A simple qst. for R-W'ers defending Trump on the NO tapes admission

I would be thinking the same thing as when Trump said it. " it's a bluff."

Don't lie, Comey, there might be a tape.

It was a good move.

Yep....it was a "great" move.....Now, through that good move, Trump has inherited a special counsel to ALSO investigate him.........Do you morons EVER think?
we got soooo much from comey's testimony the special counsel doesn't matter. The pres is clean, he knows he's clean. It is you bat shit crazy asses that don't understand the play.
Okay, let's be specific. Where's the scandal in what Trump said about the possibility of a recording?

Well, you're correct......In the midst of Trump's LIES and BROKEN PROMISES, lying about the possibility of recording his perceived enemies pales in comparison to his fraudulent activities.
Except, of course, he didn't lie.
Where's the scandal in this? Smells like desperation to me.

"Better hopes there're no tapes" was a remark of desperation.
There's no scandal here.

While Trump's having made the puerile remark is scandalous, there is no scandal. Is anyone claiming there is a scandal? I'm certainly not.

The fact of the matter is that Trump knew when he made the remark that he was equally then as now unaware of there being any audio/video record of the conversations. Knowing that, he shouldn't have made that remark.

Comey's attestation of the nature of Trump's comments to him is what gave rise to Trump's making the remark. Trump refuted Comey's attestation and then made the "tapes" statement. The intent of his "tapes" comment is clear: he aimed to cow Comey into recanting or attenuating his attestation.

Making the remark Trump did, to any person of integrity, would be unconscionable for the matter at hand is the veracity of Comey's assertion about what Trump said, not whether one is truly, say, holding a winning poker hand. A person of integrity, having tapes that refute Comey's statements, wouldn't make the statement; they'd merely release the tapes and let everyone see that Comey misrepresented the truth. Indeed, given Trump's track record of having a tenuous relationship with the truth, it'd have been more in his interest to handle the matter than way had he tapes for it could well have marked the first time that Trump said something of note for which there was incontrovertible evidence that he was telling the truth.
Of course, a person of strong integrity would know what they did or did not say in a meeting with Trump and would basically say "bring it on".

Again, there's no scandal here and no reason for hysterical proclamations of faux evil.
Where's the scandal in this? Smells like desperation to me.

"Better hopes there're no tapes" was a remark of desperation.
There's no scandal here.

While Trump's having made the puerile remark is scandalous, there is no scandal. Is anyone claiming there is a scandal? I'm certainly not.

The fact of the matter is that Trump knew when he made the remark that he was equally then as now unaware of there being any audio/video record of the conversations. Knowing that, he shouldn't have made that remark.

Comey's attestation of the nature of Trump's comments to him is what gave rise to Trump's making the remark. Trump refuted Comey's attestation and then made the "tapes" statement. The intent of his "tapes" comment is clear: he aimed to cow Comey into recanting or attenuating his attestation.

Making the remark Trump did, to any person of integrity, would be unconscionable for the matter at hand is the veracity of Comey's assertion about what Trump said, not whether one is truly, say, holding a winning poker hand. A person of integrity, having tapes that refute Comey's statements, wouldn't make the statement; they'd merely release the tapes and let everyone see that Comey misrepresented the truth. Indeed, given Trump's track record of having a tenuous relationship with the truth, it'd have been more in his interest to handle the matter than way had he tapes for it could well have marked the first time that Trump said something of note for which there was incontrovertible evidence that he was telling the truth.
Of course, a person of strong integrity would know what they did or did not say in a meeting with Trump and would basically say "bring it on".

Again, there's no scandal here and no reason for hysterical proclamations of faux evil.

Trump Indicates Tweet on Tapes Was Meant to Affect Comey Testimony

Scandal. No scandal. I really don't care about scandals because they are merely political rather than legal in nature and impact. There can be all sorts of scandals and no law broken. I care about appropriate compliance with (1) the spirit of ethical principles pertaining to integrity and (2) the spirit of the law. I don't see how a coercive threat alluding to tapes that never existed is in keeping with any notion of integrity, unless one considers a "lack of integrity" to be a notion of integrity.

There are two kinds of idiots -- those who don't take action because they have received a threat, and those who think they are taking action because they have issued a threat.
-- Paulo Coelho, The Devil and Miss Prym
I responded on another thread about the issue, and I am honestly asking this question of those FEW right wingers still capable of thinking on their own.....

What would you (right wingers) be saying today had COMEY stated, "....Trump better hope that the there are no tapes of our conversation....."???

Would you, today, be "excusing" Comey for the implication asserted in the above statement?

