A Short History Lesson On Earth Day


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Which is today, BTW


Any questions?

Enjoy your Earth Day :lmao:
Wow, i didnt knowmeinhorn was involved... what fucktard....but most of these brainless retards are
Just like the Republicans... Earth day is no longer what it started to be or was.

This is like your threads telling people to be against Dems today because 70 years ago they did something
earth day is a feel good but do nothing day for people who make a mess of the place the other 364 days of the year to delude themselves into thinking they actually did something.

Kind of like a bunch of idiot senators staying up all night and blabbing about global warming.
Wow, i didnt knowmeinhorn was involved... what fucktard....but most of these brainless retards are

Yes, we understand how you feel, but to the extent you are allowed to state it, how do you think about it?

It should be called hippie day. It's a stupid holiday to encourage extreme environmentalism. Sorry I'm not giving up electricity for some libtards.
Written in the 1970's it still rings true today:

"Now observe that in all the propaganda of the ecologists—amidst all their appeals to nature and pleas for “harmony with nature”—there is no discussion of man’s needs and the requirements of his survival. Man is treated as if he were an unnatural phenomenon. Man cannot survive in the kind of state of nature that the ecologists envision—i.e., on the level of sea urchins or polar bears . . . .
In order to survive, man has to discover and produce everything he needs, which means that he has to alter his background and adapt it to his needs. Nature has not equipped him for adapting himself to his background in the manner of animals. From the most primitive cultures to the most advanced civilizations, man has had to manufacture things; his well-being depends on his success at production. The lowest human tribe cannot survive without that alleged source of pollution: fire. It is not merely symbolic that fire was the property of the gods which Prometheus brought to man. The ecologists are the new vultures swarming to extinguish that fire" -Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand was wrong.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ngc0_mQ5tjE]Hemp For Victory (1942) U.S. Department of Agriculture - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r91EwGag3FI]Jack Herer: Hemp For Victory - Help Eliminate Marijuana Prohibition (H.E.M.P.) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkTYWS9ufTQ]Hemp for Victory 2011 - Hemp Can Restore Our Economy and Our Independence - YouTube[/ame]
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Just like the Republicans... Earth day is no longer what it started to be or was.

This is like your threads telling people to be against Dems today because 70 years ago they did something

you're right.....Earth Day is no longer what it used to be....it has morphed into a worse monstrosity that includes things like....

Climate Change....and Agenda 21....

Now, the UN has found a new goal in Agenda 21 with its symbolic Mother Earth Day (MED), set for April 22nd. While nature slowly re-awakens from its winter slumber, the MED will mostly be celebrated by the flower children left over from the sixties and by the new socialistic-inclined cadre of Agenda 21 proponents. Agenda 21 intends to de-carbonize and to de-industrialize the world to conditions prevailing in the 1800’s, preferably under an UN mandate of world governance. The numerous Agenda 21 goals include the elimination of individuals’ right to property.

April 22nd also happens to be Vladimir Lenin’s birthday - perhaps not coincidentally - as noted by Alan Caruba in a recent post. Comrade’s Lenin promise of “Peace, Bread, and Land” was the initial stage of the collectivization of agriculture as later finalized by Josef Stalin. A more recent example of the collectivization of agriculture was under Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe. Like under Stalin’s regime, thousands of people were tortured and murdered in Zimbabwe too; many others died from disease and famine. Prior to Mugabe’s rise to dictatorial power, Rhodesia (as Zimbabwe was known then) was viewed as the “Switzerland of Africa”, well run and prospering.

In January of this year, the Republican National Convention approved a resolution which asserts that Agenda 21 “is a comprehensive plan of extreme environmentalism, social engineering, and global political control.”

Earth Day and Agenda 21
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You guys go to the extreme on everything. No one is asking you to do anything on Earth Day and pretending that you are going to "buck the system" because you're a bad ass and going to leave on your lights is the lamest protest ever but be proud...I guess. Congrats.

And Double Tap quotes something that pretends environmentalists are against manufacturing shit. YES! Because that is the goal of someone...somewhere...made of straw.

