Zone1 A question for the USMB left.


Oh doesn't it seem that way to you?

If mating is the goal why pair off at all then? Wouldn't it be advantageous for everyone to have multiple sexual partners to ensure procreation? And if procreation is the goal why does most sex get engaged in for recreational purposes? Do you only have sex to procreate? If your wife tries to go down on you do stop her and tell her that isn't how babies are made? :dunno: :laugh:

To answer the OP we call you bigots because we don't believe that you believe any of this nonsense. Not even for a second. :laugh:
You're inability to answer those simple questions isn't a failure of my argument. :dunno:
I said marriage, home and family is normal, typical and the backbone of a society. You ignored all that and called for utter chaos. My answer 'no' was short and succinct and correct. The fact you lack comprehension and intellect isn't my fault.
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Absolutely! I must do whatever I can to keep her protected from the Church State white Republican males who are obsessed with her future private life and what she does with her body.
You know, most grandparents worry about their granddaughter going to college, graduating, meeting the man who will marry her, give her a family, and give her a great future with a great family and husband, but you leftist grandparent's worry about their granddaughter accidentally getting pregnant, and then getting an abortion or maybe living a life of ups and downs, single, miserable, and whatever else plagues the leftist cultural ways of living and thinking.

Something tells me you aren't a grandparent at all, but if you are, then you aren't the traditional grandparent that's for sure.
To prove that you can of course. No one here is impressed by what you can only claim.
You can't even explain what you're talking about. What did I claim that you can't comprehend? Your claim is that chaos is superior to a well organized society.
Saul Alinsky

The Rules[edit source]​

  1. "Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."
  2. "Never go outside the expertise of your people."
  3. "Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."
  4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
  5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."
  6. "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
  7. "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
  8. "Keep the pressure on."
  9. "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
  10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."
  11. "If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative."
  12. "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."
  13. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
Why is this guy allowed to do air dicks in public?

You know, most grandparents worry about their granddaughter going to college, graduating, meeting the man who will marry her, give her a family, and give her a great future with a great family and husband, but you leftist grandparent's worry about their granddaughter accidentally getting pregnant, and then getting an abortion or maybe living a life of ups and downs, single, miserable, and whatever else plagues the leftist cultural ways of living and thinking.

Something tells me you aren't a grandparent at all, but if you are, then you aren't the traditional grandparent that's for sure.
Your Biblical sickness is pure vile rot.

I am retired. I volunteered to do day care since the moment she was born so her parents can do all you brought up. I hope I live to 94 to see her graduate from college, get married, whatever. , I moved her pregnant mom and her from the West Coast to the East Coast and bought a house for them to live in /. They pay rent below market and they get free daycare included. My wife and I started a college savings plan from a portion of the rent payment. I just spent evenings and weekends converting half the garage into an office for my Marine Corps Veteran Son in Law because he teleworks and my daughter teleworks and they both need an office,

You are a perverted Christian and deranged human being for writing this in defense of Christo-fascism
“you leftist grandparent's worry about their granddaughter accidentally getting pregnant, and then getting an abortion or maybe living a life of ups and downs, single, miserable, and whatever else plagues the leftist cultural ways of living and thinking.”​

I raised three daughters while voting Democrat my whole life , I have never thankfully had to worry about any of that.

But I still stand for all women to have freedom to make reproductive choices as they see fit. Not how a Christian Prick DeSantis thinks they have to live their lives.
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Your Biblical sickness is pure vile rot.

I am retired. I volunteered to do day care since the moment she was born so her parents can do all you brought up. I hope I live to 94 to see her graduate from college, get married, whatever. , I moved her pregnant mom and her from the West Coast to the East Coast and bought a house for them to live in /. They pay rent below market and they get free daycare included. My wife and I started a college savings plan from a portion of the rent payment. I just spent evenings and weekends converting half the garage into an office for my Marine Corps Veteran Son in Law because he teleworks and my daughter teleworks and they both need an office,

You are a perverted Christian and deranged human being for writing this in defense of Christo-fascism
“you leftist grandparent's worry about their granddaughter accidentally getting pregnant, and then getting an abortion or maybe living a life of ups and downs, single, miserable, and whatever else plagues the leftist cultural ways of living and thinking.”​

I raised three daughters while voting Democrat my whole life , I have never thankfully had to worry about any of that.

But I still stand for all women to have freedom to make reproductive choices as they see fit. Not how a Christian Prick DeSantis thinks they have to live their lives.
No, you are the twisted dipshite that worried about your grand daughter maybe one day having to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy (body autonomy), and hey have you heard how far you leftist want to go with that these days ? Get down off of your high horse with your bull shite boy, because you aren't impressing anyone here.
No, you are the twisted dipshite that worried about your grand daughter maybe one day having to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy (body autonomy), and hey have you heard how far you leftist want to go with that these days

What is twisted about a woman choosing to terminate her own pregnancy? It is none of your business. It causes you and our society absolutely no harm.

Republicans do it all the time / even Christian Republicans just like Ohio passed what I say is my granddaughter’s constitutional right with a third of white Evangelical Christians voting in favor of protecting that right.
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What is twisted about a woman choosing to terminate her own pregnancy? It is none of your business. It causes you and our society absolutely no harm.

Republicans do it all the time / even Christian Republicans just like Ohio passed what I say is my granddaughter’s constitutional right with a third of white Evangelical Christians voting in favor of protecting that right.
Debating abortion with you after hundreds of pages in another thread won't happen again. Talk about a worthless excersize in ridiculousness ... rotflmbo 🤣
Debating abortion with you after hundreds of pages in another thread won't happen again.
You are losing. Every abortion today took place with no effect on your life Saint Beagle. Women on the Left Right and Middle politically do it.

If you don’t want to debate abortion anymore, quit with the fucked up impression that it’s something that only the left does.
Your Biblical sickness is pure vile rot.

I am retired. I volunteered to do day care since the moment she was born so her parents can do all you brought up. I hope I live to 94 to see her graduate from college, get married, whatever. , I moved her pregnant mom and her from the West Coast to the East Coast and bought a house for them to live in /. They pay rent below market and they get free daycare included. My wife and I started a college savings plan from a portion of the rent payment. I just spent evenings and weekends converting half the garage into an office for my Marine Corps Veteran Son in Law because he teleworks and my daughter teleworks and they both need an office,

You are a perverted Christian and deranged human being for writing this in defense of Christo-fascism
“you leftist grandparent's worry about their granddaughter accidentally getting pregnant, and then getting an abortion or maybe living a life of ups and downs, single, miserable, and whatever else plagues the leftist cultural ways of living and thinking.”​

I raised three daughters while voting Democrat my whole life , I have never thankfully had to worry about any of that.

But I still stand for all women to have freedom to make reproductive choices as they see fit. Not how a Christian Prick DeSantis thinks they have to live their lives.
Getting pregnant and killing your developing offspring has nothing to do with reproduction. You have been duped by Marxist re-definition. I do, however, applaud the few traditional American values you seem to have. Taking care of family and protecting the innocent is, IMO, a man's #1 job.

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