A rush from Rush

I guess all of this just proves the american people are tired of a failed right wing agenda. How else can you explain people leaving rush and hannity? WE all know how fox felt about Beck...he was to right wing even for them.

Right wingers are losing here. Big time.

Go Obama and kick some ass in 2012 just like you did in 2008.

I guess your post proves jack shit other than you, like truthmatters, don't have the first idea about what is a 'fact' and what is an opinion.

And I completely love the way you glossed over 2010 for your partisan hackery. :lol:
I guess all of this just proves the american people are tired of a failed right wing agenda. How else can you explain people leaving rush and hannity? WE all know how fox felt about Beck...he was to right wing even for them.

Right wingers are losing here. Big time.

Go Obama and kick some ass in 2012 just like you did in 2008.

I guess your post proves jack shit other than you, like truthmatters, don't have the first idea about what is a 'fact' and what is an opinion.

And I completely love the way you glossed over 2010 for your partisan hackery. :lol:

It surprised me too when she didn't mention 2010, considering she can't forget about it in her avatar.
I'm a listener of Rush's since 1990 and unlike some, I'm not embarassed to admit it. I was first attracted to his show by his thoughtful and erudite commentary, not so much with the comedy routines, which when I first began listening was the First Gulf War, a Musical Comedy Parody. His comments on science are almost a parody, his ignorance is so on display.

Rush Limbaugh is not the most outrageous of right wing pundits by any means. Except in jest, he says nothing in the political arena that is not entirely possible, plausible, and even likely to be proven correct in the reasonable near future. That is a significant part of his genius that holds his audience.

Besides being extremely perceptive and canny in the political sphere, he has a phenomenal memory for names and details, accurate beyond anything, I at least, have ever seen. A listener might bring up a detail from the past, or a name of a political or social activist from the past 20 years or so and he instantly has a contextual analysis; that is the second part of his genius; he is an institution of political context (at least for those on the right)

For the first couple of years I did what I had been doing for several years prior with other good radio entertainment, I recorded daily on one hour tapes segments of his show; sometimes an entire show if it was an extraordinary one. I made these to pass on to friends. Besides tapes, I was such a steady listener, that if some critic made a claim that he’d said something that he hadn’t during one of his shows, I could confidently verify or refute it the criticism.

An example was that some said that he had condemned drug users of whatever variety to be dealt with harshly. Quite the contrary, he stayed away from those kinds of recriminations or calls for incarceration of users, to such a degree that I suspected that he had certain sympathy for drug use, and that goes far back as I can recall. He was not a hypocrite about drug use. The nearest I recall he came was his talking about the uselessness of the “war on drugs.”

At first, besides taking calls, he gave out a FAX number for callers to use. As the years passed, from time to time I noticed affectations in his manner, be they spoken, or just forms of rudeness to his listeners. As these would develop over time, and form a pattern, I would send him a FAX (Later emails) to let him know that he was exhibiting inappropriate or affected tones or noises that suggested he was becoming obsessive in a mannerism, or exhibiting a hubris that turned me off, I found excessive, or indicated some “problem” that would cause him to lose audience.

An example: during one period his voice took on such a stilted, phony intellectual tone that I sent him notes telling he that he seemed to be suffering an ostensible loss of confidence. On that particular, he was losing his hearing and had become unable to hear his own voice. As he recalled later, until he got his cochleaire implants, he was completely without hearing, even of his own voice. Loss of hearing like Rush’s is claimed by some to be connected to the over use of Oxycontin; that may be a fabrication. It might also be a fact.

Another example: for a long period he “sniffled” constantly. I wrote him about that and he began apologizing to his audience about it. Another time he introduced into his manner, a harsh, burly, crude laugh that sounds more like a sneer or a gloat than a healthy expression of humor. That too, I wrote him about. He took time to explain it (only once) and now uses it as a device to express his (our on the right) laughter at the hubris or incredible tone deafness of folks on the other side; him laughing at them laughing at us.

As an artifact of his phenomenal memory, no instance of mockery or showing the "affectations" of others has ever been forgotten by him and when the context calls for it he uses it. The way Robert Reich, former labor secretary pronounced his name when he was on a talk/interview show is used every time he mentions the name. He says Robert Reischnnnnnnnnnnuh! stretching it out until he runs completely out of breath.

