A question for the anti-choice crowd.

I don't want states making those decisions. Those are personal, private matters, and individuals should be making those decisions.

Sorry but it's certainly not personal and private if it effects the life of another human being.
Using your Free Dictionary that you like so much:

a member of any of the races of Homo sapiens; person; man, woman, or child

Now, "child", in that Free Dictionary, includes a definition of "infant: fetus". Interestingly enough, "fetus" does not include child:

n. pl. fe·tus·es
The unborn young of a viviparous vertebrate having a basic structural resemblance to the adult animal.
2. In humans, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo.

In fact, it specifically notes that after birth there is no longer a fetus. This is because, after birth there is a baby, infant, child. A fetus is not a child. a fetus is not a human being. A fetus is a potential human being, nothing more, nothing less.

Nope.. .A fetus IS a human being. Not a "potential" one... but a human being in the fetal development stage. It is a potential infant.. a potential toddler... a potential teenager... a potential adult. An infant is a potential toddler... a potential teenager... a potential adult... a toddler is a potential teenager... a potential adult.... a teenager is a potential adult. ALL OF THEM are human beings. They began being human beings at point of conception.
Not according to the definition of human being.

Yep... according to the definition of a human being:
any individual of the genus Homo, especially a member of the species Homo sapiens.
Babies can't feed themselves, should the state step in if a person decides to make the private choice to stop feeding it?
A fetus is not a baby. A fetus is not a baby. One more time, a fetus is not a baby. You moralists continue to try to make the words fetus, and baby interchangeable. They aren't.
And to answer your question, no they shouldn't. When I was growing up, ya know what one of the possible punishments was for breaking the rules? "You're going to bed without supper," That is choosing not to feed me. And guess what? None of us growing up at the time felt so abused that we thought the government should come in and interfere with our parents parenting.
You nor I are in the position to dictate exactly when it goes from fetus to baby, those are subjective terms. I responded to your position about the state not helping an innocent life. And I wasn't talking about skipping a meal. Fuck you are stupid!
You fuckers keep insisting that definitions matter, yet whenever a definition says something that does not agree with your position, wellll...let's just ignore that definition. Fuck you are stupid, rude, self-righteous, and inconsistent!
I'm not 'you fuckers', I am a person thankyouverymuch. I said I'm not in a position to define exactly when it's a baby, neither are you. It's a subjective term, not a legal one. Where am I inconsistent?
And I'm not stupid. How about we agree that I won't refer to you as "You fuckers", and you won't call me stupid? You are inconsistent when you claim to use science to prove your point, but when science defines when a fetus stops being a fetus, you say, "No one is in any position to make that determination". Well? Either science is a reliable authority, or it isn't. which is it?
I think you are blending everyone into one opposing soup in your mind. I don't recall ever saying anything about science. Abortion is a moral issue, as is murder. When is it murder and when is it justified? The law spells it out and even then it sometimes needs court clarification. My point from day one is that it should be up to the state.
Then my fetus should have the right to own a gun.

It should have but it doesn't. Let's work on it's right to life first.
Okay. I already said I would agree with your silly personhood amendment. Then, when it is legally a "person' having the right to life, you would do well to sit back, and watch, as I, and others like me begin to assert all the rights, and privileges of citizenship. SS number for my fetus. Public Assistance for my fetus. The right to bear arms. The right of my fetus to own property.

Oh, yeah. This is gonna be all kinds of fun...
I don't want states making those decisions. Those are personal, private matters, and individuals should be making those decisions.

Sorry but it's certainly not personal and private if it effects the life of another human being.
Using your Free Dictionary that you like so much:

a member of any of the races of Homo sapiens; person; man, woman, or child

Now, "child", in that Free Dictionary, includes a definition of "infant: fetus". Interestingly enough, "fetus" does not include child:

n. pl. fe·tus·es
The unborn young of a viviparous vertebrate having a basic structural resemblance to the adult animal.
2. In humans, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo.

In fact, it specifically notes that after birth there is no longer a fetus. This is because, after birth there is a baby, infant, child. A fetus is not a child. a fetus is not a human being. A fetus is a potential human being, nothing more, nothing less.

