A rush from Rush

oh they just moved to other right wing hosts?

do you have the number to back that claim?
decrease in viewership by 30% in just six months will not impress his sponsers no matter how much you try to spin it.

Both him and Hannity being down sure sends a message , you just dont want to hear it.

What is NOT being said is this.... there are a shitload more conservative talkhosts to listen to now... that tells me that the ideals are strong. Rush just has more competition now.

Just one example...
Welcome to the Doug Urbanski Show

New guy, great show, and going strong!

Nice try dimwit.

it would be interesting to see if overall listenership for conservative talk at a particular time bloc has fallen.

although i will point out that there is a marked difference in style (if not so much substance) between rush and your example of doug urbanksi - with rush being by far the nastier of the two.

and if listenership is moving from rush's nastiness over to the more civil hosts like urbanski... well, i'm for that.

I like both styles... but Doug is more palletable, if thats a word, to a more broader audience than Rush. Both have a place in talk radio.

I think the left would love for us to think the the conservative ideology is on the down turn though.
Boy are they ever wrong.
oh they just moved to other right wing hosts?

do you have the number to back that claim?

No... I just know what I know.

I listen to a shitload of talk radio hosts... they are all over the internet now.

More folks are podcasting too now... there are lots of varialbles not taken into consideration here.

You on the other hand want to make this indictment on conservative ideals and you would sadly mistaken there.

I like both styles... but Doug is more palletable, if thats a word, to a more broader audience than Rush. Both have a place in talk radio.

I think the left would love for us to think the the conservative ideology is on the down turn though.
Boy are they ever wrong.

all ideologies will ebb and flow.

conservative talk radio has always been a mystery to me. are that many people signing over their critical thinking to college drop outs? are they reliant on the big personalities (who influence the smaller ones) to simplify every issue and make it into a nice black and white contrast? are that many people impressed by a hosts ability to talk over someone, mute their mic, and blindside them with the "when did you stop beating your wife" questions?

i don't believe it's that - at least not for everyone. I know i enjoy it (in small doses) because it makes me sharper and has me question my own beliefs and arguments - but if i was agreeing with the host i wouldn't be doing that...

so i don't get the mass appeal, especially for conservatives, but i won't pretend that talk radio isn't influential in republican circles, nor will i pretend that it's going anywhere.

but if it does move away from the rush/hannity/beck model i think we're all better off.
I guess all of this just proves the american people are tired of a failed right wing agenda. How else can you explain people leaving rush and hannity? WE all know how fox felt about Beck...he was to right wing even for them.

Right wingers are losing here. Big time.

Go Obama and kick some ass in 2012 just like you did in 2008.
all ideologies will ebb and flow.

conservative talk radio has always been a mystery to me. are that many people signing over their critical thinking to college drop outs? are they reliant on the big personalities (who influence the smaller ones) to simplify every issue and make it into a nice black and white contrast? are that many people impressed by a hosts ability to talk over someone, mute their mic, and blindside them with the "when did you stop beating your wife" questions?

Cant remember ever hearing questions like that, and if there were, Id change the station.

i don't believe it's that - at least not for everyone. I know i enjoy it (in small doses) because it makes me sharper and has me question my own beliefs and arguments - but if i was agreeing with the host i wouldn't be doing that...

So, you cant assume that most listeners are doing the exact same thing... listening to others idea, sharpening their knowledge from listening to many differing ideas and takes on a subject, knowing what the next guy might be thinking, or just simply to enjoy hearing that tons of folks think jut like me.

so i don't get the mass appeal, especially for conservatives, but i won't pretend that talk radio isn't influential in republican circles, nor will i pretend that it's going anywhere.

So only liberals can spew their crap for all to hear, but not us???
Not all talk radio hosts agree on conservative ideals... there are lots of varying degrees to listen to out there.

but if it does move away from the rush/hannity/beck model i think we're all better off.

You dont like those 3 hosts because they are right.... your skeered :lol:
I guess all of this just proves the american people are tired of a failed right wing agenda. How else can you explain people leaving rush and hannity? WE all know how fox felt about Beck...he was to right wing even for them.

Right wingers are losing here. Big time.

Go Obama and kick some ass in 2012 just like you did in 2008.

Keep dreamin silly
I terminated their employment because they were not sensitive to the needs of my business.

Would you have fired them for blasting Salsa Music, or would you have asked them to turn it down?

Here's what you said:
I fired my painting crew for blasting Rush and his "Feminazi" crap into my window.

I'm in a black neighborhood, and I counsel lesbians. I'd asked them to turn it down, and they are right outside my window, close to my black neighbors house blasting racism and homophobia.

I would have fired them if they were blasting ANYTHING, but I was particularly offended by them blasting that kind of message into my window while I am attempting to counsel someone and keep good relations with my neighbors.

