A simple qst. for R-W'ers defending Trump on the NO tapes admission

Where's the scandal in this? Smells like desperation to me.
The scandal is Tramp waiting for word from Putin whether he could sanitize the "tapes" Putin had of Tramp's meeting with Comey.
Obviously the answer was no, not without leaving evidence the "tapes" were altered.
The participation trophy philosophy - interesting.

Did you really "feared" that a district who fucked up and voted for Newt-Fat Gingrich over and over and over again, would turn bright blue??? For that to happen we have to wait for the old, racist Georgians to die off.....Have patience.

So you want your fellow citizens dead. You've just demonstrated why its good you lost.
and lost four or five times. Not sure the count it changes daily. a loss is a loss is a loss. there are no victories when the letter next to your name is an 'L' no matter what alternate world you live in.

Look up Pyrrhic victories....you'll be a tiny bit smarter (a definite improvement for you).......

On what planet are those pyrrhic victories?
and lost four or five times. Not sure the count it changes daily. a loss is a loss is a loss. there are no victories when the letter next to your name is an 'L' no matter what alternate world you live in.

Look up Pyrrhic victories....you'll be a tiny bit smarter (a definite improvement for you).......

On what planet are those pyrrhic victories?

Because no matter what happens with AHCA, republicans own healthcare.
BTW, Jim Jones was a Democrat.
Jim Jones was a CON$ervoFascist John Bircher and big supporter of Nixon.

The Black Hole of Guyana--The Untold Story of the Jonestown Massacre, by John Judge, 1985

With his new wealth, Jones was able to travel to California and establish the first People's Temple in Ukiah, California, in 1965. Guarded by dogs, electric fences and guard towers, he set up Happy Havens Rest Home.[98] Despite a lack of trained personnel, or proper licensing, Jones drew in many people at the camp. He had elderly, prisoners, people from psychiatric institutions, and 150 foster children, often transferred to care at Happy Havens by court orders.[99] He was contacted there by Christian missionaries from World Vision, an international evangelical order that had done espionage work for the CIA in Southeast Asia.[100] He met "influential" members of the community and was befriended by Walter Heady, the head of the local chapter of the John Birch Society.[101] He used the members of his "church" to organize local voting drives for Richard Nixon's election, and worked closely with the republican party.[102] He was even appointed chairman of the county grand jury.[103]
I responded on another thread about the issue, and I am honestly asking this question of those FEW right wingers still capable of thinking on their own.....

What would you (right wingers) be saying today had COMEY stated, "....Trump better hope that the there are no tapes of our conversation....."???

Would you, today, be "excusing" Comey for the implication asserted in the above statement?
I don't understand the question. Comey already stated he had memos. isn't that already implying you better watch out? Trump called his bluff. I rather liked it.

You don't play much poker do you, because when you bluff, it means you have nothing, but are acting like you do in hopes of getting the other players to throw in the towel.

Comey didn't bluff, he ACTUALLY HAD THE MEMOS. Trump had nothing, so Trump is the one that was bluffing.

Or.............in poker vernacular, Comey had a full house, and Trump only had one pair, but he tried to act like he had a royal flush.
Trump likes to lead media around by the nose, and he's good at it. One day, they may figure that out.

You're somewhat correct (although you did NOT address the question).....Trump actually is not leading the media by the nose.......Trump is leading his FOLLOWERS by the nose much like Jim Jones did with his acolytes.....

I'm totally correct, and you are not.

BTW, Jim Jones was a Democrat.
Jim Jones was a mentally disturbed psychopath

Hence, a Democrat.
Hence a CON$ervoFascist Republican like Tramp.
I responded on another thread about the issue, and I am honestly asking this question of those FEW right wingers still capable of thinking on their own.....

What would you (right wingers) be saying today had COMEY stated, "....Trump better hope that the there are no tapes of our conversation....."???

Would you, today, be "excusing" Comey for the implication asserted in the above statement?
I don't understand the question. Comey already stated he had memos. isn't that already implying you better watch out? Trump called his bluff. I rather liked it.