Whether he says “Scrool” for School, “Bidness” for business, “Shedool” for schedule, “Strategery” for strategy, “Sex-ratery” for secretary, “Orifice” for office, “Cubar” for Cuba, “Laar” for law, Reverund Jacksunnnnuh” for reverend Jackson, or any Arabic-Muslim name with a distasteful guttural inflection, it has all grown old, the points of original meaning long past, and makes him, possibly, the most clichéd man of words in America.

So recently he got a caller calling him on this extreme use of irrelevant cliché: His answer: I get emails about this folks, I actually do have people sending me emails about these words. This is what they are concerned with! Then he took the example complained about by the last caller and used it disdainfully to ridicule the segment of his audience this offends.

About two years back he got a call from a well spoken elderly lady who said to him “Rush, you sound so angry at your staff, yelling at them, you almost seem to be angry” He excused it, turned and asked his staff if they felt any anger or were hurt by him, got the expected answer, and dismissed it. But more than a year had passed after he got his angry voice before this cultured elderly lady felt it necessary to call.

But his voice has become so grating in recent years, and gets worse all the time, that he constantly sounds angry. He also has taken on an affectation with a stutter: I.. I.. I.. I.. (and only on the fifth) I.. does he go on with his thought. Someone here on this board rightly calls him “the stutterer.”

All of this may sound like complaining and focusing too much about “idiosyncrasies” rather than “content” but for my old ears it has become intolerable. I actually believe that the way he rushes through his delivery of EIB commercials with such an “angry” sounding voice he actually loses them business that another voice on his network could deliver to them. I instantly turn off all his commercials, as I do his commentary when he sounds like this.

Maybe this is a problem mostly elderly people have; we don’t like anger and being constantly confronted by what sounds like anger or angst. I’ve asked some people my own age, and they feel the same; they don’t want to hear it and they’ve completely quit listening. Maybe the younger listeners cotton to it, but I’d think that wouldn’t work for them either. Unquestionably a large part of the senior listeners are leaving.

Rush was off on Friday, and will be gone the coming whole next week, and threatens to take some time off the following week. Any more my best days with his show are when he leaves one of his capable guest hosts in charge.
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I'm a listener of Rush's since 1990 and unlike some, I'm not embarassed to admit it. I was first attracted to his show by his thoughtful and erudite commentary, not so much with the comedy routines, which when I first began listening was the First Gulf War, a Musical Comedy Parody. His comments on science are almost a parody, his ignorance is so on display.

Rush Limbaugh is not the most outrageous of right wing pundits by any means. Except in jest, he says nothing in the political arena that is not entirely possible, plausible, and even likely to be proven correct in the reasonable near future. That is a significant part of his genius that holds his audience.

Besides being extremely perceptive and canny in the political sphere, he has a phenomenal memory for names and details, accurate beyond anything, I at least, have ever seen. A listener might bring up a detail from the past, or a name of a political or social activist from the past 20 years or so and he instantly has a contextual analysis; that is the second part of his genius; he is an institution of political context (at least for those on the right)
That statement is more an example of his power of suggestion than his memory. First of all, he can't seem to remember what he says from one day to the next, either that or he is a premeditated liar. And secondly, it is his crew looking up what was said in the past and feeding him the info through his bionic ear. Many times they don't get him the info until after a break, and then he acts like he knew it all along, which is swallowed whole by his faithful followers.

BTW, I'm the one who labeled him "Stuttering LimpTard" because he has repeatedly attacked Obama for stuttering, claiming that stuttering was a sign of stupidity. I have frequently said your MessiahRushie projects everything he hates about himself onto those he hates.

Check out his "great memory" on these two quotes one day apart!

August 18, 2010

RUSH: The Tea Party is not even weighing in on the mosque. The Tea Party's worrying about other things, like jobs and the economy and Obama's single-handed destruction of it. Imam Hussein Obama mmm, mmm, mmm. I want to be fair, too. He probably is the best anti-American president the country's ever had. So I don't want to be misinterpreted here as just a knee-jerk critic. Ed Gillespie is the former RNC chairman saying that we should downplay the mosque, don't overplay it here.

August 19, 2010
POWERS: The reason for that is that you have people like Rush Limbaugh referring to him as Imam Hussein Obama.

RUSH: No, I have not said Imam Hussein Obama. I've never thrown Hussein in there, I just said Imam Obama.
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I'm a listener of Rush's since 1990 and unlike some, I'm not embarassed to admit it. I was first attracted to his show by his thoughtful and erudite commentary, not so much with the comedy routines, which when I first began listening was the First Gulf War, a Musical Comedy Parody. His comments on science are almost a parody, his ignorance is so on display.

