A socialist hell on earth

Didn't we do all this with FDR's Social Security? Sure sounds like a rerun. Have we become a communist nation yet, or is it taking a little longer than predicted?
What are conservatives doing, precisely, to offer a clear and inspirational alternative?
What they've been saying all along. More freedom, less taxes, smaller government, less spending. Sorry if you don't find that inspirational but I damn sure do!
The problem is con politicians keep SAYING those things...for like 50 years, but then they do the opposite.

Politicians are never to be trusted. We all must learn to treat ALL of them with disdain and distrust, only proven otherwise.
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Clearly the strategy for conservatives here is to deny that countries like Germany, France & Norway are democratic socialist countries. This way they can ignore the "democracy" part of "social democracy" and pretend that Sanders and the like want to turn America into Cuba.


As I said, it's not working. People are no longer afraid of the word, because the Left has shown them that we already have "socialist" elements right here in America, and they're perfectly okay with that.

I guess screaming "SOCIALISM!! AAAUUGGHHHH!" is easier than creating and communicating a clear and inspirational alternative to America.

Good luck with that!
The media and the elites are ginning up this dislike of Bernie, I suspect to take the heat off Cankles.

If anyone here prefers her over him, they need their head examined.
If anyone prefers either one of these incompetent boobs, well, I won't say it.
I will gladly take Bernie over Cankles, without question.

Now if comes down to Bernie vs Trump...I might vote D for the first time in my life.

If it is Trump vs Cankles, without question I will vote Trump.

Do I want this? Hell no, but since our choice for POTUS for like 40 years, has been a choice between two evils, this election will merely continue the pattern.

Or might not vote at all, which I am known to do.
What are conservatives doing, precisely, to offer a clear and inspirational alternative?
What they've been saying all along. More freedom, less taxes, smaller government, less spending. Sorry if you don't find that inspirational but I damn sure do!
The problem is con politicians keep SAYING those things...for think 50 years, but then they do the opposite.

Politicians are never to be trusted. We all must learn to treat ALL of them with disdain and distrust, only proven otherwise.
I don't know what a con politician is but I don't trust anybody. I judge them by their actions. Putting all politicians in the same category is mindless.
Clearly the strategy for conservatives here is to deny that countries like Germany, France & Norway are democratic socialist countries. This way they can ignore the "democracy" part of "social democracy" and pretend that Sanders and the like want to turn America into Cuba.


As I said, it's not working. People are no longer afraid of the word, because the Left has shown them that we already have "socialist" elements right here in America, and they're perfectly okay with that.

I guess screaming "SOCIALISM!! AAAUUGGHHHH!" is easier than creating and communicating a clear and inspirational alternative to America.

Good luck with that!
The media and the elites are ginning up this dislike of Bernie, I suspect to take the heat off Cankles.

If anyone here prefers her over him, they need their head examined.
If anyone prefers either one of these incompetent boobs, well, I won't say it.
I will gladly take Bernie over Cankles, without question.

Now if comes down to Bernie vs Trump...I might vote D for the first time in my life.

If it is Trump vs Cankles, without question I will vote Trump.

Do I want this? Hell no, but since our choice for POTUS for like 40 years, has been a choice between two evils, this election will merely continue the pattern.
Jesus Christ. Trump or Bernie? You are a schizoid.
Clearly the strategy for conservatives here is to deny that countries like Germany, France & Norway are democratic socialist countries. This way they can ignore the "democracy" part of "social democracy" and pretend that Sanders and the like want to turn America into Cuba.


As I said, it's not working. People are no longer afraid of the word, because the Left has shown them that we already have "socialist" elements right here in America, and they're perfectly okay with that.

I guess screaming "SOCIALISM!! AAAUUGGHHHH!" is easier than creating and communicating a clear and inspirational alternative to America.

Good luck with that!
The media and the elites are ginning up this dislike of Bernie, I suspect to take the heat off Cankles.

If anyone here prefers her over him, they need their head examined.
If anyone prefers either one of these incompetent boobs, well, I won't say it.
I will gladly take Bernie over Cankles, without question.

Now if comes down to Bernie vs Trump...I might vote D for the first time in my life.

If it is Trump vs Cankles, without question I will vote Trump.

Do I want this? Hell no, but since our choice for POTUS for like 40 years, has been a choice between two evils, this election will merely continue the pattern.
Jesus Christ. Trump or Bernie? You are a schizoid.

Do you really think Bernie is going to get everything he wants with an R congress? I think not.

