A simple qst. for R-W'ers defending Trump on the NO tapes admission

BTW, Jim Jones was a Democrat.
Jim Jones was a CON$ervoFascist John Bircher and big supporter of Nixon.

The Black Hole of Guyana--The Untold Story of the Jonestown Massacre, by John Judge, 1985

With his new wealth, Jones was able to travel to California and establish the first People's Temple in Ukiah, California, in 1965. Guarded by dogs, electric fences and guard towers, he set up Happy Havens Rest Home.[98] Despite a lack of trained personnel, or proper licensing, Jones drew in many people at the camp. He had elderly, prisoners, people from psychiatric institutions, and 150 foster children, often transferred to care at Happy Havens by court orders.[99] He was contacted there by Christian missionaries from World Vision, an international evangelical order that had done espionage work for the CIA in Southeast Asia.[100] He met "influential" members of the community and was befriended by Walter Heady, the head of the local chapter of the John Birch Society.[101] He used the members of his "church" to organize local voting drives for Richard Nixon's election, and worked closely with the republican party.[102] He was even appointed chairman of the county grand jury.[103]

You truly have a way with hilarity.

Wikipedia is generally written at the 8th grade level on the Flesch-Kincaid readability scale. You should be able to handle it.

Or not.

Jim Jones - Wikipedia
YOU can edit Wiki with anything you want, but my source is this:
Journey to Nowhere, p. 220; "Jim Jones a Republican," LAT, 12/17/78 (John Birch); Daily World, 6/23/81 (Holsinger comments), and NYT, 11/24/78 ("helpful" reputation).

"Jim Jones helped George Moscone run this city,” said Jim Jones Jr., a chillingly matter-of-fact assessment of the temple leader’s creeping encroachment in San Francisco.

Political leaders, aware of Jones’s ability to deliver — or manufacture — votes, lined up to pay tribute to the preacher. He worked his way into the good graces of officials high and low — most of them Democrats, since that was the party in power in California and San Francisco in the mid-1970s. But Jones was also happy to exchange mutually complimentary correspondence with the offices of Ronald Reagan and statesman Henry Kissinger.

During the 1976 presidential campaign, Jones wangled a private meeting with Jimmy Carter’s wife, Rosalynn, at the elegant Stanford Court Hotel on Nob Hill, arriving with a security contingent that was larger than her Secret Service squad. Later Jones accompanied Moscone and a group of Democratic dignitaries who climbed aboard vice presidential candidate Walter Mondale’s private jet when it touched down at San Francisco International Airport.

Governor Jerry Brown sang the preacher’s praises. Congressman John Burton, Phil’s brother, lobbied the governor to appoint Jones to the high-profile board of regents, which oversaw California’s sprawling public university system. San Francisco Supervisor – now U.S. Senator — Dianne Feinstein accepted an invitation to lunch with Jones and to tour Peoples Temple."

Jim Jones’ sinister grip on San Francisco

One should never stop research unless one has exhausted all resources. Jones work both sides.
In this day and age any attempt to edit tapes is going to be exposed immediately at which point the entire tape would be demanded by Congressional investigators, RR!

Congress subpoenaed the taped with a due date of June 23rd. Which is why Trump responded to the subpoena by saying he didn't have any tapes.
In this day and age any attempt to edit tapes is going to be exposed immediately at which point the entire tape would be demanded by Congressional investigators, RR!

Congress subpoenaed the taped with a due date of June 23rd. Which is why Trump responded to the subpoena by saying he didn't have any tapes.

And did you notice he waited until the day before it was due to admit he'd been bluffing? He went for as much mileage out of that lie as he could get.
I don't want to see Comey's memos. I'm happy to have Mueller see them. And Mueller having them is good enough for me to believe they exist.
So no memos exist yet!

You want to see the memos. File a FOIA to Mueller, but know they are exempt from FOI A release under exception 7(a)

Exemption (7)(A) provides for the withholding of a law enforcement record
This exemption protects an active law enforcement investigation from interference through premature disclosure.
And did you notice he waited until the day before it was due to admit he'd been bluffing? He went for as much mileage out of that lie as he could get.

Congress demanded an official white house answer to the subpoena. In that answer they basically quoted Trumps tweet, and said that was the official answer.
I'd be afraid of Mueller too. The second longest serving FBI director in history. Confirmed by the senate 98-0. Building a team of experts at going after the money, flipping witnesses, and prosecuting criminals.

Right on target........and the REAL fear by right wingers is the Mueller objective to investigate the financial shenanigans (subpoenas of Trump's tax returns for the last decade???)