Rush Limbaugh is not the most outrageous of right wing pundits by any means. Except in jest, he says nothing in the political arena that is not entirely possible, plausible, and even likely to be proven correct in the reasonable near future. That is a significant part of his genius that holds his audience.

Besides being extremely perceptive and canny in the political sphere, he has a phenomenal memory for names and details, accurate beyond anything, I at least, have ever seen. A listener might bring up a detail from the past, or a name of a political or social activist from the past 20 years or so and he instantly has a contextual analysis; that is the second part of his genius; he is an institution of political context (at least for those on the right)
That statement is more an example of his power of suggestion than his memory. First of all, he can't seem to remember what he says from one day to the next, either that or he is a premeditated liar. And secondly, it is his crew looking up what was said in the past and feeding him the info through his bionic ear. Many times they don't get him the info until after a break, and then he acts like he knew it all along, which is swallowed whole by his faithful followers.

BTW, I'm the one who labeled him "Stuttering LimpTard" because he has repeatedly attacked Obama for stuttering, claiming that stuttering was a sign of stupidity. I have frequently said your MessiahRushie projects everything he hates about himself onto those he hates.

Check out his "great memory" on these two quotes one day apart!

August 18, 2010

RUSH: The Tea Party is not even weighing in on the mosque. The Tea Party's worrying about other things, like jobs and the economy and Obama's single-handed destruction of it. Imam Hussein Obama mmm, mmm, mmm. I want to be fair, too. He probably is the best anti-American president the country's ever had. So I don't want to be misinterpreted here as just a knee-jerk critic. Ed Gillespie is the former RNC chairman saying that we should downplay the mosque, don't overplay it here.

August 19, 2010
POWERS: The reason for that is that you have people like Rush Limbaugh referring to him as Imam Hussein Obama.

RUSH: No, I have not said Imam Hussein Obama. I've never thrown Hussein in there, I just said Imam Obama.

His reactions to subjects made by his callers prompts instantaneous references, far too fast for his staff to feed him appropriate info. I know that to be true from many many times. That criticism does not stand up to the test of listening.

And in the two quotes I'm not so sure: I think he said Barack Hussein Obama, mmm.. mmm.. not Imam Hussein Obama, mmm.. in the first quote. He does use Hussein as his middle name; he has called him Imam Obama. I could be wrong, but there is some real doubt that these quotes are mixed in their content.

To verify that I'd have to see a link to his web-page, not take some hostile critics word for it.

He's right in his comment about the Mosque and the Tea Party movement. I'm a contributing charter member, have read the documents, and don't think (in fact know) any reference to the Mosque does not exist in those documents.

EDIT: On the other hand, Rush may be suffering some short term memory loss, remembering details more fully from the past than a day or two ago. I know that he does not remember "interpretations" of information the same way I do, but that is all about interpretation, and not precise terminology
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I suspect that as the election grows closer that the listenership will go up for the tearadiohosts.
I'm a listener of Rush's since 1990 and unlike some, I'm not embarassed to admit it. I was first attracted to his show by his thoughtful and erudite commentary, not so much with the comedy routines, which when I first began listening was the First Gulf War, a Musical Comedy Parody. His comments on science are almost a parody, his ignorance is so on display.

Rush Limbaugh is not the most outrageous of right wing pundits by any means. Except in jest, he says nothing in the political arena that is not entirely possible, plausible, and even likely to be proven correct in the reasonable near future. That is a significant part of his genius that holds his audience.

Besides being extremely perceptive and canny in the political sphere, he has a phenomenal memory for names and details, accurate beyond anything, I at least, have ever seen. A listener might bring up a detail from the past, or a name of a political or social activist from the past 20 years or so and he instantly has a contextual analysis; that is the second part of his genius; he is an institution of political context (at least for those on the right)
That statement is more an example of his power of suggestion than his memory. First of all, he can't seem to remember what he says from one day to the next, either that or he is a premeditated liar. And secondly, it is his crew looking up what was said in the past and feeding him the info through his bionic ear. Many times they don't get him the info until after a break, and then he acts like he knew it all along, which is swallowed whole by his faithful followers.

BTW, I'm the one who labeled him "Stuttering LimpTard" because he has repeatedly attacked Obama for stuttering, claiming that stuttering was a sign of stupidity. I have frequently said your MessiahRushie projects everything he hates about himself onto those he hates.

Check out his "great memory" on these two quotes one day apart!

