A smack down of trump on the way

We'll answer by leaving your exports at the docks.
And they could cancel orders from companies in red states and resource them , car parts or industrial equipment , or slap high tariffs on red state products
Republican farmers who are already suffering low crop prices, are about to learn the lesson that willful ignorance of a candidate and an entire party is going to have a high price. The same will hold for the white working class in those Midwestern states that ignored the racism, the threats on religion and millions of people, the suffering to millions of others they knew was coming, and instead voted for a “change”, wink wink, nudge nudge.:boohoo:
Wow guno. Siding with the Chinese against the US and the American worker. Unreal. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
I will enjoy the orange one getting beat down and the toady red states getting their asses handed to them

China Tells Trump's Fools, Want A Trade War? We'll Start By Targeting Republican States.

Many of our Allies and Foes are trying to figure out what the man-child psycho is going to end up doing.

China Tells Trump's Fools, Want A Trade War? We'll Start By Targeting Republican States.

it's so sad you Trump haters are so clueless to reality. Trump can dump China and Trump would know how to make up where China won't. It's called BRINGING JOBS TO THE FKN USA!!

Where as now everything we buy is made in fkn China and made like cheap useless crap that doesn't last more than five years depending on what it is.
I will enjoy the orange one getting beat down and the toady red states getting their asses handed to them

China Tells Trump's Fools, Want A Trade War? We'll Start By Targeting Republican States.

Many of our Allies and Foes are trying to figure out what the man-child psycho is going to end up doing.

China Tells Trump's Fools, Want A Trade War? We'll Start By Targeting Republican States.

it's so sad you Trump haters are so clueless to reality. Trump can dump China and Trump would know how to make up where China won't. It's called BRINGING JOBS TO THE FKN USA!!

Where as now everything we buy is made in fkn China and made like cheap useless crap that doesn't last more than five years depending on what it is.

But if Trump drops China where will all his clothing line come from?
I will enjoy the orange one getting beat down and the toady red states getting their asses handed to them

China Tells Trump's Fools, Want A Trade War? We'll Start By Targeting Republican States.

Many of our Allies and Foes are trying to figure out what the man-child psycho is going to end up doing.

China Tells Trump's Fools, Want A Trade War? We'll Start By Targeting Republican States.
Time for you to go to Costco and pick up another 5 gallon drum of Preparation H for your butt hurt.
I will enjoy the orange one getting beat down and the toady red states getting their asses handed to them

China Tells Trump's Fools, Want A Trade War? We'll Start By Targeting Republican States.

Many of our Allies and Foes are trying to figure out what the man-child psycho is going to end up doing.

China Tells Trump's Fools, Want A Trade War? We'll Start By Targeting Republican States.

it's so sad you Trump haters are so clueless to reality. Trump can dump China and Trump would know how to make up where China won't. It's called BRINGING JOBS TO THE FKN USA!!

Where as now everything we buy is made in fkn China and made like cheap useless crap that doesn't last more than five years depending on what it is.

But if Trump drops China where will all his clothing line come from?

I dunno maybe you can make him some and start a new home business lol
We'll answer by leaving your exports at the docks.
And they could cancel orders from companies in red states and resource them , car parts or industrial equipment , or slap high tariffs on red state products

maybe you should educate yourself better.

That is exactly what the policies of the U.S. government have been doing for decades – they have been waging war on jobs.

Both political parties have been eagerly pushing us into a globalized economy. Both political parties have told us not to worry as thousands of businesses, millions of jobs and trillions of dollars have left the country.

Well, so much damage has been done by this point that more Americans than ever are starting to wake up and realize that maybe globalism is not such a great thing after all.

Here is how globalism has destroyed our jobs, our businesses and our national wealth in 10 easy steps….

#1 Globalism has merged the U.S. economy with economies that allow slave labor wages.

The “minimum wage” became a whole lot less meaningful once we merged our economy with the economies of nations where it is legal to pay workers 50 cents an hour.

