A Serious Problem For The GOP

anything negative with healthcare and insurance will be a slap in the face to Obama and his party and cost them more seats as they will just automatically be blamed. We saw that last election and we will see it in every other one.
not on this part.... on this everyone knows who to blame, and it will be Republicans, if the SC agrees with the plaintiff, and the R majority in the house and senate don't make the minor tweak/clarification... so to not let the 6 million get the shaft...then hordes of people will come out to vote to show their disdain!
anything negative with healthcare and insurance will be a slap in the face to Obama and his party and cost them more seats as they will just automatically be blamed. We saw that last election and we will see it in every other one.
not on this part.... on this everyone knows who to blame, and it will be Republicans, if the SC agrees with the plaintiff, and the R majority in the house and senate don't make the minor tweak/clarification... so to not let the 6 million get the shaft...then hordes of people will come out to vote to show their disdain!

the vast majority of folks have seen their premiums rise since obamacare became law

6 million is not that big of a number

and of that number how many

are really medicaid certifiable through the new methods

and then there are a certain number of folks of that 6 million

who did not want to purchase a plan but did so out of fear

of punishment from the government for failing to do so

then of course there is a number out side of the 6 million

who have been or are forced into paying a penalty for failing

to follow the law and purchase a policy ....

it certainly is not a cut and dried "death trap" for the GOP

what is and more likely a "death trap" for the GOP

is to promise conservative ideas on the campaign trail

then once elected act like leftist progressives
anything negative with healthcare and insurance will be a slap in the face to Obama and his party and cost them more seats as they will just automatically be blamed. We saw that last election and we will see it in every other one.
not on this part.... on this everyone knows who to blame, and it will be Republicans, if the SC agrees with the plaintiff, and the R majority in the house and senate don't make the minor tweak/clarification... so to not let the 6 million get the shaft...then hordes of people will come out to vote to show their disdain!
anything negative with healthcare and insurance will be a slap in the face to Obama and his party and cost them more seats as they will just automatically be blamed. We saw that last election and we will see it in every other one.
not on this part.... on this everyone knows who to blame, and it will be Republicans, if the SC agrees with the plaintiff, and the R majority in the house and senate don't make the minor tweak/clarification... so to not let the 6 million get the shaft...then hordes of people will come out to vote to show their disdain!

the vast majority of folks have seen their premiums rise since obamacare became law

6 million is not that big of a number

and of that number how many

are really medicaid certifiable through the new methods

and then there are a certain number of folks of that 6 million

who did not want to purchase a plan but did so out of fear

of punishment from the government for failing to do so

then of course there is a number out side of the 6 million

who have been or are forced into paying a penalty for failing

to follow the law and purchase a policy ....

it certainly is not a cut and dried "death trap" for the GOP

what is and more likely a "death trap" for the GOP

is to promise conservative ideas on the campaign trail

then once elected act like leftist progressives

Yup, The libs will most certainly be blamed. Everybody can match up Obamacare with Obama and hist party. Everybody knows the GOP is against it. Not hard to put two and two together.
Funny thing is that it won't just be those who receive subsidies who see their rates skyrocket, it will be everyone including employers. It wouldn't hit until next year, but everyone's rates would increase, and we would have quite a few more uninsured again.

And what a GREAT Republican campaign that will make; folks we got rid of that Obamacare for you. The fact that your insurance premiums are rising 30% should mean nothing to you. The fact that millions of you Americans now have lost your insurance should mean nothing to you.

The ONLY thing that should matter is that we, the Republicans, got rid of Obamacare and you should be glad.

Now who can't see that as a winning campaign? For the Democrats that is.
Go for it Rethugs. Great idea.
This is a Republican self inflicted landmine.

Bullshit, the commiecrats wrote the bill and not one republican voted for it. The provision disallowing subsidies for non-state exchanges was put there intentionally to try to force the States to establish exchanges and it didn't work. This is all on the commiecrats there are no republican fingerprints on it and the people will be reminded of that FACT.

Republican lawsuit results in people losing their healthcare makes it a Republican self inflicted wound.

More BS, suing to prevent the administration form violating their own law and spending tax payer money not authorized by the law is called doing their job, besides the suit in question was not filed by the congress.

