A simple qst. for R-W'ers defending Trump on the NO tapes admission

Government officials are not allowed to secretly record you without a warrant, moron. That's indisputable.

Concededly a police agent who conceals his police connections may write down for official use his conversations with a defendant and testify concerning them, without a warrant authorizing his encounters with the defendant and without otherwise violating the latter's Fourth Amendment rights. Hoffa v. United States, 385 U. S., at 300-303. For constitutional purposes, no different result is required if the agent instead of immediately reporting and transcribing his conversations with defendant, either (1) simultaneously records them with electronic equipment which he is carrying on his person, Lopez v. United States, supra; (2) or carries radio equipment which simultaneously transmits the conversations either to recording equipment located elsewhere or to other agents monitoring the transmitting frequency.
401 U.S. 745 (1971)
No. 13.
Supreme Court of United States.

Concededly a police agent who conceals his police connections may write down for official use his conversations with a defendant

without a warrant authorizing his encounters with the defendant

or carries radio equipment which simultaneously transmits the conversations either to recording equipment located elsewhere or to other agents monitoring the transmitting frequency.
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I responded on another thread about the issue, and I am honestly asking this question of those FEW right wingers still capable of thinking on their own.....

What would you (right wingers) be saying today had COMEY stated, "....Trump better hope that the there are no tapes of our conversation....."???

Would you, today, be "excusing" Comey for the implication asserted in the above statement?
Keep stirring up nothing. You are good at it. Trump called Comeys bluff and you are in full damage control like all shills. Sorry, you lose again, and you will keep losing.

Yet another poster who apparently has never played poker. When you bluff, it means you have a crappy had or have nothing, and act like you have a good hand in the hopes that you can get the other players to fold before calling your bluff.

Comey actually had memos. Trump had nothing. Trump didn't call a bluff, Trump is the one who was bluffing.

But, I kinda knew Trump was lying when he had that press conference when he was asked about the tapes, and he said he would release something about them "soon" but people were going to be very disappointed.

Your spin is comical, Trump played the weasel
trump is a weasel, just like you.
That doesn't mention secret recordings, so it doesn't apply.

You need to read it.

No warrant to "search and seize" is required in such circumstances,
nor is it when the Government sends to defendant's home a secret agent who conceals his identity and makes a purchase of narcotics from the accused,Lewis v. United States, 385 U. S. 206 (1966), or when the same agent, unbeknown to the defendant, carries electronic equipment to record the defendant's words and the evidence so gathered is later offered in evidence. Lopez v. United States, 373 U. S. 427 (1963).[/QUOTE]
Because no matter what happens with AHCA, republicans own healthcare.

So if the senate bill fails and Obamacare stays, Republicans own it.

Why would you want Republicans to own it if its such a great success and helping so many people?

They ran for the last 8 years on repealing Obamacare. They were elected to majorities in the house, the senate and to the white house. There isn't a branch of government they don't control.

No matter what we end up with, the republicans are now responsible for it. It's just like Trump now owns the war against ISIS.
Yep they don't have the votes you should learn how the senate works
That doesn't mention secret recordings, so it doesn't apply.

You need to read it.

No warrant to "search and seize" is required in such circumstances,
nor is it when the Government sends to defendant's home a secret agent who conceals his identity and makes a purchase of narcotics from the accused,Lewis v. United States, 385 U. S. 206 (1966), or when the same agent, unbeknown to the defendant, carries electronic equipment to record the defendant's words and the evidence so gathered is later offered in evidence. Lopez v. United States, 373 U. S. 427 (1963).
Obummer should watch out
Wrong, doofus, He can't record anyone without their knowledge. That's like saying the government can make secret recordings of me without my knowledge. That's a violation of the 4th amendment.

No warrant to "search and seize" is required in such circumstances, nor is it when the Government sends to defendant's home a secret agent who conceals his identity and makes a purchase of narcotics from the accused,Lewis v. United States, 385 U. S. 206 (1966), or when the same agent, unbeknown to the defendant, carries electronic equipment to record the defendant's words and the evidence so gathered is later offered in evidence. Lopez v. United States, 373 U. S. 427 (1963).

401 U.S. 745 (1971)
No. 13.
Supreme Court of United States.
Well then why haven't the GOP House and Senate gone after him for perjury?

