Zone1 A question for the USMB left.

When does a woman go through nine months of pregnancy just to say she wants the doctors to kill her baby just as he or she becomes healthy enough and ready to exit into the world through the birth canal.

I mean, do you even have a case that you can point to where that happened?
Nice dodge, kid. Either you support on-demand abortion up to birth or you don’t.
The frequency of it happening is irrelevant.
The frequency of it happening is irrelevant.

Why not? Births at the final stage of pregnancy that require abortion are never for convenience, It’s to save the life of mother or in many cases the fetus has a catastrophic deformity which means it will die immediately following birth.

See below Kaitlyn Kash, her desperately wanted baby would die in utero or immediately after being born because her baby was diagnosed with a genetic disorder known as brittle bone syndrome..

I favor making abortion a misdemeanor
NotfooledbyW Jun’24 Vaqftu: Why do you feel the need to make a private individual matter that causes no harm to anything involving law, crime, punishment and restricting the liberty of an individual when she becomes pregnant.

If you live in Texas you vote, if I understand your religious Catholic biased politics, to restrict the liberty of Kaitlyn Kash,

Kash is an Austin mother who sought to terminate her pregnancy out of state after learning that her desperately wanted baby would die in utero or immediately after being born because her baby was diagnosed with a genetic disorder known as brittle bone syndrome..

She was told by her doctors that her baby will suffer and die potentially immediately following birth because he will have no skeletal structure to support life outside the womb if he lives that long. To hold her newborn would be to crush him.

Your religious cult cure-all against sin in fallen human society is a belief that God begins HIS relationship with human beings at conception. Baby Kash renders your belief to be a farce.

Saint Ding leads us to believe that God loved Baby Kash from the moment of conception and put him through the hell of a bone crushing birth and death by asphyxiation to spend eternity in a loving relationship with that God. You know that God who never as a male experienced the exercise of painfully giving birth.

Human reason should reject as insanity the idea that our loving Creator places value on human life at conception.

If you believe Christianity is the source of truth for your life, it should not be a sin to accept that God begins his loving personal relationship with us when we succeed in the great first leap into humanity by being born
why the excuses for your constant disengagement?

NotfooledbyW Jun’24 Saqftu: Why does the historically proven fact that John Adams, our second president and founding revolutionary, did not believe in original sin, always bring out white Christian Biblicists like Saint_Beagle9’s paranoia about his Christianity (that is based upon ORIGINAL SIN) is being repressed by the sinful left in Saint_Beagle9’s white Christian version of America? nfbw 240623 Vaqftu00471

Do Christian values depend on it’s believers buying into the concept of original sin, and Jesus dying on the cross to take the stain of sin off every American citizen’s life?
Off of every American citizen's life ? Rotflmbo 🤣 Jesus died for all sinner's in the world who recognize that fact.

When you get some kind of mindset worth debating with or hopefully a better education, then maybe just maybe someone might take you seriously.

It's simple - Test Sin, and find out.
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No. Trump is a convicted criminal a rapist a business fraud and there’s the important cases still pending. I know for a fact that Trump attempted to stay in power after losing an election. And the means by which he was going to do that was to commit fraud by at the state certification level and then having Vice president, Mike Pence, to not count seven states that Biden therefore granting the electoral college majority to himself. What MAGA calls “STOPPING THE STEAL” on J6,2021.
You've been brainwashed to the hilt... Hook line and sinker.
Why not? Births at the final stage of pregnancy that require abortion are never for convenience, It’s to save the life of mother or in many cases the fetus has a catastrophic deformity which means it will die immediately following birth.

See below Kaitlyn Kash, her desperately wanted baby would die in utero or immediately after being born because her baby was diagnosed with a genetic disorder known as brittle bone syndrome..

NotfooledbyW Jun’24 Vaqftu: Why do you feel the need to make a private individual matter that causes no harm to anything involving law, crime, punishment and restricting the liberty of an individual when she becomes pregnant.