It was filed by a Republican for purely partisan political purposes because Republicans want to repeal and defund the ACA. You can't run away from your own hate.

Fuck off, I'm damned tired of you fucking commies saying opposing the federal government taking over one sixth of the economy is hate. The only thing I hate is people like you trying to buy votes with taxpayer money.

Your gullibility is your problem, seek professional help for it.
As some of you know, the SCOTUS will hear arguments on the wording of the ACA and how it seems to disallow credits on Federally run ACA exchanges.

If you're not up to speed on it, you should be.

So anyway, the Court will hear arguments in (I think) May and make a ruling sometime this Summer. If the ruling goes the way some of our more rabid conservatives want it to and the Court strikes down subsidies to Policyholders in non-State-Run exchanges........


Millions of people will see their rates sky rocket. I mean, go nuts. Really nuts.

So, is this a case of "Be careful what you wish for" ass to Republicans.

I think so. There was an earlier thread about the 2016 election. If the Court strikes this down and millions of people see their Insurance Rates double (literally) -- The GOP will take the blame.

I think Republicans are in deep shit if the Court strikes it down.

No way anybody can act fast enough to make it work again.

well, it's probably for THAT reason why Roberts and Kennedy will have the good sense to side with the court's liberals.

Roberts wasn't going to strike down ObamaCare 3 years ago, he won't strike it down now.
As far as this issue...

we had A LOT of threads on Obamacare when this bill was about to go to a vote....maybe hundreds of threads, AND NOT ONCE was there a thread talking about states who did not create their own exchange, and using the federal exchange, NOT being eligible for subsidies....NOT ONCE!

So NO ONE, thought that the ACA legislation, including all of the States given the choice of their own or using the federal exchange knew or even thought that the subsidies would not be paid if a federal exchange was used.

If the governors knew this, when they had to make their decision on whether to create their own exchange or not, NONE of that made the media or on any threads here on this site.... and this was not part of their decision making process....

What was talked about in various threads, was States that chose not to expand medicaid....their citizens funding through their taxes, the medicaid expansions of the states that chose to expand medicaid...WHILE NOT getting the benefit in their own State....

So, every congress critter and senate critters that made this bill law by voting in favor, DID NOT KNOW the federal exchange would not subsidize the citizens of each state either. There were no debates on the congressional floor or senate floor, from either side on this issue....

The people executing the law, and setting up the exchange did not know it either....

All the people at the IRS, developing the tax regulations on this also believed subsidies were given on the federal exchange.

The CBO, also scored the cost of o-care with the federal exchange subsidies being paid.

ALL of these different groups thought the federal exchanges in different states covered subsidies....

I truly don't see how the supreme court could rule in any other way, but with o-care and subsidies....the INTENT of the law, was to have them on federal exchanges.... it is MORE THAN EVIDENT.

Just a few words in response. Nazi Palousey "we have to pass the bill to see what is in it" What do you not get that no one read the bill?
There were versions of the bill out there for months ahead of the vote and right wing media going nuts reporting on every little thing, and thread after thread on this board regarding the bill.... ALL of that info out there in the Public/Media... the house and senate knew about and read months in advance..... What some of them didn't all get a chance to read from beginning to end was the final draft, with typos corrected, and minor tweaking completed is my understanding.

And even after reading it, phrase by phrase, section by section, the non partisan CBO scored it, and put a cost to what the subsidies on the fed exchange and individual State exchanges would cost.... IT WAS understood, by every single person and every single department, and in both houses of Congress, and by every single Governor and every state legislature that the federal exchanges would pay subsidies for their own qualifying citizens....

That was the intent of the law, everyone involved believed it was the law...

and there is no gettin' around that.... imo.

If what you say is true, where's the incentive for any State to establish their own exchanged and why did Gruber, one of the authors of the bill, say it was never the intent to subsidize the federal exchange?

Thanks to Jonathan Gruber for revealing Obamacare deception - The Washington Post
As far as this issue...

we had A LOT of threads on Obamacare when this bill was about to go to a vote....maybe hundreds of threads, AND NOT ONCE was there a thread talking about states who did not create their own exchange, and using the federal exchange, NOT being eligible for subsidies....NOT ONCE!