Nope.. .A fetus IS a human being. Not a "potential" one... but a human being in the fetal development stage. It is a potential infant.. a potential toddler... a potential teenager... a potential adult. An infant is a potential toddler... a potential teenager... a potential adult... a toddler is a potential teenager... a potential adult.... a teenager is a potential adult. ALL OF THEM are human beings. They began being human beings at point of conception.
Not according to the definition of human being.

Yep... according to the definition of a human being:
any individual of the genus Homo, especially a member of the species Homo sapiens.
Science defines an unborn child as both human and alive. Anything beyond that is semantics, because what is a fetus but a human being at an early stage of development? This is why talking about abortion with some people is so frustrating. They insist on cloaking activities behind rhetoric designed to conceal the reality of what they are doing.
I don't want states making those decisions. Those are personal, private matters, and individuals should be making those decisions.

Sorry but it's certainly not personal and private if it effects the life of another human being.
Using your Free Dictionary that you like so much:

a member of any of the races of Homo sapiens; person; man, woman, or child

Now, "child", in that Free Dictionary, includes a definition of "infant: fetus". Interestingly enough, "fetus" does not include child:

n. pl. fe·tus·es
The unborn young of a viviparous vertebrate having a basic structural resemblance to the adult animal.
2. In humans, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo.

In fact, it specifically notes that after birth there is no longer a fetus. This is because, after birth there is a baby, infant, child. A fetus is not a child. a fetus is not a human being. A fetus is a potential human being, nothing more, nothing less.

Nope.. .A fetus IS a human being. Not a "potential" one... but a human being in the fetal development stage. It is a potential infant.. a potential toddler... a potential teenager... a potential adult. An infant is a potential toddler... a potential teenager... a potential adult... a toddler is a potential teenager... a potential adult.... a teenager is a potential adult. ALL OF THEM are human beings. They began being human beings at point of conception.
Not according to the definition of human being.

Yep... according to the definition of a human being:
any individual of the genus Homo, especially a member of the species Homo sapiens.
Now who's cherry picking their definitions? You forgot the last part: person; man, woman, or child. Not fetus.
Then my fetus should have the right to own a gun.

It should have but it doesn't. Let's work on it's right to life first.
Okay. I already said I would agree with your silly personhood amendment. Then, when it is legally a "person' having the right to life, you would do well to sit back, and watch, as I, and others like me begin to assert all the rights, and privileges of citizenship. SS number for my fetus. Public Assistance for my fetus. The right to bear arms. The right of my fetus to own property.

Oh, yeah. This is gonna be all kinds of fun...
Oh, it certainly will. I'll even start for you.

Public Assistance for the unborn child. Yup, already have it.
The right to bear arms. Why not? It won't change a flippin thing.
The right to own property. Please do. If a child's body is their own property, you have no right to destroy it.
SS number. No need, since, like health insurance, the unborn is covered by the mother's.

IOW, go for it. Assert all the rights you want.
Sorry but it's certainly not personal and private if it effects the life of another human being.
Using your Free Dictionary that you like so much:

a member of any of the races of Homo sapiens; person; man, woman, or child

Now, "child", in that Free Dictionary, includes a definition of "infant: fetus". Interestingly enough, "fetus" does not include child:

n. pl. fe·tus·es
The unborn young of a viviparous vertebrate having a basic structural resemblance to the adult animal.
2. In humans, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo.

In fact, it specifically notes that after birth there is no longer a fetus. This is because, after birth there is a baby, infant, child. A fetus is not a child. a fetus is not a human being. A fetus is a potential human being, nothing more, nothing less.

Nope.. .A fetus IS a human being. Not a "potential" one... but a human being in the fetal development stage. It is a potential infant.. a potential toddler... a potential teenager... a potential adult. An infant is a potential toddler... a potential teenager... a potential adult... a toddler is a potential teenager... a potential adult.... a teenager is a potential adult. ALL OF THEM are human beings. They began being human beings at point of conception.
Not according to the definition of human being.