August 18, 2010

RUSH: The Tea Party is not even weighing in on the mosque. The Tea Party's worrying about other things, like jobs and the economy and Obama's single-handed destruction of it. Imam Hussein Obama mmm, mmm, mmm. I want to be fair, too. He probably is the best anti-American president the country's ever had. So I don't want to be misinterpreted here as just a knee-jerk critic. Ed Gillespie is the former RNC chairman saying that we should downplay the mosque, don't overplay it here.

August 19, 2010
POWERS: The reason for that is that you have people like Rush Limbaugh referring to him as Imam Hussein Obama.

RUSH: No, I have not said Imam Hussein Obama. I've never thrown Hussein in there, I just said Imam Obama.

His reactions to subjects made by his callers prompts instantaneous references, far too fast for his staff to feed him appropriate info. I know that to be true from many many times. That criticism does not stand up to the test of listening.

And in the two quotes I'm not so sure: I think he said Barack Hussein Obama, mmm.. mmm.. not Imam Hussein Obama, mmm.. in the first quote. He does use Hussein as his middle name; he has called him Imam Obama. I could be wrong, but there is some real doubt that these quotes are mixed in their content.

To verify that I'd have to see a link to his web-page, not take some hostile critics word for it.

He's right in his comment about the Mosque and the Tea Party movement. I'm a contributing charter member, have read the documents, and don't think (in fact know) any reference to the Mosque does not exist in those documents.

EDIT: On the other hand, Rush may be suffering some short term memory loss, remembering details more fully from the past than a day or two ago. I know that he does not remember "interpretations" of information the same way I do, but that is all about interpretation, and not precise terminology
You should know by now that I always take my quotes directly from his own transcripts, and as a paying sucker.... er .... er .... member, you can listen to his podcasts and hear him say it with your own two ears.

Soft Tyranny: Pelosi Demands an Investigation of Hamasque Critics

Hi, folks, welcome. Rush Limbaugh here. You probably know that. Telephone number, 800-282-2882, if you want to be on the program. E-mail address, [email protected].

And here's the Politico: "Mosque Debate Strains Tea Party, GOP." The Politico is once again running a fantasy as a news story. Remember how they all were having a conniption, having a cow out there when a candidate Obama endorsed actually won? It was historic, never before had happened, and of course it put to rest the notion that the Democrats were dead, incumbents are not dead. You know, it really is the Twilight Zone. The Tea Party is not even weighing in on the mosque. The Tea Party's worrying about other things, like jobs and the economy and Obama's single-handed destruction of it. Imam Hussein Obama mmm, mmm, mmm. I want to be fair, too. He probably is the best anti-American president the country's ever had. So I don't want to be misinterpreted here as just a knee-jerk critic. Ed Gillespie is the former RNC chairman saying that we should downplay the mosque, don't overplay it here.
That statement is more an example of his power of suggestion than his memory. First of all, he can't seem to remember what he says from one day to the next, either that or he is a premeditated liar. And secondly, it is his crew looking up what was said in the past and feeding him the info through his bionic ear. Many times they don't get him the info until after a break, and then he acts like he knew it all along, which is swallowed whole by his faithful followers.

BTW, I'm the one who labeled him "Stuttering LimpTard" because he has repeatedly attacked Obama for stuttering, claiming that stuttering was a sign of stupidity. I have frequently said your MessiahRushie projects everything he hates about himself onto those he hates.

Check out his "great memory" on these two quotes one day apart!

August 18, 2010

RUSH: The Tea Party is not even weighing in on the mosque. The Tea Party's worrying about other things, like jobs and the economy and Obama's single-handed destruction of it. Imam Hussein Obama mmm, mmm, mmm. I want to be fair, too. He probably is the best anti-American president the country's ever had. So I don't want to be misinterpreted here as just a knee-jerk critic. Ed Gillespie is the former RNC chairman saying that we should downplay the mosque, don't overplay it here.

August 19, 2010
POWERS: The reason for that is that you have people like Rush Limbaugh referring to him as Imam Hussein Obama.

RUSH: No, I have not said Imam Hussein Obama. I've never thrown Hussein in there, I just said Imam Obama.

His reactions to subjects made by his callers prompts instantaneous references, far too fast for his staff to feed him appropriate info. I know that to be true from many many times. That criticism does not stand up to the test of listening.

And in the two quotes I'm not so sure: I think he said Barack Hussein Obama, mmm.. mmm.. not Imam Hussein Obama, mmm.. in the first quote. He does use Hussein as his middle name; he has called him Imam Obama. I could be wrong, but there is some real doubt that these quotes are mixed in their content.

To verify that I'd have to see a link to his web-page, not take some hostile critics word for it.

