A question for the small govt types

Should school be required

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Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Do you think school should be a requirement as it is right now?
Yes. A republic can only effectively function with a literate society.
Wouldnt it be easier on everyone if the only people there, were people that wanted to be there?
To be fair, it seems like most people graduating high school dont have much of an education.. And they were there for 13 years...
How do we overcome that? More money? More regulation? More force?
Everyone should at least have a trade.
So you want to increase mandatory schooling? Because it is very strict now and that doesnt happen.
There’s too much pressure in society for students who can’t make it through different grades.
I know many people who dropped out of High School but can buld a house according to code.
To be fair, it seems like most people graduating high school dont have much of an education.. And they were there for 13 years...
How do we overcome that? More money? More regulation? More force?
Autonomy...the most dangerous word applied to any authority that can impose taxes.
In war, a republic enlists the necessary levels of soldiers. Some things are necessary to a republic. That children go to school spares them being exploited at the same time that it furnishes informed citizens.
To be fair, it seems like most people graduating high school dont have much of an education.. And they were there for 13 years...
How do we overcome that? More money? More regulation? More force?

The smart ones do, the dumb ones don’t.
Everyone should at least have a trade.
So you want to increase mandatory schooling? Because it is very strict now and that doesnt happen.
There’s too much pressure in society for students who can’t make it through different grades.
I know many people who dropped out of High School but can buld a house according to code.
So, for some, do trade schools instead of general public schooling?
Everyone should at least have a trade.
So you want to increase mandatory schooling? Because it is very strict now and that doesnt happen.
There’s too much pressure in society for students who can’t make it through different grades.
I know many people who dropped out of High School but can buld a house according to code.
So, for some, do trade schools instead of general public schooling?
Not everybody can learn theory; people who build things are usually very good at applied concepts.
So, for some, do trade schools instead of general public schooling?

Back in the day, we had shop classes.

And I remember the guidance counselors steering us so called “smart kids” away from the shop classes so we wouldn’t end up in “those kind of jobs”.
Wouldnt it be easier on everyone if the only people there, were people that wanted to be there?
That puts an unfair burdon on children who have lazy, unmotivated or disenfranchised parents and why should the children suffer as a result of having bad parents?
Interesting question.

To be honest, I’m split.

You would think I would support mandatory schooling up until age 21. But how many years really are necessary to learn the basics that makes for a literate citizenry?

5th, 6th grade?

How much do we learn in high school do we really use in real life? What I remember back in high school, it was like a forced buffet. You had to have a taste of everything. Although it was in those years that my writing skills grew.
Interesting question.

To be honest, I’m split.

You would think I would support mandatory schooling up until age 21. But how many years really are necessary to learn the basics that makes for a literate citizenry?

5th, 6th grade?

How much do we learn in high school do we really use in real life? What I remember back in high school, it was like a forced buffet. You had to have a taste of everything. Although it was in those years that my writing skills grew.
There is much more that is learned in school than simply the subject matter of the classes. Kids learn how to learn, they develop discipline to stick to a schedule, challenge themselves with subjects that they don’t necessarily like or want to learn about, they learn social skills, sports and extra curricular activities etc. It is the best environment to prepare them for the real world on many levels.

It can definitely be improved in many areas but it is a great system and essential to a prosperous society
Interesting question.

To be honest, I’m split.

You would think I would support mandatory schooling up until age 21. But how many years really are necessary to learn the basics that makes for a literate citizenry?

5th, 6th grade?

How much do we learn in high school do we really use in real life? What I remember back in high school, it was like a forced buffet. You had to have a taste of everything. Although it was in those years that my writing skills grew.
There is much more that is learned in school than simply the subject matter of the classes. Kids learn how to learn, they develop discipline to stick to a schedule, challenge themselves with subjects that they don’t necessarily like or want to learn about, they learn social skills, sports and extra curricular activities etc. It is the best environment to prepare them for the real world on many levels.

It can definitely be improved in many areas but it is a great system and essential to a prosperous society

Some learn those things. And some learn they hate school.

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