So NO ONE, thought that the ACA legislation, including all of the States given the choice of their own or using the federal exchange knew or even thought that the subsidies would not be paid if a federal exchange was used.

If the governors knew this, when they had to make their decision on whether to create their own exchange or not, NONE of that made the media or on any threads here on this site.... and this was not part of their decision making process....

What was talked about in various threads, was States that chose not to expand medicaid....their citizens funding through their taxes, the medicaid expansions of the states that chose to expand medicaid...WHILE NOT getting the benefit in their own State....

So, every congress critter and senate critters that made this bill law by voting in favor, DID NOT KNOW the federal exchange would not subsidize the citizens of each state either. There were no debates on the congressional floor or senate floor, from either side on this issue....

The people executing the law, and setting up the exchange did not know it either....

All the people at the IRS, developing the tax regulations on this also believed subsidies were given on the federal exchange.

The CBO, also scored the cost of o-care with the federal exchange subsidies being paid.

ALL of these different groups thought the federal exchanges in different states covered subsidies....

I truly don't see how the supreme court could rule in any other way, but with o-care and subsidies....the INTENT of the law, was to have them on federal exchanges.... it is MORE THAN EVIDENT.

Just a few words in response. Nazi Palousey "we have to pass the bill to see what is in it" What do you not get that no one read the bill?
There were versions of the bill out there for months ahead of the vote and right wing media going nuts reporting on every little thing, and thread after thread on this board regarding the bill.... ALL of that info out there in the Public/Media... the house and senate knew about and read months in advance..... What some of them didn't all get a chance to read from beginning to end was the final draft, with typos corrected, and minor tweaking completed is my understanding.

And even after reading it, phrase by phrase, section by section, the non partisan CBO scored it, and put a cost to what the subsidies on the fed exchange and individual State exchanges would cost.... IT WAS understood, by every single person and every single department, and in both houses of Congress, and by every single Governor and every state legislature that the federal exchanges would pay subsidies for their own qualifying citizens....

That was the intent of the law, everyone involved believed it was the law...

and there is no gettin' around that.... imo.

If what you say is true, where's the incentive for any State to establish their own exchanged and why did Gruber, one of the authors of the bill, say it was never the intent to subsidize the federal exchange?

Thanks to Jonathan Gruber for revealing Obamacare deception - The Washington Post
I was trying to find the part where Gruber supposedly said that the federal exchanges were not to be funded....he could have been talking about the Medicaid expansion, where states that chose not to expand it, their citizens would be funding all the other states that did choose to expand it?

In addition to this, WHY HAVE A federal exchange for states who did not want to spend the time to set up their own exchange if the Federal exchange did NOTHING to help those without insurance?

The INTENT of the Law, was always to fund the federal exchange used by the States, with subsidies.

the advantage of a State building their own exchange, was for States to have more control over the system of delivery, and less federal control.
As some of you know, the SCOTUS will hear arguments on the wording of the ACA and how it seems to disallow credits on Federally run ACA exchanges.

If you're not up to speed on it, you should be.

So anyway, the Court will hear arguments in (I think) May and make a ruling sometime this Summer. If the ruling goes the way some of our more rabid conservatives want it to and the Court strikes down subsidies to Policyholders in non-State-Run exchanges........


Millions of people will see their rates sky rocket. I mean, go nuts. Really nuts.

So, is this a case of "Be careful what you wish for" ass to Republicans.

I think so. There was an earlier thread about the 2016 election. If the Court strikes this down and millions of people see their Insurance Rates double (literally) -- The GOP will take the blame.

I think Republicans are in deep shit if the Court strikes it down.

No way anybody can act fast enough to make it work again.

Ok so the GOP is wishing for something if it happens is the fault of the people that crafted the bill?!!

Not one Repub voted for Obama care all that happens is on the Dems,What you should be posting is how Repubs told everyone that this is likely to happen,certainly not their fault,they didn't write the bill.

But Dems will do everything they can to deflect,the OP is a very good example.
Not only will the scum of the earth dimocrap party blame Republicans if the ACA goes down (which is politics as usual in either party)....

