A savage cult

How did they die? I don't get it?

I'm sure they were murdered Goose.
There's a cruel streak in those hyber niggas.
Watch out for the short ones with hooked noses and red hair. I know this Irish descended chick of that strain and when this car crashed into a pole, she restrained people from rescuing him. His car was on fire and he burned to death in front of them. Geez. If some one wants to be a hero and rescue someone, at least let them try.

She's also a rabid Looney lefty.

The ones with that look are cruel.
Abortion is basically infanticide. Killing babies is wrong, the point of this thread. Calling out hypocrisy of the church or liberalism. Infanticide bad, abortion good? What is the difference?

"Infanticide bad, abortion good? What is the difference?"

To me the difference is the hypocrisy, The Vatican has always preached against abortion, even to the extreme, such as women and girls who have been raped or victims of incest must not have an abortion, which I think is very cruel to say that in those cases they cannot have an abortion.

So you have The Vatican preaching against abortion and yet for many, many decades being aware of the Infanticide that was happening at these terrible and sadistic institutions run by priests and nuns.

It's the hypocrisy Mary. They are going to Hell.

That is one of the things that bothers me...I am pro-choice, but I would rather abortion NOT be the choice, that means doing everything possible to help girls and women avoid pregnancy if they don't want it and give them all the help they need if they get pregnant and choose to have a baby. Not punish them as "fallen women" and take their children from them if they want to keep them.

This is why I think contraception should be free for teenagers, those who say this would encourage them to have sex, they don't need any encouragement the teenage pregnancy rate shows that.

You are so right! Teens are teens, not adults - though I'm not a parent, I imagine all parents do their best to prepare them - teach them abstinance, but make sure there is a fall back if they fail.

"You are so right! Teens are teens, not adults - though I'm not a parent, I imagine all parents do their best to prepare them - teach them abstinance, but make sure there is a fall back if they fail."

The whole teaching teenagers abstinance though is unworkable, it's like with other things, if people are told not to do something, then they're going to do it and when hormones are raging and you have the curiosity situation and you are told not to go there by your parents, well you are going to go there.

So I think just giving teenagers contraception is the most logical option because the only other option is more unwanted teenage pregnancies and with that more abortion being used as a means of contraception.

I agree totally. My thought is...a parent teaches a teen to try to be responsible about sex, to hold off until it's ready for marriage, but recognizes that may not happen - but rather than leave them at the abyss or at the mercy of wrong information - give them good responsible info on birth control. That doesn't mean they're going to go out and have sex, but if they do at least they will be protected and not ignorant.

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