If you live in Texas you vote, if I understand your religious Catholic biased politics, to restrict the liberty of Kaitlyn Kash,

Kash is an Austin mother who sought to terminate her pregnancy out of state after learning that her desperately wanted baby would die in utero or immediately after being born because her baby was diagnosed with a genetic disorder known as brittle bone syndrome..

She was told by her doctors that her baby will suffer and die potentially immediately following birth because he will have no skeletal structure to support life outside the womb if he lives that long. To hold her newborn would be to crush him.

Your religious cult cure-all against sin in fallen human society is a belief that God begins HIS relationship with human beings at conception. Baby Kash renders your belief to be a farce.

Saint Ding leads us to believe that God loved Baby Kash from the moment of conception and put him through the hell of a bone crushing birth and death by asphyxiation to spend eternity in a loving relationship with that God. You know that God who never as a male experienced the exercise of painfully giving birth.

Human reason should reject as insanity the idea that our loving Creator places value on human life at conception.

If you believe Christianity is the source of truth for your life, it should not be a sin to accept that God begins his loving personal relationship with us when we succeed in the great first leap into humanity by being born
You just want to help to continually reset the stage or keep the stage set for women to do what Margaret Sanger originally intended for them to do. Through self-genocidal population control via the method of abortion on demand, it has taken out millions of lives. So far it has killed hundreds of thousands of black babies due to the promotion and geographic locations of the clinic's designed just for that purpose.
I have a sincere question for the lefties here.
Why do you so many of you label disagreement as “hate”?
“I believe marriage is a religious institution, between a man and a woman.”
Lefty answer: “Why do you hate gays?”
“”I’m against abortion.”
Lefty answer: “Why do you hate women?”

Is it an Alinsky thing, painting your adversaries as extremist haters?
Something else?
I'm a liberal and I don't think that. I don't think you hate gays and women. I just think you are pretty fucked up human beings.
I'm a liberal and I don't think that. I don't think you hate gays and women. I just think you are pretty fucked up human beings.
I know you’re a fucked up human being. And rather dull-witted as well.
I said “many”, not “all”.
You just want to help to continually reset the stage or keep the stage set for women
I don’t want women to do anything or not do anything if they get pregnant when she did not intend to give birth to a baby. It’s none of my business what she decides to do and is certainly none of a Born Again Christian Trump voter expecting the Second Coming of Christ any minute now anyway.
I do know what you were talking about. You were talking about natural verse unnatural but since you can't defend your argument now you pretend as if no one understands, yet you can't explain what I misunderstood either. :dunno:

I don't know what this chaos verse organized society nonsense is about. What's chaotic about society allowing people who are naturally attracted to the same sex to pursue relationships with people of the same sex? How exactly does that disrupt your life or society?
You wrote this:
"If mating is the goal why pair off at all then? Wouldn't it be advantageous for everyone to have multiple sexual partners to ensure procreation?"

That is chaos^^^^. You never mentioned same sex either. I never said the goal was just 'mating.'
I don’t want women to do anything or not do anything if they get pregnant when she did not intend to give birth to a baby. It’s none of my business what she decides to do and is certainly none of a Born Again Christian Trump voter expecting the Second Coming of Christ any minute now anyway.
You don't even wonder why so many women get pregnant unintentionally? Contraceptives are readily available and there are other ways to satisfy a man and there are other ways to satisfy a woman. You being so open minded and all, I would think you would have thought of this. Are you not sure where babies come from?
You don't even wonder why so many women get pregnant unintentionally?
I wonder more why American white evangelicals and nearly half of Catholics will vote to return a convicted felon back to the White House after it is founded in pure objective fact and reality that he attempted to overturn the election that he lost by committing fraud against the voters of America.

And when a real white evangelical Christian tells you Trump wanted him (Mike Pence) to commit an unconstitutional act on J6,2021 you Christian believe the liar.
Jesus died for all sinner's in the world who recognize that fact.
Do Christian values depend on its believers recognizing what you just called the fact of original sin, and Jesus dying on the cross for all sinners. But all sinners need to come to belief in Jesus or America is doomed to punishment by God. Is that your belief Saint_Beagle9

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