But the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will blame Republicans.

The AP, Reuters, UPI, the New Yawk Slimes, the LA Times, WaPo (aka; Pravda West), ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, pMSNBC every sinle Newspaper in the Country, ALL of your local news outlets, the Foreign Press

Since when have facts mattered to the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM? Here or anywhere else.

The only outlet we'll have trying to protect Republicans will be FNC, and they'll be outnumbered 100 to 1.

Remember how nonchalant the Lying Cocksucker in Chief was prior to the government shutdown last year?

Remember the old guard (including me) warning the Tea Party and other IDIOTS about forcing a shutdown?

dimocraps shoved it up our ass. That we took them down in the 2014 Midterms is a testament to the hard work put in by the Party faithful.

Republicans need to have a bill ready that changes the language of the ACA and allows for government subsidies. If the SCOTUS shoots it down and MILLIONS of people start wandering in the Health Insurance wilderness, Republicans are not only going to take it up the poop chute, we might disappear as a party.

I kid you not.

dimocrap scum play for keeps, people. You better understand that. We're playing by the Marquess of Queensbeery Rules and dimocrap scum are kicking us in the nuts.

Once we get back power, REAL power, we need to start changing the political landscape. We need to start playing the game the way the scum of the earth dimocraps do -- For keeps.
All of this is the republican's work.

It wasn't any democrat who went to the supreme court challenging the expanded medicaid and state exchanges.

That was a conservative republican.

It wasn't the democrats on the supreme court who ruled that states can opt out of the expanded medicaid and exchanges.

That was the 5 republicans on the supreme court who ruled that way.

It wasn't any democrat who took the latest case to court.

That was republicans.

This whole thing was created by republicans and conservatives. If the republicans on the supreme court had ruled that the states couldn't opt out, all states would have exchanges and this wouldn't be an issue.

All you cowardly conservatives and republicans who lie and say this is a trap set up by Obama and the democrats are LYING through their teeth.

And they know it.

I have never, in my life ever seen any republican or conservative ever take responsibility for their words or actions.

They're all just a bunch of greedy, lying, cowards.
anything negative with healthcare and insurance will be a slap in the face to Obama and his party and cost them more seats as they will just automatically be blamed. We saw that last election and we will see it in every other one.
not on this part.... on this everyone knows who to blame, and it will be Republicans, if the SC agrees with the plaintiff, and the R majority in the house and senate don't make the minor tweak/clarification... so to not let the 6 million get the shaft...then hordes of people will come out to vote to show their disdain!

the vast majority of folks have seen their premiums rise since obamacare became law
Health care plans have risen in premium price or in higher deductibles for the past 25 years, each and every year... outpacing the cost of living increase.

Only someone living in the dream world of never never land is not cognoscente of that....
Why is it a problem for the the GOP that Democrats and Obama passed an unconstitutional law?
I don't get it either.

The dems wrote the law.
The dems voted for the law.
No repubs voted for the law.
obama has illegally changed the law dozens of times already.
The repubs have tried many times to repeal the law in full.

Yet if the court rules on some part of it that costs the public money, it's the repubs fault?

Only on planet progtard.
Once we get back power, REAL power,

In order to do that you will have to create a platform that appeals to women, blacks, hispanics, gays, moderates and independents. Good luck with getting that past the extremist rightwingers who own your primaries.
anything negative with healthcare and insurance will be a slap in the face to Obama and his party and cost them more seats as they will just automatically be blamed. We saw that last election and we will see it in every other one.
not on this part.... on this everyone knows who to blame, and it will be Republicans, if the SC agrees with the plaintiff, and the R majority in the house and senate don't make the minor tweak/clarification... so to not let the 6 million get the shaft...then hordes of people will come out to vote to show their disdain!

the vast majority of folks have seen their premiums rise since obamacare became law
Health care plans have risen in premium price or in higher deductibles for the past 25 years, each and every year... outpacing the cost of living increase.

