A simple qst. for R-W'ers defending Trump on the NO tapes admission

When exactly did Flynn transform himself into Tramp and start living in Tramp Tower????
When he was taped
So you admit it was Tramp in communication with his Russian handlers all along.
Thank you!
Whoever said that? Not Comey . You ok?
YOU said Flynn became Tramp when Flynn was taped conspiring with the Russians. Did you forget already?
I did? LOL prove it
A simple qst. for R-W'ers defending Trump on the NO tapes admission
When he was taped
So you admit it was Tramp in communication with his Russian handlers all along.
Thank you!
Whoever said that? Not Comey . You ok?
YOU said Flynn became Tramp when Flynn was taped conspiring with the Russians. Did you forget already?
I did? LOL prove it
A simple qst. for R-W'ers defending Trump on the NO tapes admission
And? That doesn't fit try again
Huh, we got lynch and Comey, we're moving now with corruption

Who is we? I don't know of any investigations of either one. Just a republican wish list.
Letter was sent out yesterday Diane Feinstein sent it. Oops
Grassley, Feinstein want answers from Loretta Lynch

The senators are seeking answers about a Russian intelligence memo — which was obtained by the FBI — that suggested Lynch had assured a member of the Clinton campaign, Amanda Renteria, that the investigation into Clinton’s emails would not go too far.

New details about the intelligence memo came to light in a Washington Post story last month that said U.S. intelligence officials believe it might be unreliable or even a fake.
Huh, we got lynch and Comey, we're moving now with corruption

Who is we? I don't know of any investigations of either one. Just a republican wish list.
Letter was sent out yesterday Diane Feinstein sent it. Oops
Grassley, Feinstein want answers from Loretta Lynch

The senators are seeking answers about a Russian intelligence memo — which was obtained by the FBI — that suggested Lynch had assured a member of the Clinton campaign, Amanda Renteria, that the investigation into Clinton’s emails would not go too far.

New details about the intelligence memo came to light in a Washington Post story last month that said U.S. intelligence officials believe it might be unreliable or even a fake.
Yep investigate
Post the statutes. You post that and i'll post the pictures of Trumps privates.
Here ya go. Trumps dick.


Another lie, You promised Trumps privates, not his dick.
Are you really dissapointed at not seeing Trumps
Lord. You can't make this shit up. I'll ask again, does EVERYONE who testifies under oath tell the truth?

He's got a point. Why hasn't the republican controlled congress objected to anything Comey said?

Why hasn't DOJ, FBI, US attorney. Nobody is even suggested that Comey lied. (except for Trump, whose word means shit)
Why would they?
To protect their Party
Huh, we got lynch and Comey, we're moving now with corruption
No one more corrupt than Tramp.

Democrats are.
If Trump has done all this bullshit these liars here claim that has each day, why isn't he locked up?
That would be a blatant violation of his duty. Trump has no such duty. Furthermore it constitutes espionage. It would constitute a government wiretap without a warrant.

In a private business, your employer is free to record everything you do and everything you say. Those are the terms of your employment, and Comey was Trump's employee.

Wrong, middlefingerfuckhead........Comey did NOT divulge any classified dats and his revelations were that of a private citizen.....

"Were that of a private citizen?" He's in the President's office during business hours, and he's supposed to be treated as a private citizen?

You are a major ignoramus.
"Were that of a private citizen?" He's in the President's office during business hours, and he's supposed to be treated as a private citizen?

You are a major ignoramus.

You're the stupid one. It was dinner, which means AFTER HOURS.
And, don't tell me that everything the president says is classified, because otherwise that would mean that Trump is violating security protocols every time he tweets or bloviates at rallies or in front of the cameras.

....and please don't forget our beloved orange charlatan's spewing that he finally got rid of that pesky investigator Comey with Russian foreign minister Lavrov and ambassador (spy in chief) Kislyak at the WH...........
Those who say otherwise were NOT under oath!

Well, the orange fraud DID volunteer to testify under oath (while his lawyers were freaking out at what an asshole the Trumpster is....LOL)
Furthermore it constitutes espionage. It would constitute a government wiretap without a warrant.

In a private business, your employer is free to record everything you do and everything you say. Those are the terms of your employment, and Comey was Trump's employee.

Can't you get even one law right? In DC (it's different in maryland where Linda Trip did it) The federal statute allows parties to the conversation to record the conversation.

Which means nobody can legally record Trump without being in the room. So when Trump cleared the room, the only people who could have recorded it are Trump and Comey, and Both said they didn't have tapes.

Illegal recordings exist...
....and please don't forget our beloved orange charlatan's spewing that he finally got rid of that pesky investigator Comey with Russian foreign minister Lavrov and ambassador (spy in chief) Kislyak at the WH...........

Not just in the white house, but in the oval office. Where Trump told them secret intelligence we got from Israel.
So everyone who testifies under oath tells the truth?

Hey, moron "kid".....the difference is that if you LIE under oath there may be repercussions of perjury....HOWEVER, if you lie and you're not under oath.....well, then you may be an orange clown.
beloved by fellow morons..........LOL
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So everyone who testifies under oath tells the truth?

Hey, moron "kid".....the difference is that if you LIE under oath there may be repercussions of perjury....HOWEVER, if you lie and you're no under oath.....well, then you may be an orange clown.
beloved by fellow morons..........LOL

If Comey lied, he would be investigated by congress, the FBI, the DOJ and the US attorney, all of which are Trump republicans.
Lord. You can't make this shit up. I'll ask again, does EVERYONE who testifies under oath tell the truth?

Again, kid..........NOT everyone who testifies under oath tells the truth....HOWEVER, they risk a hell of a lot more than someone like the orange clown when he states something that is NOT under oath.....

Surely there's a grown up around your basement to clarify this issue for you....LOL
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and lost four or five times. Not sure the count it changes daily. a loss is a loss is a loss. there are no victories when the letter next to your name is an 'L' no matter what alternate world you live in.

Look up Pyrrhic victories....you'll be a tiny bit smarter (a definite improvement for you).......

On what planet are those pyrrhic victories?

Because no matter what happens with AHCA, republicans own healthcare.

So if the senate bill fails and Obamacare stays, Republicans own it.

Why would you want Republicans to own it if its such a great success and helping so many people?
Because no matter what happens with AHCA, republicans own healthcare.

So if the senate bill fails and Obamacare stays, Republicans own it.

Why would you want Republicans to own it if its such a great success and helping so many people?

They ran for the last 8 years on repealing Obamacare. They were elected to majorities in the house, the senate and to the white house. There isn't a branch of government they don't control.

No matter what we end up with, the republicans are now responsible for it. It's just like Trump now owns the war against ISIS.

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