A Question that Needs to Be Asked about The Other Clinton...


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
A Question that Needs to Be Asked about The Other Clinton...

What happens when or if Hillary becomes POTUS? Does Bill move back into the White House with her? That seems like a normal things to do... the spouse always does. But no other spouse has been impeached for lying under oath about having sex with a White House Intern. Big difference from all of the other spouses. And think of all of that free time he'll have to screw around. Pun intended. Sigh.

And then there is the unhelpful comments about policy, politics or just his opinion that contradicts Hillary's that could get him in trouble or give the White House Headaches. It's happened while she was on the campaign trail before. And there will be reporters around to catch his every word and deed. That is assured.

Whether Bill f@#$*s up at an island with little girls, at the White House with an Intern he needs to give as cigar to, or is quoted as going against Hillary's foreign or domestic policy, he's a bomb readied to be dropped at 10.000 feet. Is that liability worth having? Is a divorce in the offering or would sophisticated voters turn their nose up to the possibility of yet another sex scandal in the White House and look for another candidate?

So many questions ...
A Question that Needs to Be Asked about The Other Clinton...

What happens when or if Hillary becomes POTUS? Does Bill move back into the White House with her? That seems like a normal things to do... the spouse always does. But no other spouse has been impeached for lying under oath about having sex with a White House Intern. Big difference from all of the other spouses. And think of all of that free time he'll have to screw around. Pun intended. Sigh.

And then there is the unhelpful comments about policy, politics or just his opinion that contradicts Hillary's that could get him in trouble or give the White House Headaches. It's happened while she was on the campaign trail before. And there will be reporters around to catch his every word and deed. That is assured.

Whether Bill f@#$*s up at an island with little girls, at the White House with an Intern he needs to give as cigar to, or is quoted as going against Hillary's foreign or domestic policy, he's a bomb readied to be dropped at 10.000 feet. Is that liability worth having? Is a divorce in the offering or would sophisticated voters turn their nose up to the possibility of yet another sex scandal in the White House and look for another candidate?

So many questions ...

Not one valid question asked. You are making a statement and hiding behind question marks.
impeached for lying under oath about having sex with a White House Intern.


Think Tank says:

President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, but that was not the grounds for impeachment.

What was the perjury and obstruction of justice about?
A Question that Needs to Be Asked about The Other Clinton...

What happens when or if Hillary becomes POTUS? Does Bill move back into the White House with her? That seems like a normal things to do... the spouse always does. But no other spouse has been impeached for lying under oath about having sex with a White House Intern. Big difference from all of the other spouses. And think of all of that free time he'll have to screw around. Pun intended. Sigh.

And then there is the unhelpful comments about policy, politics or just his opinion that contradicts Hillary's that could get him in trouble or give the White House Headaches. It's happened while she was on the campaign trail before. And there will be reporters around to catch his every word and deed. That is assured.

Whether Bill f@#$*s up at an island with little girls, at the White House with an Intern he needs to give as cigar to, or is quoted as going against Hillary's foreign or domestic policy, he's a bomb readied to be dropped at 10.000 feet. Is that liability worth having? Is a divorce in the offering or would sophisticated voters turn their nose up to the possibility of yet another sex scandal in the White House and look for another candidate?

So many questions ...

Not one valid question asked. You are making a statement and hiding behind question marks.
Those are valid questions. Bill has a history. A loooong history... Behaving is not a strong point for him.

Which, actually is a shame. His presidency would have been a success had it not been for the impeachment and NAFTA agreement. His policies were good ones, he worked well across the aisle and overall a solid, active president. But we were the laughing stock of the world when it came to the impeachment and his testimony.
If anyone can handle being the First Man it's Bill, not to mention the fact that he can still be called Mr. President. No worries little friends.
If anyone can handle being the First Man it's Bill, not to mention the fact that he can still be called Mr. President. No worries little friends.

Being president occupies a great deal of your time and he still had time for his dalliances. Just think what damage he could do with First Man role...The Intern Program would have to be abolished and no females allowed in the White House under the age of 75. for any position. Bill would have to be locked up during White House tours and female visitors to the Oval Office will have canine escorts trained to attack First Men at sight.

Bill would need Secret Service babysitting while traveling. Hill and Bill used to call the SS "Pigs." Well, he's gonna really hate those "pigs" when they don't let him roam and score as he does now. Not while she is the POTUS.
If anyone can handle being the First Man it's Bill, not to mention the fact that he can still be called Mr. President. No worries little friends.

Being president occupies a great deal of your time and he still had time for his dalliances. Just think what damage he could do with First Man role...The Intern Program would have to be abolished and no females allowed in the White House under the age of 75. for any position. Bill would have to be locked up during White House tours and female visitors to the Oval Office will have canine escorts trained to attack First Men at sight.

Bill would need Secret Service babysitting while traveling. Hill and Bill used to call the SS "Pigs." Well, he's gonna really hate those "pigs" when they don't let him roam and score as he does now. Not while she is the POTUS.
You've let your thoughts run away from you, and you had damn few to start with. The SS protects, they do not babysit, not even the Bush girls...

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