A rush from Rush

I don't believe you, bigot...

What is it you don't believe exactly. That it was my home and office? I'm no bigot, but you're welcome to think whatever you like.

I think you're pissed off at the audacity of me, a lesbian, demanding that her employee not be rude. You're angry that I had the power to fire someone.
TM please consider credibility. One way to measure that is to compare reputation power.
If we accept that the board is fairly evenly split between left and right leaning members, reputation power and the number of thanks one has received should be a fair measure of how well your posts are viewed by USMB members. Compare your rep to post ratio to California Girl's or Immy's, or mine, for that matter.
You insist that your positions are correct and credible, but, in the opinion of your peers, that is unsupported.

I'm not convinced that this board is fairly evenly split or that rep power is a legitimate comparison here. It might be a good indication of how much a person is liked, but if you look at rep power and political views, rep power seems to be heavily slanted towards the right.

Some people rep a lot, some don't rep at all. Some rep friends and opponents. Some rep friends and heavily neg opponents. And the reasons people rep vary so much that I don't see rep power as a reliable source of anything on this site.

Not that I don't appreciate the rep that I receive. But it means different things from different people.

Not foolproof, Immy, but certainly indicative.
I don't believe you, bigot...

What is it you don't believe exactly. That it was my home and office? I'm no bigot, but you're welcome to think whatever you like.

I think you're pissed off at the audacity of me, a lesbian, demanding that her employee not be rude. You're angry that I had the power to fire someone.

You're projecting again, Sky. I doubt it's because you're a lesbian, it's more likely to be your intolerance.
I don't believe you, bigot...

What is it you don't believe exactly. That it was my home and office? I'm no bigot, but you're welcome to think whatever you like.

I think you're pissed off at the audacity of me, a lesbian, demanding that her employee not be rude. You're angry that I had the power to fire someone.

You're projecting again, Sky. I doubt it's because you're a lesbian, it's more likely to be your intolerance.

Do you think I had no right to fire that man? Bull shit. I'm absolutely NOT going to PAY someone to act obnoxiously on my property.
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Insulting your customer is not good business practices.

No, it's not. I'm in my office counseling lesbians and these idiots are blasting hate through my window. Not only anti-gay crap but racist crap, and I'm in a black neighborhood.

Can you tell me exactly what you heard that was racist or anti-gay? Or did Arianna Huffington tell you that Rush is a racist and anti-gay.
Nope. They took their sorry selves elsewhere.

So you'd be cool with someone firing their painter if they found out they were gay, huh?

I had every right to fire them. I was conducting a counseling practice and they were blasting hate through the window when I had clients present.

They weren't going to get anymore of my money when they were costing me business. Period.

What really pisses you off, is that I was powerful enough to do that. I didn't know my place. I should have sat and cowered in my office, right?

Wrong. You're damn right I fired them, and I would do it again.

What I don't understand is why you simply didn't ASK them to turn it off or to a very low sound level; being polite works wonders. I've had the radio of my van on in my own driveway, not realizing it could be heard by neighbors, prompting them to ask me to turn it down and done so. Working crews are especially respectful of client or bystander's preferences. Future work depends on that.
I don't believe you, bigot...

What is it you don't believe exactly. That it was my home and office? I'm no bigot, but you're welcome to think whatever you like.
I don't believe your posts in this thread releated to the "painters you fired"... None of it...

And you are a bigot... Embrace what you are... Come out of the bigot closet....

I think you're pissed off at the audacity of me, a lesbian, demanding that her employee not be rude. You're angry that I had the power to fire someone.

No message board poster ever pissed me off... I have never been angry at something some faceless interweb poster wrote on USMB or elsewhere...

Your lesbianism has nothing to do with anything, but kudos on trying...lol
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I don't believe you, bigot...

What is it you don't believe exactly. That it was my home and office? I'm no bigot, but you're welcome to think whatever you like.

I think you're pissed off at the audacity of me, a lesbian, demanding that her employee not be rude. You're angry that I had the power to fire someone.

Personally I am irritated because youre a liar. Rush isnt a bigot, racist, nor a homophobe.
You fired them for nothing...

Just curious though... did ya ask them to maybe turn it off while they were there? I mean, it is a business and all right, your home? If so... they should respect ya and turn it off... I would have. Whether I agree with ya or not. Its your place not theirs... if they refused, you were right to fire them.

But I still think your a liar... :eusa_whistle:
So you'd be cool with someone firing their painter if they found out they were gay, huh?

I had every right to fire them. I was conducting a counseling practice and they were blasting hate through the window when I had clients present.

They weren't going to get anymore of my money when they were costing me business. Period.

What really pisses you off, is that I was powerful enough to do that. I didn't know my place. I should have sat and cowered in my office, right?