He's right in his comment about the Mosque and the Tea Party movement. I'm a contributing charter member, have read the documents, and don't think (in fact know) any reference to the Mosque does not exist in those documents.

EDIT: On the other hand, Rush may be suffering some short term memory loss, remembering details more fully from the past than a day or two ago. I know that he does not remember "interpretations" of information the same way I do, but that is all about interpretation, and not precise terminology
You should know by now that I always take my quotes directly from his own transcripts, and as a paying sucker.... er .... er .... member, you can listen to his podcasts and hear him say it with your own two ears.

Soft Tyranny: Pelosi Demands an Investigation of Hamasque Critics

Hi, folks, welcome. Rush Limbaugh here. You probably know that. Telephone number, 800-282-2882, if you want to be on the program. E-mail address, [email protected].

And here's the Politico: "Mosque Debate Strains Tea Party, GOP." The Politico is once again running a fantasy as a news story. Remember how they all were having a conniption, having a cow out there when a candidate Obama endorsed actually won? It was historic, never before had happened, and of course it put to rest the notion that the Democrats were dead, incumbents are not dead. You know, it really is the Twilight Zone. The Tea Party is not even weighing in on the mosque. The Tea Party's worrying about other things, like jobs and the economy and Obama's single-handed destruction of it. Imam Hussein Obama mmm, mmm, mmm. I want to be fair, too. He probably is the best anti-American president the country's ever had. So I don't want to be misinterpreted here as just a knee-jerk critic. Ed Gillespie is the former RNC chairman saying that we should downplay the mosque, don't overplay it here.
To clarify a misinterpretation: I said I was "... a contributing charter member" of the T-Party movement, not a member of Rush's 24/7 stuff.
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I suspect that as the election grows closer that the listenership will go up for the tearadiohosts.

TM please consider credibility. One way to measure that is to compare reputation power.
If we accept that the board is fairly evenly split between left and right leaning members, reputation power and the number of thanks one has received should be a fair measure of how well your posts are viewed by USMB members. Compare your rep to post ratio to California Girl's or Immy's, or mine, for that matter.
You insist that your positions are correct and credible, but, in the opinion of your peers, that is unsupported.

I'm not convinced that this board is fairly evenly split or that rep power is a legitimate comparison here. It might be a good indication of how much a person is liked, but if you look at rep power and political views, rep power seems to be heavily slanted towards the right.

Some people rep a lot, some don't rep at all. Some rep friends and opponents. Some rep friends and heavily neg opponents. And the reasons people rep vary so much that I don't see rep power as a reliable source of anything on this site.

Not that I don't appreciate the rep that I receive. But it means different things from different people.

Nope. They took their sorry selves elsewhere.

So you'd be cool with someone firing their painter if they found out they were gay, huh?

I had every right to fire them. I was conducting a counseling practice and they were blasting hate through the window when I had clients present.

They weren't going to get anymore of my money when they were costing me business. Period.

What really pisses you off, is that I was powerful enough to do that. I didn't know my place. I should have sat and cowered in my office, right?

Wrong. You're damn right I fired them, and I would do it again.

Bet you didn't step out of your office once and politely ask them to turn down their radio because you were working. That would have been step one and probably the only step needed.

Insulting your customer is not good business practices.

No, it's not. I'm in my office counseling lesbians and these idiots are blasting hate through my window. Not only anti-gay crap but racist crap, and I'm in a black neighborhood.

I think she was being stupid and saying that your painters were insulting your customers. She was on your side. I'd say that was the way she thinks, but I am not sure she thinks about what she says.

I guess all of this just proves the american people are tired of a failed right wing agenda. How else can you explain people leaving rush and hannity? WE all know how fox felt about Beck...he was to right wing even for them.

Right wingers are losing here. Big time.

Go Obama and kick some ass in 2012 just like you did in 2008.

The problem with your post Zona is the same as TDM's. You assume that lower rating for Rush and Sean Hannity indicate a turn away from conservative talk radio and that is the only answer. You do not allow for the possibility that there may be other reasons such as that we are not currently in the middle of an election, people are on vacation, politically speaking things are kind of boring right now, people are just fed up with politics in general and don't want to deal with it right now. Those are a few reasons, I can come up with off the top of my head.

I am sure that some people are just plain sick of Rush and Sean. I got sick of them why wouldn't others, but that doesn't mean I now like watching Rachel Maddow or Chris Matthews. It doesn't mean I no longer support conservative ideals. It simply means I don't like their styles.

