformities could become evident , and maternal health or safety could occur , and with cause abortion could be optioned .

* Comparative Anatomy And Histology Development Through Vestigial Forms *

Science includes a a practice of comparative anatomy between homologous forms of dissimilar taxonomies .

On a universal scale of exploitation , a hue mammon ape , as an apex predator , does not exclude inchoate beings from its realm of exploitation .

On a universal scale of exploitation , a hue mammon ape , as an apex predator , selectively excludes sentient beings from its realm of exploitation .

Evidence Synthesis
Pain perception requires conscious recognition or awareness of a noxious stimulus. Neither withdrawal reflexes nor hormonal stress responses to invasive procedures prove the existence of fetal pain, because they can be elicited by
nonpainful stimuli and occur without conscious cortical processing. Fetal awareness of noxious stimuli requires functional thalamocortical connections. Thalamocortical fibers begin appearing between 23 to 30 weeks’ gestational age, while electroencephalography suggests the capacity for functional pain perception in preterm neonates probably does not exist before 29 or 30 weeks. For fetal surgery, women may receive general anesthesia and/or analgesics intended for placental transfer, and parenteral opioids may be administered to the fetus under direct or sonographic visualization. In these circumstances, administration of anesthesia and analgesia serves purposes unrelated to reduction of fetal pain, including inhibition of fetal movement, prevention of fetal hormonal stress responses, and induction of uterine atony.

In neuroanatomy, thalamocortical radiations also known as thalamocortical fibres, are the efferent fibres that project from the thalamus to distinct areas of the cerebral cortex.[1]
Thalamocortical fibers have a bush or tree-like appearance as they extend into the internal capsule and project to the layers of the cortex. The main thalamocortical fibers extend from different nuclei of the thalamus and project to the visual cortex, somatosensory (and associated sensori-motor) cortex, and the auditory cortex in the brain.


* Empathy For Suffering *
After the Flood a seventh commandment, given to Noah, forbade the eating of flesh cut from a living animal (Gen. 9:4).
I said before that you are not Jewish and now I am telling you that you know nothing about being kosher.

Lying all the time about what abortion does is NOT kosher.

Wanting others to believe that abortions have caused thousands or millions of women all over the world to become mentally ill is NOT kosher.

Calling others hysterical while your posts drip of hysteria is NOT kosher.

It will be kosher for you to stop playing at knowing things you do not know about, and could not care less.

You do not care about any of those women, nor any of those babies.

Learn to care.

THAT is being kosher.
There is no right to kill dependent humans, and your garbage is the same negative eugenics claptrap that is always spouted by the ppl who violatd human rights and exploit and gaslight women.
Science says at conception a current living , genetically distinct , female is optioning to perpetuate a haploid instance of her own genetic existence .
Which would be fine if it weren't for the other two people with standing.
There is no right to kill dependent humans, and your garbage is the same negative eugenics claptrap that is always spouted by the ppl who violatd human rights and exploit and gaslight women.
Says the religious non Jewish, non Kosher person who believes all the religious nut cases say.

This is your signature:

“Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces” (Matthew 7:6).

You are a religious nut case, nothing else. A Christian religious nut case.

Go have your babies, leave all other women be.

This is not Iran or any other authoritarian dictatorship which can tell women to have babies OR ELSE.
Slavery is less logical than what? Why?
Than not being a slave. Do I really need to explain why? Really? What sort of predictable surprises do you believe a slave owner should expect to encounter when he treats another human being as property?
Says the religious non Jewish, non Kosher person who believes all the religious nut cases say.

This is your signature:

“Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces” (Matthew 7:6).

You are a religious nut case, nothing else. A Christian religious nut case.

Go have your babies, leave all other women be.

This is not Iran or any other authoritarian dictatorship which can tell women to have babies OR ELSE.
Why won't you acknowledge that at conception a new, genetically distinct human being has come into existence?
Why won't you acknowledge that at conception a new, genetically distinct human being has come into existence?
I acknowledged that ten thousand posts ago and it caused you to run and hide . So what is your point?
" Psychosis Of Domineering Personalities Whining About Lack Of Control "

* Sophisticated Physical States Required For Sentience *

Not a collection of cells?
The willfully ignorant fools continue to mumble arcane mythology that semen from great greek gawds cause beings to spontaneously develop into existence and that mam impregnates a woman with fully formed homunculus !

