A rush from Rush

That statement is more an example of his power of suggestion than his memory. First of all, he can't seem to remember what he says from one day to the next, either that or he is a premeditated liar. And secondly, it is his crew looking up what was said in the past and feeding him the info through his bionic ear. Many times they don't get him the info until after a break, and then he acts like he knew it all along, which is swallowed whole by his faithful followers.

BTW, I'm the one who labeled him "Stuttering LimpTard" because he has repeatedly attacked Obama for stuttering, claiming that stuttering was a sign of stupidity. I have frequently said your MessiahRushie projects everything he hates about himself onto those he hates.

Check out his "great memory" on these two quotes one day apart!

August 18, 2010

RUSH: The Tea Party is not even weighing in on the mosque. The Tea Party's worrying about other things, like jobs and the economy and Obama's single-handed destruction of it. Imam Hussein Obama mmm, mmm, mmm. I want to be fair, too. He probably is the best anti-American president the country's ever had. So I don't want to be misinterpreted here as just a knee-jerk critic. Ed Gillespie is the former RNC chairman saying that we should downplay the mosque, don't overplay it here.

August 19, 2010
POWERS: The reason for that is that you have people like Rush Limbaugh referring to him as Imam Hussein Obama.

RUSH: No, I have not said Imam Hussein Obama. I've never thrown Hussein in there, I just said Imam Obama.

Thats it???? Thats all ya got???
As you well know, I have an unlimited amount of quotes of your MessiahRushie making a liar of himself.

Here he is forgetting the lie he told three days earlier;

May 6, 2008
RUSH: Operation Chaos is balance to all of the fraud that is being committed throughout our electoral process. George Soros is tampering with our electoral process with a huge multibillion-dollar fortune. MoveOn.org is tampering with vast fundraising tentacles. The unions... I mean, who doesn't "tamper" with elections, if you want to get right down to it? Everybody tampers with elections because they're trying to influence the outcome. But I'm not a tamperer.

May 9, 2008
RUSH: Operation Chaos involves Republican operatives tampering in, messing around with, having fun in, Democrat elections
That statement is more an example of his power of suggestion than his memory. First of all, he can't seem to remember what he says from one day to the next, either that or he is a premeditated liar. And secondly, it is his crew looking up what was said in the past and feeding him the info through his bionic ear. Many times they don't get him the info until after a break, and then he acts like he knew it all along, which is swallowed whole by his faithful followers.

BTW, I'm the one who labeled him "Stuttering LimpTard" because he has repeatedly attacked Obama for stuttering, claiming that stuttering was a sign of stupidity. I have frequently said your MessiahRushie projects everything he hates about himself onto those he hates.

Check out his "great memory" on these two quotes one day apart!

August 18, 2010

RUSH: The Tea Party is not even weighing in on the mosque. The Tea Party's worrying about other things, like jobs and the economy and Obama's single-handed destruction of it. Imam Hussein Obama mmm, mmm, mmm. I want to be fair, too. He probably is the best anti-American president the country's ever had. So I don't want to be misinterpreted here as just a knee-jerk critic. Ed Gillespie is the former RNC chairman saying that we should downplay the mosque, don't overplay it here.

August 19, 2010
POWERS: The reason for that is that you have people like Rush Limbaugh referring to him as Imam Hussein Obama.

RUSH: No, I have not said Imam Hussein Obama. I've never thrown Hussein in there, I just said Imam Obama.

Thats it???? Thats all ya got???
As you well know, I have an unlimited amount of quotes of your MessiahRushie making a liar of himself.

Here he is forgetting the lie he told three days earlier;

May 6, 2008
RUSH: Operation Chaos is balance to all of the fraud that is being committed throughout our electoral process. George Soros is tampering with our electoral process with a huge multibillion-dollar fortune. MoveOn.org is tampering with vast fundraising tentacles. The unions... I mean, who doesn't "tamper" with elections, if you want to get right down to it? Everybody tampers with elections because they're trying to influence the outcome. But I'm not a tamperer.

May 9, 2008
RUSH: Operation Chaos involves Republican operatives tampering in, messing around with, having fun in, Democrat elections

Awesome... keep listening :clap2:
I terminated their employment because they were not sensitive to the needs of my business.

So it is okay to fire cross-dressers because they are not "sensitive to the needs" of businesses?
You don't get it. I had EVERY right to fire that crew.

I just visited Portland and went to the Chinese Garden. A transexual took my ticket. It made me very happy to see him/her having a job.

That was my point: you agree with "that type" of behavior, most straight family types, don't. Is it okay to fire "transexuals" if they are "not sensitive to the needs" of a straight, family oriented business?
So it is okay to fire cross-dressers because they are not "sensitive to the needs" of businesses?
You don't get it. I had EVERY right to fire that crew.

I just visited Portland and went to the Chinese Garden. A transexual took my ticket. It made me very happy to see him/her having a job.

That was my point: you agree with "that type" of behavior, most straight family types, don't. Is it okay to fire "transexuals" if they are "not sensitive to the needs" of a straight, family oriented business?

Plenty of families go to the Chinese Gardens in Portland. They don't feel discriminated against.

I fired those men because they were rude. I feel GREAT about it.
I just visited Portland and went to the Chinese Garden. A transexual took my ticket. It made me very happy to see him/her having a job.

Why.... b/c they are all crazy????? :cuckoo:

No, because it showed me that the city of Portland is committed to equal rights.

I find it quite scary that you draw that conclusion rather than just either:

a. not noticing
b. being pleased that someone capable got the job.

It has to be an agenda driven appointment, he/she could not have just got the job on merit. I find that very sad.

Why.... b/c they are all crazy????? :cuckoo:

No, because it showed me that the city of Portland is committed to equal rights.

