A Repub tells the truth


The GOP had 161 amendments in the final bill. There were six bipartisan working groups that met a combined 72 times in 2009. All four health care planks on the GOP's Solutions for America website were incorporated into the bill.

Wake up spinmeister, some may not know you lie, but some of us do and can back it up! ...Most of the 161 amendments were technical, rather than substantive, changes...and those that were substantive were like Oklahoma's Tom Coburn requiring members of Congress, and their staff to enroll in the government-run health insurance program....Which was CHANGED by the Manchurian muslim AFTER the bill was passed as were many others, or Had NOTHING to do with the Obumacare bill such as an amendment sponsored by Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, that would "establish an auto advisory council to make recommendations to the Secretary of the Treasury regarding how best to represent the taxpayers of the United States as the majority owner of General Motors."

You sir, are an ass, and a dishonest ass, at that!


When was the last time you used one? :eusa_eh:

You want a link to 161 amendments?

The GOP had 161 amendments in the final bill. There were six bipartisan working groups that met a combined 72 times in 2009. All four health care planks on the GOP's Solutions for America website were incorporated into the bill.

Wake up spinmeister, some may not know you lie, but some of us do and can back it up! ...Most of the 161 amendments were technical, rather than substantive, changes...and those that were substantive were like Oklahoma's Tom Coburn requiring members of Congress, and their staff to enroll in the government-run health insurance program....Which was CHANGED by the Manchurian muslim AFTER the bill was passed as were many others, or Had NOTHING to do with the Obumacare bill such as an amendment sponsored by Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, that would "establish an auto advisory council to make recommendations to the Secretary of the Treasury regarding how best to represent the taxpayers of the United States as the majority owner of General Motors."

You sir, are an ass, and a dishonest ass, at that!


When was the last time you used one? :eusa_eh:

Use a search engine, like I did, ass hole! But try searching the Washington Examiner, as I do.... I'll never make it easy for you scumbags!
Yes they made that decision after they were blocked by the White House from having any meaningful input into the final product. The Democrats' idea of working together is "you do things my way."
Now the Dems own Obamacare. They cannot run away from it. And we will stick it up their asses every day.

The GOP had 161 amendments in the final bill. There were six bipartisan working groups that met a combined 72 times in 2009. All four health care planks on the GOP's Solutions for America website were incorporated into the bill.

Wake up spinmeister, some may not know you lie, but some of us do and can back it up! ...Most of the 161 amendments were technical, rather than substantive, changes...and those that were substantive were like Oklahoma's Tom Coburn requiring members of Congress, and their staff to enroll in the government-run health insurance program....Which was CHANGED by the Manchurian muslim AFTER the bill was passed as were many others, or Had NOTHING to do with the Obumacare bill such as an amendment sponsored by Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, that would "establish an auto advisory council to make recommendations to the Secretary of the Treasury regarding how best to represent the taxpayers of the United States as the majority owner of General Motors."

You sir, are an ass, and a dishonest ass, at that!
The United States Senate Committee on Finance:

The GOP had 161 amendments in the final bill. There were six bipartisan working groups that met a combined 72 times in 2009. All four health care planks on the GOP's Solutions for America website were incorporated into the bill.

Wake up spinmeister, some may not know you lie, but some of us do and can back it up! ...Most of the 161 amendments were technical, rather than substantive, changes...and those that were substantive were like Oklahoma's Tom Coburn requiring members of Congress, and their staff to enroll in the government-run health insurance program....Which was CHANGED by the Manchurian muslim AFTER the bill was passed as were many others, or Had NOTHING to do with the Obumacare bill such as an amendment sponsored by Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, that would "establish an auto advisory council to make recommendations to the Secretary of the Treasury regarding how best to represent the taxpayers of the United States as the majority owner of General Motors."

You sir, are an ass, and a dishonest ass, at that!
The United States Senate Committee on Finance:

I never said they didn't meet, I said that most of the amendments were technical, only a few were substantive and most of them were either changed after the bill passed or had nothing to do with healthcare, but were add on, such as the GM stock deal.
“I think one of the most unfortunate things my party did the last three years was not offer an alternative to health care,” Ross responded.

When the history of the First Quarter of the 21st Century is written, the unwarranted partisanism and inaction on the part of the GOP will be correctly perceived as infamous.

The GOP had 161 amendments in the final bill. There were six bipartisan working groups that met a combined 72 times in 2009. All four health care planks on the GOP's Solutions for America website were incorporated into the bill.

The Rabbi caught "making up stuff" :eusa_liar: again just like Yurt w/ no link :eusa_whistle: :eusa_hand:

Don't jump into threads unprepared you clangers :laugh:

As to the OP, yeah, Repubs have been overtly stonewalling since 2010 if not earlier (see: McConnell (R) :eusa_shhh: )
I didnt make up anything, jerk off. I followed what was happening. I'm not playing your "links" game anymore because every time I post something you either say it doesnt mean that or you bugger off to another thread. Because you are a dishonest piece of shit.

IOW's -

A) there aren't any


B) you're too lazy :thup:

Which is it?
Wake up spinmeister, some may not know you lie, but some of us do and can back it up! ...Most of the 161 amendments were technical, rather than substantive, changes...and those that were substantive were like Oklahoma's Tom Coburn requiring members of Congress, and their staff to enroll in the government-run health insurance program....Which was CHANGED by the Manchurian muslim AFTER the bill was passed as were many others, or Had NOTHING to do with the Obumacare bill such as an amendment sponsored by Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, that would "establish an auto advisory council to make recommendations to the Secretary of the Treasury regarding how best to represent the taxpayers of the United States as the majority owner of General Motors."

