A question to the left, is border security now racism?

Our nation was founded on the Constitution , rules and laws...for some reason the left wants to commit felonies, endager fellow citizens because of there "feelings"

And it's funny he changed his page so it doesn't claim he wants to commit a felony..

There's now a hilarious GoFundMe to build escalators over Trump's border wall

O'Neil delved further into what he feels the border wall campaign reveals about Trump supporters, showing "this sub-dom relationship that people have with him."

"These sad people just want to belong to something and throwing their money at this weird racism wall makes them feel like they're buying a membership to part of something bigger than themselves," he added.


Immigration laws have always been based on race.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
the right wing refuses to pay real times of war tax rates for those alleged wars. they should be abolished as proven discretionary spending.
Trump shifting resources to possibly the right causes while getting out of the wrong causes should help begin a better solution for Americas problems here at home.
it all starts in the House.
it was about providing for the general welfare.

there is no express wall building power.
Security and general welfare go hand in hand, uh you do know that don't you ???
lol. we don't have a security problem. we have a lousy laws problem.

this power is Express not Implied: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

No we have brain dead pot heads like you, who don't follow the laws.

Our nation was founded on the Constitution , rules and laws...for some reason the left wants to commit felonies, endager fellow citizens because of there "feelings"

And it's funny he changed his page so it doesn't claim he wants to commit a felony..

There's now a hilarious GoFundMe to build escalators over Trump's border wall

O'Neil delved further into what he feels the border wall campaign reveals about Trump supporters, showing "this sub-dom relationship that people have with him."

"These sad people just want to belong to something and throwing their money at this weird racism wall makes them feel like they're buying a membership to part of something bigger than themselves," he added.


Immigration laws have always been based on race.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
extra-Constitutional? Our original Constitution is both gender and race neutral.
Trump shifting resources to possibly the right causes while getting out of the wrong causes should help begin a better solution for Americas problems here at home.
it all starts in the House.
it was about providing for the general welfare.

there is no express wall building power.
Security and general welfare go hand in hand, uh you do know that don't you ???
lol. we don't have a security problem. we have a lousy laws problem.

this power is Express not Implied: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

No we have brain dead pot heads like you, who don't follow the laws.

you have no argument; you don't care about the law or natural rights. what are you all good for.
You know, actually we could make a statement with the wall by creating a wonderous landscaped beautiful thing in order to show a great example of what America is all about in a welcome to America kind of way for those legitimately coming here legally. A great sign that says we are an intelligent people here, and don't disrespect us or underestimate us as a people for whom dwell here.

It will be that we should beautify the wall area along the fence lines or wall lines to gain respect by those who hopefully would be at awe over the beauty and strength exhibited in the wall or fence lines come upon in ones journey's... This would in turn show that the civilization living on this side of the wall are highly developed, and are a very intelligent people (not to be toyed with in a disrespectful way).......We should do this all at the same time that we are securing the wall areas as is needed...

Only when those coming get to the legal points of entry should they seek to enter in legally, and respect our soverign territory.

Haven't you all just said to yourselves wow look at that beautiful farm with it's landscaped areas, fences, barns, and houses that stretch for miles when you are on your trips out through the heartlands of America ?? And you would think this of course out of respect for those who had put so much work into such places that end up wowing the eyeballs and pride in the country, otherwise it draws a sense of awe and respect when passing by such places right ??

No one thinks when passing these places, hey I'll just drop off the road here, and do donuts in the pastures, chase the cows, throw trash out illegally etc. And they don't because they know that if they do such a thing, that they will be in some huge trouble when they are caught, and trust me they will be caught.

So are we being disrespected down on the southern border because the place looks like a disrespected place that should be disrespected by those that travel to this place in hopes to illegally breach it once do reach these areas ???

Time to clean up and build all at the same time. Let's M.A.great in appearance and resolve.

Planting trees and bushes would be a nice addition when looking at some of these areas. We should have security and landscaped beauty to represent us in the area, and hopefully it will draw respect as a result of such efforts.

We shouldn't appear as being locked behind prison walls from our own side, just because we are trying to hold onto our security from those who are on the other side that are disrespecting us.

A water pipeline for irrigation should be put down along the areas in so that we can landscape and plant trees and bushes along the way.