Wrong. You're damn right I fired them, and I would do it again.

What I don't understand is why you simply didn't ASK them to turn it off or to a very low sound level; being polite works wonders. I've had the radio of my van on in my own driveway, not realizing it could be heard by neighbors, prompting them to ask me to turn it down and done so. Working crews are especially respectful of client or bystander's preferences. Future work depends on that.

I fired him for not following my instructions. I told him I worked quietly and had clients and to stay away from that window. Those bozos had their faces in the window when I'm counseling someone.

YOU presume because I'm a lesbian and they are straight that THEY were in the right.

Fuck you.
I don't believe you, bigot...

What is it you don't believe exactly. That it was my home and office? I'm no bigot, but you're welcome to think whatever you like.

I think you're pissed off at the audacity of me, a lesbian, demanding that her employee not be rude. You're angry that I had the power to fire someone.

Personally I am irritated because youre a liar. Rush isnt a bigot, racist, nor a homophobe.
You fired them for nothing...

Just curious though... did ya ask them to maybe turn it off while they were there? I mean, it is a business and all right, your home? If so... they should respect ya and turn it off... I would have. Whether I agree with ya or not. Its your place not theirs... if they refused, you were right to fire them.

But I still think your a liar... :eusa_whistle:
Frankly, I don't give a shit if you think I'm the devil incarnate. I had EVERY right to fire that crew.
What is it you don't believe exactly. That it was my home and office? I'm no bigot, but you're welcome to think whatever you like.

I think you're pissed off at the audacity of me, a lesbian, demanding that her employee not be rude. You're angry that I had the power to fire someone.

Personally I am irritated because youre a liar. Rush isnt a bigot, racist, nor a homophobe.
You fired them for nothing...

Just curious though... did ya ask them to maybe turn it off while they were there? I mean, it is a business and all right, your home? If so... they should respect ya and turn it off... I would have. Whether I agree with ya or not. Its your place not theirs... if they refused, you were right to fire them.

But I still think your a liar... :eusa_whistle:
Frankly, I don't give a shit if you think I'm the devil incarnate. I had EVERY right to fire that crew.

Hey dummy... can you read?

I said if they were actually that stupid.... you were right.

I still dont believe ya though.... they were prolly listening to Romey.
Those dudes sound like Jim Romes Clones.... :lol:
What really pisses you off, is that I was powerful enough to do that. I didn't know my place. I should have sat and cowered in my office, right?

Wrong. You're damn right I fired them, and I would do it again.

Discriminating bigots like you don't piss me off...

I hope they sue you, though....

Termination for biased and discrimanatory reasons should not be tolerated in this country...

I terminated their employment because they were not sensitive to the needs of my business.

So it is okay to fire cross-dressers because they are not "sensitive to the needs" of businesses?
Discriminating bigots like you don't piss me off...

I hope they sue you, though....

Termination for biased and discrimanatory reasons should not be tolerated in this country...

I terminated their employment because they were not sensitive to the needs of my business.

So it is okay to fire cross-dressers because they are not "sensitive to the needs" of businesses?

Only if their junk is exposed.... :eek:
Discriminating bigots like you don't piss me off...

I hope they sue you, though....

Termination for biased and discrimanatory reasons should not be tolerated in this country...

I terminated their employment because they were not sensitive to the needs of my business.

So it is okay to fire cross-dressers because they are not "sensitive to the needs" of businesses?
You don't get it. I had EVERY right to fire that crew.

I just visited Portland and went to the Chinese Garden. A transexual took my ticket. It made me very happy to see him/her having a job.
I guess all of this just proves the american people are tired of a failed right wing agenda. How else can you explain people leaving rush and hannity? WE all know how fox felt about Beck...he was to right wing even for them.

Right wingers are losing here. Big time.

Go Obama and kick some ass in 2012 just like you did in 2008.

Quote: Originally Posted by Truthmatters
Your not winning the countrywide debate.

Your historically failed ideas are being tossed by more and more Americans.
The liberal ideals have been on parade for three years, how is that working?
Is the country better off than it was three years ago?
Are we more prosperous?
Are more people working?
Are less people on food stamps?
Are there less people below the poverty line?
Are we "safer"?
Are our borders more secure?
Do we have more freedom, liberty?
Are American citizens "proud" of their country's standing in the world?
Do we have less debt?
Are Americans treated with respect from other countries?
Is the government more "transparent"?

The countrywide debate is over. The liberals have demonstrated with their actions far better than the conservatives could have stated in words. Now comes the realization that the party is over, and most of those that believed the liberals are now just jackasses, transformed by liberal's "fun island" (from pinnochio), that will now face hard labor for the rest of their lives with no retirement, no vacations, and more taxes. Yes, those liberals really know how to show a country a good time.

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