That statement is more an example of his power of suggestion than his memory. First of all, he can't seem to remember what he says from one day to the next, either that or he is a premeditated liar. And secondly, it is his crew looking up what was said in the past and feeding him the info through his bionic ear. Many times they don't get him the info until after a break, and then he acts like he knew it all along, which is swallowed whole by his faithful followers.

BTW, I'm the one who labeled him "Stuttering LimpTard" because he has repeatedly attacked Obama for stuttering, claiming that stuttering was a sign of stupidity. I have frequently said your MessiahRushie projects everything he hates about himself onto those he hates.

Check out his "great memory" on these two quotes one day apart!

August 18, 2010

RUSH: The Tea Party is not even weighing in on the mosque. The Tea Party's worrying about other things, like jobs and the economy and Obama's single-handed destruction of it. Imam Hussein Obama mmm, mmm, mmm. I want to be fair, too. He probably is the best anti-American president the country's ever had. So I don't want to be misinterpreted here as just a knee-jerk critic. Ed Gillespie is the former RNC chairman saying that we should downplay the mosque, don't overplay it here.

August 19, 2010
POWERS: The reason for that is that you have people like Rush Limbaugh referring to him as Imam Hussein Obama.

RUSH: No, I have not said Imam Hussein Obama. I've never thrown Hussein in there, I just said Imam Obama.

Thats it???? Thats all ya got???



You dont like those 3 hosts because they are right.... your skeered :lol:

you mean to tell me you've never heard sean demand a yes or no answer to a nuanced question - you've never heard him demand that someone defend the unrelated words of another or be branded a hypocrite? it's his bread and butter.

if someone is listening and simply agreeing, no, the aren't sharpening their knowledge. they aren't coming up with original ideas, and they aren't researching for themselves. they're learning the talking points so they can parrot them later.

and as for "liberals spewing their crap" - as has so often been pointed out before the talk radio model doesn't work for liberals - but it's not because there aren't enough out there to form an audience. the format doesn't appeal to us. i don't want to listen to 3+ hours of commentary from someone i agree with. if i wanted to do that i'd start talking to myself. fewer commercials for lobstergrams and identity protection that way.

as for the reason i don't like beck/rush/hannity - it's because their ignorant and hold sway over far too many people. they are the epitome of style over substance - nothing is too big an issue that it cannot be condensed ito a 5 second gotcha sound bite for them. they are in large part a cause and symptom of the downfall of respectful political discourse in america.

that's why i don't like them.

You are obviously a troll.... none of what you say here is true.

Sorry, but Ive heard all of their shows, and they have more than just style over susbstance.

You dont like them.... here is an ideer.... TURN IT OFF :eusa_whistle:
Would you have fired them for blasting Salsa Music, or would you have asked them to turn it down?

Here's what you said:

I'm in a black neighborhood, and I counsel lesbians. I'd asked them to turn it down, and they are right outside my window, close to my black neighbors house blasting racism and homophobia.

I would have fired them if they were blasting ANYTHING, but I was particularly offended by them blasting that kind of message into my window while I am attempting to counsel someone and keep good relations with my neighbors.

YOU, on the other hand, think THEY have a right to be paid for being assholes.

Are you dizzy from all the spinning you're doing?

I still think they should sue your ass... I am guessing your version of the events that took place differ from their version...

Might want to retain counsel just in case....
People come to my home with my invitation. Rude guests are not welcome. I'm certainly NOT going to continue to employ someone who is that rude.

This was my home, and my office.

I think you ought to get over yourself about it.
Would you have fired them for blasting Salsa Music, or would you have asked them to turn it down?

Here's what you said:

I'm in a black neighborhood, and I counsel lesbians. I'd asked them to turn it down, and they are right outside my window, close to my black neighbors house blasting racism and homophobia.

I would have fired them if they were blasting ANYTHING, but I was particularly offended by them blasting that kind of message into my window while I am attempting to counsel someone and keep good relations with my neighbors.

YOU, on the other hand, think THEY have a right to be paid for being assholes.

Are you dizzy from all the spinning you're doing?

I still think they should sue your ass... I am guessing your version of the events that took place differ from their version...

Might want to retain counsel just in case....
People come to my home by my invitation. Rude guests are not welcome. I'm certainly NOT going to continue to employ someone who is that rude.

This was my home, and my office.

I think you ought to get over yourself about it. I once kicked a man out of my house because he was physically abusing his son in my presence on my property. I also reported him to Child Protective Services.

I don't put up with crap.
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