A savage cult

Mass grave of babies and children found at Tuam care home in Ireland

The sum of human misery here is not calculable on any scale.
And yet abortion kills how babies many each year? Imagine that.
none? but you kill grammar. are you drunk?
Mass grave of babies and children found at Tuam care home in Ireland

The sum of human misery here is not calculable on any scale.
But it does have a calculus when liberals are concerned. I am a atheist, what is a human life worth? People are so cynical to the worth of human life, as to be just empty rhetoric. Bombing Dresden? Scientific research? Abortion? military losses? Exploiting popular political causes?
Why is this a liberal issue ? The Catholic Church is quite conservative in my opinion.
Abortion is basically infanticide. Killing babies is wrong, the point of this thread. Calling out hypocrisy of the church or liberalism. Infanticide bad, abortion good? What is the difference?
Mass grave of babies and children found at Tuam care home in Ireland

The sum of human misery here is not calculable on any scale.

Check out the present day mass graves overseen by ISIS. Tuam will pale in comparison.

ISIS is horrific, but no one pretends ISIS is anything but it what it actually is - a horrific cult of thugs and criminals.

What happened in Tuarn happened and happens among supposedly civilized people with western values.
Mass grave of babies and children found at Tuam care home in Ireland

The sum of human misery here is not calculable on any scale.

Check out the present day mass graves overseen by ISIS. Tuam will pale in comparison.

ISIS is horrific, but no one pretends ISIS is anything but it what it actually is - a horrific cult of thugs and criminals.

What happened in Tuarn happened and happens among supposedly civilized people with western values.

Every society has evil aberrations. Tuam is shocking because it is such an aberration and not representative of all Catholic Nun charity work. ISIS, however, is quite representative of Radical Islamic Terror.
Mass grave of babies and children found at Tuam care home in Ireland

The sum of human misery here is not calculable on any scale.

Check out the present day mass graves overseen by ISIS. Tuam will pale in comparison.

ISIS is horrific, but no one pretends ISIS is anything but it what it actually is - a horrific cult of thugs and criminals.

What happened in Tuarn happened and happens among supposedly civilized people with western values.

Every society has evil aberrations. Tuam is shocking because it is such an aberration and not representative of all Catholic Nun charity work. ISIS, however, is quite representative of Radical Islamic Terror.

ISIS is not representative of Islam. It's an evil aberration.
The thing with Catholics, at least then, was the attitude to unmarried mothers. Just very sad.
Mass grave of babies and children found at Tuam care home in Ireland

The sum of human misery here is not calculable on any scale.


I've read so much about stuff like that in Ireland - Magdelene Laundries comes to mind.

"Magdelene Laundries comes to mind."

I read a book about this and it went on for more than 100 years. These were mainly teenage girls who were pregnant and disowned by the family and they were sent to what were refer to as the Magdelene Laundries and they were sent there at aged 16 or 17 and stayed there until they died, some of them for 70 or 80 years in those terrible places.

They thought because the nuns ran those places they'd be cared for, but they were subjected to abuse, physical, mental and sexual and treated as slaves washing clothing etc

Some managed to escape and the nuns went out with dogs hunting down the escaped girls to bring them back.

Not only The Vatican, but also the Ireland police and successive Governments all knew and all covered this up for many, many decades.

"The Magdalene Laundries in Ireland, also known as Magdalene asylums, were institutions of confinement, usually run by Roman Catholic orders, which operated from the 18th to the late 20th centuries. They were run ostensibly to house "fallen women", an estimated 30,000 of whom were confined in these institutions in Ireland. In 1993, a mass grave containing 155 corpses was uncovered in the convent grounds of one of the laundries.[1] This led to media revelations about the operations of the secretive institutions. A formal state apology was issued in 2013, and a £50 million compensation scheme for survivors was set up, to which the Catholic Church has refused to contribute."

Magdalene Laundries in Ireland - Wikipedia

Welcome to Justice for Magdalenes
Mass grave of babies and children found at Tuam care home in Ireland

The sum of human misery here is not calculable on any scale.

Check out the present day mass graves overseen by ISIS. Tuam will pale in comparison.

ISIS is horrific, but no one pretends ISIS is anything but it what it actually is - a horrific cult of thugs and criminals.

What happened in Tuarn happened and happens among supposedly civilized people with western values.

Every society has evil aberrations. Tuam is shocking because it is such an aberration and not representative of all Catholic Nun charity work. ISIS, however, is quite representative of Radical Islamic Terror.

ISIS is not representative of Islam. It's an evil aberration.

I didn't say Islam. I sad Radical Islamic Terror.

The OP is trying to smear the Catholic Church in total with Tuam. Tuam is an aberration. Where is the Catholic equivalent of Radical Islamic Terror? Here's a wee clue: you won't find one unless you make a real stretch back into long ago history. Radical Islamic Terrorists are killing people today.
I might have read the same book! Plus, PBS had a documentary on it. The idea was the women were harlots and needed to be punished for thier sins I guess.
Mass grave of babies and children found at Tuam care home in Ireland

The sum of human misery here is not calculable on any scale.

Check out the present day mass graves overseen by ISIS. Tuam will pale in comparison.

ISIS is horrific, but no one pretends ISIS is anything but it what it actually is - a horrific cult of thugs and criminals.

What happened in Tuarn happened and happens among supposedly civilized people with western values.

Every society has evil aberrations. Tuam is shocking because it is such an aberration and not representative of all Catholic Nun charity work. ISIS, however, is quite representative of Radical Islamic Terror.

ISIS is not representative of Islam. It's an evil aberration.