Yep... according to the definition of a human being:
any individual of the genus Homo, especially a member of the species Homo sapiens.
Science defines an unborn child as both human and alive. Anything beyond that is semantics, because what is a fetus but a human being at an early stage of development? This is why talking about abortion with some people is so frustrating. They insist on cloaking activities behind rhetoric designed to conceal the reality of what they are doing.
Science defines a fetus as genetically, biologically human. Calling it a human being is semantics, and rhetoric designed to equate a fetus with a baby.
Using your Free Dictionary that you like so much:

a member of any of the races of Homo sapiens; person; man, woman, or child

Now, "child", in that Free Dictionary, includes a definition of "infant: fetus". Interestingly enough, "fetus" does not include child:

n. pl. fe·tus·es
The unborn young of a viviparous vertebrate having a basic structural resemblance to the adult animal.
2. In humans, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo.

In fact, it specifically notes that after birth there is no longer a fetus. This is because, after birth there is a baby, infant, child. A fetus is not a child. a fetus is not a human being. A fetus is a potential human being, nothing more, nothing less.

Nope.. .A fetus IS a human being. Not a "potential" one... but a human being in the fetal development stage. It is a potential infant.. a potential toddler... a potential teenager... a potential adult. An infant is a potential toddler... a potential teenager... a potential adult... a toddler is a potential teenager... a potential adult.... a teenager is a potential adult. ALL OF THEM are human beings. They began being human beings at point of conception.
Not according to the definition of human being.

Yep... according to the definition of a human being:
any individual of the genus Homo, especially a member of the species Homo sapiens.
Science defines an unborn child as both human and alive. Anything beyond that is semantics, because what is a fetus but a human being at an early stage of development? This is why talking about abortion with some people is so frustrating. They insist on cloaking activities behind rhetoric designed to conceal the reality of what they are doing.
Science defines a fetus as genetically, biologically human. Calling it a human being is semantics, and rhetoric designed to equate a fetus with a baby.
IOW, what I said. The bottom line remains that an unborn baby is both human and alive. A successful abortion ends in death. Someone has to die.
Then my fetus should have the right to own a gun.

It should have but it doesn't. Let's work on it's right to life first.
Okay. I already said I would agree with your silly personhood amendment. Then, when it is legally a "person' having the right to life, you would do well to sit back, and watch, as I, and others like me begin to assert all the rights, and privileges of citizenship. SS number for my fetus. Public Assistance for my fetus. The right to bear arms. The right of my fetus to own property.

Oh, yeah. This is gonna be all kinds of fun...
Oh, it certainly will. I'll even start for you.

Public Assistance for the unborn child. Yup, already have it.
The right to bear arms. Why not? It won't change a flippin thing.
The right to own property. Please do. If a child's body is their own property, you have no right to destroy it.
SS number. No need, since, like health insurance, the unborn is covered by the mother's.

IOW, go for it. Assert all the rights you want.

Okay, but that means my fetus can own houses, businesses, even automobiles. Now, admittedly, the law prevents my fetus from having a driver's license, but it won't prevent it from owning a car.

And what happens when the gun my fetus owns is used in the commission of a crime? Are you going to charge my fetus, and sentence it? Yeah...letting a fetus own weapons is a brilliant idea...
Nope.. .A fetus IS a human being. Not a "potential" one... but a human being in the fetal development stage. It is a potential infant.. a potential toddler... a potential teenager... a potential adult. An infant is a potential toddler... a potential teenager... a potential adult... a toddler is a potential teenager... a potential adult.... a teenager is a potential adult. ALL OF THEM are human beings. They began being human beings at point of conception.
Not according to the definition of human being.

Yep... according to the definition of a human being:
any individual of the genus Homo, especially a member of the species Homo sapiens.
Science defines an unborn child as both human and alive. Anything beyond that is semantics, because what is a fetus but a human being at an early stage of development? This is why talking about abortion with some people is so frustrating. They insist on cloaking activities behind rhetoric designed to conceal the reality of what they are doing.
Science defines a fetus as genetically, biologically human. Calling it a human being is semantics, and rhetoric designed to equate a fetus with a baby.
IOW, what I said. The bottom line remains that an unborn baby is both human and alive.
Doesn't make it a person.
Then my fetus should have the right to own a gun.

It should have but it doesn't. Let's work on it's right to life first.
Okay. I already said I would agree with your silly personhood amendment. Then, when it is legally a "person' having the right to life, you would do well to sit back, and watch, as I, and others like me begin to assert all the rights, and privileges of citizenship. SS number for my fetus. Public Assistance for my fetus. The right to bear arms. The right of my fetus to own property.

