A right to discriminate.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

I found this ruling to be relief from some of the regressive tyranny we have faced in the modern era, but it doesn't go far enough. As an individual you should have an absolute right to avoid any contact with any sort of person you choose to keep away from you. You damn sure should not be forced to trade goods/services, provide employment, allow someone on your property or even communicate with them if you don't want to.

I don't care why either. It could be just because you're a racist jackass and don't want to do business with most people in the country who would be just as eager to not give you money or even be associated with you because of the embarrassment. The government has absolutely no authority to demand how you run a business. As long as you are not otherwise doing anyone else harm, then government can **** off. Discriminating against potential clients harms the business owner more than the person who has to seek their service elsewhere, and if NO ONE will provide it, maybe you need to live in a region where you're more accepted.

I found this ruling to be relief from some of the regressive tyranny we have faced in the modern era, but it doesn't go far enough. As an individual you should have an absolute right to avoid any contact with any sort of person you choose to keep away from you. You damn sure should not be forced to trade goods/services, provide employment, allow someone on your property or even communicate with them if you don't want to.

I don't care why either. It could be just because you're a racist jackass and don't want to do business with most people in the country who would be just as eager to not give you money or even be associated with you because of the embarrassment. The government has absolutely no authority to demand how you run a business. As long as you are not otherwise doing anyone else harm, then government can **** off. Discriminating against potential clients harms the business owner more than the person who has to seek their service elsewhere, and if NO ONE will provide it, maybe you need to live in a region where you're more accepted.

I agree, except for the doing business with them. That is not an option.

I found this ruling to be relief from some of the regressive tyranny we have faced in the modern era, but it doesn't go far enough. As an individual you should have an absolute right to avoid any contact with any sort of person you choose to keep away from you. You damn sure should not be forced to trade goods/services, provide employment, allow someone on your property or even communicate with them if you don't want to.

I don't care why either. It could be just because you're a racist jackass and don't want to do business with most people in the country who would be just as eager to not give you money or even be associated with you because of the embarrassment. The government has absolutely no authority to demand how you run a business. As long as you are not otherwise doing anyone else harm, then government can **** off. Discriminating against potential clients harms the business owner more than the person who has to seek their service elsewhere, and if NO ONE will provide it, maybe you need to live in a region where you're more accepted.
Someone should tell Sotomayor, Jackson and Kagan that you cannot defeat racism with racism. As for reparations--as soon as these potential recipients can point to the plantation that they were abused on and the owner of same. That is where reparations should come from. Not from the descendants of poor immigrants that arrived in the US after the Civil War.
I agree, except for the doing business with them. That is not an option.

Sure it's an option. At least it should be an option.

Back to the old bakery that didn't want to make a cake for a gay wedding. They don't have to make the cake. The gays can make their own cake or go somewhere else. If I went into a bakery and they wouldn't make me a cake because I wasnt gay I'd gladly leave because it's somewhere I don't want to be anyway.

With that said when it comes to services like electric, gas, trash, insurance, and other necessities or things like local, state and federal government as well that shouldn't be allowed.

But if I own a restaurant, store, or whatever and I don't want someone in there then I should be able to not let them in. It's my company, my business and it's my decision to turn down someone's money and risk upsetting people and losing a lot more money.
I agree, except for the doing business with them. That is not an option.

No, you should not. If you own a bar, you serve beer to everyone behaving themselves. That's the American way.

I disagree. It absolutely should be an option in a free society. As an Asian, I don't want to give my money to someone who may be bigoted towards Asians. Why would I? I'd rather know up front not to waste my time. Plus, in today's era, how long do you think a place would be in business if it became public that they openly discriminated against certain races? The vast majority of people aren't going to be caught dead patronizing a place that does that for the shame factor alone.
I disagree. It absolutely should be an option in a free society. As an Asian, I don't want to give my money to someone who may be bigoted towards Asians. Why would I? I'd rather know up front not to waste my time. Plus, in today's era, how long do you think a place would be in business if it became public that they openly discriminated against certain races? The vast majority of people aren't going to be caught dead patronizing a place that does that for the shame factor alone.

If a business is open to the public, you should have to do business with all the public (barring refusal for certain abuses of the business or it's employees).
Aren't the parents who want to raise their children free from sexual crap and alternative lifestyles until an appropriate age considered Conservatives? They are now considered anti-American terrorists. Tell us how that works.

So raise your kids that way. I raised my children in a way that reflected my beliefs and my views. Teachers may have had different views. But I had more influence on my children than they did.

And there are options other than public schools. Or go to the school board meetings, PTA meetings and other places to voice your opposition.
So raise your kids that way. I raised my children in a way that reflected my beliefs and my views. Teachers may have had different views. But I had more influence on my children than they did.

And there are options other than public schools. Or go to the school board meetings, PTA meetings and other places to voice your opposition.
I have no idea how old you are but things have changed.
Sure it's an option. At least it should be an option.

Back to the old bakery that didn't want to make a cake for a gay wedding. They don't have to make the cake. The gays can make their own cake or go somewhere else. If I went into a bakery and they wouldn't make me a cake because I wasnt gay I'd gladly leave because it's somewhere I don't want to be anyway.

With that said when it comes to services like electric, gas, trash, insurance, and other necessities or things like local, state and federal government as well that shouldn't be allowed.

But if I own a restaurant, store, or whatever and I don't want someone in there then I should be able to not let them in. It's my company, my business and it's my decision to turn down someone's money and risk upsetting people and losing a lot more money.
Insurance companies deny coverage all the time. Public services supply an address, but try not paying and see how fast they discriminate. They make you put deposits down and all sorts of things.

Again, I challenge anyone to find a business owner that would openly declare racism to be the reason he didn't want white people in, or cops...

Oh wait, people did stupid shit like that and they're not around anymore are they?

So let some people start putting signs up in their door like "No Fags" and see what happens.

I'll bet even a bed wetter can can guess....

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