I find it quite scary that you draw that conclusion rather than just either:

a. not noticing
b. being pleased that someone capable got the job.

It has to be an agenda driven appointment, he/she could not have just got the job on merit. I find that very sad.

Bullshit. It showed me that Portland did not discriminate based on this person being transexual. I'm sure he/she got the job on merit. She was competent and graceful.

Why.... b/c they are all crazy????? :cuckoo:

No, because it showed me that the city of Portland is committed to equal rights.

I find it quite scary that you draw that conclusion rather than just either:

a. not noticing
b. being pleased that someone capable got the job.

It has to be an agenda driven appointment, he/she could not have just got the job on merit. I find that very sad.


Everythin is about an agenda with the left.... not merit.
What is it you don't believe exactly. That it was my home and office? I'm no bigot, but you're welcome to think whatever you like.

I think you're pissed off at the audacity of me, a lesbian, demanding that her employee not be rude. You're angry that I had the power to fire someone.

You're projecting again, Sky. I doubt it's because you're a lesbian, it's more likely to be your intolerance.

Do you think I had no right to fire that man? Bull shit. I'm absolutely NOT going to PAY someone to act obnoxiously on my property.

Whether or not you had the right to fire him depends on what really happened. If you really did ask them to turn it down and they turned it up and thumbed their noses at you then you had the right to fire them. To be honest with you, having dealt with you in many threads, I'm not sure you actually asked them to turn it down, and if you did, I doubt you did so politely.

I think more likely your intolerance against anyone that had the audacity to listen to Rush Limbaugh kicked in and and you got mad and fired them without even telling them why. They are probably still scratching their heads and saying "WTF?".

No, because it showed me that the city of Portland is committed to equal rights.

I find it quite scary that you draw that conclusion rather than just either:

a. not noticing
b. being pleased that someone capable got the job.

It has to be an agenda driven appointment, he/she could not have just got the job on merit. I find that very sad.

Bullshit. It showed me that Portland did not discriminate based on this person being transexual. I'm sure he/she got the job on merit. She was competent and graceful.

Difference between us, I wouldn't have notice the 'transgender' thing.... just a competent employee. :eusa_angel: You create issues, I accept individuals.
No, because it showed me that the city of Portland is committed to equal rights.

I find it quite scary that you draw that conclusion rather than just either:

a. not noticing
b. being pleased that someone capable got the job.

It has to be an agenda driven appointment, he/she could not have just got the job on merit. I find that very sad.

Bullshit. It showed me that Portland did not discriminate based on this person being transexual. I'm sure he/she got the job on merit. She was competent and graceful.

Certainly cant fire them if ya want to (kind of like those poor workers you fired).... and if you do, ya have to have a case a mile deep to support it.

Yep... equal rights alright... :cuckoo:
You're projecting again, Sky. I doubt it's because you're a lesbian, it's more likely to be your intolerance.

Do you think I had no right to fire that man? Bull shit. I'm absolutely NOT going to PAY someone to act obnoxiously on my property.

Whether or not you had the right to fire him depends on what really happened. If you really did ask them to turn it down and they turned it up and thumbed their noses at you then you had the right to fire them. To be honest with you, having dealt with you in many threads, I'm not sure you actually asked them to turn it down, and if you did, I doubt you did so politely.

I think more likely your intolerance against anyone that had the audacity to listen to Rush Limbaugh kicked in and and you got mad and fired them without even telling them why. They are probably still scratching their heads and saying "WTF?".


I had the right to fire that crew. They did not follow my instructions and they were rude.

They can blast Rush in their cars, but not in my window when I'm working.

For the THIRD TIME, I had already asked them to TURN IT DOWN AND GET AWAY FROM THE WINDOW.

But, continue to paint me as a bigot, asshole. Believe whatever you like. I was there. YOU were not. How dare YOU think you KNOW more about what happened than I do!
Last edited:

Thats it???? Thats all ya got???
As you well know, I have an unlimited amount of quotes of your MessiahRushie making a liar of himself.

Here he is forgetting the lie he told three days earlier;

May 6, 2008
RUSH: Operation Chaos is balance to all of the fraud that is being committed throughout our electoral process. George Soros is tampering with our electoral process with a huge multibillion-dollar fortune. MoveOn.org is tampering with vast fundraising tentacles. The unions... I mean, who doesn't "tamper" with elections, if you want to get right down to it? Everybody tampers with elections because they're trying to influence the outcome. But I'm not a tamperer.

May 9, 2008
RUSH: Operation Chaos involves Republican operatives tampering in, messing around with, having fun in, Democrat elections

Awesome... keep listening :clap2:
Here is another memory lapse of a lie in only two days.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I really didn't, I didn't know Muslims loved golf as much as they apparently do. Right here, what paper is this, the Boston Herald, "Obama Teeing Off Nation One Sunday At A Time." he played at Our Lady of The Fairways, they call it. That's the Vineyard Golf Club.

August 25, 2010
RUSH: I've never put it out there myself that Obama is a Muslim.
Discriminating bigots like you don't piss me off...

I hope they sue you, though....

Termination for biased and discrimanatory reasons should not be tolerated in this country...

I terminated their employment because they were not sensitive to the needs of my business.

So it is okay to fire cross-dressers because they are not "sensitive to the needs" of businesses?

No, that only proves you are a bigot against the GLBT community and that makes your actions a hate crime. Do you see how things work? :D

I terminated their employment because they were not sensitive to the needs of my business.

So it is okay to fire cross-dressers because they are not "sensitive to the needs" of businesses?
You don't get it. I had EVERY right to fire that crew.

I just visited Portland and went to the Chinese Garden. A transexual took my ticket. It made me very happy to see him/her having a job.

I wonder... were you offended because the guy at the next window appeared to be straight?


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