You don't play much poker do you, because when you bluff, it means you have nothing, but are acting like you do in hopes of getting the other players to throw in the towel.

Comey didn't bluff, he ACTUALLY HAD THE MEMOS. Trump had nothing, so Trump is the one that was bluffing.

Or.............in poker vernacular, Comey had a full house, and Trump only had one pair, but he tried to act like he had a royal flush.
What memos? Post them
Okay, let's be specific. Where's the scandal in what Trump said about the possibility of a recording?

Well, you're correct......In the midst of Trump's LIES and BROKEN PROMISES, lying about the possibility of recording his perceived enemies pales in comparison to his fraudulent activities.
Okay, let's be specific. Where's the scandal in what Trump said about the possibility of a recording?

Well, you're correct......In the midst of Trump's LIES and BROKEN PROMISES, lying about the possibility of recording his perceived enemies pales in comparison to his fraudulent activities.

He didn't lie about having a recording. He literally never claimed to have one
Comey didn't bluff, he ACTUALLY HAD THE MEMOS. Trump had nothing, so Trump is the one that was bluffing.

Or.............in poker vernacular, Comey had a full house, and Trump only had one pair, but he tried to act like he had a royal flush.

When Trump did this is business, when he lost, he would send in his lawyers to either tie the case up in court, or send in his accountants to pay off the victim, throwing in extra to keep them from talking about their victory publicly.
I responded on another thread about the issue, and I am honestly asking this question of those FEW right wingers still capable of thinking on their own.....

What would you (right wingers) be saying today had COMEY stated, "....Trump better hope that the there are no tapes of our conversation....."???

Would you, today, be "excusing" Comey for the implication asserted in the above statement?
Keep stirring up nothing. You are good at it. Trump called Comeys bluff and you are in full damage control like all shills. Sorry, you lose again, and you will keep losing.

Yet another poster who apparently has never played poker. When you bluff, it means you have a crappy had or have nothing, and act like you have a good hand in the hopes that you can get the other players to fold before calling your bluff.

Comey actually had memos. Trump had nothing. Trump didn't call a bluff, Trump is the one who was bluffing.

But, I kinda knew Trump was lying when he had that press conference when he was asked about the tapes, and he said he would release something about them "soon" but people were going to be very disappointed.
I responded on another thread about the issue, and I am honestly asking this question of those FEW right wingers still capable of thinking on their own.....

What would you (right wingers) be saying today had COMEY stated, "....Trump better hope that the there are no tapes of our conversation....."???

Would you, today, be "excusing" Comey for the implication asserted in the above statement?

I know this isn't your forte, Nat...but you really need to put some thought into WHY Trump made that public comment about the existence of tapes before James Comey testified! If you're the person who's been lying...threatening to release tapes that prove you're a liar makes no sense at all. The only scenario that DOES make sense is if you've been telling the truth about what took place but you're worried that other person in that room is not going to be honest about what took place! Then you put the threat of tapes out there so that the other person is forced to be truthful.

Bottom line? Trump bluffed Comey into being honest and made the main stream media look foolish in the meantime. It was a masterful strategy.
Is my question so damn difficult to address, right wingers?

Just answer about what you would be thinking today if Comey had implied that he had recorded his conversation with Trump.......
I would be thinking the same thing as when Trump said it. " it's a bluff."

Don't lie, Comey, there might be a tape.

It was a good move.

In a world of nuclear weapons, everybody now knows Trump is bluffing.

I think they started to figure that out when Trump said he had 3 carriers off the coast of N. Korea when there in fact was none.

Now? Trump has confirmed that bluffing is part of his style. No wonder Trump is called a "paper tiger" by China.
Gaining or retaining a Congressional seat is hardly Pyrrhic, but you are free to comfort yourself by believing so.

Was the "win" in GA 6th district as easy as when fat-fuck-Gingrich was running for that seat??? Do you see (maybe) that the times they are-a-changing?

Yes. You literally spent 20+ million to get less votes this time around then you did spending nothing last time

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