When something looks like a prison or desolate area, it then attracts criminal elements etc to abuse it and us all at the same time.

Am I crazy ??? LOL.
it all starts in the House.
it was about providing for the general welfare.

there is no express wall building power.
Security and general welfare go hand in hand, uh you do know that don't you ???
lol. we don't have a security problem. we have a lousy laws problem.

this power is Express not Implied: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

No we have brain dead pot heads like you, who don't follow the laws.

you have no argument; you don't care about the law or natural rights. what are you all good for.

You sure as heck don't care about the Constitution or gods law, thou shall not abuse the body.
the right wing refuses to pay real times of war tax rates for those alleged wars. they should be abolished as proven discretionary spending.
Trump shifting resources to possibly the right causes while getting out of the wrong causes should help begin a better solution for Americas problems here at home.
it all starts in the House.
it was about providing for the general welfare.

there is no express wall building power.
Security and general welfare go hand in hand, uh you do know that don't you ???
lol. we don't have a security problem. we have a lousy laws problem.

this power is Express not Implied: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization
You can't have a general welfare without security first.
Our nation was founded on the Constitution , rules and laws...for some reason the left wants to commit felonies, endager fellow citizens because of there "feelings"

And it's funny he changed his page so it doesn't claim he wants to commit a felony..

There's now a hilarious GoFundMe to build escalators over Trump's border wall

O'Neil delved further into what he feels the border wall campaign reveals about Trump supporters, showing "this sub-dom relationship that people have with him."

"These sad people just want to belong to something and throwing their money at this weird racism wall makes them feel like they're buying a membership to part of something bigger than themselves," he added.


Immigration laws have always been based on race.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Say what?



Our nation was founded on the Constitution , rules and laws...for some reason the left wants to commit felonies, endager fellow citizens because of there "feelings"

And it's funny he changed his page so it doesn't claim he wants to commit a felony..

There's now a hilarious GoFundMe to build escalators over Trump's border wall

O'Neil delved further into what he feels the border wall campaign reveals about Trump supporters, showing "this sub-dom relationship that people have with him."

"These sad people just want to belong to something and throwing their money at this weird racism wall makes them feel like they're buying a membership to part of something bigger than themselves," he added.

Of course it is. Anyone who supports border security is automatically accused of being a racist. Then the assholes claim they support border security. You can't get any loopier than that.

And on again you’re lying. Being opposed to a dumb wall that wont work doesn’t mean that someone opposes border security no matter how many times you idiots say it.

Unfortunately for your lame-assed theory, we all know it will work. The evidence is irrefutatable. That's precisely why ignominious douchebags like you are so vehemently opposed to it. Once the wall is built, the supply of gullible new Democrats will dry up. The electorate will slowly grow more conservative as it ages, and Dims will never control the government again.

The Great Walk did NOTHING to stop armies invading China. But it gave those who built it a false sense of security. The more wall they built, they more vulnerable they were. The last army which overran the wall abandoned its construction and maintenance.

That's total horseshit. The Great Wall kept the Mongols out of China for hundreds of years at a time. Idiots like to pretend that if the wall was penetrated even one time in 1000 years, that it was a failure. Only a certifiable moron agrees with that definition of "success."

The fence which Bush tried to build didn’t work, and a wall won’t either. But I notice that you’re not building a wall to keep Canadians out. Why not? We’re a much greater danger to you than Mexicans.

The fence is a joke. In most places it's barely more than 10 feet high, and it's made of military surplus runway mats that make a perfect ladder the way they are installed.
Our nation was founded on the Constitution , rules and laws...for some reason the left wants to commit felonies, endager fellow citizens because of there "feelings"

And it's funny he changed his page so it doesn't claim he wants to commit a felony..

There's now a hilarious GoFundMe to build escalators over Trump's border wall

O'Neil delved further into what he feels the border wall campaign reveals about Trump supporters, showing "this sub-dom relationship that people have with him."

"These sad people just want to belong to something and throwing their money at this weird racism wall makes them feel like they're buying a membership to part of something bigger than themselves," he added.

Of course it is. Anyone who supports border security is automatically accused of being a racist. Then the assholes claim they support border security. You can't get any loopier than that.

And on again you’re lying. Being opposed to a dumb wall that wont work doesn’t mean that someone opposes border security no matter how many times you idiots say it.

