A simpering Trump now refuses to work


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

Republican Richard Nixon and Democrat Bill Clinton both faced impeachment, yet worked with their opposing party in Congress to move legislation forward despite the threat of removal from office and ugly criticism. Do you know why? Because despite their flaws, they believed they owed the American people a duty to do their job, despite the outcome of investigations of their wrongdoing. Not so with Donald Trump. This simpering, cowardly man simply refuses to work with Democrats on anything until all investigations stop. America elected this man to do a job, and now he won't. Nixon and Clinton, despite their flaws were both far better Presidents than this pathetic excuse for a man.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts. :bye1:

Trump refuses to work with Democrats amid simmering impeachment debate
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Republican Richard Nixon and Democrat Bill Clinton both faced impeachment, yet worked with their opposing party in Congress to move legislation forward despite the threat of removal from office and ugly criticism. Do you know why? Because despite their flaws, they believed they owed the American people a duty to do their job, despite the outcome of investigations of their wrongdoing. Not so with Donald Trump. This simpering, cowardly man simply refuses to work with Democrats on anything until all investigations stop. America elected this man to do a job, and now he won't. Nixon and Clinton, despite their flaws were both far better Presidents than this pathetic excuse for a man.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts. :bye1:

Trump refuses to work with Democrats amid simmering impeachment debate
Isn't it Congress that makes The Laws?

Trump cannot make Pelosi or Schummer do their jobs.

They have to create a bill, get it passed in The House and Senate and present it to The President.

Exactly what has Pelois and Schummer accomplished in the last 3 years anyways?
Republican Richard Nixon and Democrat Bill Clinton both faced impeachment, yet worked with their opposing party in Congress to move legislation forward despite the threat of removal from office and ugly criticism. Do you know why? Because despite their flaws, they believed they owed the American people a duty to do their job, despite the outcome of investigations of their wrongdoing. Not so with Donald Trump. This simpering, cowardly man simply refuses to work with Democrats on anything until all investigations stop. America elected this man to do a job, and now he won't. Nixon and Clinton, despite their flaws were both far better Presidents than this pathetic excuse for a man.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts. :bye1:

Trump refuses to work with Democrats amid simmering impeachment debate
Isn't it Congress that makes The Laws?

Trump cannot make Pelosi or Schummer do their jobs.

They have to create a bill, get it passed in The House and Senate and present it to The President.

Exactly what has Pelois and Schummer accomplished in the last 3 years anyways?

All Pelousy's Dem led House have done is hold investigation after investigation and hearing after hearing. Looking at things that have already been settled.

UpChuck has no power and he knows it.

All the Dems are doing is paving the way to a Trump win in 2020.

God Dems.

Republican Richard Nixon and Democrat Bill Clinton both faced impeachment, yet worked with their opposing party in Congress to move legislation forward despite the threat of removal from office and ugly criticism. Do you know why? Because despite their flaws, they believed they owed the American people a duty to do their job, despite the outcome of investigations of their wrongdoing. Not so with Donald Trump. This simpering, cowardly man simply refuses to work with Democrats on anything until all investigations stop. America elected this man to do a job, and now he won't. Nixon and Clinton, despite their flaws were both far better Presidents than this pathetic excuse for a man.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts. :bye1:

Trump refuses to work with Democrats amid simmering impeachment debate

The facts are that there would be really little point in continuing the negotiations over drug prices at this point in time, with Chuck and Nancy calling their President a criminal.

Could they really be counted on to praise Trumpcare and the tremendous plan that the President is ready to unveil with they are conspiring behind his back to imprison him?

It just isn't credible to think those two, at this point in time, would stand behind President Trump and allow the glory of Fabulous new Rx program to be implemented with their blessing. Especially when they hate him and want him out.
Republican Richard Nixon and Democrat Bill Clinton both faced impeachment, yet worked with their opposing party in Congress to move legislation forward despite the threat of removal from office and ugly criticism. Do you know why? Because despite their flaws, they believed they owed the American people a duty to do their job, despite the outcome of investigations of their wrongdoing. Not so with Donald Trump. This simpering, cowardly man simply refuses to work with Democrats on anything until all investigations stop. America elected this man to do a job, and now he won't. Nixon and Clinton, despite their flaws were both far better Presidents than this pathetic excuse for a man.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts. :bye1:

Trump refuses to work with Democrats amid simmering impeachment debate
Isn't it Congress that makes The Laws?

Trump cannot make Pelosi or Schummer do their jobs.

They have to create a bill, get it passed in The House and Senate and present it to The President.

Exactly what has Pelois and Schummer accomplished in the last 3 years anyways?
Quite a bit, Comrade.
Our first president since Regan with a set of balls.....how refreshing after 8 years of the Surrender monkey, especially having him PAY IRAN $400 million to BUY BACK our navy servicemen held hostage by that terrorist regime!
Oh contraire. It's a full time job undoing the damage Obabble did to the country during his eight year reign of Malignant Incompetence,
The Dems don't want to work with Trump. That's a fact jack.
That's only because with trump it's his way or the highway Deal maker?? That's a FN laugh

LMAO Well his way is working pretty damned good so far.

Oh and he is THE deal maker.

Piss off dumbass.
Piss off yourself asshole and reach deeper into your pockets to pay for everything you buy Trump will fight to the last drop of your blood and you're enough of an idiot not to know it
The Dems don't want to work with Trump. That's a fact jack.
If that were true they wouldn't have shown up for yesterdays meeting.

Nah. He showed up for that meeting to ream some asses which he did. He then left.

One real short meeting.

Go Trump.
Well, it is obvious that you and folks like you can't see through DJTs reality TV theatrics. A 1 to 2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill is a huge deal that every state in the Union wants a piece of. And remember DJT is the one that heralded this as a bipartisan $2 trillion infrastructure plan. instead of negotiating sources of funding and projects he threw a Trump classic tantrum.
The Dems don't want to work with Trump. That's a fact jack.
That's only because with trump it's his way or the highway Deal maker?? That's a FN laugh

LMAO Well his way is working pretty damned good so far.

Oh and he is THE deal maker.

Piss off dumbass.
Piss off yourself asshole and reach deeper into your pockets to pay for everything you buy Trump will fight to the last drop of your blood and you're enough of an idiot not to know it

And your an idiot to believe that clap trap you posted.

Carry on dipshit.
The Dems don't want to work with Trump. That's a fact jack.
If that were true they wouldn't have shown up for yesterdays meeting.

Nah. He showed up for that meeting to ream some asses which he did. He then left.

One real short meeting.

Go Trump.
Well, it is obvious that you and folks like you can't see through DJTs reality TV theatrics. A 1 to 2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill is a huge deal that every state in the Union wants a piece of. And remember DJT is the one that heralded this as a bipartisan $2 trillion infrastructure plan. instead of negotiating sources of funding and projects he threw a Trump classic tantrum.

LMAO I've never seen Trump throw a tantrum about anything. He's a businessman who knows how to get things done.

I have no doubt the Dems want that infrastructure bill passed as long they can hang shit all over it. By the time they get done it will look like a Christmas tree full of ornaments.

Kinda hard negotiate with idiots. Idiots who run the Dem House.
How's the DOW doing ? You know the one the POS bragged about all the time You have put a mentally disabled man in our WH and he's intent on destroying America like he's done with so many of his own businesses

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