A socialist hell on earth

Because we don't operate with a fixed amount of currency. New money is added into our economy through debit, credit and investment and is then removed from the economy through taxation. It doesn't operate like a business or personal finances as we create currency and are not dependent on income. You need to do some homework

What does any of that have to do with the Social Security Trust Fund? Is there actual money in there or not? If there is, then the government should be able to spend it to pay SS benefits. If it can't do that, then it's a colossal fraud. It's really quite simple. There's no need to invoke all your Keynesian abracadabra to answer the question.

What you need to do is learn some actual economics and basic business accounting so you don't sound like an idiot and a pompous ass to boot.
The government never has and never will miss a SS payment, we create our own currency so defaulting will not happen unless there is a huge economic callapse and the value of the dollar goes to shit. We are close to that despite what your friends at Fox try and make you believe. Study the economics

So what you mean is that if the United States is in danger of defaulting it can inflate away its debt by debasing the currency. And how does that differ from defaulting, in any meaningful sense? What good is a SS check if the dollars it represents are totally worthless??

You just admitted that SS Trust Fund is a fraud.
The governments been doing it for years and we havent experienced this dreaded inflation or devalue of the dollar... It's all about balance and operates completely different than personal economics

The dollar in 1913 was worth about 22 times what it's worth now. So, you were saying about how the dollar hasn't been devalued?

You belief that the laws of economics don't apply to government scams couldn't be more idiotic.
Funny you pick 1913 for comparison, the last year before the Fed Reserve Act, income taxes, and the start of our evolution away from the gold standard. I actually love the simplicity of the system we had back then, we were a young country with booming growth... Then the wars came, depression came, the population grew exponentially, and our economy evolved. Doc Brown is still working on your time machine so you can go back there but unfortunately the rest of us need to deal with the real world and modern problems in a modern economy. I'm for a smaller government and smarter spending, but I'm also not blind to the fact that spending stimulates the economy, and there are basic needs that need to be invested in, and the economics of our nation are much more complicated than your bank statement... We will never go bankrupt or default because we create currency... We need to be smart with how it's all managed though... Frivolous spending is part of the problem but when a majority of the new money and wealth go to a very small percentage of people, that is also a tremendous problem... A much larger part of the problem of you truly understand the situation
Another post loaded big on emotive reasoning and demonization and light on logical reasoning and knowledge.
You hate socialism because you want to, you have failed to rationalize that hatred because you can't, and yet you keep impotently swinging.

I can't speak for anybody else in here but I know more about socialism than any of you. Trust me, I do.

And I don't hate socialism. At all. It is a beautiful theory. And I think it could work someday. When we're ready for it, when our society is ready, when we're a mature enough society, it could possible work.

I don't hate socialism.

I hate socialists.

I despise them. IMO, they should should be executed on sight and left in the street to rot as a warning to other socialist scum.

They should be hunted down and put out of their misery. Because that's what it is -- Misery. Sick, deluded, diseased, twisted, murderous scum is what modern socialism is and has been since the French Revolution spit it out of its filthy uterus as an evil spawn of the sickness of revolutionary socialism.

Every single truly socialist government that has ever existed has been totalitarian, genocidal and murderous. Over 100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) dead in the name of socialism.

It isn't socialism that is evil, it is socialists. They are the ones using brute force, they are the ones using murder and genocide to enforce their SICK, disgusting, evil programs.

It's WAY past time we hunted socialists down and put them down like the rabid dogs they are.

And for you fucking IDIOTS that think the dirty Scandis are 'socialist'?

You're idiots. You are mouth-breathing, drool cup-carrying fucking morons.

Most of them are Constitutional Monarchies. That's about as far from being 'socialist' as you can get.

And most of them are FAR more "Business Friendly" than even the United States is. By a good margin. Look it up.

And Most of them have lower -- No, ALL of them have lower Corporate Income taxes than the US does.

Just don't use the 'S' word anymore. You have no clue what it means. None of you do.

Some day maybe we'll be ready for socialism. But not until all the socialists are dead.

Painfully, I hope

Yep, I thought as much.
What does any of that have to do with the Social Security Trust Fund? Is there actual money in there or not? If there is, then the government should be able to spend it to pay SS benefits. If it can't do that, then it's a colossal fraud. It's really quite simple. There's no need to invoke all your Keynesian abracadabra to answer the question.