Only someone living in the dream world of never never land is not cognoscente of that....

you can try and sell that idea to yourself

but most Americans know better

more so for those who had private health insurance before obamacare

and now are seeing skyrocketed premiums


they also have higher deductibles and more out of pocket expenses

obamacare certainly was a friendly law for the average folks

the ones who benefited the most from obamacare

was non other then big business and big insurance

and after trillions and trillions of dollars

just how many Americans are still without health insurance
Why is it a problem for the the GOP that Democrats and Obama passed an unconstitutional law?
I don't get it either.

The dems wrote the law.
The dems voted for the law.
No repubs voted for the law.
obama has illegally changed the law dozens of times already.
The repubs have tried many times to repeal the law in full.

Yet if the court rules on some part of it that costs the public money, it's the repubs fault?

Only on planet progtard.

There were bipartisan meetings on this issue starting in 2007. Both democrats and republicans worked together to write this legislation. There were 161 republican amendments in the ACA. Every single republican voted YEA for the republican amendments in the ACA.

Fact Check: How the health care law was made | America's Health Care

Yes the democrats voted for the law.

Many republicans voted for that law in House. In fact most of them voted for it. Just scroll through the list and see all the republicans who voted YEA for the House version of the bill.

H.R. 3590 (111th): Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act -- GovTrack.us

While none of the republicans voted for it in it's final senate floor vote, some did vote for it in the committees. Olympia Snow was one of them.

Senate Finance Committee Approves Health Care Bill - ABC News

There was another senate committee vote where I think 2 republicans did vote to advance it from the committee to the floor of the senate for a final vote. I just can't find an article on it right now.

The Senate changed the bill. It went back to the house for approval of the changes. That's when all republicans in the House voted against that bill. At that point some democrats House voted against the law too. If there had not been any changes to the House version, it wouldn't have gone back to the House and there would be no record of republicans voting NO in the House.

If you want to see how each politician voted on that bill just click the link below:

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010; 111th Congress H.R. 3590) - GovTrack.us
none of the republicans voted for it in it's final senate floor vote,

That's all that matters. That shows that the final draft of the bill that hit the senate floor after all the republican suggestions had been trashed did not have any republican support. The final bill was written by democrats behind locked doors and assholes like GRUBER that banked on the STUPIDITY of the American people.

This epic disaster of a bill is ALL THE DEMS BABY, and OBAMA, period, end of story.

"YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN"... we won't forget who was doing that moronic chanting in the senate.

Own it.
Not only will the scum of the earth dimocrap party blame Republicans if the ACA goes down (which is politics as usual in either party)....

But the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will blame Republicans.

The AP, Reuters, UPI, the New Yawk Slimes, the LA Times, WaPo (aka; Pravda West), ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, pMSNBC every sinle Newspaper in the Country, ALL of your local news outlets, the Foreign Press

Since when have facts mattered to the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM? Here or anywhere else.

You see, you start with a sane OP, and then you go crazy again. It's like you can't help yourself.

The ACA won't go down regardless of what the Court rules, and they'll probably rule to keep the exchanges because it will be too much chaos if they don't. The Roberts Court is a business court, and the thing is, Business really wants ObamaCare.
You see, you start with a sane OP, and then you go crazy again. It's like you can't help yourself.

The ACA won't go down regardless of what the Court rules, and they'll probably rule to keep the exchanges because it will be too much chaos if they don't. The Roberts Court is a business court, and the thing is, Business really wants ObamaCare.

Your childish (as usual) ad hominem aside. I wouldn't bet on the Court doing anything much other than ruling for or against subsidies in Federally run exchanges.

The Court will say it's not their job to write legislation and -- They'd be right.

I think it goes down. Roberts has a chance to reverse a VERY embarrassing error the last time this went before him.

I don't want it to go down. I have been for a mandatory participation in Health Insurance for the last 30 years for reasons that it just makes sense.

But if (when) the Court slaps it down...... Then what?

I think it's problems for the Country and the GOP.

As you can read in here already, some numbskulls are already convinced it's Republicans' fault...... Even though we're not connected to the lawsuit at all.

But it's never been difficult to get dimocraps, the dumbest shits on earth, to believe lies.

Republicans need to understand that. They can persuade people with an IQ that it's not our fault, but dimocraps?

Not a chance in hell.

We take the heat.

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