A rush from Rush

The heat is off right now. Folks are taking a break from politics. His ratings will start going back up as the 2012 election gets closer.

LOL. nevermind! I should have read the last page before I posted. This topic has certainly changed from the OP!

However, your voice is welcome in both discussions.


Actually, that's not true. It depends on your definition of marriage. I'm a Catholic - I take my definition of marriage from the sacraments. That does not mean I do not support your right to have the same rights and privileges as a married couples. As long as you have those, and I absolutely back civil unions, I can't see how you can say I want to discriminate against you.
The problem is that you have an opinion on this matter. Not everybody is Catholic. I don't believe anti marriage equality folks are being intellectually honest with themselves about why they want to deny the opportunity to legally marry to people they don't know.

As long as a marriage does not put one or more parties of it in an inferior state...it should be legal.....and that wouldn't affect your life in ANY way. That is how you're discriminating.

I'm not discriminating. I support equal rights. I just view marriage in the traditional Catholic sense. A civil union, in my view, is what everyone should have - those of us who choose to commit before God make a separate decision.

Regardless of whether or not the couple is homosexual.

There are many churches that welcome gay couples and will marry gay couples and more and more denominations are changing their view on this all the time.

If a homosexual couple wants a church wedding then by all means they should be entitled to a church wedding at a church that will marry them. I wouldn't think they would want to go to a church that won't have them anyway.

Because you cannot tolerate a bite from the tiniest insect. I just let them bite. They aren't going to kill me.

Well, no one ever accused you of being bright...

{West Nile virus

Last reviewed: September 15, 2010.

West Nile virus is a disease spread by mosquitos. The condition ranges from mild to severe.
Causes, incidence, and risk factors

West Nile virus was first identified in 1937 in Uganda in eastern Africa. It was first discovered in the United States in the summer of 1999 in New York. Since then, the virus has spread throughout the United States.

The West Nile virus is a type of virus known as a flavivirus. Researchers believe West Nile virus is spread when a mosquito bites an infected bird and then bites a person.}

West Nile virus - PubMed Health

I don't kill mosquitoes.
I counsel who I choose to counsel. You don't have to like it. I only counsel people I can help. Christian counselor counsel Christians. Are they discriminating?

I don't ask anyone what there religion or sexual orientation is. It comes out in the counseling process.

In re "Christian counselor counsel Christians", I don't know, do they ask their clientele about their beliefs before they take them as clients? I doubt if they do. Do you really believe that all Christian counselors discriminate as you do?

Also, don't you think since you hate Christians and consider us all dominionists that we would want to counsel non-Christians in order to turn them into good little Christians?


Exactly. Christians are completely into conversion.

I'm not. I counsel people who know my reputation and who want to work with me. I do not advertise for Christian clients. I have not turned anyone away for being a Christian, I am just saying that few Christians come to me.

I don't usually counsel people about religion.

Don't you try to argue that Christianity is a bad choice, regularly? Wouldn't that be trying to convert people away from Christianity?
In re "Christian counselor counsel Christians", I don't know, do they ask their clientele about their beliefs before they take them as clients? I doubt if they do. Do you really believe that all Christian counselors discriminate as you do?

Also, don't you think since you hate Christians and consider us all dominionists that we would want to counsel non-Christians in order to turn them into good little Christians?


Exactly. Christians are completely into conversion.

I'm not. I counsel people who know my reputation and who want to work with me. I do not advertise for Christian clients. I have not turned anyone away for being a Christian, I am just saying that few Christians come to me.

I don't usually counsel people about religion.

Don't you try to argue that Christianity is a bad choice, regularly? Wouldn't that be trying to convert people away from Christianity?
No, I don't. I don't try and convert people away from religion. I don't counsel on religion.
If making them think is making them suffer, ......

The poster say he thinks pissing TM off is fun and entertaining. Making someone angry just makes them angry.

Yeah, but don't they think about what was said, afterwards? Don't they try to consider how to make their point stronger, or even ...:eek: ... that they could be wrong?

No, they don't. When you're trying to make some angry and you succeed, you certainly haven't improved the conversation.

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