Oh, yeah. This is gonna be all kinds of fun...
Oh, it certainly will. I'll even start for you.

Public Assistance for the unborn child. Yup, already have it.
The right to bear arms. Why not? It won't change a flippin thing.
The right to own property. Please do. If a child's body is their own property, you have no right to destroy it.
SS number. No need, since, like health insurance, the unborn is covered by the mother's.

IOW, go for it. Assert all the rights you want.

Oha, but that means my fetus can own houses, businesses, even automobiles. Now, admittedly, the law prevents my fetus from having a driver's license, but it won't prevent him from owning a car.

And what happens when the gun my fetus owns is used in the commission of a crime? Are you going to charge my fetus, and sentence it? Yeah...letting a fetus own weapons is a brilliant idea...
It certainly is. When you see unborn babies going into a gun store to buy guns, be sure to let me know. IOW, you're being ridiculous and making nonsense points. I'm merely letting you make them because they make absolutely NO DIFFERENCE whatsoever. So please, continue being ridiculous. It's getting you nowhere.
It certainly is. When you see unborn babies going into a gun store to buy guns, be sure to let me know. IOW, you're being ridiculous and making nonsense points. I'm merely letting you make them because they make absolutely NO DIFFERENCE whatsoever. So please, continue being ridiculous. It's getting you nowhere.
Not according to the definition of human being.

Yep... according to the definition of a human being:
any individual of the genus Homo, especially a member of the species Homo sapiens.
Science defines an unborn child as both human and alive. Anything beyond that is semantics, because what is a fetus but a human being at an early stage of development? This is why talking about abortion with some people is so frustrating. They insist on cloaking activities behind rhetoric designed to conceal the reality of what they are doing.
Science defines a fetus as genetically, biologically human. Calling it a human being is semantics, and rhetoric designed to equate a fetus with a baby.
IOW, what I said. The bottom line remains that an unborn baby is both human and alive.
Doesn't make it a person.
That is a legal definition that can and will change. Viability, for example, is no longer a valid defining barrier because we have people living today who are totally dependent on machines and other people to keep them alive. They are not "viable" in the same way an unborn is not viable. Cut the umbilical cord and the baby dies. Unplug the respirator and Chris Reeve dies (yes, I know he didn't die because someone unplugged him). The difference is, an unborn child, left alone, will become viable while many of the others will not.
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Then my fetus should have the right to own a gun.

It should have but it doesn't. Let's work on it's right to life first.
Okay. I already said I would agree with your silly personhood amendment. Then, when it is legally a "person' having the right to life, you would do well to sit back, and watch, as I, and others like me begin to assert all the rights, and privileges of citizenship. SS number for my fetus. Public Assistance for my fetus. The right to bear arms. The right of my fetus to own property.

Oh, yeah. This is gonna be all kinds of fun...

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, I don't have an amendment. We're discussing what a human being is. You're jumping all around on the issue... one minute, you're claiming a fetus isn't a human being but a potential one... next minute, you're admitting they are human beings. One minute they are "parasites" which are organisms, next minute, they are not organisms but clumps of cells. Now, you seem to want to deny them the right to life because they don't have the right to bear arms.

At no point have you submitted anything scientific to support your conjectures. You're just shooting off your mouth hoping something resonates. But you're sounding more and more like an unhinged loon. Your ass has been thoroughly owned in this thread from page one by myself and others... you just keep right on coming back for more.
Sorry but it's certainly not personal and private if it effects the life of another human being.
Using your Free Dictionary that you like so much:

a member of any of the races of Homo sapiens; person; man, woman, or child

Now, "child", in that Free Dictionary, includes a definition of "infant: fetus". Interestingly enough, "fetus" does not include child:

n. pl. fe·tus·es
The unborn young of a viviparous vertebrate having a basic structural resemblance to the adult animal.
2. In humans, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo.

In fact, it specifically notes that after birth there is no longer a fetus. This is because, after birth there is a baby, infant, child. A fetus is not a child. a fetus is not a human being. A fetus is a potential human being, nothing more, nothing less.