I didn't say Islam. I sad Radical Islamic Terror.

The OP is trying to smear the Catholic Church in total with Tuam. Tuam is an aberration. Where is the Catholic equivalent of Radical Islamic Terror? Here's a wee clue: you won't find one unless you make a real stretch back into long ago history. Radical Islamic Terrorists are killing people today.

Why do we even need to bring Islam into it at all?

The fact is - this was a pretty wretched chapter of Catholicism isn't it? Not just in Ireland? What was the general Catholic view of "fallen women"?
Check out the present day mass graves overseen by ISIS. Tuam will pale in comparison.

ISIS is horrific, but no one pretends ISIS is anything but it what it actually is - a horrific cult of thugs and criminals.

What happened in Tuarn happened and happens among supposedly civilized people with western values.

Every society has evil aberrations. Tuam is shocking because it is such an aberration and not representative of all Catholic Nun charity work. ISIS, however, is quite representative of Radical Islamic Terror.

ISIS is not representative of Islam. It's an evil aberration.

I didn't say Islam. I sad Radical Islamic Terror.

The OP is trying to smear the Catholic Church in total with Tuam. Tuam is an aberration. Where is the Catholic equivalent of Radical Islamic Terror? Here's a wee clue: you won't find one unless you make a real stretch back into long ago history. Radical Islamic Terrorists are killing people today.

Why do we even need to bring Islam into it at all?

The fact is - this was a pretty wretched chapter of Catholicism isn't it? Not just in Ireland? What was the general Catholic view of "fallen women"?

What is the Islamic view of women (and gays) today?
And by the way, I don't hate Catholics or anything. I think as a faith, they do a lot of good. This just happens to be a dark chapter.
Mass grave of babies and children found at Tuam care home in Ireland

The sum of human misery here is not calculable on any scale.

Check out the present day mass graves overseen by ISIS. Tuam will pale in comparison.

ISIS is horrific, but no one pretends ISIS is anything but it what it actually is - a horrific cult of thugs and criminals.

What happened in Tuarn happened and happens among supposedly civilized people with western values.

Every society has evil aberrations. Tuam is shocking because it is such an aberration and not representative of all Catholic Nun charity work. ISIS, however, is quite representative of Radical Islamic Terror.

ISIS is not representative of Islam. It's an evil aberration.

"ISIS is not representative of Islam. It's an evil aberration."

ISIS operate an extreme form of Wahhabism, as such ISIS is to Islam as a pear is to an orange. There is a difference between Islam and Radical Islam, they do share some common things, such as Sharia Law for example, but most of Islam doesn't agree with cutting the heads off children, burning people alive, dissolving people in acid etc.
And by the way, I don't hate Catholics or anything. I think as a faith, they do a lot of good. This just happens to be a dark chapter.

I think all Organised Religion has dark chapters, there is good and bad in all of them, it's just that the bad is very bad and wicked.
ISIS is horrific, but no one pretends ISIS is anything but it what it actually is - a horrific cult of thugs and criminals.

What happened in Tuarn happened and happens among supposedly civilized people with western values.

Every society has evil aberrations. Tuam is shocking because it is such an aberration and not representative of all Catholic Nun charity work. ISIS, however, is quite representative of Radical Islamic Terror.

ISIS is not representative of Islam. It's an evil aberration.

I didn't say Islam. I sad Radical Islamic Terror.

The OP is trying to smear the Catholic Church in total with Tuam. Tuam is an aberration. Where is the Catholic equivalent of Radical Islamic Terror? Here's a wee clue: you won't find one unless you make a real stretch back into long ago history. Radical Islamic Terrorists are killing people today.

Why do we even need to bring Islam into it at all?

The fact is - this was a pretty wretched chapter of Catholicism isn't it? Not just in Ireland? What was the general Catholic view of "fallen women"?

What is the Islamic view of women (and gays) today?

Are we going to derail the thread?
And by the way, I don't hate Catholics or anything. I think as a faith, they do a lot of good. This just happens to be a dark chapter.

I think all Organised Religion has dark chapters, there is good and bad in all of them, it's just that the bad is very bad and wicked.

I agree. And that is one of the reasons I resist attempts to broadbrush and demonize them. There is good and bad, and often it's the followers that are a problem.
I might have read the same book! Plus, PBS had a documentary on it. The idea was the women were harlots and needed to be punished for thier sins I guess.

I will think of the name of the book, I can't remember it at the moment.

The girls were punished on a regular basis, whipped and beaten with sticks.
I might have read the same book! Plus, PBS had a documentary on it. The idea was the women were harlots and needed to be punished for thier sins I guess.

I will think of the name of the book, I can't remember it at the moment.

The girls were punished on a regular basis, whipped and beaten with sticks.

What amazed me was how far into the 20th century they were still open - the last one closed in 1996. They were supported by the state and by religious charities - for "fallen women".

Magdalene Laundries in Ireland - Wikipedia
And by the way, I don't hate Catholics or anything. I think as a faith, they do a lot of good. This just happens to be a dark chapter.

I think all Organised Religion has dark chapters, there is good and bad in all of them, it's just that the bad is very bad and wicked.

I agree. And that is one of the reasons I resist attempts to broadbrush and demonize them. There is good and bad, and often it's the followers that are a problem.

I as a former Roman Catholic can accept and criticise The Vatican, before I left The Church of Rome I was already criticising it for the same reasons, I couldn't spiritually continue to be a follower, to do so would have made me a hypocrite when potentially millions of people have been affected and suffered abuse.

I'm not telling other Roman Catholics to also leave The Church of Rome, I'm just saying I made a personal decision myself.

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