A Short History Of Joe’s Long Record Of Lying About Biden Inc.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
A Short History Of Joe’s Long Record Of Lying About Biden Inc.

5 Dec 2023 ~~ By David Harsanyi

From Joe Biden ‘knew nothing,’ to Joe Biden ‘did nothing,’ to none of what Joe Biden did
was ‘illegal’ — it’s been a wild ride.

During a 2020 campaign event, then-presidential hopeful Joe Biden was asked by an Iowa man if the former’s son Hunter Biden had ever had “access to the Obama administration.”
The future president, who had vowed to bring decorum and decency back to the White House, called the man a “damn liar” and “fat” and told him he was “too old” before insulting his IQ.
This act of projection from Biden should have been a warning. It was modus operandi for Joe, whose preternatural dishonesty was impressive even for a politician, to question the mental fitness of those who caught him in a lie. Biden had done much the same to a reporter during his 1987 failed presidential run.
Biden would go on to contend on numerous occasions that he never once even spoke to his son Hunter about the family’s influence-peddling business. Joe claimed never to have “discussed with my son anything having to do with what was going on in Ukraine. That’s a fact.”
As a Chicago ABC affiliate and the AP reported in an October 2019 story — helpfully headlined, “Joe Biden defends himself, son Hunter on Ukraine during Democratic debate following Trump accusations” — the former veep said he “never discussed a single thing with my son about anything having to do with Ukraine. No one has indicated I have. We’ve always kept everything separate.”
Not a single thing.
When the New York Post broke the Hunter Biden laptop story, indicating that Joe had lied, virtually the entire left-wing media regurgitated the claims of former intelligence officials — including known liars like James Clapper and John Brennan — that the story smacked of Russian “disinformation.” The story, allegedly discredited, was then censored by Big Tech and big media companies.
This week, the House Oversight Committee released financial documents illustrating that Hunter signed off on monthly transfers to Joe through Owasco PC, a Biden shell company that pulled at least $5 million from the Chicom energy concerns in 2017 and 2018. The Daily Mail reports there were at least three payments, from September to November 2018, or a few months before Biden announced he was running for president.
Listen, the Biden family operated through at least 20 shell companies — as one does when running a completely above-board legit business venture. It’s not easy to keep up. Or, as Jon Hamm’s character quipped in “The Town,” you need a Venn diagram for these people.
You might recall that in 2020, Biden had claimed Hunter never “made money in terms of this thing about — what are you talking about — China.” But Hunter had not only tagged along on an Air Force Two trip to China in 2013, he’d introduced his dad to the Chinese banker he was teaming up with for a private equity fund.
So I eagerly look forward to fact-checkers, media, and the White House clarifying why this is all just fine. It’s been a wild ride so far, so I bet the explanation is going to be amazing.

Joe Biden has lied for the past 50 years. His first 40 were spent in relatively safe obscurity. A brief disaster in 1988 when he ran for president. Apparently America forgot all the lying and plagiarism problems he created for himself.
Joe Biden is exactly the same excuse for a man he was 50 years ago. He does not have dementia. You just need an incredible memory and self discipline to keep it all straight. Eventually he has no idea between truth and lies.
Having described Josef Robinette Biden as he exists today.
Joe Biden was a “gift.” to Barack. Biden is the easiest, malleable, person to exist in our nation. He is amoral as well as all of the adjectives many have used to describe him.
The election of 2020 have become one of the darkest period in the History of the USA.
Giving DSA Democrat Socialists the opportunity to create and collect thousands of ballots, all for Joey, ended the history of honest elections in our Nation.
The blame? Barack Obama planned this for years. His desire to cripple the USA, and eventually cause its demise, is working. The cheat of 2020 was first.
Obama’s role in this destruction of the USA must be recognized and he should be hanged. A Leavenworth sentence is not enough. Obama must be hanged!
Meanwhile under Obama's direction, Chairman Biden the liar. is using the levers of power to arrest, imprison and torture his political opposition. Quite the Communist tyrant Chairman Biden turned out to be.
A Short History Of Joe’s Long Record Of Lying About Biden Inc.

5 Dec 2023 ~~ By David Harsanyi

From Joe Biden ‘knew nothing,’ to Joe Biden ‘did nothing,’ to none of what Joe Biden did
was ‘illegal’ — it’s been a wild ride.

