A simple qst. for R-W'ers defending Trump on the NO tapes admission

Trump was not being investigated in Comey's "Russia" investigation. All of your links refer to Mueller's "investigation" after Comey was shit-canned, none of which give any specifics. His "investigation" is nothing but a which hunt which hasn't come up with anything.

Light a few candles to "help"your cause......LOL

My cause needs no help. Trump is the President and the Hildabeast isn't. Russsia-gate has imploded and Trump was proven right that he and his staff were spied on by the Hussein Administration. Your impeachment hopes crashed and burned with cuckboy Comey's testimony. You bitter lefties have to have something to cling to though, so now it's Mueller's "obstruction" investigation which is going to turn out just like every other "this is the beginning of the end for Donald Trump" narrative the media has been feeding its lapdog followers like yourself.
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Russsia-gate has imploded and Trump was proven right that he and his staff were spied on by the Hussein Administration. .

Imploded? The Russia investigation is breeding like rabbits.
It went from an FBI investigation into Trump associates, to an investigation of Trump himself. Plus investigations by the house intelligence, senate intelligence, and senate judiciary, along with a special counsel.

If it imploded any more, we wouldn't have enough committees left in congress to do healthcare. They would all be too busy investigating Russia-gate.
Nothing could be more unimportant than this issue.

Trump likes to lead media around by the nose, and he's good at it. One day, they may figure that out.

Or not.

Excuse # 2,794,712 of why it's ok for Trump to play games with America, and say things he doesn't mean.
Excuse # 2,794,712 of why it's ok for Trump to play games with America, and say things he doesn't mean.

I hope Trump doesn't try that with China, or North Korea, or any of the other bad actors out in the world, who will call his bluff, and cost America dearly.
Russsia-gate has imploded and Trump was proven right that he and his staff were spied on by the Hussein Administration. .

Imploded? The Russia investigation is breeding like rabbits.
It went from an FBI investigation into Trump associates, to an investigation of Trump himself. Plus investigations by the house intelligence, senate intelligence, and senate judiciary, along with a special counsel.

If it imploded any more, we wouldn't have enough committees left in congress to do healthcare. They would all be too busy investigating Russia-gate.

Sure bub, whatever you say. I'm sure there is a plethora of evidence against the Trump admin for conspiring with the Russians to hack the election, but not one piece of evidence has been leaked yet.
Russsia-gate has imploded and Trump was proven right that he and his staff were spied on by the Hussein Administration. .

Imploded? The Russia investigation is breeding like rabbits.
It went from an FBI investigation into Trump associates, to an investigation of Trump himself. Plus investigations by the house intelligence, senate intelligence, and senate judiciary, along with a special counsel.

If it imploded any more, we wouldn't have enough committees left in congress to do healthcare. They would all be too busy investigating Russia-gate.

Sure bub, whatever you say. I'm sure there is a plethora of evidence against the Trump admin for conspiring with the Russians to hack the election, but not one piece of evidence has been leaked yet.

Do you think all these conservatives are investigating nothing with no evidence?
Sure bub, whatever you say. I'm sure there is a plethora of evidence against the Trump admin for conspiring with the Russians to hack the election, but not one piece of evidence has been leaked yet.

What hawkie-baby can;t get through his thick skull is that there are FOUR stated facets of the investigation of both Trump AND his cronies....

1. The Russian hacking is now a proven fact (17 of our intelligence agencies and allied foreign ones all confirm that Russia hacks elections, as they also did in GB and France)

2. Possible collusion with Russia...whether Trump was involved or not is still being investigated) but his cronies certainly have been implicated, like Flynn,Manafort and Stone.

3.Obstruction of justice regarding trump asking Comey to lay off Flynn (who is in deep doo-doo) because......well,because Flynn is a buddy of trump.

4. Financial/emolument breaches by Trump......From his DC hotel to possible loans from Russian oligarchs (sharks, really)....something that WILL precipitate the subpoena of Trump's tax returns......

So, "all is well: in orange town.....
As for Trump not telling our enemies where our military is? Are you really that stupid that you don't realize it's a good thing to deceive your enemies?

Trump leaked where half our tactical LA class submarines were. Telling a visiting leader we had them parked off the coast of N. Korea. Which also told N. Korea where they were.

Since there is no practical way to find the LA class, that gave N. Korea invaluable intel.