Saying you "better hope" something isn't a statement of fact silly.
noun: hope; plural noun: hopes

Hope that helps :D
Sorry trump dupes but this is anything BUT old news or unimportant. From before the election and every single day since then, the orange Drama Queen has piled the evidence higher and higher. By itself, this isn't anything at all. Added to all the rest, it will be one more reason to impeach.

Just watched that bit of video where trump actually tells Pooting he hopes they found emails. Same thing. If not for everything else, he could say that means nothing. Consider the wording, the timing and all the other evidence and my bet is that trump didn't just collude, he made a deal for money to be traded for power in Europe.

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Sorry trump dupes but this is anything BUT old news or unimportant. From before the election and every single day since then, the orange Drama Queen has piled the evidence higher and higher. By itself, this isn't anything at all. Added to all the rest, it will be one more reason to impeach.

Just watched that bit of video where trump actually tells Pooting he hopes they found emails. Same thing. If not for everything else, he could say that means nothing. Consider the wording, the timing and all the other evidence and my bet is that trump didn't just collude, he made a deal for money to be traded for power in Europe.

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Considering lack of integrity or intelligence your assumptions mean nothing.
Saying you "better hope" something isn't a statement of fact silly.
noun: hope; plural noun: hopes

Hope that helps :D

Yet another right winger who will defend the orange clown no matter how much he screws his own base.......Sad, really!!!
i just figure that Trump punked 'comey' and YOU guys [again] and i'm happy to see it Nat !!
Except, of course, he didn't lie.

Of course, he "didn't lie" ....he tried to intimidate and bluff.....and it all BACKFIRED; now he's got a special counsel looking at his financials (including tax returns) on his fat ass......Nice going, orange clown....LOL
i just figure that Trump punked 'comey' and YOU guys [again] and i'm happy to see it Nat !!

Go back to sleep....trump "PUNKED" himself with a special counsel breathing down his back......Let him fire Mueller and see how THAT would go over....LOL
lets see who comes out on top Nat . Trumps been punking you guys , hilary and mrobama since he took his ride down the escalator with his wife at TRUMP Tower Nat ,
lets see who comes out on top Nat . Trumps been punking you guys , hilary and mrobama since he took his ride down the escalator with his wife at TRUMP Tower Nat ,

Its impossible to fix your stupidity on this forum.........Try a community college...
Sorry trump dupes but this is anything BUT old news or unimportant. From before the election and every single day since then, the orange Drama Queen has piled the evidence higher and higher. By itself, this isn't anything at all. Added to all the rest, it will be one more reason to impeach.

Just watched that bit of video where trump actually tells Pooting he hopes they found emails. Same thing. If not for everything else, he could say that means nothing. Consider the wording, the timing and all the other evidence and my bet is that trump didn't just collude, he made a deal for money to be traded for power in Europe.

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And when you find proof of that, get rid of him. Then we can go after the deals Hillary likely made as Sec State.
Except, of course, he didn't lie.

Of course, he "didn't lie" ....he tried to intimidate and bluff.....and it all BACKFIRED; now he's got a special counsel looking at his financials (including tax returns) on his fat ass......Nice going, orange clown....LOL
Which is it?

"Well, you're correct......In the midst of Trump's LIES and BROKEN PROMISES, lying about the possibility of recording his perceived enemies pales in comparison to his fraudulent activities."


Of course, he "didn't lie"

Maybe your viewpoint matured in a short span of time?
Except, of course, he didn't lie.

Of course, he "didn't lie" ....he tried to intimidate and bluff.....and it all BACKFIRED; now he's got a special counsel looking at his financials (including tax returns) on his fat ass......Nice going, orange clown....LOL
The special counsel is actually looking at Loretta Lynch.

NOPE, that's the senate judiciary chair (a republican) dictated to the rest of the committee. The tanking member calls it a witch hunt.

Mueller is investigating russia, which Lynch had nothing to do with.
Sorry trump dupes but this is anything BUT old news or unimportant. From before the election and every single day since then, the orange Drama Queen has piled the evidence higher and higher. By itself, this isn't anything at all. Added to all the rest, it will be one more reason to impeach.

Just watched that bit of video where trump actually tells Pooting he hopes they found emails. Same thing. If not for everything else, he could say that means nothing. Consider the wording, the timing and all the other evidence and my bet is that trump didn't just collude, he made a deal for money to be traded for power in Europe.

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We know you've been spewing the lies that long
Except, of course, he didn't lie.

Of course, he "didn't lie" ....he tried to intimidate and bluff.....and it all BACKFIRED; now he's got a special counsel looking at his financials (including tax returns) on his fat ass......Nice going, orange clown....LOL
The special counsel is actually looking at Loretta Lynch.

NOPE, that's the senate judiciary chair (a republican) dictated to the rest of the committee. The tanking member calls it a witch hunt.

Mueller is investigating russia, which Lynch had nothing to do with.
How do you know?

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