A scripted movie called The Republican Candidates


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Obama is currently holding the office as President and there was concern about where this guy was born. Conservatives started raising the issue and demanding answers. Who appears out of nowhere other than, friend of evil political genius Bill Clinton, Donald Trump. Trump says , 'we need to get to the bottom of this, we need answers'. After the government produces a piece of paper showing Obama's name with a Social Security number from Connecticut , Trump says 'ok i'm convinced' , and squashes the whole issue.

After the left wing idiots opened the flood gates and loaded the country with Hispanics over the last 40 years, they came to the point where they told the Republicans "You can't win without the Hispanic Vote". All of the sudden, next election, we have Republican candidates appearing with Hispanic names. Cruz and Rubio. How do you get hardcore Republicans to vote for these guys? well, you simply convince them that these guys are "radical" , "Tea Party", "grass roots" type candidates.

We have Hispanic name candidates, AND...

Mitt Romney , whose father was the center of a place of birth issue, after his kooky Mormon sect denounced America, moved to Mexico, got their asses chased out of Mexico, then came back to America to make their fortune.

Mitt Romney was selected as the Republican candidate after passing the Obamacare prototype in Massachusetts.

(also Rick Perry who killed teenage girls by passing forced health care procedures)

(Arnold enters politics, born in Austria)

John McCain , born in Panama

Ted Cruz, born in Canada

and now Trump, after clearing Obama of the place of birth scandal, places all of the origin of birth focus on the #2 Republican candidate, Ted Cruz.

so basically, my theory is, these candidates are selected for us by the left and conservatives have no true representation in America
It's very interesting. The concept, a person with no or little ancestral history in a country will be easier to control, will have no loyalty.
Obama is currently holding the office as President and there was concern about where this guy was born. Conservatives started raising the issue and demanding answers. Who appears out of nowhere other than, friend of evil political genius Bill Clinton, Donald Trump. Trump says , 'we need to get to the bottom of this, we need answers'. After the government produces a piece of paper showing Obama's name with a Social Security number from Connecticut , Trump says 'ok i'm convinced' , and squashes the whole issue.

After the left wing idiots opened the flood gates and loaded the country with Hispanics over the last 40 years, they came to the point where they told the Republicans "You can't win without the Hispanic Vote". All of the sudden, next election, we have Republican candidates appearing with Hispanic names. Cruz and Rubio. How do you get hardcore Republicans to vote for these guys? well, you simply convince them that these guys are "radical" , "Tea Party", "grass roots" type candidates.

We have Hispanic name candidates, AND...

Mitt Romney , whose father was the center of a place of birth issue, after his kooky Mormon sect denounced America, moved to Mexico, got their asses chased out of Mexico, then came back to America to make their fortune.

Mitt Romney was selected as the Republican candidate after passing the Obamacare prototype in Massachusetts.

(also Rick Perry who killed teenage girls by passing forced health care procedures)

(Arnold enters politics, born in Austria)

John McCain , born in Panama

Ted Cruz, born in Canada

and now Trump, after clearing Obama of the place of birth scandal, places all of the origin of birth focus on the #2 Republican candidate, Ted Cruz.

so basically, my theory is, these candidates are selected for us by the left and conservatives have no true representation in America

The only 'concern' as to the president's place of birth was among a minority of delusional partisan rightists angry that they lost the WH.
Obama is currently holding the office as President and there was concern about where this guy was born. Conservatives started raising the issue and demanding answers. Who appears out of nowhere other than, friend of evil political genius Bill Clinton, Donald Trump. Trump says , 'we need to get to the bottom of this, we need answers'. After the government produces a piece of paper showing Obama's name with a Social Security number from Connecticut , Trump says 'ok i'm convinced' , and squashes the whole issue.

After the left wing idiots opened the flood gates and loaded the country with Hispanics over the last 40 years, they came to the point where they told the Republicans "You can't win without the Hispanic Vote". All of the sudden, next election, we have Republican candidates appearing with Hispanic names. Cruz and Rubio. How do you get hardcore Republicans to vote for these guys? well, you simply convince them that these guys are "radical" , "Tea Party", "grass roots" type candidates.

We have Hispanic name candidates, AND...

