A simple message to democrats about last night....


Gold Member
Jul 4, 2016
Washigton, DC
It was the tsunami of voters that was enough to
Overcome the bought and paid for fraud.
Despite the usual levels of Democrat ballot-box stuffing, busing incompetents to the polls, voter intimidation and so forth, America was able to pull this one out, despite the wholehearted and vociferous campaign by the Mainstream Media, the entertainment industry, Academe, organized labor, and every racial and ethnic self-interest group in the country.

To paraphrase FLOTUS, "At last, I can be proud of my country."
according to my calculations, there were 567,023 dead people who voted for Hillary, but it wasnt enough to supercede the 398 Million votes that put Donald over the top
Hold on? Now there was voter fraud by dems but not cons, even though the can won??
So the lies about voter fraud and the election being rigged were just that, lies..
To pretend that there never is any voter fraud in American elections is just plain dumb. To be effective, such fraud has to be small enough to offer plausible deniability, but large enough to swing key districts. Think Florida in 2000 and how Gore kept adding to his total after every re-re-recount, even thought statistically it should not have made a difference.
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