And you know that Trump did that how?

Simple, they, like myself, watch the news and know how to use google. I know that the article says that Trump was talking to Duerte, but it also references his leaks to Russia as well.

Trump tells Duterte of two U.S. nuclear subs in Korean waters: NYT

From the article...

Trump told Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte Washington had "a lot of firepower over there", according to the New York Times, which quoted a transcript of an April 29 call between the two.

"We have two submarines — the best in the world. We have two nuclear submarines, not that we want to use them at all," the newspaper quoted Trump as telling Duterte, based on the transcript.

The report was based on a Philippine transcript of the call that was circulated on Tuesday under a "confidential" cover sheet by the Americas division of the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs.

In a show of force, the United States has sent the nuclear-powered USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier to waters off the Korean peninsula, where it joined the USS Michigan, a nuclear submarine that docked in South Korea in late April.

According to the Times, a senior Trump administration official in Washington, who was not authorized to publicly discuss the call and insisted on anonymity, confirmed the transcript was an accurate representation of the call between the two leaders.

Also In World News
U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, have said Trump discussed intelligence about Islamic State with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak at talks in the Oval Office this month, raising questions about Trump's handling of secrets.
Excuse # 2,794,712 of why it's ok for Trump to play games with America, and say things he doesn't mean.

I hope Trump doesn't try that with China, or North Korea, or any of the other bad actors out in the world, who will call his bluff, and cost America dearly.

You hope he doesn't bluff N. Korea? What do you think he was doing when he told N. Korea that he had an "armada" of 3 carriers off their coast? Russian and Chinese spy ships confirmed that there were no carriers in the area.

Sorry, he's already tried to bluff some of the bad actors. And, now that he's proven he'd tried to bluff the American people, I doubt that any world leader is going to put much stock in what he says.
Here's something to notice. In interviews especially, when Trump drops a big whopper you can catch him glancing up with his head lowered slightly at the person he's talking to. I've seen little kids do this when they're telling a lie, they (and Trump) glance at the person they're talking to in order to evaluate whether or not the person has bought the lie. It is really incredible to see a grown person doing that but he does it all the time. I noticed it again in the most recent clip with a Fox News women. He and Melania are standing in front of some portrait in the WH talking about who knows what. Check it out. Next time you're watching him speak take notice.

Taken from a friend.
As for Trump not telling our enemies where our military is? Are you really that stupid that you don't realize it's a good thing to deceive your enemies?

Trump leaked where half our tactical LA class submarines were. Telling a visiting leader we had them parked off the coast of N. Korea. Which also told N. Korea where they were.

Since there is no practical way to find the LA class, that gave N. Korea invaluable intel.

And you know that Trump did that how?

Simple, they, like myself, watch the news and know how to use google. I know that the article says that Trump was talking to Duerte, but it also references his leaks to Russia as well.

Trump tells Duterte of two U.S. nuclear subs in Korean waters: NYT

From the article...

Trump told Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte Washington had "a lot of firepower over there", according to the New York Times, which quoted a transcript of an April 29 call between the two.

"We have two submarines — the best in the world. We have two nuclear submarines, not that we want to use them at all," the newspaper quoted Trump as telling Duterte, based on the transcript.

The report was based on a Philippine transcript of the call that was circulated on Tuesday under a "confidential" cover sheet by the Americas division of the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs.

In a show of force, the United States has sent the nuclear-powered USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier to waters off the Korean peninsula, where it joined the USS Michigan, a nuclear submarine that docked in South Korea in late April.

According to the Times, a senior Trump administration official in Washington, who was not authorized to publicly discuss the call and insisted on anonymity, confirmed the transcript was an accurate representation of the call between the two leaders.

Also In World News
U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, have said Trump discussed intelligence about Islamic State with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak at talks in the Oval Office this month, raising questions about Trump's handling of secrets.

With all due respect...telling someone that we have subs "over there" doesn't exactly give away the position of our submarines! My educated guess would be that we have ballistic submarines off the coasts of North Korea and China on a full time basis and they are very aware of that. What do you think was divulged by Trump telling Duarte that we have a lot of firepower over there?
Excuse # 2,794,712 of why it's ok for Trump to play games with America, and say things he doesn't mean.

I hope Trump doesn't try that with China, or North Korea, or any of the other bad actors out in the world, who will call his bluff, and cost America dearly.

