A simple qst. for R-W'ers defending Trump on the NO tapes admission

The participation trophy philosophy - interesting.

Did you really "feared" that a district who fucked up and voted for Newt-Fat Gingrich over and over and over again, would turn bright blue??? For that to happen we have to wait for the old, racist Georgians to die off.....Have patience.
I responded on another thread about the issue, and I am honestly asking this question of those FEW right wingers still capable of thinking on their own.....

What would you (right wingers) be saying today had COMEY stated, "....Trump better hope that the there are no tapes of our conversation....."???

Would you, today, be "excusing" Comey for the implication asserted in the above statement?
Keep stirring up nothing. You are good at it. Trump called Comeys bluff and you are in full damage control like all shills. Sorry, you lose again, and you will keep losing.
The participation trophy philosophy - interesting.

Did you really "feared" that a district who fucked up and voted for Newt-Fat Gingrich over and over and over again, would turn bright blue??? For that to happen we have to wait for the old, racist Georgians to die off.....Have patience.
"When we lose call it racism, that'll get us votes". LOL
The participation trophy philosophy - interesting.

Did you really "feared" that a district who fucked up and voted for Newt-Fat Gingrich over and over and over again, would turn bright blue??? For that to happen we have to wait for the old, racist Georgians to die off.....Have patience.


did you really think the Hag would be elected president?
How have the special elections gone in light of all these revelations?

Actually extremely well for sane voters........Democrats had NEVER made such substantial gains in districts so DEEP RED......Smarter republicans are realizing this, most dumb asses do not.....yet.
and lost four or five times. Not sure the count it changes daily. a loss is a loss is a loss. there are no victories when the letter next to your name is an 'L' no matter what alternate world you live in.
You're moving the goal posts. This thread is about Trump saying something about recordings. Have you dropped it already?

It was YOU who asked "where's the scandal"....and I'm offering an unpleasant possibility.....
Okay, let's be specific. Where's the scandal in what Trump said about the possibility of a recording?
and lost four or five times. Not sure the count it changes daily. a loss is a loss is a loss. there are no victories when the letter next to your name is an 'L' no matter what alternate world you live in.

Look up Pyrrhic victories....you'll be a tiny bit smarter (a definite improvement for you).......
Okay, let's be specific. Where's the scandal in what Trump said about the possibility of a recording?

Well, you're correct......In the midst of Trump's LIES and BROKEN PROMISES, lying about the possibility of recording his perceived enemies pales in comparison to his fraudulent activities.
A simple question for all you leftist traitors: why are you worthless, perverted freeloaders allowed to vote?

If there were an education requirement for voting, almost none of you right wingers on here would qualify.
I responded on another thread about the issue, and I am honestly asking this question of those FEW right wingers still capable of thinking on their own.....

What would you (right wingers) be saying today had COMEY stated, "....Trump better hope that the there are no tapes of our conversation....."???

Would you, today, be "excusing" Comey for the implication asserted in the above statement?

Context please, dumbass.
I responded on another thread about the issue, and I am honestly asking this question of those FEW right wingers still capable of thinking on their own.....

What would you (right wingers) be saying today had COMEY stated, "....Trump better hope that the there are no tapes of our conversation....."???

Would you, today, be "excusing" Comey for the implication asserted in the above statement?

Only problem is Comey didn't. But, as long as you want to play what if. What would you (left wingers) be saying today had Clinton admitted to saying she knew full well that having a private email server and she did illegal/unethical things with those emails and should be tried for treason.
Okay, let's be specific. Where's the scandal in what Trump said about the possibility of a recording?

Well, you're correct......In the midst of Trump's LIES and BROKEN PROMISES, lying about the possibility of recording his perceived enemies pales in comparison to his fraudulent activities.
NO proof? again?
and lost four or five times. Not sure the count it changes daily. a loss is a loss is a loss. there are no victories when the letter next to your name is an 'L' no matter what alternate world you live in.

Look up Pyrrhic victories....you'll be a tiny bit smarter (a definite improvement for you).......

Gaining or retaining a Congressional seat is hardly Pyrrhic, but you are free to comfort yourself by believing so.
How come the liberal failures always say "look up this, or look up that?" what's the matter with them?
Gaining or retaining a Congressional seat is hardly Pyrrhic, but you are free to comfort yourself by believing so.

Was the "win" in GA 6th district as easy as when fat-fuck-Gingrich was running for that seat??? Do you see (maybe) that the times they are-a-changing?
Where's the scandal in this? Smells like desperation to me.

"Better hopes there're no tapes" was a remark of desperation.
There's no scandal here.

While Trump's having made the puerile remark is scandalous, there is no scandal. Is anyone claiming there is a scandal? I'm certainly not.

The fact of the matter is that Trump knew when he made the remark that he was equally then as now unaware of there being any audio/video record of the conversations. Knowing that, he shouldn't have made that remark.

Comey's attestation of the nature of Trump's comments to him is what gave rise to Trump's making the remark. Trump refuted Comey's attestation and then made the "tapes" statement. The intent of his "tapes" comment is clear: he aimed to cow Comey into recanting or attenuating his attestation.

Making the remark Trump did, to any person of integrity, would be unconscionable for the matter at hand is the veracity of Comey's assertion about what Trump said, not whether one is truly, say, holding a winning poker hand. A person of integrity, having tapes that refute Comey's statements, wouldn't make the statement; they'd merely release the tapes and let everyone see that Comey misrepresented the truth. Indeed, given Trump's track record of having a tenuous relationship with the truth, it'd have been more in his interest to handle the matter than way had he tapes for it could well have marked the first time that Trump said something of note for which there was incontrovertible evidence that he was telling the truth.
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