What you need to do is learn some actual economics and basic business accounting so you don't sound like an idiot and a pompous ass to boot.
The government never has and never will miss a SS payment, we create our own currency so defaulting will not happen unless there is a huge economic callapse and the value of the dollar goes to shit. We are close to that despite what your friends at Fox try and make you believe. Study the economics

So what you mean is that if the United States is in danger of defaulting it can inflate away its debt by debasing the currency. And how does that differ from defaulting, in any meaningful sense? What good is a SS check if the dollars it represents are totally worthless??

You just admitted that SS Trust Fund is a fraud.
The governments been doing it for years and we havent experienced this dreaded inflation or devalue of the dollar... It's all about balance and operates completely different than personal economics

The dollar in 1913 was worth about 22 times what it's worth now. So, you were saying about how the dollar hasn't been devalued?

You belief that the laws of economics don't apply to government scams couldn't be more idiotic.
Funny you pick 1913 for comparison, the last year before the Fed Reserve Act, income taxes, and the start of our evolution away from the gold standard. I actually love the simplicity of the system we had back then, we were a young country with booming growth... Then the wars came, depression came, the population grew exponentially, and our economy evolved. Doc Brown is still working on your time machine so you can go back there but unfortunately the rest of us need to deal with the real world and modern problems in a modern economy. I'm for a smaller government and smarter spending, but I'm also not blind to the fact that spending stimulates the economy, and there are basic needs that need to be invested in, and the economics of our nation are much more complicated than your bank statement... We will never go bankrupt or default because we create currency... We need to be smart with how it's all managed though... Frivolous spending is part of the problem but when a majority of the new money and wealth go to a very small percentage of people, that is also a tremendous problem... A much larger part of the problem of you truly understand the situation

I picked 1913 precisely because it was before the Federal Reserve was created. Until that time we had a true gold standard. Every 28 dollars was exchangeable for an OZ of gold. The inflation rate between 1789 and 1913 was negative. That means a dollar was worth more at the end of the period than at the beginning.

After the creation of the federal reserve, the valued of the dollar declined to just 4% of its value in 1913. That's what the wonders of central banking have done for us. That's what happens when the government is allowed to create money out of thin air. All the rest of your post is irrelevant bullshit.
The government never has and never will miss a SS payment, we create our own currency so defaulting will not happen unless there is a huge economic callapse and the value of the dollar goes to shit. We are close to that despite what your friends at Fox try and make you believe. Study the economics

So what you mean is that if the United States is in danger of defaulting it can inflate away its debt by debasing the currency. And how does that differ from defaulting, in any meaningful sense? What good is a SS check if the dollars it represents are totally worthless??

You just admitted that SS Trust Fund is a fraud.
The governments been doing it for years and we havent experienced this dreaded inflation or devalue of the dollar... It's all about balance and operates completely different than personal economics

The dollar in 1913 was worth about 22 times what it's worth now. So, you were saying about how the dollar hasn't been devalued?

You belief that the laws of economics don't apply to government scams couldn't be more idiotic.
Funny you pick 1913 for comparison, the last year before the Fed Reserve Act, income taxes, and the start of our evolution away from the gold standard. I actually love the simplicity of the system we had back then, we were a young country with booming growth... Then the wars came, depression came, the population grew exponentially, and our economy evolved. Doc Brown is still working on your time machine so you can go back there but unfortunately the rest of us need to deal with the real world and modern problems in a modern economy. I'm for a smaller government and smarter spending, but I'm also not blind to the fact that spending stimulates the economy, and there are basic needs that need to be invested in, and the economics of our nation are much more complicated than your bank statement... We will never go bankrupt or default because we create currency... We need to be smart with how it's all managed though... Frivolous spending is part of the problem but when a majority of the new money and wealth go to a very small percentage of people, that is also a tremendous problem... A much larger part of the problem of you truly understand the situation

I picked 1913 precisely because it was before the Federal Reserve was created. Until that time we had a true gold standard. Every 28 dollars was exchangeable for an OZ of gold. The inflation rate between 1789 and 1913 was negative. That means a dollar was worth more at the end of the period than at the beginning.