During a 2020 campaign event, then-presidential hopeful Joe Biden was asked by an Iowa man if the former’s son Hunter Biden had ever had “access to the Obama administration.”
The future president, who had vowed to bring decorum and decency back to the White House, called the man a “damn liar” and “fat” and told him he was “too old” before insulting his IQ.
This act of projection from Biden should have been a warning. It was modus operandi for Joe, whose preternatural dishonesty was impressive even for a politician, to question the mental fitness of those who caught him in a lie. Biden had done much the same to a reporter during his 1987 failed presidential run.
Biden would go on to contend on numerous occasions that he never once even spoke to his son Hunter about the family’s influence-peddling business. Joe claimed never to have “discussed with my son anything having to do with what was going on in Ukraine. That’s a fact.”
As a Chicago ABC affiliate and the AP reported in an October 2019 story — helpfully headlined, “Joe Biden defends himself, son Hunter on Ukraine during Democratic debate following Trump accusations” — the former veep said he “never discussed a single thing with my son about anything having to do with Ukraine. No one has indicated I have. We’ve always kept everything separate.”
Not a single thing.
When the New York Post broke the Hunter Biden laptop story, indicating that Joe had lied, virtually the entire left-wing media regurgitated the claims of former intelligence officials — including known liars like James Clapper and John Brennan — that the story smacked of Russian “disinformation.” The story, allegedly discredited, was then censored by Big Tech and big media companies.
This week, the House Oversight Committee released financial documents illustrating that Hunter signed off on monthly transfers to Joe through Owasco PC, a Biden shell company that pulled at least $5 million from the Chicom energy concerns in 2017 and 2018. The Daily Mail reports there were at least three payments, from September to November 2018, or a few months before Biden announced he was running for president.
Listen, the Biden family operated through at least 20 shell companies — as one does when running a completely above-board legit business venture. It’s not easy to keep up. Or, as Jon Hamm’s character quipped in “The Town,” you need a Venn diagram for these people.
You might recall that in 2020, Biden had claimed Hunter never “made money in terms of this thing about — what are you talking about — China.” But Hunter had not only tagged along on an Air Force Two trip to China in 2013, he’d introduced his dad to the Chinese banker he was teaming up with for a private equity fund.
So I eagerly look forward to fact-checkers, media, and the White House clarifying why this is all just fine. It’s been a wild ride so far, so I bet the explanation is going to be amazing.

Joe Biden has lied for the past 50 years. His first 40 were spent in relatively safe obscurity. A brief disaster in 1988 when he ran for president. Apparently America forgot all the lying and plagiarism problems he created for himself.
Joe Biden is exactly the same excuse for a man he was 50 years ago. He does not have dementia. You just need an incredible memory and self discipline to keep it all straight. Eventually he has no idea between truth and lies.
Having described Josef Robinette Biden as he exists today.
Joe Biden was a “gift.” to Barack. Biden is the easiest, malleable, person to exist in our nation. He is amoral as well as all of the adjectives many have used to describe him.
The election of 2020 have become one of the darkest period in the History of the USA.
Giving DSA Democrat Socialists the opportunity to create and collect thousands of ballots, all for Joey, ended the history of honest elections in our Nation.
The blame? Barack Obama planned this for years. His desire to cripple the USA, and eventually cause its demise, is working. The cheat of 2020 was first.
Obama’s role in this destruction of the USA must be recognized and he should be hanged. A Leavenworth sentence is not enough. Obama must be hanged!
Meanwhile under Obama's direction, Chairman Biden the liar. is using the levers of power to arrest, imprison and torture his political opposition. Quite the Communist tyrant Chairman Biden turned out to be.
Well , this is why they stole the election. For Obama’s third term , he couldn't fundamentally destroy America in just 2. Are you an American or a Democrat?
Biden was not in office in 2017 or 2018.


So does that make the illegality any less. You forget that Joey Xi Bai Dung committed treason by dealing with the Chinese.
What were all those secret documents doing in that China Town Office and the shared office with a Chinese official?
You also forget the fact that Joey was VP when he got the prosecutor fired because of Hunter's involvement in Burisma.
It all points to the Bai Dung family doing illicit dealings with the Ukraine, China and Russia and Joey Xi getting his 10% off the top.
So does that make the illegality any less. You forget that Joey Xi Bai Dung committed treason by dealing with the Chinese.
What were all those secret documents doing in that China Town Office and the shared office with a Chinese official?
You also forget the fact that Joey was VP when he got the prosecutor fired because of Hunter's involvement in Burisma.
It all points to the Bai Dung family doing illicit dealings with the Ukraine, China and Russia and Joey Xi getting his 10% off the top.
If we had a halfway decent mainstream media as we did in the Watergate days Biden would have been impeached and removed from office by now.

The Founders gave us freedom of the press and our mainstream media has turned from being a junk yard guard dog into a muzzled and blind house pet.
So does that make the illegality any less. You forget that Joey Xi Bai Dung committed treason by dealing with the Chinese.
What were all those secret documents doing in that China Town Office and the shared office with a Chinese official?
You also forget the fact that Joey was VP when he got the prosecutor fired because of Hunter's involvement in Burisma.
It all points to the Bai Dung family doing illicit dealings with the Ukraine, China and Russia and Joey Xi getting his 10% off the top.
Explain why you think it is illegal much less...giggle...treason.
Well , this is why they stole the election. For Obama’s third term , he couldn't fundamentally destroy America in just 2. Are you an American or a Democrat?
Doc is determined to heal America of the tragedies Biden is stumbling us into such as tipping off Putin through the Chinese who received a lot of bangs for their Biden bucks payoffs. The Constitution of the United States of America is taking quite the beating from corruption in the WH and the nefarious insider walkaways of Madam Pelosi. You might pay attention to the good doctor. Just sayin'.

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