Trump scares me, but Cankles really scares me.
Clearly the strategy for conservatives here is to deny that countries like Germany, France & Norway are democratic socialist countries. This way they can ignore the "democracy" part of "social democracy" and pretend that Sanders and the like want to turn America into Cuba.


As I said, it's not working. People are no longer afraid of the word, because the Left has shown them that we already have "socialist" elements right here in America, and they're perfectly okay with that.

I guess screaming "SOCIALISM!! AAAUUGGHHHH!" is easier than creating and communicating a clear and inspirational alternative to America.

Good luck with that!
The media and the elites are ginning up this dislike of Bernie, I suspect to take the heat off Cankles.

If anyone here prefers her over him, they need their head examined.
If anyone prefers either one of these incompetent boobs, well, I won't say it.
I will gladly take Bernie over Cankles, without question.

Now if comes down to Bernie vs Trump...I might vote D for the first time in my life.

If it is Trump vs Cankles, without question I will vote Trump.

Do I want this? Hell no, but since our choice for POTUS for like 40 years, has been a choice between two evils, this election will merely continue the pattern.

Or might not vote at all, which I am known to do.
Interesting stuff. Bernie & Trump have really stood this election on its head.
I did.

45% + 19% = 64%.

Germany's personal income tax rates are progressive. Do you know how progressive income tax rates work? Even if you're in the top margin, you're paying lower rates in the lower margins. You're not paying a flat 45%. Just like here.

Wow. Lots of personal insults and name-calling (I'm used to that here from both silly ends), but you still won't address my point.

What are conservatives doing, precisely, to offer a clear and inspirational alternative?

Name-calling, maybe?

There seems to be a misconception among those on the Left that government has to DO something in order for it to be successful! The problem is that notion is based on the premise that free markets are incapable of accomplishing prosperity and need government supervision in order to work. A cursory study of what happens when government attempts to "manage" free markets should dissuade that notion but it seems like progressives don't feel the need to learn from past mistakes.
I did.

45% + 19% = 64%.

Germany's personal income tax rates are progressive. Do you know how progressive income tax rates work? Even if you're in the top margin, you're paying lower rates in the lower margins. You're not paying a flat 45%. Just like here.

Wow. Lots of personal insults and name-calling (I'm used to that here from both silly ends), but you still won't address my point.

What are conservatives doing, precisely, to offer a clear and inspirational alternative?

Name-calling, maybe?

There seems to be a misconception among those on the Left that government has to DO something in order for it to be successful! The problem is that notion is based on the premise that free markets are incapable of accomplishing prosperity and need government supervision in order to work. A cursory study of what happens when government attempts to "manage" free markets should dissuade that notion but it seems like progressives don't feel the need to learn from past mistakes.
The phrase "free markets" is a misnomer, there is no such thing.

The key is finding an equilibrium between the dynamics of a market economy and proper regulations and safeguards. Do regulations and safeguards subtract somewhat from the dynamic nature of a pure "free" market? Of course, but the degree to which they do is up to that society.

I would agree that another misconception is that many seem to confuse "more" regulation with "better" regulation, and that's perhaps the place where government is most likely to make mistakes.
It is a Friday night in Venezuela. Five nights ago, the country imploded under the weight of its socialist policies. Riots, and the subsequent violence reigned and fires lit up the pre-dawn sky. The government backed paramilitary, National Police and National Guard set upon various cities across the country, snuffing out dissent, shooting at and in some cases murdering student protesters, carrying out brutal beatings, shooting tear gas into buildings and silencing other protests against its strict censorship of the media and speech wherever they saw it.

This is prime evidence that wherever socialism goes, it leaves death, destruction and chaos in its wake. What makes this even worse is that the world isn't paying any attention. With Syria and the conflict between Russia and The Ukraine dominating the headlines, the violence in Venezuela is being ignored.

(Yes, I'm looking at you, Bernie Sanders supporters)

Tonight, Venezuela is seeing a spasm of violence that’s unlike anything the country has experienced since 1989. Information is fragmented, since an almost complete media black-out is in place, but you don’t need the media to hear your neighbor’s screams.

Caracas, Valencia, Merida and San Cristobal in particular have become virtual war zones: National Guard units and National Police have been shooting tear gas canisters and buckshot sometimes directly at protesters, sometimes into residential buildings and, raiding any place they think student protesters may be hiding. Alongside them, the government backed colectivos (basically paramilitary gangs on motorbikes, a tropical basij) shoot at people with live ammo.

But of course, this is no war zone: in a war zone you have two sides shooting at each other. Tonight one side is doing all the shooting, the other side is [corrected for grammar] being shot at.