After the creation of the federal reserve, the valued of the dollar declined to just 4% of its value in 1913. That's what the wonders of central banking have done for us. That's what happens when the government is allowed to create money out of thin air. All the rest of your post is irrelevant bullshit.
I beg to differ... As interesting as your history lesson is, it is clearly not the world we currently live in thus making your comments irrelevant... I respect the gold standard system and if we were in 1913 I would probably support keeping that and staying away from the disaster that has been a result of the Fed. However, that is not our world and it is no longer an option to go back, so lets deal with the relevant which is today's economic and political situations.
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The government never has and never will miss a SS payment, we create our own currency so defaulting will not happen unless there is a huge economic callapse and the value of the dollar goes to shit. We are close to that despite what your friends at Fox try and make you believe. Study the economics

So what you mean is that if the United States is in danger of defaulting it can inflate away its debt by debasing the currency. And how does that differ from defaulting, in any meaningful sense? What good is a SS check if the dollars it represents are totally worthless??

You just admitted that SS Trust Fund is a fraud.
The governments been doing it for years and we havent experienced this dreaded inflation or devalue of the dollar... It's all about balance and operates completely different than personal economics

The dollar in 1913 was worth about 22 times what it's worth now. So, you were saying about how the dollar hasn't been devalued?

You belief that the laws of economics don't apply to government scams couldn't be more idiotic.
Funny you pick 1913 for comparison, the last year before the Fed Reserve Act, income taxes, and the start of our evolution away from the gold standard. I actually love the simplicity of the system we had back then, we were a young country with booming growth... Then the wars came, depression came, the population grew exponentially, and our economy evolved. Doc Brown is still working on your time machine so you can go back there but unfortunately the rest of us need to deal with the real world and modern problems in a modern economy. I'm for a smaller government and smarter spending, but I'm also not blind to the fact that spending stimulates the economy, and there are basic needs that need to be invested in, and the economics of our nation are much more complicated than your bank statement... We will never go bankrupt or default because we create currency... We need to be smart with how it's all managed though... Frivolous spending is part of the problem but when a majority of the new money and wealth go to a very small percentage of people, that is also a tremendous problem... A much larger part of the problem of you truly understand the situation

I picked 1913 precisely because it was before the Federal Reserve was created. Until that time we had a true gold standard. Every 28 dollars was exchangeable for an OZ of gold. The inflation rate between 1789 and 1913 was negative. That means a dollar was worth more at the end of the period than at the beginning.

After the creation of the federal reserve, the valued of the dollar declined to just 4% of its value in 1913. That's what the wonders of central banking have done for us. That's what happens when the government is allowed to create money out of thin air. All the rest of your post is irrelevant bullshit.

You do know that the value of gold, a finite physical resource, moves and isn't a fixed waypoint to compare a currency to?
Are you talking about Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland? They seem to be just doing fine.

Wow. There's just something wrong with you.

You think Iceland is doing fine? Seriously?

You're not worth the time.
Iceland is on their way to a great recovery.
Despite the initial pushback from the international community, Iceland’s "great escape" should serve as a model for all nations. A steady diet of capital controls, IMF loans, and stable economic growth have paid dividends for the Icelandic system, which has been feverishly paying off loans and accumulating capital to offset the fallout from the crash. Iceland does still owe $1.8 billion to the Washington-IMF, Nordic governments and Poland from the initial funds it borrowed, however, the Icelandic people and their government deserve credit for making the best of a bad situation. While the initial collapse garnered world-wide breaking news coverage, their recovery has gone relatively unreported.
The Current State of the Icelandic Economy
Sweden, Norway and Denmark are about to fall into the abyss and the Netherlands aren't much better.

How Sweden created a model economy

Denmark maintained a healthy budget surplus for many years up to 2008, but the budget balance swung into deficit in 2009, where it remains. In spite of the deficits, the new coalition government delivered a modest stimulus to the economy in 2012. Nonetheless, Denmark's fiscal position remains among the strongest in the EU with public debt at about 46% of GDP in 2013.
Denmark Economy Profile 2014

Economic growth is projected to strengthen further and to remain broad-based. Private consumption and residential investment will remain robust thanks to the housing market recovery, employment growth and a reduction in income taxes. The brighter economic outlook should further support business investment. The relatively strong performance of the Netherlands’ key export markets will underpin export growth.
Netherlands - Economic forecast summary (November 2015) - OECD

Is this where you try to tell me to go back to school like you did with the no term limits BS.
Small businesses can't exists in socialistic countries...
Being a socialist is like being a pedophile.

