A simple qst. for R-W'ers defending Trump on the NO tapes admission

Pure lies propaganda and bullshit. It proves that your posts are of no value whatsoever in any discourse because you pump out the same shit we hear from the ant colony that is liberals. HAHAHAHA, you are a waste of time to read. Mutiplanic thought is something liberals are incapable of.
Speaking of propaganda, we now know that Trump was given classified briefings starting in late august, and the full presidential daily brief after the election. So Trump was told about the russian interference months before getting into office, and all during that time Trump insisted the russian thing was "fake news", and the intelligence agencies, all 17 of them, weren't worth listening to.that all they brought him was "fake news"

We now know Vladimir Putin personally ordered the russian interference, and Trump knew it, yet said the russians weren't involved, didn't try to hack the election, and weren't colluding with any of his associates.
In case you haven't noticed...Donald Trump takes great pleasure in abusing the main stream media whenever possible! In this case he got to watch Congressional Democrats work themselves into a lather over the non existent tapes...waiting until the next to last day to simply say "Psych!!!" Trump has CNN and MSNBC so busy chasing their tails it's become farce.

Trump also demonstrated that he'll do the same to our alies, like when he refused to acknowledge article 5 of the NATO treaty at the summit. Or when he said he moved an aircraft carrier off of North Korea, when it was 3,000 miles away in australia.

Yes, Trump put the screws to our NATO "allies" because THEY were not living up to their end of the bargain when it came to defense expenditures, RR! He did something other US President's have not had the spine to do...to call our "allies" out on their failed promises! That's not a bad thing and long overdue!

As for Trump not telling our enemies where our military is? Are you really that stupid that you don't realize it's a good thing to deceive your enemies?
As for Trump not telling our enemies where our military is? Are you really that stupid that you don't realize it's a good thing to deceive your enemies?

Trump leaked where half our tactical LA class submarines were. Telling a visiting leader we had them parked off the coast of N. Korea. Which also told N. Korea where they were.

Since there is no practical way to find the LA class, that gave N. Korea invaluable intel.
No we wouldn't be excusing Comey, he was the FBI chief and would need to inform someone if he is recording for an official meeting. The President is allowed to tape himself during any such interviews if he so chooses.

You're either missing the point on purpose....OR you're just too fucking stupid to understand.....

Had Comey stated that he had a recording made without Trump knowledge, he'd be wrong......
However, the orange idiot, HINTED that he had recorded his conversation with Comey and THAT was a lie since no such recording exist according to the idiot now sitting in the oval office....

Trump's moronic bluff BACKFIRED since it has now caused the installing of a special counsel ENTRUSTED to investigate the idiot that was trying to avoid being investigated.....

Wrong again idiot. Trump has never been under investigation, nor would he be for hinting at recording anything. He just did it to make a Comey shit his pants and tell the truth.
I responded on another thread about the issue, and I am honestly asking this question of those FEW right wingers still capable of thinking on their own.....Likely you're seeking those who think like you.

What would you (right wingers) be saying today had COMEY stated, "....Trump better hope that the there are no tapes of our conversation....."??? I'd say he sounds like Trump. However, with their different positions, I'd be more concerned with Comey considering his former position in law enforcement.

Would you, today, be "excusing" Comey for the implication asserted in the above statement? I'd give it little consideration. At the end of the day it's what you have, not what you don't. At this point libs like yourself have nothing but a fabrication and hope.

Trump was not being investigated in Comey's "Russia" investigation. All of your links refer to Mueller's "investigation" after Comey was shit-canned, none of which give any specifics. His "investigation" is nothing but a which hunt which hasn't come up with anything.
As for Trump not telling our enemies where our military is? Are you really that stupid that you don't realize it's a good thing to deceive your enemies?

Trump leaked where half our tactical LA class submarines were. Telling a visiting leader we had them parked off the coast of N. Korea. Which also told N. Korea where they were.

Since there is no practical way to find the LA class, that gave N. Korea invaluable intel.

And you know that Trump did that how?
I responded on another thread about the issue, and I am honestly asking this question of those FEW right wingers still capable of thinking on their own.....

What would you (right wingers) be saying today had COMEY stated, "....Trump better hope that the there are no tapes of our conversation....."???

Would you, today, be "excusing" Comey for the implication asserted in the above statement?