You sir, are an ass, and a dishonest ass, at that!


When was the last time you used one? :eusa_eh:

Use a search engine, like I did, ass hole! But try searching the Washington Examiner, as I do.... I'll never make it easy for you scumbags!

IOW's you have nothing AGAIN :thup: :laugh:

Yanno- no one here is just going to "take your word for it" ESPECIALLY clangers like yourself & the Rabbi. Thats hoe msg boards work. You two need to take a debating on msg boards 101 intro course again. You two are as brazenly partisan as they come (only wanting to score cheap [unwarranted] political points) :thup:
Last edited:

When was the last time you used one? :eusa_eh:

Use a search engine, like I did, ass hole! But try searching the Washington Examiner, as I do.... I'll never make it easy for you scumbags!

IOW's you have nothing AGAIN :thup: :laugh:

Yanno- no one here is going to "take your word for it" ESPECIALLY clangers like yourself & the Rabbi. You two are as brazenly partisan as they come (only wanting to score cheap (unwarranted) political points :thup:

OK, I'll admit, I'm brazenly partisan, now you admit you're too stupid to find the link even after I told you what newspaper site it was located in... Just seeing if you really are brain dead.... the experiment confirms it! ROTFLMFAO!!!
Republicans tell the truth quite frequently. At least at a higher rate than Democrats.

And considering how badly Obama's plans have worked out, opposing them just because he proposes them would be a win for the country.
Wake up spinmeister, some may not know you lie, but some of us do and can back it up! ...Most of the 161 amendments were technical, rather than substantive, changes...and those that were substantive were like Oklahoma's Tom Coburn requiring members of Congress, and their staff to enroll in the government-run health insurance program....Which was CHANGED by the Manchurian muslim AFTER the bill was passed as were many others, or Had NOTHING to do with the Obumacare bill such as an amendment sponsored by Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, that would "establish an auto advisory council to make recommendations to the Secretary of the Treasury regarding how best to represent the taxpayers of the United States as the majority owner of General Motors."

You sir, are an ass, and a dishonest ass, at that!
The United States Senate Committee on Finance:

I never said they didn't meet, I said that most of the amendments were technical, only a few were substantive and most of them were either changed after the bill passed or had nothing to do with healthcare, but were add on, such as the GM stock deal.
You'll say anything rather than admit the truth.
Wake up spinmeister, some may not know you lie, but some of us do and can back it up! ...Most of the 161 amendments were technical, rather than substantive, changes...and those that were substantive were like Oklahoma's Tom Coburn requiring members of Congress, and their staff to enroll in the government-run health insurance program....Which was CHANGED by the Manchurian muslim AFTER the bill was passed as were many others, or Had NOTHING to do with the Obumacare bill such as an amendment sponsored by Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, that would "establish an auto advisory council to make recommendations to the Secretary of the Treasury regarding how best to represent the taxpayers of the United States as the majority owner of General Motors."

You sir, are an ass, and a dishonest ass, at that!


When was the last time you used one? :eusa_eh:

Use a search engine, like I did, ass hole! But try searching the Washington Examiner, as I do.... I'll never make it easy for you scumbags!
Well, if the highly partisan Examiner is allowed then you cannot reject any other source as partisan.

Fact Check: How the health care law was made | America's Health Care

Fact Check: How the health care law was made

November 10 2010
In the days since last Tuesday's election, there has been no shortage of media attention on the health care bill.
Unfortunately, many of the same interests that spread myths about "death panels" are using their spotlight to rewrite the history of the legislation. On a recent cable news show, the hosts repeatedly suggested that the Republican Party was shut out of negotiations over the Affordable Care Act.
Far from it.
Despite the partisan vote on the bill, the fact is that the Affordable Care Act was a product of exhaustive bipartisan compromise. Indeed, some of the most important provisions in the bill were actually GOP ideas:

  • A high-risk pool for uninsured people with preexisting conditions
  • Allowing insurance companies to sell coverage across state lines
  • Pools where the self-employed and small businesses could buy insurance
In February, The Washington Post's Ezra Klein described in detail how all four health care planks on the GOP's Solutions for America website were incorporated into the bill. In fact, even the individual mandate itself has a strong history of support within the Republican Party, including from the Heritage Foundation, Mitt Romney and Chuck Grassley.

Media Matters reported the following numbers about Republican involvement in the Affordable Care Act over the past 18 months:
According to a HELP Committee document about bipartisan aspects of the health reform bill the committee passed July 15, 2009, its final bill included "161 Republican amendments," including "several amendments from Senators [Mike] Enzi [R-WY], [Tom] Coburn [R-OK], [Pat] Roberts [R-KS] and others [that] make certain that nothing in the legislation will allow for rationing of care," and reflected the efforts of "six bipartisan working groups" that "met a combined 72 times" in 2009 as well as "30 bipartisan hearings on health care reform" since 2007, half of which were held in 2009 [HELP Committee document, 7/09]. And according to the Senate Finance Committee's September 22, 2009, document detailing the amendments to the Chairman's Mark considered, at least 13 amendments sponsored by one or more Republican senators were included in the bill.

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