A reminder of Fred Rogers


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 2011

I watched this video and remembered seeing Mr Roger's Neighborhood when I was little. And my own kids discovering it many years later.

This fall there is a Tom Hanks movie coming out that I hope captures the spirit of it.

He never talked down to children. And he was not afraid to tackle the toughest topics. Race relations, divorce and death were within his gentle realm.

There will probably never be another tv personality like Fred Rogers. And that is a real shame. I think we could use one right about now.
Can you say "Sappy Nostalgia"? Sure. I knew you could.

JoeB: always the reliable perennial trolling asshat. Nothing of quality in his own life so he resents seeing it and hopes to spoil it in anyone elses.
JoeB: always the reliable perennial trolling asshat. Nothing of quality in his own life so he resents seeing it and hopes to spoil it in anyone elses.

Oh, come on, grow a sense of humor, buddy.

Here, let me help you out.

Mr. Rogers appeared on PBS. you know, that thing you wing nuts keep trying to defund because you want to give tax cuts to billionaires.
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Can you say "Sappy Nostalgia"? Sure. I knew you could.

Nostalgia? Sure.
Sappy? Not what I would call it.

One made spent almost 40 years serving others and trying to help. And he truly made a difference in millions of lives.

What has you anger done? What have you done?
Can you say "Sappy Nostalgia"? Sure. I knew you could.
JoeB: always the reliable perennial trolling asshat. Nothing of quality in his own life so he resents seeing it and hopes to spoil it in anyone elses.
Mr Rogers image is an easy target for trolls, who can never understand concepts like politeness, consideration and respect for others.
JoeB: always the reliable perennial trolling asshat. Nothing of quality in his own life so he resents seeing it and hopes to spoil it in anyone elses.

Oh, come on, grow a sense of humor, buddy.

Here, let me help you out.

Mr. Rogers appeared on PBS. you know, that thing you wing nuts keep trying to defund because you want to give tax cuts to billionaires.

Sorry, Sally, I've been at the set where the show was actually shot, I watch PBS, Haven't tried to defund anything and give no tax cuts to billionaires. As usual, you go through life with your head about three feet up your ass in clueless stereotypes and left wing propaganda.
Some wonder where the dramatic tension will be in the story of Fred Rogers.

Me. Rogers was from Pittsburgh, as am I. Mr. Roger's Neighborhood was produced here at the studios of WQED.

The drama, obviously, comes from Mr. Rogers' inability to find a parking space.
JoeB: always the reliable perennial trolling asshat. Nothing of quality in his own life so he resents seeing it and hopes to spoil it in anyone elses.

Oh, come on, grow a sense of humor, buddy.

Here, let me help you out.

Mr. Rogers appeared on PBS. you know, that thing you wing nuts keep trying to defund because you want to give tax cuts to billionaires.

Sorry, Sally, I've been at the set where the show was actually shot, I watch PBS, Haven't tried to defund anything and give no tax cuts to billionaires. As usual, you go through life with your head about three feet up your ass in clueless stereotypes and left wing propaganda.
A spot-on description, thanks!

We often spoke about how our sons were so much more glued to the tube watching Mr. Rogers than any other kids’ TV programming of the time. They would stare at him with their attention hanging on his every word and we were okay with that because he was a completely harmless guy with the unique ability to communicate grown-up stuff and whatnot to little kids. He was an amazing man and glad so many millions of children benefitted from watching him.
Another example of how Roger was different was his response to a 1984 Burger King commercial. Burger King hired a Mr. Rogers impersonator to talk about how McDonalds "McFried" their burgers. One of the writers on Mr Rogers Neighborhood was actually fooled. It was that good. The writer was amazed that Rogers actually did a commercial (Rogers always said no to offers to do commercials) and that Rogers did a commercial about hamburgers, since Rogers was a vegetarian.

Most people would get a lawyer. Fred Rogers called the executive in charge of marketing. He never specifically mentioned the commercial. But talked about precious it was for children to understand their parent's work, and how unfortunate it would be if the children learned their parent's work was "...exploitative or dishonest.". Burger King pulled the commercials immediately.
Captain Kangaroo was better,not as boring...

One big difference was that Capt Kangaroo did commercial spots. One of the sponsors was Buster Brown shoes, and the Capt himself did the commercials. Fred Rogers made sure he never used the trust he gained from the children to sell them anything.
Hawking Resumes-While-U-Wait with a cardboard sign at a busy intersection gets him a little down I guess.

Naw, hanging around on a street corner in the DR hoping your hero Rush will come back and visit you again... that's kind of sad.
When I was a Gen-X small child, I used to love Mr. Rogers. That's why I'm disgusted by a pedophile drunk like Tom Hanks playing him. I've always found Hanks to be the most vomitously overrated actor in history (the male equivalent of Meryl Streep and don't get me started on that overrated whore). Tom Hanks' acting range is so limited, he plays the same screechy-voiced goody-two-shoes Boy Scout in every movie. He's pure schmaltz as an actor.....an actor that has a huge collection of small children's used shoes; if that's not a pedophile fetish, what is?

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