Nothing is going to happen
I don't want to see Comey's memos. I'm happy to have Mueller see them. And Mueller having them is good enough for me to believe they exist.
So no memos exist yet!

You want to see the memos. File a FOIA to Mueller, but know they are exempt from FOI A release under exception 7(a)

Exemption (7)(A) provides for the withholding of a law enforcement record
This exemption protects an active law enforcement investigation from interference through premature disclosure.
Why, they're not classified, he said he gave them to a paper now prove the memos
And did you notice he waited until the day before it was due to admit he'd been bluffing? He went for as much mileage out of that lie as he could get.

Trump went on fox and friends to explain how the bluff was a brilliant ploy. Leaving out how his goal was to prevent the appointment of a special counsel, only to have Comey call his bluff, and it resulted in a special counsel.
Furthermore it constitutes espionage. It would constitute a government wiretap without a warrant.

In a private business, your employer is free to record everything you do and everything you say. Those are the terms of your employment, and Comey was Trump's employee.

Can't you get even one law right? In DC (it's different in maryland where Linda Trip did it) The federal statute allows parties to the conversation to record the conversation.

Which means nobody can legally record Trump without being in the room. So when Trump cleared the room, the only people who could have recorded it are Trump and Comey, and Both said they didn't have tapes.
Furthermore it constitutes espionage. It would constitute a government wiretap without a warrant.

In a private business, your employer is free to record everything you do and everything you say. Those are the terms of your employment, and Comey was Trump's employee.

Can't you get even one law right? In DC (it's different in maryland where Linda Trip did it) The federal statute allows parties to the conversation to record the conversation.

Which means nobody can legally record Trump without being in the room. So when Trump cleared the room, the only people who could have recorded it are Trump and Comey, and Both said they didn't have tapes.

Comey isn't a "private party." He's an officer of the federal government. As such, he is not allowed to record people without a warrant or their explicit permission.
I responded on another thread about the issue, and I am honestly asking this question of those FEW right wingers still capable of thinking on their own.....

What would you (right wingers) be saying today had COMEY stated, "....Trump better hope that the there are no tapes of our conversation....."???

Would you, today, be "excusing" Comey for the implication asserted in the above statement?
Keep stirring up nothing. You are good at it. Trump called Comeys bluff and you are in full damage control like all shills. Sorry, you lose again, and you will keep losing.

Yet another poster who apparently has never played poker. When you bluff, it means you have a crappy had or have nothing, and act like you have a good hand in the hopes that you can get the other players to fold before calling your bluff.

Comey actually had memos. Trump had nothing. Trump didn't call a bluff, Trump is the one who was bluffing.

But, I kinda knew Trump was lying when he had that press conference when he was asked about the tapes, and he said he would release something about them "soon" but people were going to be very disappointed.

Your spin is comical, Trump played the weasel
You want to see the memos. File a FOIA to Mueller, but know they are exempt from FOI A release under exception 7(a)

Exemption (7)(A) provides for the withholding of a law enforcement record
This exemption protects an active law enforcement investigation from interference through premature disclosure.
Why, they're not classified, he said he gave them to a paper now prove the memos
Mueller is carrying on a law enforcement investigation DUH !!!

Mueller has the memos. As I said, if you want them, ask Muller for them.
You want to see the memos. File a FOIA to Mueller, but know they are exempt from FOI A release under exception 7(a)

Exemption (7)(A) provides for the withholding of a law enforcement record
This exemption protects an active law enforcement investigation from interference through premature disclosure.
Why, they're not classified, he said he gave them to a paper now prove the memos
Mueller is carrying on a law enforcement investigation DUH !!!

Mueller has the memos. As I said, if you want them, ask Muller for them.

Who said Mewler has the memos?
Can't you get even one law right? In DC (it's different in maryland where Linda Trip did it) The federal statute allows parties to the conversation to record the conversation..

Comey isn't a "private party." He's an officer of the federal government. As such, he is not allowed to record people without a warrant or their explicit permission.

Wrong. If he's a party to the conversation, he can record anything he wants.

There may be state laws against it, such as maryland, but he's in Washington DC, and the federal statutes allow it.

Learn the law.
I'm not the one who wants to see it kid. You are. Kinda strange, but hey I won't judge you. I'd rather see more of Melania.
I don't want to see Comey's memos. I'm happy to have Mueller see them. And Mueller having them is good enough for me to believe they exist.
Can you prove Mueller has them(if they exist)?
Can you prove Tramp has a dick, (if it exists)?

You kids have an unhealthy obsession with Trump's dick.

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