You know the best part about it. You dont have to do shit about it but since you're anti everything you HAVE to get upset about it and pretend someone is attacking your wanna be victim asses
China grows America's hemp now.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=768h3Tz4Qik]Southpark - They Took Our Job! - YouTube[/ame]
Just like the Republicans... Earth day is no longer what it started to be or was.

This is like your threads telling people to be against Dems today because 70 years ago they did something

you're right.....Earth Day is no longer what it used to be....it has morphed into a worse monstrosity that includes things like....

Climate Change....and Agenda 21....

Now, the UN has found a new goal in Agenda 21 with its symbolic Mother Earth Day (MED), set for April 22nd. While nature slowly re-awakens from its winter slumber, the MED will mostly be celebrated by the flower children left over from the sixties and by the new socialistic-inclined cadre of Agenda 21 proponents. Agenda 21 intends to de-carbonize and to de-industrialize the world to conditions prevailing in the 1800’s, preferably under an UN mandate of world governance. The numerous Agenda 21 goals include the elimination of individuals’ right to property.

April 22nd also happens to be Vladimir Lenin’s birthday - perhaps not coincidentally - as noted by Alan Caruba in a recent post. Comrade’s Lenin promise of “Peace, Bread, and Land” was the initial stage of the collectivization of agriculture as later finalized by Josef Stalin. A more recent example of the collectivization of agriculture was under Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe. Like under Stalin’s regime, thousands of people were tortured and murdered in Zimbabwe too; many others died from disease and famine. Prior to Mugabe’s rise to dictatorial power, Rhodesia (as Zimbabwe was known then) was viewed as the “Switzerland of Africa”, well run and prospering.

In January of this year, the Republican National Convention approved a resolution which asserts that Agenda 21 “is a comprehensive plan of extreme environmentalism, social engineering, and global political control.”


See? Environmentalist want to uhhh...Take your car and give you a horse and buggy! Uh...Want to take away your wershing machine and replace it with a wershboard! Watch Out! Here they come!
Just like the Republicans... Earth day is no longer what it started to be or was.

This is like your threads telling people to be against Dems today because 70 years ago they did something

you're right.....Earth Day is no longer what it used to be....it has morphed into a worse monstrosity that includes things like....

Climate Change....and Agenda 21....

Now, the UN has found a new goal in Agenda 21 with its symbolic Mother Earth Day (MED), set for April 22nd. While nature slowly re-awakens from its winter slumber, the MED will mostly be celebrated by the flower children left over from the sixties and by the new socialistic-inclined cadre of Agenda 21 proponents. Agenda 21 intends to de-carbonize and to de-industrialize the world to conditions prevailing in the 1800’s, preferably under an UN mandate of world governance. The numerous Agenda 21 goals include the elimination of individuals’ right to property.

April 22nd also happens to be Vladimir Lenin’s birthday - perhaps not coincidentally - as noted by Alan Caruba in a recent post. Comrade’s Lenin promise of “Peace, Bread, and Land” was the initial stage of the collectivization of agriculture as later finalized by Josef Stalin. A more recent example of the collectivization of agriculture was under Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe. Like under Stalin’s regime, thousands of people were tortured and murdered in Zimbabwe too; many others died from disease and famine. Prior to Mugabe’s rise to dictatorial power, Rhodesia (as Zimbabwe was known then) was viewed as the “Switzerland of Africa”, well run and prospering.

In January of this year, the Republican National Convention approved a resolution which asserts that Agenda 21 “is a comprehensive plan of extreme environmentalism, social engineering, and global political control.”


See? Environmentalist want to uhhh...Take your car and give you a horse and buggy! Uh...Want to take away your wershing machine and replace it with a wershboard! Watch Out! Here they come!

yep...that's pretty much it....

cars will become too expensive.....as you are 'stacked and packed' in sardine housing communities...

the 'wildlands project' will restrict humans to designated areas....too bad if you own land...

'smart meters' will control your every use....
In short, the long copy and paste job in the OP boils down to one of the Earth Day founders being a murderer. That takes as much away from Earth Day as some of our Founders being slave owners takes away from America being the greatest country ever.

That's the weakness of ad hominem fallacies. They are idiotic.

Now let's talk about how all the advances colored people have made mean absolutely nothing since Martin Luther King was an adulterer! Yeah!

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