A Serious Problem For The GOP

You take the heat because you are the party of "Let him Die"

That's why you take the heat.

THere's actually a simple solution out of this. Set up state exchanges before the Court rules. Easy Peasey.
And, for a matter of maybe 100 bucks, the States without their own exchanges can legally LEASE the exchange system/programs from the federal gvt....

one of our States that have what is counted as their own state exchange.... leases another state's exchange system/software....no reason states without an exchange can't legally lease the fed's exchange software.... very very very easy fix.
You take the heat because you are the party of "Let him Die"

That's why you take the heat.

THere's actually a simple solution out of this. Set up state exchanges before the Court rules. Easy Peasey.
And, for a matter of maybe 100 bucks, the States without their own exchanges can legally LEASE the exchange system/programs from the federal gvt....

one of our States that have what is counted as their own state exchange.... leases another state's exchange system/software....no reason states without an exchange can't legally lease the fed's exchange software.... very very very easy fix.

You and other imbeciles like JoeyB don't concern me in the least. Never have, never will. Republicans could find the cure for Cancer and you'd bitch about all the Oncologists we put out of business.

It's all you know how to do.

My concern is with every day, average, hard-working, family-raising, tax-paying citizens who don't have the time to track down and destroy your lies. Which is all they are.

It is absolutely true that this whole mess is 100% the fault of scumbag dimocrap filth. Absolutely 100%.

But by the time dimocrap filth get done lying about it, which is all you're capable of -- you sure as HELL can't write a decent bill; and buy the time we get done proving what pathological lying scum you are -- Every last one of you; The American People will be boned.

This is completely and totally on the scumbags that wrote this stupid fucking law. Not one of whom was a Republican.

But that won't matter to dimocrap filth -- We can see that by the replies to the problem I've gotten in here.

You don't care about solving the problem that YOU created by being SO FUCKING STUPID that you can't write a straight-forward, honest Health Care bill.

So do Republicans let The People sit back and SUCK on it until dimocrap filth come around?

Or do we take one for the team, look after the American People and accede to dimocrap filth, making it look like we're the bad guys in all this?


Because I think that wit the General Election about 1-1/2 years away by the time the ruling comes down, we can show that dimocrap filth caused the problem -- Totally, completely and 100%.

I think it's our time to shine. We come through for the American People, show the Country that dimocrap filth are nothing more than pathologically lying scum and we CRUSH them in the 2016 General.

The problem, IMO, will be with the raw-meat-eating, idiotic Tea Billy faction of the Party.

And they ARE idiots. I had high hopes for them, but they've turned out to be stupid and amateurish
You know, Edgey, other than your namecalling- and you really need to see someone about the anger management - you really aren't making a point here.

Yanking health coverage from poor people isn't going to make you shine. It's like you guys learned nothing from 2012. You can't nominate a guy whose message is "I"ve got mine, fuck you" and then expect to get a lot of sympathy.
This is how dims work. They set things up so that if the Republicans fight them on it, either Republicans lose or The People lose.

Just like during the shutdown.

My concern is more with The People. How do we stop them from going belly up? How do we prevent them from going broke or, worse yet, dropping their coverage and becoming uninsured?

Of curse, dimocraps will look at political side. As always.

They just don't care about The People. They really don't.

And Republicans? A lot of dumbasses in our party these days.

There it is! The accusations fly about Democrats working political angles from the OP of a thread urging the GOP to work political angles.

Nice work!
There it is! The accusations fly about Democrats working political angles from the OP of a thread urging the GOP to work political angles.

And what a strange political angle it is. It must have taken a lot of geometry to figure out the angle that the Republicans are and have always been for the working man.

I have been seeing this position put forth a couple of times now. It's like the Republican have been told that they are gonna take a bad butt whipping the next election IF they don't make some effort to appeal to the middle class.
And they are gonna take a butt whipping.

Nothing funnier than to hear someone like edge claim how his party is all concerned about the middle and lower income classes. LMAO.
You take the heat because you are the party of "Let him Die"

That's why you take the heat.

THere's actually a simple solution out of this. Set up state exchanges before the Court rules. Easy Peasey.
And, for a matter of maybe 100 bucks, the States without their own exchanges can legally LEASE the exchange system/programs from the federal gvt....

one of our States that have what is counted as their own state exchange.... leases another state's exchange system/software....no reason states without an exchange can't legally lease the fed's exchange software.... very very very easy fix.