You hope he doesn't bluff N. Korea? What do you think he was doing when he told N. Korea that he had an "armada" of 3 carriers off their coast? Russian and Chinese spy ships confirmed that there were no carriers in the area.

Sorry, he's already tried to bluff some of the bad actors. And, now that he's proven he'd tried to bluff the American people, I doubt that any world leader is going to put much stock in what he says.

How long did it take China and Russia to determine that there were no carriers in the area? When and if Trump declares that he has carriers someplace else...do you think they will believe him any more or less than before? Only a complete moron would actually tell the truth about where his military assets are located or where they are going next...a concept that Barry never seemed to grasp!
Here's something to notice. In interviews especially, when Trump drops a big whopper you can catch him glancing up with his head lowered slightly at the person he's talking to. I've seen little kids do this when they're telling a lie, they (and Trump) glance at the person they're talking to in order to evaluate whether or not the person has bought the lie. It is really incredible to see a grown person doing that but he does it all the time. I noticed it again in the most recent clip with a Fox News women. He and Melania are standing in front of some portrait in the WH talking about who knows what. Check it out. Next time you're watching him speak take notice.

Taken from a friend.

Seriously? OMG...just when I thought you folks on the left couldn't possibly get any further "out there" with your attacks on Trump...you post THAT, Debbie!:blowup:
Trump "looks" at the person he's talking to? That now means he's lying to them? Are you kidding me? That might very well be the dumbest thing I've heard on this board since the last R-Derp post!
Here's something to notice. In interviews especially, when Trump drops a big whopper you can catch him glancing up with his head lowered slightly at the person he's talking to. I've seen little kids do this when they're telling a lie, they (and Trump) glance at the person they're talking to in order to evaluate whether or not the person has bought the lie. It is really incredible to see a grown person doing that but he does it all the time. I noticed it again in the most recent clip with a Fox News women. He and Melania are standing in front of some portrait in the WH talking about who knows what. Check it out. Next time you're watching him speak take notice.

Taken from a friend.

Seriously? OMG...just when I thought you folks on the left couldn't possibly get any further "out there" with your attacks on Trump...you post THAT, Debbie!:blowup:

Again, what makes you think I'm on the left? Because I don't agree everytime someone on Right posts or says something?
Here's something to notice. In interviews especially, when Trump drops a big whopper you can catch him glancing up with his head lowered slightly at the person he's talking to. I've seen little kids do this when they're telling a lie, they (and Trump) glance at the person they're talking to in order to evaluate whether or not the person has bought the lie. It is really incredible to see a grown person doing that but he does it all the time. I noticed it again in the most recent clip with a Fox News women. He and Melania are standing in front of some portrait in the WH talking about who knows what. Check it out. Next time you're watching him speak take notice.

Taken from a friend.

Seriously? OMG...just when I thought you folks on the left couldn't possibly get any further "out there" with your attacks on Trump...you post THAT, Debbie!:blowup:

Again, what makes you think I'm on the left? Because I don't agree everytime someone on Right posts or says something?

Let me guess...another liberal that claims they're a "moderate"? Just what the board needs!
Is my question so damn difficult to address, right wingers?

Just answer about what you would be thinking today if Comey had implied that he had recorded his conversation with Trump.......


WOW, you should take a nap and rest your brain after that erudite response......LOL

All this flailing and bogus claims that never go anywhere is desensitizing the public.

America 101:
You don't cry wolf.
Nobody likes a sore loser.

How have the special elections gone in light of all these revelations?
You don't cry wolf.

You're right.
Obama's birth certificate.
Thousands of Muslim's cheering in NJ on 9/11.
Obama "tapped" my wires.
Biggest EC win, ever.
Biggest inauguration crowd, ever.
Trump "saving" jobs at Carrier.
Election was rigged.
Russia didn't interfere.
Russia did interfere.
Obama colluded.

It goes on and on almost daily.
I responded on another thread about the issue, and I am honestly asking this question of those FEW right wingers still capable of thinking on their own.....

What would you (right wingers) be saying today had COMEY stated, "....Trump better hope that the there are no tapes of our conversation....."???

Would you, today, be "excusing" Comey for the implication asserted in the above statement?

He bluffed and Comey folded

He bluffed and Comey folded

How so?

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