Unfortunately for your lame-assed theory, we all know it will work. The evidence is irrefutatable. That's precisely why ignominious douchebags like you are so vehemently opposed to it. Once the wall is built, the supply of gullible new Democrats will dry up. The electorate will slowly grow more conservative as it ages, and Dims will never control the government again.

The Great Walk did NOTHING to stop armies invading China. But it gave those who built it a false sense of security. The more wall they built, they more vulnerable they were. The last army which overran the wall abandoned its construction and maintenance.

That's total horseshit. The Great Wall kept the Mongols out of China for hundreds of years at a time. Idiots like to pretend that if the wall was penetrated even one time in 1000 years, that it was a failure. Only a certifiable moron agrees with that definition of "success."

The fence which Bush tried to build didn’t work, and a wall won’t either. But I notice that you’re not building a wall to keep Canadians out. Why not? We’re a much greater danger to you than Mexicans.

The fence is a joke. In most places it's barely more than 10 feet high, and it's made of military surplus runway mats that make a perfect ladder the way they are installed.

Lol you read that? Old Vietnam helicopter surplus landing pads they made into a wall.

It's for there southern border security...among other things


A tool to help you discuss the location of things and not the posession of things.

Take the word "here" and add a "t" to spell the word "there". Here and there. Location.

Now you know how to avoid making yourself seem like a complete idiot in just about every post you make.

Oh! The topic! Mexico will not pay for a wall which will never be built.

Once again I don't get paid to spell you fucking idiot ..you just can't debate.

The worst kind of idiot is the kind who doesn't want to learn. Your inability to learn the difference between "there" and "their" isn't a spelling issue. It's an intelligence issue.

What you do isn't called "debate", by the way. It's called arguing from a position of willfull ignorance.

Now...as to the topic. Regardless of any funds that get appropriated for border security, no wall will be built.
Some of the wall is built, so your premise is for shit. Oops derp

Nope. There has been no "big beautiful wall" built. All border security measures that have been taken in the last two years was in the works before the moron got elected. The asshole hasn't even spent the $$ for border security that were appropriated last year.

You've been lied to and you like it.
/——/ How has Trump lied? He trying everything to get the wall built.
Our nation was founded on the Constitution , rules and laws...for some reason the left wants to commit felonies, endager fellow citizens because of there "feelings"

And it's funny he changed his page so it doesn't claim he wants to commit a felony..

There's now a hilarious GoFundMe to build escalators over Trump's border wall

O'Neil delved further into what he feels the border wall campaign reveals about Trump supporters, showing "this sub-dom relationship that people have with him."

"These sad people just want to belong to something and throwing their money at this weird racism wall makes them feel like they're buying a membership to part of something bigger than themselves," he added.

Right now? Oh yes, to a degree, definitely. Xenophobia, too.
Our nation was founded on the Constitution , rules and laws...for some reason the left wants to commit felonies, endager fellow citizens because of there "feelings"

And it's funny he changed his page so it doesn't claim he wants to commit a felony..

There's now a hilarious GoFundMe to build escalators over Trump's border wall

O'Neil delved further into what he feels the border wall campaign reveals about Trump supporters, showing "this sub-dom relationship that people have with him."

"These sad people just want to belong to something and throwing their money at this weird racism wall makes them feel like they're buying a membership to part of something bigger than themselves," he added.

Right now? Oh yes, to a degree, definitely. Xenophobia, too.

Of course you do because the left are slime balls who play so many propaganda games the past 40 years and now cry wolf.
Our nation was founded on the Constitution , rules and laws...for some reason the left wants to commit felonies, endager fellow citizens because of there "feelings"

And it's funny he changed his page so it doesn't claim he wants to commit a felony..

There's now a hilarious GoFundMe to build escalators over Trump's border wall

O'Neil delved further into what he feels the border wall campaign reveals about Trump supporters, showing "this sub-dom relationship that people have with him."

"These sad people just want to belong to something and throwing their money at this weird racism wall makes them feel like they're buying a membership to part of something bigger than themselves," he added.

Right now? Oh yes, to a degree, definitely. Xenophobia, too.