American workers have enjoyed all of the cheap products that have come flooding into our shores, but our politicians never told them that globalism would also mean that they would soon be directly competing for jobs with workers on the other side of the globe that are willing to work for 5 or 10 percent as much.

One big, global labor pool means that the standard of living of the hundreds of millions of workers on the other side of the world will come up slightly while the standard of living of American workers will come crashing down at a blinding pace.

Advocates of globalism never can seem to explain how U.S. workers are supposed to compete with teenage workers in Vietnam that often work seven days a week for as little as 6 cents an hour making promotional toys for big corporations.

#2 U.S. companies make bigger profits by sending jobs overseas.

If U.S. corporations can find a place where they can legally pay workers slave labor wages, what do you think they are going to do?

Corporations have a “duty to maximize shareholder wealth” and U.S. government policies actually have the effect of encouraging the offshoring of jobs.

This is even happening in industries that are on the cutting edge of new technology.

#3 Globalism has allowed foreign countries to dominate a whole host of industries that used to be dominated by the United States.

Well, there are a lot of reasons, but one big reason is that the business environment in the United States has become incredibly toxic. Businesses in this country face a nightmarish web of rules and regulations and that is a big reason why so many businesses are choosing to leave this country.

In a recent article for Forbes, John Mariotti made a list of just a few of the bureaucracies that U.S. businesses must contend with on a daily basis….

  • Medicare & Medicaid
  • Social Security
  • The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
  • Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
  • The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
  • SEC–Securities & Exchange Commission
  • FASB–Federal Accounting Standards Board
  • GAAP–Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
  • IRS–Internal Revenue Service
  • FTC–Federal Trade Commission
  • FDA–Food & Drug Administration
  • FAA–Federal Aviation Administration
  • FCC–Federal Communications Commission
  • EPA–Environmental Protection Agency
  • EEOC–Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  • FLSA–Fair Labor Standards Act
  • NLRB–National Labor Relations Board
  • Labor Management Relations Act (The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947)
  • OSHA–Occupational Safety & Health Administration
  • CFTC–Commodity Futures Trading Commission
  • NFA–National Futures Association
  • PBGC–Pension Benefits Guaranty Corporation
  • ERISA–Employee Retirement Income Security Act
  • NHTSA–National Highway Transportation Safety Agency
  • CPSC–Consumer Product Safety Committee
  • NIOSH—National Institutes of Safety and Health
  • Employee Retirement Plans 401(k), 403(a) etc.
  • IRA–Individual Retirement Account
  • USPTO–U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
  • ITC–International Trade Commission
  • USTR—US Special Trade Representative
  • ICE–Immigration & Customers Enforcement
  • BLM—Bureau of Land Management
  • MSDS: Material Safety Data Sheets
#4 Jobs and manufacturing infrastructure are being lost at an astounding pace and they are not going to come back.

Jobs and manufacturing facilities are leaving this country at a blinding pace. Nothing is being done to stop this from happening. These jobs are not coming back and they are not being replaced.

Just consider the following statistics….

*The United States has lost a staggering 32 percent of its manufacturing jobs since the year 2000.
I will enjoy the orange one getting beat down and the toady red states getting their asses handed to them

China Tells Trump's Fools, Want A Trade War? We'll Start By Targeting Republican States.

Many of our Allies and Foes are trying to figure out what the man-child psycho is going to end up doing.

China Tells Trump's Fools, Want A Trade War? We'll Start By Targeting Republican States.
I will enjoy the orange one getting beat down and the toady red states getting their asses handed to them

China Tells Trump's Fools, Want A Trade War? We'll Start By Targeting Republican States.

Many of our Allies and Foes are trying to figure out what the man-child psycho is going to end up doing.

China Tells Trump's Fools, Want A Trade War? We'll Start By Targeting Republican States.
Dufus gets his news from Daily Kos! :rofl:
and the 90 year old bible trumping lunatic in Connecticut nursing home for Alzheimers sezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

go with the flow

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