Nope.. .A fetus IS a human being. Not a "potential" one... but a human being in the fetal development stage. It is a potential infant.. a potential toddler... a potential teenager... a potential adult. An infant is a potential toddler... a potential teenager... a potential adult... a toddler is a potential teenager... a potential adult.... a teenager is a potential adult. ALL OF THEM are human beings. They began being human beings at point of conception.
Not according to the definition of human being.

Yep... according to the definition of a human being:
any individual of the genus Homo, especially a member of the species Homo sapiens.
Now who's cherry picking their definitions? You forgot the last part: person; man, woman, or child. Not fetus.

I didn't forget anything. That's the posted definition. Most words can have several definitions. Unless you can offer some scientific proof that a human fetus is not an individual of the genus Homo, you don't have an argument.
Then my fetus should have the right to own a gun.

It should have but it doesn't. Let's work on it's right to life first.
Okay. I already said I would agree with your silly personhood amendment. Then, when it is legally a "person' having the right to life, you would do well to sit back, and watch, as I, and others like me begin to assert all the rights, and privileges of citizenship. SS number for my fetus. Public Assistance for my fetus. The right to bear arms. The right of my fetus to own property.

Oh, yeah. This is gonna be all kinds of fun...
Oh, it certainly will. I'll even start for you.

Public Assistance for the unborn child. Yup, already have it.
The right to bear arms. Why not? It won't change a flippin thing.
The right to own property. Please do. If a child's body is their own property, you have no right to destroy it.
SS number. No need, since, like health insurance, the unborn is covered by the mother's.
Then my fetus should have the right to own a gun.

It should have but it doesn't. Let's work on it's right to life first.
Okay. I already said I would agree with your silly personhood amendment. Then, when it is legally a "person' having the right to life, you would do well to sit back, and watch, as I, and others like me begin to assert all the rights, and privileges of citizenship. SS number for my fetus. Public Assistance for my fetus. The right to bear arms. The right of my fetus to own property.

Oh, yeah. This is gonna be all kinds of fun...
Oh, it certainly will. I'll even start for you.

Public Assistance for the unborn child. Yup, already have it.
The right to bear arms. Why not? It won't change a flippin thing.
The right to own property. Please do. If a child's body is their own property, you have no right to destroy it.
SS number. No need, since, like health insurance, the unborn is covered by the mother's.

IOW, go for it. Assert all the rights you want.

Oha, but that means my fetus can own houses, businesses, even automobiles. Now, admittedly, the law prevents my fetus from having a driver's license, but it won't prevent him from owning a car.

And what happens when the gun my fetus owns is used in the commission of a crime? Are you going to charge my fetus, and sentence it? Yeah...letting a fetus own weapons is a brilliant idea...
It certainly is. When you see unborn babies going into a gun store to buy guns, be sure to let me know. IOW, you're being ridiculous and making nonsense points. I'm merely letting you make them because they make absolutely NO DIFFERENCE whatsoever. So please, continue being ridiculous. It's getting you nowhere.

IOW, go for it. Assert all the rights you want.

Okay, but that means my fetus can own houses, businesses, even automobiles. Now, admittedly, the law prevents my fetus from having a driver's license, but it won't prevent it from owning a car.

And what happens when the gun my fetus owns is used in the commission of a crime? Are you going to charge my fetus, and sentence it? Yeah...letting a fetus own weapons is a brilliant idea...
A fetus is not a baby. A fetus is not a baby. One more time, a fetus is not a baby. You moralists continue to try to make the words fetus, and baby interchangeable. They aren't.
And to answer your question, no they shouldn't. When I was growing up, ya know what one of the possible punishments was for breaking the rules? "You're going to bed without supper," That is choosing not to feed me. And guess what? None of us growing up at the time felt so abused that we thought the government should come in and interfere with our parents parenting.
You nor I are in the position to dictate exactly when it goes from fetus to baby, those are subjective terms. I responded to your position about the state not helping an innocent life. And I wasn't talking about skipping a meal. Fuck you are stupid!
You fuckers keep insisting that definitions matter, yet whenever a definition says something that does not agree with your position, wellll...let's just ignore that definition. Fuck you are stupid, rude, self-righteous, and inconsistent!
I'm not 'you fuckers', I am a person thankyouverymuch. I said I'm not in a position to define exactly when it's a baby, neither are you. It's a subjective term, not a legal one. Where am I inconsistent?
And I'm not stupid. How about we agree that I won't refer to you as "You fuckers", and you won't call me stupid? You are inconsistent when you claim to use science to prove your point, but when science defines when a fetus stops being a fetus, you say, "No one is in any position to make that determination". Well? Either science is a reliable authority, or it isn't. which is it?
I think you are blending everyone into one opposing soup in your mind. I don't recall ever saying anything about science. Abortion is a moral issue, as is murder. When is it murder and when is it justified? The law spells it out and even then it sometimes needs court clarification. My point from day one is that it should be up to the state.