YOU, on the other hand, think THEY have a right to be paid for being assholes.
Do you accept money for your counseling?
You're free to believe what you want...
and you're free to believe that a contractor would have any form of redress against a client for losing a job because of not following the direction of that client.

it's a silly belief, but you're free to have it.

That's not what I said.... I already commented on the "didn't turn it down when asked"... Pay attention...

We are currently discussing hearsay...

You're free to believe the known bigot Sky Dancer... I am not required to agree with you....

You dont like those 3 hosts because they are right.... your skeered :lol:

you mean to tell me you've never heard sean demand a yes or no answer to a nuanced question - you've never heard him demand that someone defend the unrelated words of another or be branded a hypocrite? it's his bread and butter.

if someone is listening and simply agreeing, no, the aren't sharpening their knowledge. they aren't coming up with original ideas, and they aren't researching for themselves. they're learning the talking points so they can parrot them later.

and as for "liberals spewing their crap" - as has so often been pointed out before the talk radio model doesn't work for liberals - but it's not because there aren't enough out there to form an audience. the format doesn't appeal to us. i don't want to listen to 3+ hours of commentary from someone i agree with. if i wanted to do that i'd start talking to myself. fewer commercials for lobstergrams and identity protection that way.

as for the reason i don't like beck/rush/hannity - it's because their ignorant and hold sway over far too many people. they are the epitome of style over substance - nothing is too big an issue that it cannot be condensed ito a 5 second gotcha sound bite for them. they are in large part a cause and symptom of the downfall of respectful political discourse in america.

that's why i don't like them.
No problem, the smaller his audience gets the larger he says it is.

His audience shrank from 25 million to 15 million per week, but he claims he now has over 40 million a day. He has to claim his audience is growing as it shrinks because he has said that if his audience fell 20% he would take himself off the air.

April 16, 2010
RUSH: We figure in every 15 minutes of this program there are 5.2 million, maybe 5.5 million people listening. Over the course of the three hours it's 12 million, and then when you add up all the non-dupes over the course of the week, which is called a cume, it's about 20 to 25 million depending on vagaries of ratings books, PPM and so forth. But it's a large number.

May 26, 2011
RUSH:. According to reports at the peak of The Oprah's popularity, her show had 40 million weekly viewers. Now, that's not bad. That's almost as many as we have every day here. So our hat's off to The Oprah, 40 million viewers a week, not bad.

November 10, 2010
RUSH: I'm in the broadcasting business, just as they are. They might want to say they're in the journalism business, the news business, and in a way they are, but even though they're cable, they're broadcasters. I mean there are certain skill sets that you have to succeed at, and if you don't, you're gone. If this program lost 20% of the audience I'd be gone. I would take myself away.

(Snipped for space)

But Truthmatters claims that it is because of failed ideas. Got anything to support that little gem?
Well, I'm not a mind reader, but if I had to guess a reason it would be if you hear one show, you heard them all. Every show is, "The Socialist Obama is destroying the country on purpose and everything bad is the fault of Liberals."

Well, apparently truthmatters is a mind reader, because she has stated the reason for this drop... that is the issue. Personally, I couldn't give a rat's ass whether his rating soar through the roof, or drop through the floor. I don't listen.

You dont like those 3 hosts because they are right.... your skeered :lol:

you mean to tell me you've never heard sean demand a yes or no answer to a nuanced question - you've never heard him demand that someone defend the unrelated words of another or be branded a hypocrite? it's his bread and butter.

if someone is listening and simply agreeing, no, the aren't sharpening their knowledge. they aren't coming up with original ideas, and they aren't researching for themselves. they're learning the talking points so they can parrot them later.

and as for "liberals spewing their crap" - as has so often been pointed out before the talk radio model doesn't work for liberals - but it's not because there aren't enough out there to form an audience. the format doesn't appeal to us. i don't want to listen to 3+ hours of commentary from someone i agree with. if i wanted to do that i'd start talking to myself. fewer commercials for lobstergrams and identity protection that way.

as for the reason i don't like beck/rush/hannity - it's because their ignorant and hold sway over far too many people. they are the epitome of style over substance - nothing is too big an issue that it cannot be condensed ito a 5 second gotcha sound bite for them. they are in large part a cause and symptom of the downfall of respectful political discourse in america.

that's why i don't like them.
respectful political discourse!!! FROM THE LEFT???BWAA HAA HAA!!
His ratings are dropping.

look what a con caviling that fact caused on here.

That wasn't the fact that's in dispute. The 'fact' that we dispute is your lie about the reason behind the drop. That you cannot back up that 'fact' is not surprising. It is hard to back up bullshit.

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