A simple qst. for R-W'ers defending Trump on the NO tapes admission

Trump said he said it to make sure Comey didn't lie.

Yet after Comey testified, Trump claimed that Comey lied. Not about the part where he said Trump wasn't under investigation, but the part where Trump cleared the room, and asked for his loyalty, and to make the Flynn matter dissapear.
So everyone who testifies under oath tells the truth?

Trump picked a bad time to not have contemporaneous records. So far the only version on record is Comey's, and he backs it up with recorded memos.

Unless Trump testifies in front of Mueller under oath, there will only be one version of what happened.
Where's the scandal in this? Smells like desperation to me.
The scandal is Tramp waiting for word from Putin whether he could sanitize the "tapes" Putin had of Tramp's meeting with Comey.
Obviously the answer was no, not without leaving evidence the "tapes" were altered.
And your evidence of this event is what?
Logic guided by experience!
You have no evidence, in other words.
That is more evidence than Tramp's claim that Obama "tapped his wires."
You want to see the memos. File a FOIA to Mueller, but know they are exempt from FOI A release under exception 7(a)

Exemption (7)(A) provides for the withholding of a law enforcement record
This exemption protects an active law enforcement investigation from interference through premature disclosure.
Why, they're not classified, he said he gave them to a paper now prove the memos
Mueller is carrying on a law enforcement investigation DUH !!!

Mueller has the memos. As I said, if you want them, ask Muller for them.

Who said Mewler has the memos?
Comey, under oath more than once.
So everyone who testifies under oath tells the truth?
Well then why haven't the GOP House and Senate gone after him for perjury?
I responded on another thread about the issue, and I am honestly asking this question of those FEW right wingers still capable of thinking on their own.....

What would you (right wingers) be saying today had COMEY stated, "....Trump better hope that the there are no tapes of our conversation....."???

Would you, today, be "excusing" Comey for the implication asserted in the above statement?

Gawd, you Progs are such pussies.
Why, they're not classified, he said he gave them to a paper now prove the memos
Mueller is carrying on a law enforcement investigation DUH !!!

Mueller has the memos. As I said, if you want them, ask Muller for them.

Who said Mewler has the memos?
Comey, under oath more than once.
So everyone who testifies under oath tells the truth?
Well then why haven't the GOP House and Senate gone after him for perjury?

Lord. You can't make this shit up. I'll ask again, does EVERYONE who testifies under oath tell the truth?
That is more evidence than Tramp's claim that Obama "tapped his wires."

That's a very low bar. Trump presented ZERO proof of that ridiculous claim. FIrst it was Obama, then it was that Obama tapped Trump tower, then it was he got the British MI6 to tap Trump tower. And in the end, after Trump had access to every secret in the US government, no proof at all.
You want to see the memos. File a FOIA to Mueller, but know they are exempt from FOI A release under exception 7(a)

Exemption (7)(A) provides for the withholding of a law enforcement record
This exemption protects an active law enforcement investigation from interference through premature disclosure.
Why, they're not classified, he said he gave them to a paper now prove the memos
Mueller is carrying on a law enforcement investigation DUH !!!

Mueller has the memos. As I said, if you want them, ask Muller for them.
Prove he has memos. You don't know shit tom
That is more evidence than Tramp's claim that Obama "tapped his wires."

That's a very low bar. Trump presented ZERO proof of that ridiculous claim. FIrst it was Obama, then it was that Obama tapped Trump tower, then it was he got the British MI6 to tap Trump tower. And in the end, after Trump had access to every secret in the US government, no proof at all.
And then Flynn was leaked, oops. Just as trump said
Wrong. If he's a party to the conversation, he can record anything he wants.

There may be state laws against it, such as maryland, but he's in Washington DC, and the federal statutes allow it.

Learn the law.
Post the statutes. You post that and i'll post the pictures of Trumps privates.
18 U.S. Code § 2511

It shall not be unlawful under this chapter for a person acting under color of law to intercept a wire, oral, or electronic communication, where such person is a party to the communication or one of the parties to the communication has given prior consent to such interception.

It shall not be unlawful under this chapter for a person not acting under color of law to intercept a wire, oral, or electronic communication where such person is a party to the communication or where one of the parties to the communication has given prior consent to such interception
Here ya go. Trumps dick.

Well then why haven't the GOP House and Senate gone after him for perjury?

Lord. You can't make this shit up. I'll ask again, does EVERYONE who testifies under oath tell the truth?

He's got a point. Why hasn't the republican controlled congress objected to anything Comey said?

Why hasn't DOJ, FBI, US attorney. Nobody is even suggested that Comey lied. (except for Trump, whose word means shit)
Is my question so damn difficult to address, right wingers?

Just answer about what you would be thinking today if Comey had implied that he had recorded his conversation with Trump.......
I would be thinking the same thing as when Trump said it. " it's a bluff."

Don't lie, Comey, there might be a tape.

It was a good move.

In a world of nuclear weapons, everybody now knows Trump is bluffing.

Do you play poker? Because if you seriously think its a bluff every time, I'd like to take your money. I don't gamble
Lmfao, no you and the media hang on to his every words like fools....otherwise we wouldn't be seeing all these threads about "Trump lies" by you libtard

Translation: Those who listen to what Trump says are fools.

Do you really want to go with that?

Problem is you aren't listening to what he actually says. If you were you wouldn't be falsely claiming he lied about anything.

You just listen for what you think you can twist to your advantage whether accurate or not
Mueller is carrying on a law enforcement investigation DUH !!!

Mueller has the memos. As I said, if you want them, ask Muller for them.

Who said Mewler has the memos?
Comey, under oath more than once.
So everyone who testifies under oath tells the truth?
Well then why haven't the GOP House and Senate gone after him for perjury?
Lord. You can't make this shit up. I'll ask again, does EVERYONE who testifies under oath tell the truth?
They take great risk if they don't.
Do you really think Comey would risk lying under oath with the House, Senate and Tramp out to get him?
Well then why haven't the GOP House and Senate gone after him for perjury?

Lord. You can't make this shit up. I'll ask again, does EVERYONE who testifies under oath tell the truth?

He's got a point. Why hasn't the republican controlled congress objected to anything Comey said?

Why hasn't DOJ, FBI, US attorney. Nobody is even suggested that Comey lied. (except for Trump, whose word means shit)
Why would they?
Lmfao, no you and the media hang on to his every words like fools....otherwise we wouldn't be seeing all these threads about "Trump lies" by you libtard

Well, you've grown accustomed (and probably like) bending over for Trump's lies and broken promises.....some other thinking people......not so much....LOL

Except he still hasn't lied here.

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