The idea of personal responsibility is just as alien to a socialist as to why you shouldn't have sex with a child is alien to a pedophile.

If you have to explain to somebody what is wrong with socialism then you are probably just wasting your time. They will never understand.
Red Herring and a Strawman and a cast of many other logical fallacies. Since you've been wrong about everything else I should point out that your wrong about pedophiles. Some of them know why it is wrong and yet they still did it. It doesn't make it right or excuse them but they know what they are doing is wrong. Read some interviews.
OP- Before that, it was a plutocrat hell on Earth lol. Hugo DID halve poverty and illiteracy. And was never a dictator or the other crappe GOPers were brainwashed into believing. Its problems are mainly due to low oil prices and plutocrat sabotage...
oh yeah Hugo was such a great socialist leader.......btw did they ever figure out that toilet paper problem.....? :hellno:
Go read some Wiki or something, brainwashed functional moron. lol
the absence of TP is the essence of socialism....think about it halfwit....
BS- Sabotage by RWSers can be. BTW, you're confusing it with communism AGAIN.
In other words, the government loaned the money to itself. Only a terminally gullible dipstick like you would think that's an actual "investment."
The vast majority of our Debt is a composition of investments through the lending process and sale of Treasury bonds. Separate discussion but do some homework on the economics of a sovereign nation and effects of our national debt. I've heard a lot of misconceptions thrown out on this thread, as its a whole different ballgame then how we understand our personal economics.

Do some homework on fraud and Ponzi schemes. Even Obama admitted that the "trust fund" was worthless when he claimed the government couldn't pay Social Security benefits if Congress didn't raise the debt ceiling. Please explain why he couldn't pay the benefits by cashing in those treasury bonds.
Because we don't operate with a fixed amount of currency. New money is added into our economy through debit, credit and investment and is then removed from the economy through taxation. It doesn't operate like a business or personal finances as we create currency and are not dependent on income. You need to do some homework

What does any of that have to do with the Social Security Trust Fund? Is there actual money in there or not? If there is, then the government should be able to spend it to pay SS benefits. If it can't do that, then it's a colossal fraud. It's really quite simple. There's no need to invoke all your Keynesian abracadabra to answer the question.

What you need to do is learn some actual economics and basic business accounting so you don't sound like an idiot and a pompous ass to boot.
The government never has and never will miss a SS payment, we create our own currency so defaulting will not happen unless there is a huge economic callapse and the value of the dollar goes to shit. We are close to that despite what your friends at Fox try and make you believe. Study the economics
Small businesses can't exists in socialistic countries...

Which is why the National Socialists in Germany required that ALL businesses under a certain size/volume be sold to larger businesses. Else they would be confiscated..... And folded into larger companies.

Just the facts.

And to the MORON that thinks Iceland is doing well -- They completely and totally defaulted on their debts. Completely. Just told everybody to piss off.

Think there won't be a day of reckoning for that?

Get someone you know that is literate to read this to you.....

The darker side of Iceland’s showcase recovery - FT.com
It is a Friday night in Venezuela. Five nights ago, the country imploded under the weight of its socialist policies. Riots, and the subsequent violence reigned and fires lit up the pre-dawn sky. The government backed paramilitary, National Police and National Guard set upon various cities across the country, snuffing out dissent, shooting at and in some cases murdering student protesters, carrying out brutal beatings, shooting tear gas into buildings and silencing other protests against its strict censorship of the media and speech wherever they saw it.

This is prime evidence that wherever socialism goes, it leaves death, destruction and chaos in its wake. What makes this even worse is that the world isn't paying any attention. With Syria and the conflict between Russia and The Ukraine dominating the headlines, the violence in Venezuela is being ignored.

(Yes, I'm looking at you, Bernie Sanders supporters)

Tonight, Venezuela is seeing a spasm of violence that’s unlike anything the country has experienced since 1989. Information is fragmented, since an almost complete media black-out is in place, but you don’t need the media to hear your neighbor’s screams.

