A rush from Rush

I terminated their employment because they were not sensitive to the needs of my business.

So it is okay to fire cross-dressers because they are not "sensitive to the needs" of businesses?

No, that only proves you are a bigot against the GLBT community and that makes your actions a hate crime. Do you see how things work? :D


NO, it makes it discrimination, not a hate crime. You know NOTHING about bias crime.
So it is okay to fire cross-dressers because they are not "sensitive to the needs" of businesses?
You don't get it. I had EVERY right to fire that crew.

I just visited Portland and went to the Chinese Garden. A transexual took my ticket. It made me very happy to see him/her having a job.

I wonder... were you offended because the guy at the next window appeared to be straight?


No. I knew the crew was straight. That had nothing to do with it. I hire straight people all the time. Even STRAIGHT people can be rude. They were fired for not listening to my instructions and being rude.

You really must hate me Immie to think that of me. I am completely shocked. That hurts. I hope you enjoy it.
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As you well know, I have an unlimited amount of quotes of your MessiahRushie making a liar of himself.

Here he is forgetting the lie he told three days earlier;

May 6, 2008
RUSH: Operation Chaos is balance to all of the fraud that is being committed throughout our electoral process. George Soros is tampering with our electoral process with a huge multibillion-dollar fortune. MoveOn.org is tampering with vast fundraising tentacles. The unions... I mean, who doesn't "tamper" with elections, if you want to get right down to it? Everybody tampers with elections because they're trying to influence the outcome. But I'm not a tamperer.

May 9, 2008
RUSH: Operation Chaos involves Republican operatives tampering in, messing around with, having fun in, Democrat elections

Awesome... keep listening :clap2:
Here is another memory lapse of a lie in only two days.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I really didn't, I didn't know Muslims loved golf as much as they apparently do. Right here, what paper is this, the Boston Herald, "Obama Teeing Off Nation One Sunday At A Time." he played at Our Lady of The Fairways, they call it. That's the Vineyard Golf Club.

August 25, 2010
RUSH: I've never put it out there myself that Obama is a Muslim.


You really are silly.... its the troof
Do you think I had no right to fire that man? Bull shit. I'm absolutely NOT going to PAY someone to act obnoxiously on my property.

Whether or not you had the right to fire him depends on what really happened. If you really did ask them to turn it down and they turned it up and thumbed their noses at you then you had the right to fire them. To be honest with you, having dealt with you in many threads, I'm not sure you actually asked them to turn it down, and if you did, I doubt you did so politely.

I think more likely your intolerance against anyone that had the audacity to listen to Rush Limbaugh kicked in and and you got mad and fired them without even telling them why. They are probably still scratching their heads and saying "WTF?".


I had the right to fire that crew. They did not follow my instructions and they were rude.

They can blast Rush in their cars, but not in my window when I'm working.

For the THIRD TIME, I had already asked them to TURN IT DOWN AND GET AWAY FROM THE WINDOW.

But, continue to paint me as a bigot, asshole. Believe whatever you like. I was there. YOU were not. How dare YOU think you KNOW more about what happened than I do!

Why is it that when you mentioned the issue initially, you never mentioned having asked them to turn it down (that seems like a pretty important piece of the issue) then when people came down on you for that suddenly you claim to have asked them to turn it down?

The peering in your window information was also important and came up much later. Color me skeptical about that as well.

I'm sorry, but I still think you were offended that anyone would listen to Rush Limbaugh and you fired them for no other reason than that they were listening to Rush Limbaugh.

And yes, that says that I think you are a bigot.

So it is okay to fire cross-dressers because they are not "sensitive to the needs" of businesses?

No, that only proves you are a bigot against the GLBT community and that makes your actions a hate crime. Do you see how things work? :D


NO, it makes it discrimination, not a hate crime. You know NOTHING about bias crime.

I know a lot about bigotry. I see it on this site all the time.

You don't get it. I had EVERY right to fire that crew.

I just visited Portland and went to the Chinese Garden. A transexual took my ticket. It made me very happy to see him/her having a job.

I wonder... were you offended because the guy at the next window appeared to be straight?


No. I knew the crew was straight. That had nothing to do with it. I hire straight people all the time. Even STRAIGHT people can be rude. They were fired for not listening to my instructions and being rude.

You really must hate me Immie to think that of me. I am completely shocked. That hurts. I hope you enjoy it.

Read the post... we were talking about the Chinese Garden in Portland. You were proud that the guy that took your ticket was transgender. Were you offended that the guy at the next window was straight?