I'm not going to bother reading 7 pages of this mental masturbation, I plan to unsubscribe to this thread after I post, but I wanted to respond to the OP...

No excuse is required, Trump did nothing wrong. It doesn't matter if it were the other way around because it wasn't the other way around. Trump made a tactical move that you're not getting here. Trump forced Comey to publicly admit the truth about telling him repeatedly he wasn't being investigated. Comey couldn't risk lying or being deceptive with the possibility of a tape being out there. So instead of having Comey sit there and play dumb and pretend he didn't recall telling Trump he wasn't being investigated, he had to admit the truth. Instead of having the media run around speculating a few more weeks about the possibility Trump was being investigated or that Trump was lying, they had to report the truth.

You've been Trumped!

Trump was not being investigated in Comey's "Russia" investigation. All of your links refer to Mueller's "investigation" after Comey was shit-canned, none of which give any specifics. His "investigation" is nothing but a which hunt which hasn't come up with anything.

Light a few candles to "help"your cause......LOL
So everyone who testifies under oath tells the truth?

Hey, moron "kid".....the difference is that if you LIE under oath there may be repercussions of perjury....HOWEVER, if you lie and you're not under oath.....well, then you may be an orange clown.
beloved by fellow morons..........LOL

So everyone tells the truth when they are under oath kid? Just answer the question or go back to the shallow end of the pool. You'll be safe there.
Lord. You can't make this shit up. I'll ask again, does EVERYONE who testifies under oath tell the truth?

Again, kid..........NOT everyone who testifies under oath tells the truth....HOWEVER, they risk a hell of a lot more than someone like the orange clown when he states something that is NOT under oath.....

Surely there's a grown up around your basement to clarify this issue for you....LOL

Meaning of course you ASSUME Comey told the truth because you are blinded by you childish hatred, got it.
Pure lies propaganda and bullshit. It proves that your posts are of no value whatsoever in any discourse because you pump out the same shit we hear from the ant colony that is liberals. HAHAHAHA, you are a waste of time to read. Mutiplanic thought is something liberals are incapable of.
Speaking of propaganda, we now know that Trump was given classified briefings starting in late august, and the full presidential daily brief after the election. So Trump was told about the russian interference months before getting into office, and all during that time Trump insisted the russian thing was "fake news", and the intelligence agencies, all 17 of them, weren't worth listening to.that all they brought him was "fake news"

We now know Vladimir Putin personally ordered the russian interference, and Trump knew it, yet said the russians weren't involved, didn't try to hack the election, and weren't colluding with any of his associates.
No, we don't know that, moron. That's purely an unsubstantiated claim by the Washington Post.
Because no matter what happens with AHCA, republicans own healthcare.

So if the senate bill fails and Obamacare stays, Republicans own it.

Why would you want Republicans to own it if its such a great success and helping so many people?

They ran for the last 8 years on repealing Obamacare. They were elected to majorities in the house, the senate and to the white house. There isn't a branch of government they don't control.

No matter what we end up with, the republicans are now responsible for it. It's just like Trump now owns the war against ISIS.

I'm betting that's NOT what you said when the magic negro took office ;)
Your post is not worth the time to answer, just like everything you post. You pump out some lies, you make a fantasy statement, and expect an answer. HAHAHAHA you are stupid as hell if you think you are smarter than the dumbest conservative, the smartest liberal on earth is not as smart as the 3 month old baby of a conservative.

Glad you got that out of your rectum.......Now, wipe, flush and by all means wash your hands........LOL

Flaming/Trolling, no content. Huh, don't you know the rules?
So everyone tells the truth when they are under oath kid? Just answer the question or go back to the shallow end of the pool. You'll be safe there.

The above fuckhead is as stupid as a box of used matches.....

NO, not everyone who is under oath tells the truth.......

YES.....if you lie under oath there may be severe repercussions......

NO....if you lie and you're NOT under oath, there will be no serious repercussions......you'll just be a lying moron,,,,,like Trump.....

If the above is still NOT clear to you, go hump a lamppost for relief.
Flaming/Trolling, no content. Huh, don't you know the rules?

Alas, I get knocked off this forum constantly, since most of the mods are of YOUR ilk......Its the price I pay for liking the 1st amendment......LOL

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