Caracas, Valencia, Merida and San Cristobal in particular have become virtual war zones: National Guard units and National Police have been shooting tear gas canisters and buckshot sometimes directly at protesters, sometimes into residential buildings and, raiding any place they think student protesters may be hiding. Alongside them, the government backed colectivos (basically paramilitary gangs on motorbikes, a tropical basij) shoot at people with live ammo.

But of course, this is no war zone: in a war zone you have two sides shooting at each other. Tonight one side is doing all the shooting, the other side is [corrected for grammar] being shot at.

19F - The Night Venezuela Finally Imploded | Caracas Chronicles

It's amazing that you cannot see the difference in Bernie's Democratic Socialism, which is similar to countries like Norway and Sweden, versus the near dictatorships of Venezuela and similar countries. SMH

I knew that when I posted this thread. But like I told Slade, Socialism is socialism, regardless of what version it is. The very fact liberals subscribe to any part of it is... depressing. I chose not to make a delineation. Do you really think I'm dumb enough not to know the different types of socialism? You assume too much.
Yes, black and white thinking is always best.
Small businesses can't exists in socialistic countries...

Which is why the National Socialists in Germany required that ALL businesses under a certain size/volume be sold to larger businesses. Else they would be confiscated..... And folded into larger companies.

Just the facts.

And to the MORON that thinks Iceland is doing well -- They completely and totally defaulted on their debts. Completely. Just told everybody to piss off.

Think there won't be a day of reckoning for that?

Get someone you know that is literate to read this to you.....

The darker side of Iceland’s showcase recovery - FT.com

And we have seen how well you know the national socialists in germany as your opinion of the way to treat political adversaries and their methods are utterly identical.
OP- Before that, it was a plutocrat hell on Earth lol. Hugo DID halve poverty and illiteracy. And was never a dictator or the other crappe GOPers were brainwashed into believing. Its problems are mainly due to low oil prices and plutocrat sabotage...
oh yeah Hugo was such a great socialist leader.......btw did they ever figure out that toilet paper problem.....? :hellno:
Go read some Wiki or something, brainwashed functional moron. lol
the absence of TP is the essence of socialism....think about it halfwit....
BS- Sabotage by RWSers can be. BTW, you're confusing it with communism AGAIN.
Total RW idiocy....
Small businesses can't exists in socialistic countries...

Which is why the National Socialists in Germany required that ALL businesses under a certain size/volume be sold to larger businesses. Else they would be confiscated..... And folded into larger companies.

Just the facts.

And to the MORON that thinks Iceland is doing well -- They completely and totally defaulted on their debts. Completely. Just told everybody to piss off.

Think there won't be a day of reckoning for that?

Get someone you know that is literate to read this to you.....

The darker side of Iceland’s showcase recovery - FT.com

And we have seen how well you know the national socialists in germany as your opinion of the way to treat political adversaries and their methods are utterly identical.
Brainwashed functional moron believes all RW propaganda, even the Nazis'...
oh yeah Hugo was such a great socialist leader.......btw did they ever figure out that toilet paper problem.....? :hellno:
Go read some Wiki or something, brainwashed functional moron. lol
the absence of TP is the essence of socialism....think about it halfwit....
BS- Sabotage by RWSers can be. BTW, you're confusing it with communism AGAIN.
Total RW idiocy....
The authors of socialism believed this to be true, nothing to do with conservatives.
Small businesses can't exists in socialistic countries...

Which is why the National Socialists in Germany required that ALL businesses under a certain size/volume be sold to larger businesses. Else they would be confiscated..... And folded into larger companies.

Just the facts.

And to the MORON that thinks Iceland is doing well -- They completely and totally defaulted on their debts. Completely. Just told everybody to piss off.

Think there won't be a day of reckoning for that?

Get someone you know that is literate to read this to you.....

The darker side of Iceland’s showcase recovery - FT.com

And we have seen how well you know the national socialists in germany as your opinion of the way to treat political adversaries and their methods are utterly identical.
Brainwashed functional moron believes all RW propaganda, even the Nazis'...
The Nazis were/are definitely socialists
Small businesses can't exists in socialistic countries...