Then my fetus should have the right to own a gun.

It should have but it doesn't. Let's work on it's right to life first.
Okay. I already said I would agree with your silly personhood amendment. Then, when it is legally a "person' having the right to life, you would do well to sit back, and watch, as I, and others like me begin to assert all the rights, and privileges of citizenship. SS number for my fetus. Public Assistance for my fetus. The right to bear arms. The right of my fetus to own property.

Oh, yeah. This is gonna be all kinds of fun...
Oh, it certainly will. I'll even start for you.

Public Assistance for the unborn child. Yup, already have it.
The right to bear arms. Why not? It won't change a flippin thing.
The right to own property. Please do. If a child's body is their own property, you have no right to destroy it.
SS number. No need, since, like health insurance, the unborn is covered by the mother's.

IOW, go for it. Assert all the rights you want.

Oha, but that means my fetus can own houses, businesses, even automobiles. Now, admittedly, the law prevents my fetus from having a driver's license, but it won't prevent him from owning a car.

And what happens when the gun my fetus owns is used in the commission of a crime? Are you going to charge my fetus, and sentence it? Yeah...letting a fetus own weapons is a brilliant idea...
It certainly is. When you see unborn babies going into a gun store to buy guns, be sure to let me know. IOW, you're being ridiculous and making nonsense points. I'm merely letting you make them because they make absolutely NO DIFFERENCE whatsoever. So please, continue being ridiculous. It's getting you nowhere.
Then my fetus should have the right to own a gun.

It should have but it doesn't. Let's work on it's right to life first.
Okay. I already said I would agree with your silly personhood amendment. Then, when it is legally a "person' having the right to life, you would do well to sit back, and watch, as I, and others like me begin to assert all the rights, and privileges of citizenship. SS number for my fetus. Public Assistance for my fetus. The right to bear arms. The right of my fetus to own property.

Oh, yeah. This is gonna be all kinds of fun...
Oh, it certainly will. I'll even start for you.

Public Assistance for the unborn child. Yup, already have it.
The right to bear arms. Why not? It won't change a flippin thing.
The right to own property. Please do. If a child's body is their own property, you have no right to destroy it.
SS number. No need, since, like health insurance, the unborn is covered by the mother's.
Oh, it certainly will. I'll even start for you.

Public Assistance for the unborn child. Yup, already have it.
The right to bear arms. Why not? It won't change a flippin thing.
The right to own property. Please do. If a child's body is their own property, you have no right to destroy it.
SS number. No need, since, like health insurance, the unborn is covered by the mother's.

IOW, go for it. Assert all the rights you want.

Oha, but that means my fetus can own houses, businesses, even automobiles. Now, admittedly, the law prevents my fetus from having a driver's license, but it won't prevent him from owning a car.

And what happens when the gun my fetus owns is used in the commission of a crime? Are you going to charge my fetus, and sentence it? Yeah...letting a fetus own weapons is a brilliant idea...
It certainly is. When you see unborn babies going into a gun store to buy guns, be sure to let me know. IOW, you're being ridiculous and making nonsense points. I'm merely letting you make them because they make absolutely NO DIFFERENCE whatsoever. So please, continue being ridiculous. It's getting you nowhere.

IOW, go for it. Assert all the rights you want.

Okay, but that means my fetus can own houses, businesses, even automobiles. Now, admittedly, the law prevents my fetus from having a driver's license, but it won't prevent it from owning a car.