No, I don't hate you at all, but I think you are bigoted against a lot of people... Christians and straight people to be exact and that is a very large percentage of the world. Attempting to show you where I think you are wrong, is in no way hateful.

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Whether or not you had the right to fire him depends on what really happened. If you really did ask them to turn it down and they turned it up and thumbed their noses at you then you had the right to fire them. To be honest with you, having dealt with you in many threads, I'm not sure you actually asked them to turn it down, and if you did, I doubt you did so politely.

I think more likely your intolerance against anyone that had the audacity to listen to Rush Limbaugh kicked in and and you got mad and fired them without even telling them why. They are probably still scratching their heads and saying "WTF?".


I had the right to fire that crew. They did not follow my instructions and they were rude.

They can blast Rush in their cars, but not in my window when I'm working.

For the THIRD TIME, I had already asked them to TURN IT DOWN AND GET AWAY FROM THE WINDOW.

But, continue to paint me as a bigot, asshole. Believe whatever you like. I was there. YOU were not. How dare YOU think you KNOW more about what happened than I do!

Why is it that when you mentioned the issue initially, you never mentioned having asked them to turn it down (that seems like a pretty important piece of the issue) then when people came down on you for that suddenly you claim to have asked them to turn it down?

The peering in your window information was also important and came up much later. Color me skeptical about that as well.

I'm sorry, but I still think you were offended that anyone would listen to Rush Limbaugh and you fired them for no other reason than that they were listening to Rush Limbaugh.

And yes, that says that I think you are a bigot.

Goodbye Immie.

You've made up your mind that I discriminate against this crew. I didn't.

I fired them because they didn't follow my instructions and they were rude.

We are no longer friends.
Finally being seen by the majority for the propagandist he is. :cuckoo:
I thought he was an inconsequential entertainer with no audience. At least that's been the left's opinion of him for decades.

What changed to make him matter to you suddenly... or are you not really telling us the truth about something? :wtf:
Rush is a right wing, misogynist, anti-gay pig. I did not want his hate speech blasting fragile people who need counseling.
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I'm sure he cares what a bigot like you thinks of him...

I'm sure he doesn't. I don't care what you think of me either. You're not my friend.

I don't care to be friends with bigots...

There's way too much hate in your head...

Seek counselling...

If you think a lesbian counselor should PAY to have some group of strangers act rudely and insult her clients when they are counseling than YOU are the bigot.

I have every right to kick assholes off my property.
I'm sure he doesn't. I don't care what you think of me either. You're not my friend.

I don't care to be friends with bigots...

There's way too much hate in your head...

Seek counselling...

If you think a lesbian counselor should PAY to have some group of strangers act rudely and insult her clients when they are counseling than YOU are the bigot.

I have every right to kick assholes off my property.

I already told you I don't believe your "story"....

It never happened...
Limbaugh is so good an American he buys Maybach cars made in Germany, what a great American he is. Bravo Rush, hopefully you never discuss jobs or unemployment in America, otherwise that would make you a hypocrite, oh wait.....
He flies an American Built Plane; a Gulfstream IV - Savannah Ga.

You mean he sold his Japanese Zero? Guess the constant pursuits by the F16's turned him into a true American. ;)
I don't care to be friends with bigots...

There's way too much hate in your head...

Seek counselling...

If you think a lesbian counselor should PAY to have some group of strangers act rudely and insult her clients when they are counseling than YOU are the bigot.

I have every right to kick assholes off my property.

I already told you I don't believe your "story"....

It never happened...
Yes, it did. It happened the same year one of my dearest friends died of AIDS. I was still grieving.

I had every right to fire this crew. I'd already talked to them once about the radio and staying away from the window of the room I was working in.
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If you think a lesbian counselor should PAY to have some group of strangers act rudely and insult her clients when they are counseling than YOU are the bigot.

I have every right to kick assholes off my property.

I already told you I don't believe your "story"....

It never happened...
Yes, it did. It happened the same year one of my dearest friends died of AIDS. I was still grieving.

I had every right to fire this crew. I'd already talked to them once about the radio and staying away from the window of the room I was working in.
I don't believe you.... It didn't happen...
I already told you I don't believe your "story"....

It never happened...
Yes, it did. It happened the same year one of my dearest friends died of AIDS. I was still grieving.

I had every right to fire this crew. I'd already talked to them once about the radio and staying away from the window of the room I was working in.
I don't believe you.... It didn't happen...

Well, it did. My wife doesn't post on this stupid board so she won't tell you otherwise.

So don't believe me. Tell me though, why do you think I have "created" this story?

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