You and other imbeciles like JoeyB don't concern me in the least. Never have, never will. Republicans could find the cure for Cancer and you'd bitch about all the Oncologists we put out of business.

It's all you know how to do.

My concern is with every day, average, hard-working, family-raising, tax-paying citizens who don't have the time to track down and destroy your lies. Which is all they are.

It is absolutely true that this whole mess is 100% the fault of scumbag dimocrap filth. Absolutely 100%.

But by the time dimocrap filth get done lying about it, which is all you're capable of -- you sure as HELL can't write a decent bill; and buy the time we get done proving what pathological lying scum you are -- Every last one of you; The American People will be boned.

This is completely and totally on the scumbags that wrote this stupid fucking law. Not one of whom was a Republican.

But that won't matter to dimocrap filth -- We can see that by the replies to the problem I've gotten in here.

You don't care about solving the problem that YOU created by being SO FUCKING STUPID that you can't write a straight-forward, honest Health Care bill.

So do Republicans let The People sit back and SUCK on it until dimocrap filth come around?

Or do we take one for the team, look after the American People and accede to dimocrap filth, making it look like we're the bad guys in all this?


Because I think that wit the General Election about 1-1/2 years away by the time the ruling comes down, we can show that dimocrap filth caused the problem -- Totally, completely and 100%.

I think it's our time to shine. We come through for the American People, show the Country that dimocrap filth are nothing more than pathologically lying scum and we CRUSH them in the 2016 General.

The problem, IMO, will be with the raw-meat-eating, idiotic Tea Billy faction of the Party.

And they ARE idiots. I had high hopes for them, but they've turned out to be stupid and amateurish
Dear Ed Gets Ho Potty Mouth,

1) You need to look in the mirror on 3/4's of your rant....YOU are the one actually DOING what your rant accuses Democrats of doing, yet it is YOU that is whining and yelling and cursing and throwing a conniption like a 3 year old .

2) This is not a football game, this is about your neighbor's lives. Why is everything a GAME to you??? Why can't we just expect Congress Critters to do the right thing, simply for the right reason? Why does it have to be a such a dramatic play of 4th down with 1 yard to go kind of situation where it is extreme joy if crossing to the end zone, or an agony of defeat, if not?

This is not a hard decision for anyone to make whether you are for the ACA or against the ACA....


Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.

Love thy neighbor, AS THYSELF....

Fixing this is not a conundrum, it's simply the right thing to do.

The Battle of Keeping the ACA or reneging the ACA can be debated and then voted on at a different time....intentionally screwing up your neighbor's life for some kind of distorted, and deranged, political posturing IS NOT the right thing to do.
There it is! The accusations fly about Democrats working political angles from the OP of a thread urging the GOP to work political angles.

And what a strange political angle it is. It must have taken a lot of geometry to figure out the angle that the Republicans are and have always been for the working man.

I have been seeing this position put forth a couple of times now. It's like the Republican have been told that they are gonna take a bad butt whipping the next election IF they don't make some effort to appeal to the middle class.
And they are gonna take a butt whipping.

Nothing funnier than to hear someone like edge claim how his party is all concerned about the middle and lower income classes. LMAO.

Know what makes me different from you freaking imbeciles?

I am capable of independent thought -- You aren't. You toe the dimocrap scum line NO MATTER WHAT. Every time.

I believe in Unions, just not Public Sector Unions.

I believe in MANDATORY Health Insurance for every American. Period.

I believe the Staten Island Cops should have been indicted.

I believe in a lot of things that dimocraps like to claim as their own, but often aren't.

All you believe is what you're told to believe. Perfect automatons. Perfect obamabots. Perfect little Nazis.

Befehl ist Befehl, right boys? Wouldn't surprise me a bit to see any one of you scumbags standing at the head of the gas chamber, throwing conservatives in.

Obama s Friend Ayers Kill 25 Million Americans

Just like the Weather Men wanted to do...... You know, the group founded by the Lying Cocksucker in Chief's Rabbi, Bill Ayers and his disgusting whore of a wife (she really is a slut.... Look it up).

In No Place to Hide, Grathwohl explains that the Weathermen actually believed that they would be successful in overthrowing the U.S. government and that, with the help of the Cubans, Chinese, Russians, and North Vietnamese, they would occupy America. Americans would have to be "re-educated" in camps, similar to what the communists did in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and other countries they had taken over. Here is one of the chilling revelations Larry Grathwohl made in the film:

I asked, "Well what is going to happen to those people we can't reeducate, that are diehard capitalists?" And the reply was that they'd have to be eliminated.