Which is why the National Socialists in Germany required that ALL businesses under a certain size/volume be sold to larger businesses. Else they would be confiscated..... And folded into larger companies.

Just the facts.

And to the MORON that thinks Iceland is doing well -- They completely and totally defaulted on their debts. Completely. Just told everybody to piss off.

Think there won't be a day of reckoning for that?

Get someone you know that is literate to read this to you.....

The darker side of Iceland’s showcase recovery - FT.com

And we have seen how well you know the national socialists in germany as your opinion of the way to treat political adversaries and their methods are utterly identical.
Brainwashed functional moron believes all RW propaganda, even the Nazis'...
The Nazis were/are definitely socialists
You are a brainwashed functional moron. I have a masters in history, you have one in bs propaganda. They are nothing like today's EU, Canada, Japan, Oz, NZ- and never were. Calling themselves socialists was PROPAGANDA. Real socialists were thrown into concentration camps by the Nazis.
Nobody EVER called Nazis socialists until "Liberal Fascism" ("Absolute drivel"- the Economist and everyone else) and the New BS GOP. WTF is wrong WITH YOU PEOPLE?
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Small businesses can't exists in socialistic countries...

Which is why the National Socialists in Germany required that ALL businesses under a certain size/volume be sold to larger businesses. Else they would be confiscated..... And folded into larger companies.

Just the facts.

And to the MORON that thinks Iceland is doing well -- They completely and totally defaulted on their debts. Completely. Just told everybody to piss off.

Think there won't be a day of reckoning for that?

Get someone you know that is literate to read this to you.....

The darker side of Iceland’s showcase recovery - FT.com

And we have seen how well you know the national socialists in germany as your opinion of the way to treat political adversaries and their methods are utterly identical.
Brainwashed functional moron believes all RW propaganda, even the Nazis'...
The Nazis were/are definitely socialists
You are a brainwashed functional moron. I have a masters in history, you have one in bs propaganda. They are nothing like today's EU, Canada, Japan, Oz, NZ- and never were. Calling themselves socialists was PROPAGANDA. Real socialists were thrown into concentration camps by the Nazis.
Na, socialism is the whore mother of dictatorships.
Which is why the National Socialists in Germany required that ALL businesses under a certain size/volume be sold to larger businesses. Else they would be confiscated..... And folded into larger companies.

Just the facts.

And to the MORON that thinks Iceland is doing well -- They completely and totally defaulted on their debts. Completely. Just told everybody to piss off.

Think there won't be a day of reckoning for that?

Get someone you know that is literate to read this to you.....

The darker side of Iceland’s showcase recovery - FT.com

And we have seen how well you know the national socialists in germany as your opinion of the way to treat political adversaries and their methods are utterly identical.
Brainwashed functional moron believes all RW propaganda, even the Nazis'...
The Nazis were/are definitely socialists
You are a brainwashed functional moron. I have a masters in history, you have one in bs propaganda. They are nothing like today's EU, Canada, Japan, Oz, NZ- and never were. Calling themselves socialists was PROPAGANDA. Real socialists were thrown into concentration camps by the Nazis.
Na, socialism is the whore mother of dictatorships.[/QUOTE
Which is why the National Socialists in Germany required that ALL businesses under a certain size/volume be sold to larger businesses. Else they would be confiscated..... And folded into larger companies.

Just the facts.

And to the MORON that thinks Iceland is doing well -- They completely and totally defaulted on their debts. Completely. Just told everybody to piss off.

Think there won't be a day of reckoning for that?

Get someone you know that is literate to read this to you.....

The darker side of Iceland’s showcase recovery - FT.com

And we have seen how well you know the national socialists in germany as your opinion of the way to treat political adversaries and their methods are utterly identical.
Brainwashed functional moron believes all RW propaganda, even the Nazis'...
The Nazis were/are definitely socialists
You are a brainwashed functional moron. I have a masters in history, you have one in bs propaganda. They are nothing like today's EU, Canada, Japan, Oz, NZ- and never were. Calling themselves socialists was PROPAGANDA. Real socialists were thrown into concentration camps by the Nazis.
Na, socialism is the whore mother of dictatorships.
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