19F - The Night Venezuela Finally Imploded | Caracas Chronicles

This is the dream the democrats have for America, it is what they work for every day.
Bernies plans are nothing like the type of Socialism instituted in Venezuela. Ditch the pointless labels and look at the policy ideas... If you must use a label then at least use the correct one... The term is "Democratic Socialist"

That is what Hugo Chavez was termed. Mao Tse Sanders promotes EXACTLY the policies that Chavez instituted in Venezuela.
It is a Friday night in Venezuela. Five nights ago, the country imploded under the weight of its socialist policies. Riots, and the subsequent violence reigned and fires lit up the pre-dawn sky. The government backed paramilitary, National Police and National Guard set upon various cities across the country, snuffing out dissent, shooting at and in some cases murdering student protesters, carrying out brutal beatings, shooting tear gas into buildings and silencing other protests against its strict censorship of the media and speech wherever they saw it.

This is prime evidence that wherever socialism goes, it leaves death, destruction and chaos in its wake. What makes this even worse is that the world isn't paying any attention. With Syria and the conflict between Russia and The Ukraine dominating the headlines, the violence in Venezuela is being ignored.

(Yes, I'm looking at you, Bernie Sanders supporters)

Tonight, Venezuela is seeing a spasm of violence that’s unlike anything the country has experienced since 1989. Information is fragmented, since an almost complete media black-out is in place, but you don’t need the media to hear your neighbor’s screams.

Caracas, Valencia, Merida and San Cristobal in particular have become virtual war zones: National Guard units and National Police have been shooting tear gas canisters and buckshot sometimes directly at protesters, sometimes into residential buildings and, raiding any place they think student protesters may be hiding. Alongside them, the government backed colectivos (basically paramilitary gangs on motorbikes, a tropical basij) shoot at people with live ammo.

But of course, this is no war zone: in a war zone you have two sides shooting at each other. Tonight one side is doing all the shooting, the other side is [corrected for grammar] being shot at.

19F - The Night Venezuela Finally Imploded | Caracas Chronicles

we aren't Venezuela.

you want to give back yoru ssd?
There's a difference between: Is Bernie advocating turning us into Cuba now And When would Bernie stop moving left so that we don't become Cuba. The first may be true, but the answer to the second is never. That's generally what Democrats do.
Okay, I think that's a perfectly valid point, and I share the concern that they would go too far, the slippery slope argument. We often tend to knee-jerk and overshoot.

So whether you want to either reverse this course or at least mitigate it, you'll need to offer a clear, strong alternative argument. But I definitely don't think the word "socialism" is going to scare anyone any more.

Euphemisms aren't going to win the day either though. Democrats are socialists. Social security and medicare are socialism. Describing things correctly isn't necessarily about winning an election
It is a Friday night in Venezuela. Five nights ago, the country imploded under the weight of its socialist policies. Riots, and the subsequent violence reigned and fires lit up the pre-dawn sky. The government backed paramilitary, National Police and National Guard set upon various cities across the country, snuffing out dissent, shooting at and in some cases murdering student protesters, carrying out brutal beatings, shooting tear gas into buildings and silencing other protests against its strict censorship of the media and speech wherever they saw it.

This is prime evidence that wherever socialism goes, it leaves death, destruction and chaos in its wake. What makes this even worse is that the world isn't paying any attention. With Syria and the conflict between Russia and The Ukraine dominating the headlines, the violence in Venezuela is being ignored.

(Yes, I'm looking at you, Bernie Sanders supporters)

Tonight, Venezuela is seeing a spasm of violence that’s unlike anything the country has experienced since 1989. Information is fragmented, since an almost complete media black-out is in place, but you don’t need the media to hear your neighbor’s screams.

Caracas, Valencia, Merida and San Cristobal in particular have become virtual war zones: National Guard units and National Police have been shooting tear gas canisters and buckshot sometimes directly at protesters, sometimes into residential buildings and, raiding any place they think student protesters may be hiding. Alongside them, the government backed colectivos (basically paramilitary gangs on motorbikes, a tropical basij) shoot at people with live ammo.

But of course, this is no war zone: in a war zone you have two sides shooting at each other. Tonight one side is doing all the shooting, the other side is [corrected for grammar] being shot at.

19F - The Night Venezuela Finally Imploded | Caracas Chronicles

This is the dream the democrats have for America, it is what they work for every day.

Why? Why would the third of Americans who are self-identified Democrats want an economic collapse?

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