And when I pursued this further, they estimated they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these reeducation centers.

And when I say "eliminate," I mean "kill."

Twenty-five million people.

I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of which have graduate degrees, from Columbia and other well-known educational centers, and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people and they were dead serious.

Conservatives can think. You can't.

Well..... Okay, I'll admit that we have a small, but vociferous minority, that's almost as stupid as you are but they don't run the party. As can be seen by the fact we kicked their asses in virtually EVERY primary last year.

But overall...... Me calling you people the scum of the earth, filth, lying scum, etc?

Those aren't insults. They're observations.

Suck on it

Everything you people have ever done could have been done better by us. Everything.

Which is why our system is on the verge of collapse. You'll see. It's worse than you know. Our only hope is a Republican President in 2 years. Otherwise....

You take the heat because you are the party of "Let him Die"

That's why you take the heat.

THere's actually a simple solution out of this. Set up state exchanges before the Court rules. Easy Peasey.
And, for a matter of maybe 100 bucks, the States without their own exchanges can legally LEASE the exchange system/programs from the federal gvt....

one of our States that have what is counted as their own state exchange.... leases another state's exchange system/software....no reason states without an exchange can't legally lease the fed's exchange software.... very very very easy fix.

You and other imbeciles like JoeyB don't concern me in the least. Never have, never will. Republicans could find the cure for Cancer and you'd bitch about all the Oncologists we put out of business.

It's all you know how to do.

My concern is with every day, average, hard-working, family-raising, tax-paying citizens who don't have the time to track down and destroy your lies. Which is all they are.

It is absolutely true that this whole mess is 100% the fault of scumbag dimocrap filth. Absolutely 100%.

But by the time dimocrap filth get done lying about it, which is all you're capable of -- you sure as HELL can't write a decent bill; and buy the time we get done proving what pathological lying scum you are -- Every last one of you; The American People will be boned.

This is completely and totally on the scumbags that wrote this stupid fucking law. Not one of whom was a Republican.

But that won't matter to dimocrap filth -- We can see that by the replies to the problem I've gotten in here.

You don't care about solving the problem that YOU created by being SO FUCKING STUPID that you can't write a straight-forward, honest Health Care bill.

So do Republicans let The People sit back and SUCK on it until dimocrap filth come around?

Or do we take one for the team, look after the American People and accede to dimocrap filth, making it look like we're the bad guys in all this?


Because I think that wit the General Election about 1-1/2 years away by the time the ruling comes down, we can show that dimocrap filth caused the problem -- Totally, completely and 100%.

I think it's our time to shine. We come through for the American People, show the Country that dimocrap filth are nothing more than pathologically lying scum and we CRUSH them in the 2016 General.

The problem, IMO, will be with the raw-meat-eating, idiotic Tea Billy faction of the Party.

And they ARE idiots. I had high hopes for them, but they've turned out to be stupid and amateurish
Dear Ed Gets Ho Potty Mouth,

1) You need to look in the mirror on 3/4's of your rant....YOU are the one actually DOING what your rant accuses Democrats of doing, yet it is YOU that is whining and yelling and cursing and throwing a conniption like a 3 year old .

2) This is not a football game, this is about your neighbor's lives. Why is everything a GAME to you??? Why can't we just expect Congress Critters to do the right thing, simply for the right reason? Why does it have to be a such a dramatic play of 4th down with 1 yard to go kind of situation where it is extreme joy if crossing to the end zone, or an agony of defeat, if not?

This is not a hard decision for anyone to make whether you are for the ACA or against the ACA....


Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.

Love thy neighbor, AS THYSELF....

Fixing this is not a conundrum, it's simply the right thing to do.

The Battle of Keeping the ACA or reneging the ACA can be debated and then voted on at a different time....intentionally screwing up your neighbor's life for some kind of distorted, and deranged, political posturing IS NOT the right thing to do.

You reeally are a stupid human being. Is that what you're getting from all this? That I want the ACA to go away?

I want to keep the ACA. It's here to stay. It isn't right by any stretch, it's a piece of shit simply because the stupidest fucks on earth wrote it -- Your pals.

And don't bore me with, "Well, what did Republicans have?"

We had 5 Comprehensive Health Care bills that were DOA because dimocraps fought them tooth and nail. We've introduced HC Legislation dozens of times and had it shot down every time.