And what happens when the gun my fetus owns is used in the commission of a crime? Are you going to charge my fetus, and sentence it? Yeah...letting a fetus own weapons is a brilliant idea...
You nor I are in the position to dictate exactly when it goes from fetus to baby, those are subjective terms. I responded to your position about the state not helping an innocent life. And I wasn't talking about skipping a meal. Fuck you are stupid!
You fuckers keep insisting that definitions matter, yet whenever a definition says something that does not agree with your position, wellll...let's just ignore that definition. Fuck you are stupid, rude, self-righteous, and inconsistent!
I'm not 'you fuckers', I am a person thankyouverymuch. I said I'm not in a position to define exactly when it's a baby, neither are you. It's a subjective term, not a legal one. Where am I inconsistent?
And I'm not stupid. How about we agree that I won't refer to you as "You fuckers", and you won't call me stupid? You are inconsistent when you claim to use science to prove your point, but when science defines when a fetus stops being a fetus, you say, "No one is in any position to make that determination". Well? Either science is a reliable authority, or it isn't. which is it?
I think you are blending everyone into one opposing soup in your mind. I don't recall ever saying anything about science. Abortion is a moral issue, as is murder. When is it murder and when is it justified? The law spells it out and even then it sometimes needs court clarification. My point from day one is that it should be up to the state.

It should have but it doesn't. Let's work on it's right to life first.
Okay. I already said I would agree with your silly personhood amendment. Then, when it is legally a "person' having the right to life, you would do well to sit back, and watch, as I, and others like me begin to assert all the rights, and privileges of citizenship. SS number for my fetus. Public Assistance for my fetus. The right to bear arms. The right of my fetus to own property.

Oh, yeah. This is gonna be all kinds of fun...
Oh, it certainly will. I'll even start for you.

Public Assistance for the unborn child. Yup, already have it.
The right to bear arms. Why not? It won't change a flippin thing.
The right to own property. Please do. If a child's body is their own property, you have no right to destroy it.
SS number. No need, since, like health insurance, the unborn is covered by the mother's.

IOW, go for it. Assert all the rights you want.

Oha, but that means my fetus can own houses, businesses, even automobiles. Now, admittedly, the law prevents my fetus from having a driver's license, but it won't prevent him from owning a car.

And what happens when the gun my fetus owns is used in the commission of a crime? Are you going to charge my fetus, and sentence it? Yeah...letting a fetus own weapons is a brilliant idea...
It certainly is. When you see unborn babies going into a gun store to buy guns, be sure to let me know. IOW, you're being ridiculous and making nonsense points. I'm merely letting you make them because they make absolutely NO DIFFERENCE whatsoever. So please, continue being ridiculous. It's getting you nowhere.
Not quite sure what you're hoping to accomplish here. Are you just trying to prove my point and be ridiculous for the sake of being ridiculous? I do, however, appreciate you letting my post be the last word on your activities.
..you're being ridiculous...
Of COURSE it's ridiculous! Because a fetus Is. Not. A. Person!!!! Thus, a fetus does not have any of those rights! And, it is absurd to claim that it is, or that it does. So. Now that we have established that calling a fetus a person is absurd, and ridiculous, can we please stop talking about the "rights" of a fetus?
..you're being ridiculous...
Of COURSE it's ridiculous! Because a fetus Is. Not. A. Person!!!! Thus, a fetus does not have any of those rights! And, it is absurd to claim that it is, or that it does. So. Now that we have established that calling a fetus a person is absurd, and ridiculous, can we please stop talking about the "rights" of a fetus?
It's only absurd because those rights MAKE. NO. DIFFERENCE. Now that we've established that, let's talk about the rights that really matter, like the rights to life and liberty. At least you're not trying to claim that a successful abortion does not result in a dead human.
..you're being ridiculous...
Of COURSE it's ridiculous! Because a fetus Is. Not. A. Person!!!! Thus, a fetus does not have any of those rights! And, it is absurd to claim that it is, or that it does. So. Now that we have established that calling a fetus a person is absurd, and ridiculous, can we please stop talking about the "rights" of a fetus?
It's only absurd because those rights MAKE. NO. DIFFERENCE. Now that we've established that, let's talk about the rights that really matter, like the rights to life and liberty. At least you're not trying to claim that a successful abortion does not result in a dead human.
Huh. Nice to know that you place so little value on human rights...

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