Popularized in sixteenth-century alchemy and nineteenth-century fiction, it has historically referred to the creation of a miniature, fully formed human. The concept has roots in preformationism as well as earlier folklore and alchemic traditions.

Says the religious non Jewish, non Kosher person who believes all the religious nut cases say.

This is your signature:

“Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces” (Matthew 7:6).

You are a religious nut case, nothing else. A Christian religious nut case.

Go have your babies, leave all other women be.

This is not Iran or any other authoritarian dictatorship which can tell women to have babies OR ELSE.
Says the religious non Jewish, non Kosher person who believes all the religious nut cases say.

This is your signature:

“Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces” (Matthew 7:6).

You are a religious nut case, nothing else. A Christian religious nut case.

Go have your babies, leave all other women be.

This is not Iran or any other authoritarian dictatorship which can tell women to have babies OR ELSE.
There is no right to kill dependent offspring. Stop gaslighting women, stop harassing victims, stop engaging in abortion coercion.. it's a crime though rarely prosecuted.
Human rights violations were rarely prosecuted in nazi germany.. until they were.
Abortion is a human rights offense and the militant negative eugenecists are nothing more than minions of ghouls who exploit and abuse women.
There is no right to kill dependent offspring. Stop gaslighting women, stop harassing victims, stop engaging in abortion coercion.. it's a crime though rarely prosecuted.
Human rights violations were rarely prosecuted in nazi germany.. until they were.
Abortion is a human rights offense and the militant negative eugenecists are nothing more than minions of ghouls who exploit and abuse women.
You are a nut case.

Wealthy people who could afford eugenics to begin with are a very small number of the population.

You do not have the foggiest idea of what it means and are piling it up to abortions.

I know what the definition of the word is, and that you do not know or care what it really means and how many people really take advantage of that.

You are a Christian extremist nut, who believes what you want to believe and are very dangerous to other women in real life. That is if you are even a female.

Criminalize abortion in red states all you like. The people are not putting up with it and are voting their right to Choose if they want to have an abortion or not.

You Republican nut cases are losing one election after another because you have absolutely no respect for the life of anyone.

Stay lost.
You are a nut case.

Wealthy people who could afford eugenics to begin with are a very small number of the population.

You do not have the foggiest idea of what it means and are piling it up to abortions.

I know what the definition of the word is, and that you do not know or care what it really means and how many people really take advantage of that.

You are a Christian extremist nut, who believes what you want to believe and are very dangerous to other women in real life. That is if you are even a female.

Criminalize abortion in red states all you like. The people are not putting up with it and are voting their right to Choose if they want to have an abortion or not.

You Republican nut cases are losing one election after another because you have absolutely no respect for the life of anyone.

Stay lost.
The baby killing cult targets victimized and mentally ill women with coercion tactics, lies, threats, shame.. there is no right to kill dependent offspring. They are anti human rights negative eugenics goons. nothing more.
The baby killing cult targets victimized and mentally ill women with coercion tactics, lies, threats, shame.. there is no right to kill dependent offspring. They are anti human rights negative eugenics goons. nothing more.
I do not care about your worthless brain which tries to dictate to others what your religious extremist leaders have managed to make you believe.

You are a total NUT.

You belong to a religious cult which believes it can lie about this and that, and scare people like you into being hysterical and coming to these forums and call themselves kosher.

There is nothing kosher about you or your leaders.

You are all a cult of the filthiest thinking on the planet.

NUT !!!!
There is no right to kill dependent offspring. Those who insist there is a right to kill dependent offspring and who lie to women to trick them into the stirrups are just negative eugenics acolytes.
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Elective abortion is not health care, it's butchery. Most abortions are coerced-we know this. Every reputable study supports this. Abortions lesd to poor mental health outcomes and appear to do NOTHING to alleviate trauma, or poverty, or depression.. and in fact contribute to poor trauma outcomes and depression.
You can shriek hysterically as much as you want- it doesn't change the fact that you are exploiting and lying g to vulnerable women to push a negative eugenics/misogynistic/anti human rights ideology.
Bad spelling and logic.

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