Seriously The Republicans Have No Health Plan - Forbes

Teddy Roosevelt pushed for Comprehensive National Health and it got shot down..... That's how far back it goes.

Richard Nixon introduced a CHP in his first year in Congress in 1947. He even made it the keynote of his 1974 SOA and introduced his plan to Congress.

dimocrap scum immediately shot it down, of course. Why? Because dimocraps don't want National Health, they want socialism.

Nixon proposed today 8217 s Affordable Care Act - Salon.com

Don't play games with me. I'm way ahead of you.

Partisan? I am not the least bit partisan. I just simply hate dimocraps.

Because you lie, you cheat, you steal money from people who work for it and give to your pals, and you're dirtbags.

Anything and everything practical you've ever done has been an abortion...... Including this latest clusterfuck.

And all you care about is politics.

As usual.

Take your weak shit on down the road
edgy, I'm just not sure if you even realize how crazy you sound most of the time. Bill Ayers thought some stupid stuff in college, so that indicts the whole Democratic Party?

Now, you do make a point that earlier version of Universal Health Care were shot down. Mostly because when Republicans propose these sorts of things, It's usually about protecting the interests of the rich over the working class.

YOu see, the problem with the ACA is that it IS the Republican plan. It's giving a big wet sloppy kiss to private insurance and hope they don't screw you.

And, yes, when Republicans proposed it under Nixon or back in the 1990's, Democrats said, "Hey, why don't we just go to a single payer plan like everyone else has?" Which is still a pretty good question.

But the Democrats went with the republican version, which the Republicans are now trying to sabotage, and whining because, hey, they might get held accountable if they get what they want?
As some of you know, the SCOTUS will hear arguments on the wording of the ACA and how it seems to disallow credits on Federally run ACA exchanges.

If you're not up to speed on it, you should be.

So anyway, the Court will hear arguments in (I think) May and make a ruling sometime this Summer. If the ruling goes the way some of our more rabid conservatives want it to and the Court strikes down subsidies to Policyholders in non-State-Run exchanges........


Millions of people will see their rates sky rocket. I mean, go nuts. Really nuts.

So, is this a case of "Be careful what you wish for" ass to Republicans.

I think so. There was an earlier thread about the 2016 election. If the Court strikes this down and millions of people see their Insurance Rates double (literally) -- The GOP will take the blame.

I think Republicans are in deep shit if the Court strikes it down.

No way anybody can act fast enough to make it work again.

Funny thing is that it won't just be those who receive subsidies who see their rates skyrocket, it will be everyone including employers. It wouldn't hit until next year, but everyone's rates would increase, and we would have quite a few more uninsured again.
We'll have more uninsured anyway as employers start kicking people off their plans.
This is a total Democrat fuck up, aided by an administration that writes law on its own. The attempts to blame Republicans are hilarious
We'll have more uninsured anyway as employers start kicking people off their plans.
This is a total Democrat fuck up, aided by an administration that writes law on its own. The attempts to blame Republicans are hilarious

Guy, very few employers are going to make their companies less attractive to employees by dumping health insurance.
edgy, I'm just not sure if you even realize how crazy you sound most of the time. Bill Ayers thought some stupid stuff in college, so that indicts the whole Democratic Party?

Now, you do make a point that earlier version of Universal Health Care were shot down. Mostly because when Republicans propose these sorts of things, It's usually about protecting the interests of the rich over the working class.

YOu see, the problem with the ACA is that it IS the Republican plan. It's giving a big wet sloppy kiss to private insurance and hope they don't screw you.

And, yes, when Republicans proposed it under Nixon or back in the 1990's, Democrats said, "Hey, why don't we just go to a single payer plan like everyone else has?" Which is still a pretty good question.

But the Democrats went with the republican version, which the Republicans are now trying to sabotage, and whining because, hey, they might get held accountable if they get what they want?

It's the "Republican Plan" but not one Republican voted for it.

Where do you keep your drool cup when you ride the short bus to school, Joey?

yer a genius
It's the "Republican Plan" but not one Republican voted for it.

Where do you keep your drool cup when you ride the short bus to school, Joey?

yer a genius

It's their plan because it was there idea. Just because they were too afraid of the racists and nuts to take the win is their problem.

Now, thanks to their stupidity, they will get the blame if the courts give them what they want and they yank insurance from 10 million people.

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