Lord. You can't make this shit up. I'll ask again, does EVERYONE who testifies under oath tell the truth?

He's got a point. Why hasn't the republican controlled congress objected to anything Comey said?

Why hasn't DOJ, FBI, US attorney. Nobody is even suggested that Comey lied. (except for Trump, whose word means shit)

Because he vindicated trump....

Why the heck is is so difficult for you to understand?
He's got a point. Why hasn't the republican controlled congress objected to anything Comey said?

Why hasn't DOJ, FBI, US attorney. Nobody is even suggested that Comey lied. (except for Trump, whose word means shit)

Because he vindicated trump....

Why the heck is is so difficult for you to understand?

Vindicated? Comey said that Trump asked him for his loyalty, told him he "hoped" he could drop the Flynn investigation, and when he didn't back away from Flynn Trump fired him.

Just like Trump previosly fired Sally Yates, and the US Attorney from NY. All of them hot on the heels of Trump associates.
....and please don't forget our beloved orange charlatan's spewing that he finally got rid of that pesky investigator Comey with Russian foreign minister Lavrov and ambassador (spy in chief) Kislyak at the WH...........
Not just in the white house, but in the oval office. Where Trump told them secret intelligence we got from Israel.
In this day and age any attempt to edit tapes is going to be exposed immediately at which point the entire tape would be demanded by Congressional investigators, RR!

Congress subpoenaed the taped with a due date of June 23rd. Which is why Trump responded to the subpoena by saying he didn't have any tapes.

And did you notice he waited until the day before it was due to admit he'd been bluffing? He went for as much mileage out of that lie as he could get.

In case you haven't noticed...Donald Trump takes great pleasure in abusing the main stream media whenever possible! In this case he got to watch Congressional Democrats work themselves into a lather over the non existent tapes...waiting until the next to last day to simply say "Psych!!!" Trump has CNN and MSNBC so busy chasing their tails it's become farce.
Because no matter what happens with AHCA, republicans own healthcare.

So if the senate bill fails and Obamacare stays, Republicans own it.

Why would you want Republicans to own it if its such a great success and helping so many people?

They ran for the last 8 years on repealing Obamacare. They were elected to majorities in the house, the senate and to the white house. There isn't a branch of government they don't control.

No matter what we end up with, the republicans are now responsible for it. It's just like Trump now owns the war against ISIS.

But as I said, if its a good thing for the nation why would you want republicans being responsible for it?
I responded on another thread about the issue, and I am honestly asking this question of those FEW right wingers still capable of thinking on their own.....

What would you (right wingers) be saying today had COMEY stated, "....Trump better hope that the there are no tapes of our conversation....."???

Would you, today, be "excusing" Comey for the implication asserted in the above statement?

Your post is not worth the time to answer, just like everything you post. You pump out some lies, you make a fantasy statement, and expect an answer. HAHAHAHA you are stupid as hell if you think you are smarter than the dumbest conservative, the smartest liberal on earth is not as smart as the 3 month old baby of a conservative.
In case you haven't noticed...Donald Trump takes great pleasure in abusing the main stream media whenever possible! In this case he got to watch Congressional Democrats work themselves into a lather over the non existent tapes...waiting until the next to last day to simply say "Psych!!!" Trump has CNN and MSNBC so busy chasing their tails it's become farce.

Trump also demonstrated that he'll do the same to our alies, like when he refused to acknowledge article 5 of the NATO treaty at the summit. Or when he said he moved an aircraft carrier off of North Korea, when it was 3,000 miles away in australia.
He's got a point. Why hasn't the republican controlled congress objected to anything Comey said?

Why hasn't DOJ, FBI, US attorney. Nobody is even suggested that Comey lied. (except for Trump, whose word means shit)

Because he vindicated trump....

Why the heck is is so difficult for you to understand?

Vindicated? Comey said that Trump asked him for his loyalty, told him he "hoped" he could drop the Flynn investigation, and when he didn't back away from Flynn Trump fired him.

Just like Trump previosly fired Sally Yates, and the US Attorney from NY. All of them hot on the heels of Trump associates.

Pure lies propaganda and bullshit. It proves that your posts are of no value whatsoever in any discourse because you pump out the same shit we hear from the ant colony that is liberals. HAHAHAHA, you are a waste of time to read. Mutiplanic thought is something liberals are incapable of.

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