A simple statement:

It looks like the radical left is distancing itself from their racist theory that Black people are unable to obtain a photo I.D. in the 21st century. Most of the civilized world requires a photo I.D. to vote but somehow the democrat party thinks it's easier to murder someone than vote. Go figure.
it doesnt cost money to register to vote but to buy a gun you have to first work for days to weeks depending on the gun to pay for it,,

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Requiring an ID to vote or purchase a firearm is a matter of government, public policy, and the law.

Whether one can afford to purchase a given firearm is solely the purview of the private sector and free markets, having nothing to do with government or the law.
it doesnt cost money to register to vote but to buy a gun you have to first work for days to weeks depending on the gun to pay for it,,

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Requiring an ID to vote or purchase a firearm is a matter of government, public policy, and the law.

Whether one can afford to purchase a given firearm is solely the purview of the private sector and free markets, having nothing to do with government or the law.
how is it a false comparison??
its free to register to vote and vote,, but cost money to buy a gun and ammo??

There’s no such thing as voting being ‘too easy.’

Indeed, it’s the role and responsibility of government to facilitate voting and ensure that everyone who wants to participate is able to do so – not create bad-faith, unnecessary, undue, and un-Constitutional burdens to the right to vote.

Taking your lazy ass to the polls to vote in person as we've been doing since the founding of this country is no longer acceptable? Too hard?

If you're too lazy to vote, then you don't deserve to vote.
One needs an ID to register to vote; one needs an ID to purchase a firearm.

Thereafter, when going to the shooting range or other such venue, however, no further ID is required – the same should be true of voting after one has registered to vote.

What about obtaining a license to carry that gun with you?
And who determines who is ignorant or not. You?


Like I said, look at the last election results. You have a guy with dementia who's so Fd up his own party wanted to strip him of his power to use nuclear arms. His son was under FBI investigation for something he was involved in. He spent nearly 50 years in the federal government and accomplished nothing. And he got the record for voter turnout?

The only possible explanation is stupid people and politically ignorant voters.
Voting should be easier than shooting someone.

Yes or no?
One needs an ID to register to vote; one needs an ID to purchase a firearm.

Thereafter, when going to the shooting range or other such venue, however, no further ID is required – the same should be true of voting after one has registered to vote.

Somebody finally got the point!!
Voting should be easier than shooting someone.

Yes or no?
One needs an ID to register to vote; one needs an ID to purchase a firearm.

Thereafter, when going to the shooting range or other such venue, however, no further ID is required – the same should be true of voting after one has registered to vote.

Like cashing a check! You showed an ID when you opened the account!

You should be able to buy the gin or fly a plane, no ID!

What's classic was Nancy Pelosi losing it and saying about not wearing a mask, WTF, we're supposed to TRUST people? It was a total joke, like you
Voting should be easier than shooting someone.

Yes or no?
One needs an ID to register to vote; one needs an ID to purchase a firearm.

Thereafter, when going to the shooting range or other such venue, however, no further ID is required – the same should be true of voting after one has registered to vote.

Somebody finally got the point!!

A leftist got the leftist propaganda! Wow!

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