Mitt Romney , whose father was the center of a place of birth issue, after his kooky Mormon sect denounced America, moved to Mexico, got their asses chased out of Mexico, then came back to America to make their fortune.

Mitt Romney was selected as the Republican candidate after passing the Obamacare prototype in Massachusetts.

(also Rick Perry who killed teenage girls by passing forced health care procedures)

(Arnold enters politics, born in Austria)

John McCain , born in Panama

Ted Cruz, born in Canada

and now Trump, after clearing Obama of the place of birth scandal, places all of the origin of birth focus on the #2 Republican candidate, Ted Cruz.

so basically, my theory is, these candidates are selected for us by the left and conservatives have no true representation in America
That would be a shitty movie
Obama is currently holding the office as President and there was concern about where this guy was born. Conservatives started raising the issue and demanding answers. Who appears out of nowhere other than, friend of evil political genius Bill Clinton, Donald Trump. Trump says , 'we need to get to the bottom of this, we need answers'. After the government produces a piece of paper showing Obama's name with a Social Security number from Connecticut , Trump says 'ok i'm convinced' , and squashes the whole issue.

After the left wing idiots opened the flood gates and loaded the country with Hispanics over the last 40 years, they came to the point where they told the Republicans "You can't win without the Hispanic Vote". All of the sudden, next election, we have Republican candidates appearing with Hispanic names. Cruz and Rubio. How do you get hardcore Republicans to vote for these guys? well, you simply convince them that these guys are "radical" , "Tea Party", "grass roots" type candidates.

We have Hispanic name candidates, AND...

Mitt Romney , whose father was the center of a place of birth issue, after his kooky Mormon sect denounced America, moved to Mexico, got their asses chased out of Mexico, then came back to America to make their fortune.

Mitt Romney was selected as the Republican candidate after passing the Obamacare prototype in Massachusetts.

(also Rick Perry who killed teenage girls by passing forced health care procedures)

(Arnold enters politics, born in Austria)

John McCain , born in Panama

Ted Cruz, born in Canada

and now Trump, after clearing Obama of the place of birth scandal, places all of the origin of birth focus on the #2 Republican candidate, Ted Cruz.

so basically, my theory is, these candidates are selected for us by the left and conservatives have no true representation in America

You have seen this Birth certificate with his Social Security Number on it? Where exactly?
scripted? that's what's being done to you Democrat voters. they act like you have a bunch of people running for President and then every week ones drops out until YOU HAVE HILLERY and that other old fogie . now that is a SCRITPED nightmare being played on their voters. but they don't seem to care so here they are wailing over the other party. that's sad
Obama is currently holding the office as President and there was concern about where this guy was born. Conservatives started raising the issue and demanding answers. Who appears out of nowhere other than, friend of evil political genius Bill Clinton, Donald Trump. Trump says , 'we need to get to the bottom of this, we need answers'. After the government produces a piece of paper showing Obama's name with a Social Security number from Connecticut , Trump says 'ok i'm convinced' , and squashes the whole issue.

After the left wing idiots opened the flood gates and loaded the country with Hispanics over the last 40 years, they came to the point where they told the Republicans "You can't win without the Hispanic Vote". All of the sudden, next election, we have Republican candidates appearing with Hispanic names. Cruz and Rubio. How do you get hardcore Republicans to vote for these guys? well, you simply convince them that these guys are "radical" , "Tea Party", "grass roots" type candidates.

We have Hispanic name candidates, AND...

Mitt Romney , whose father was the center of a place of birth issue, after his kooky Mormon sect denounced America, moved to Mexico, got their asses chased out of Mexico, then came back to America to make their fortune.

Mitt Romney was selected as the Republican candidate after passing the Obamacare prototype in Massachusetts.

(also Rick Perry who killed teenage girls by passing forced health care procedures)

(Arnold enters politics, born in Austria)

John McCain , born in Panama

Ted Cruz, born in Canada

and now Trump, after clearing Obama of the place of birth scandal, places all of the origin of birth focus on the #2 Republican candidate, Ted Cruz.

so basically, my theory is, these candidates are selected for us by the left and conservatives have no true representation in America

nice conspiracy theory. :cuckoo:

btw, john mccain was born on a military base in panama which is considered american territory. he was and is a natural born citizen born on american soil.

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