Of course you do because the left are slime balls who play so many propaganda games the past 40 years and now cry wolf.
You go ahead and tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself to soothe yourself. That was the entire purpose of your whiny little thread, and I knew that before I opened it.
Our nation was founded on the Constitution , rules and laws...for some reason the left wants to commit felonies, endager fellow citizens because of there "feelings"

And it's funny he changed his page so it doesn't claim he wants to commit a felony..

There's now a hilarious GoFundMe to build escalators over Trump's border wall

O'Neil delved further into what he feels the border wall campaign reveals about Trump supporters, showing "this sub-dom relationship that people have with him."

"These sad people just want to belong to something and throwing their money at this weird racism wall makes them feel like they're buying a membership to part of something bigger than themselves," he added.

Right now? Oh yes, to a degree, definitely. Xenophobia, too.


Say what, after 2 years you still don't know what the difference is between legal and Illegal?????

A president job is uphold the country's laws..

Our nation was founded on the Constitution , rules and laws...for some reason the left wants to commit felonies, endager fellow citizens because of there "feelings"

And it's funny he changed his page so it doesn't claim he wants to commit a felony..

There's now a hilarious GoFundMe to build escalators over Trump's border wall

O'Neil delved further into what he feels the border wall campaign reveals about Trump supporters, showing "this sub-dom relationship that people have with him."

"These sad people just want to belong to something and throwing their money at this weird racism wall makes them feel like they're buying a membership to part of something bigger than themselves," he added.

Right now? Oh yes, to a degree, definitely. Xenophobia, too.

Of course you do because the left are slime balls who play so many propaganda games the past 40 years and now cry wolf.
You go ahead and tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself to soothe yourself. That was the entire purpose of your whiny little thread, and I knew that before I opened it.

You hate the truth..

Go figure..

Our nation was founded on the Constitution , rules and laws...for some reason the left wants to commit felonies, endager fellow citizens because of there "feelings"

And it's funny he changed his page so it doesn't claim he wants to commit a felony..

There's now a hilarious GoFundMe to build escalators over Trump's border wall

O'Neil delved further into what he feels the border wall campaign reveals about Trump supporters, showing "this sub-dom relationship that people have with him."

"These sad people just want to belong to something and throwing their money at this weird racism wall makes them feel like they're buying a membership to part of something bigger than themselves," he added.

Right now? Oh yes, to a degree, definitely. Xenophobia, too.

Of course you do because the left are slime balls who play so many propaganda games the past 40 years and now cry wolf.
You go ahead and tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself to soothe yourself. That was the entire purpose of your whiny little thread, and I knew that before I opened it.

You hate the truth..

Go figure..


And you wonder why we support Trump, 40 years of the lying, with holding facts MSM...we finally got pay back.

A tool to help you discuss the location of things and not the posession of things.

Take the word "here" and add a "t" to spell the word "there". Here and there. Location.

Now you know how to avoid making yourself seem like a complete idiot in just about every post you make.

Oh! The topic! Mexico will not pay for a wall which will never be built.

Once again I don't get paid to spell you fucking idiot ..you just can't debate.

The worst kind of idiot is the kind who doesn't want to learn. Your inability to learn the difference between "there" and "their" isn't a spelling issue. It's an intelligence issue.

What you do isn't called "debate", by the way. It's called arguing from a position of willfull ignorance.

Now...as to the topic. Regardless of any funds that get appropriated for border security, no wall will be built.
Some of the wall is built, so your premise is for shit. Oops derp

Nope. There has been no "big beautiful wall" built. All border security measures that have been taken in the last two years was in the works before the moron got elected. The asshole hasn't even spent the $$ for border security that were appropriated last year.

You've been lied to and you like it.
/——/ How has Trump lied? He trying everything to get the wall built.

You are serious, aren't you?

Damn. When you rattle yourself free from this state of delusion, your shame ought to be unyielding.
it was about providing for the general welfare.

there is no express wall building power.
Security and general welfare go hand in hand, uh you do know that don't you ???
lol. we don't have a security problem. we have a lousy laws problem.

this power is Express not Implied: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

No we have brain dead pot heads like you, who don't follow the laws.

you have no argument; you don't care about the law or natural rights. what are you all good for.

You sure as heck don't care about the Constitution or gods law, thou shall not abuse the body.
there is no express wall building power in our Constitution.

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