A Solution to the Indiana Law Protecting Religion (That 82% Support BTW)

Do you support Indiana's law as amended in the OP?

  • Yes, I think that's a good compromise.

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • No, it's 100% LGBT way or the highway

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Maybe, but I have another amending idea of my own (see my post)

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters
1. Non Christians cannot define what real Christians are since, by their very nature, they would lend preference to worldly Christians who abandon their religious convictions.

Then, according to your logic, Christians cannot define what real non-Christians are.

As it turns out, your "no true Scotsman" argument is bullshit.
Christianity cannot be whatever anyone wants it to be without losing its distinction. Anything that's all inclusive ceases to be because its identity is defined by its boundaries. So it's your argument that's illogical and therefore "bullshit".

Yep, you're definitely delusional. You're inserting all kinds of things everywhere. You're just pulling whatever you want out of left field. You're tearing down straw men by slinging spaghetti to see what sticks.
1. Non Christians cannot define what real Christians are since, by their very nature, they would lend preference to worldly Christians who abandon their religious convictions.

Then, according to your logic, Christians cannot define what real non-Christians are.

As it turns out, your "no true Scotsman" argument is bullshit.
Christianity cannot be whatever anyone wants it to be without losing its distinction. Anything that's all inclusive ceases to be because its identity is defined by its boundaries. So it's your argument that's illogical and therefore "bullshit".

Yep, you're definitely delusional. You're inserting all kinds of things everywhere. You're just pulling whatever you want out of left field. You're tearing down straw men by slinging spaghetti to see what sticks.
Ok, you're an idiot. Goodbye.
Christianity cannot be whatever anyone wants it to be without losing its distinction. Anything that's all inclusive ceases to be because its identity is defined by its boundaries. So it's your argument that's illogical and therefore "bullshit".

But that's kind of the point. Christianity survives because there are thousands of churches, sects, synods, and so on that allows it to reach niches.
Maybe your a racist, a homophobe or some other kind of bigot.

None of the above.

But you said you had cakes for sale, and I'm buying a cake, so you'd better provide one.

:lol: Oh yeah? And what if I don't?

Ohhh! I'm shaking in my boots! Whatchya gonna do? Throw some molotov through the window overnight? You gonna go call yoursewf the poweecy man? Is Mr. Big Toughguy feewing sad because he wants some cake? Aww, poor widdle baby!

Don't like it? Get out of the bakery business.

No, you get out. You don't own this. But you know what? I don't want you here anymore. Now get the fuck out this instant. Or else. And by "or else" I mean you are now trespassing and I'm 100% in my rights to remove you by force. I'm gonna be night and give you three seconds to avoid yourself some embarrassment.
Maybe your a racist, a homophobe or some other kind of bigot.

But you said you had cakes for sale, and I'm buying a cake, so you'd better provide one.

Or else.

Don't like it? Get out of the bakery business.

Nope. Your BEHAVIORS make the religious stance object. Your BEHAVIORS don't have special protections. Christians do have Constitutional protections. Let us all know when your cult gets tax-exempt status; because religion is the closest thing you come to.

The weird things you do with your hoo-hoo don't give you a protected status, even while you do them religiously and go out on evangelical campaigns in our public schools every day...
Ohhh! I'm shaking in my boots! Whatchya gonna do? Throw some molotov through the window overnight? You gonna go call yoursewf the poweecy man? Is Mr. Big Toughguy feewing sad because he wants some cake? Aww, poor widdle baby!

Nope, we just sue you under the PUblic Accommodation laws. Done.

No, you get out. You don't own this. But you know what? I don't want you here anymore. Now get the fuck out this instant. Or else. And by "or else" I mean you are now trespassing and I'm 100% in my rights to remove you by force. I'm gonna be night and give you three seconds to avoid yourself some embarrassment.

Guy, just try that kind of thing in a real business, and watch how fast you are not going to have a business anymore.

Nothing more fun that watching funditards get squished.
A solution to the Indiana law that says Christians can refuse to enable a 'gay marriage' is found in understanding concepts #1 & #2 below. I wrote this post in response to a comment "ChrisL" made.

Any service having to do conspicously or overtly for a "gay marriage" may be able to be objected to by Christians. Any other service which the person's sexual orientation should not matter (provision of housing, food, sundries, dining etc. ) would not. Any lewd display of any sexual behavior by any people can be grounds for them being kicked out of any business. If two gay or two hetero people are sitting at a restaurant having dinner and tonguing each other over their chicken kiev, out they go.

Obnoxious people of any sexual preference can be ousted if their behavior is disturbing other patrons. A business cannot be expected to commit fiscal suicide to accomodate lecherous people of any orientation. Keep it under wraps, everyone. No PDA. Each side gives a little. Each side loses a little.

Well, you would never know that by reading some of the posts on these forums. Some people make it QUITE clear that they are more than willing to treat homosexual people as less than human because of their religious beliefs.
Then they aren't true Christians and cannot claim to be.
In the following discussion, this article's survey of over 3,000 gay men is "the Given":
ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Jude 1 of the New Testament (that modern Christians follow) divides the homosexual issue into two components and prescribes a different protocol for each:

1. The individual homosexual, who the Christian is supposed to reach out to in compassion "making a difference" in their disfigured lives. The reward for doing this is salvation for the Christian.

2. The homosexual movement, the subculture that always seeks to overthrow normal values in its twisted quest to feel legitimate and not have to face the source of its pain by bumping up against moral values. Sodom was given as an example. But in Jude 1 of the New Testament (the Bible of modern Christians) it said that the same applies to other cities like Sodom. San Francisco would be a modern example. Ancient Greece, another. The "reward" for failing to stave off this advancement is eternity in the pit of fire for any Christian who fails.

Apparently it is (very) important to God that the matrix itself within which all humans learn and live and are tested, not be fundamentally tampered with. I'll leave readers here to meditate on why that is...

Since marriage is the hub of any culture, homosexuals seeking to overtake it is one and the same as homosexuals seeking to take over a culture. A Christian who partakes in enabling that, by choice or by force, is damned either way to the pit of fire. A Christian has no choice. They MUST not participate in so-called "gay marriage". Just as they MUST not harm individual gays: Grand Theater in California Shocked Sodomite Suppression Act US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I laugh at the title of the thread BTW. "Pence running for cover"....and all the GOP bigwigs too who have got his back? I think they've seen the poll on this thread and have done the math: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 831 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What makes you think Housing wouldn't be a bone of contention to someone not wanting to rent to gay couples?
Nope. Your BEHAVIORS make the religious stance object. Your BEHAVIORS don't have special protections. Christians do have Constitutional protections. Let us all know when your cult gets tax-exempt status; because religion is the closest thing you come to.

The weird things you do with your hoo-hoo don't give you a protected status, even while you do them religiously and go out on evangelical campaigns in our public schools every day...

Christians have constitutional protections. So do gay people. Businesses do not. Businesses are not people. If you have a business that offers a service and you don't provide said service, you are guilty of business fraud.
Guy, just try that kind of thing in a real business, and watch how fast you are not going to have a business anymore.

Nothing more fun that watching funditards get squished.


What you don't understand is that I discriminate all the time in my line of work. In fact, it's a fundamental part of my work. At least once a week I have to go through and pick winners and losers, deciding whom we're going to accommodate and who we're going to refuse. Sometimes, a customer will walk through the door, and will say or do something that irritates me, and BOOM! They are immediately refused service. Sometimes I decide as people walk through the door, depending on whether I think I'll like them or not. Sometimes, I discriminate because someone is young and I don't feel like dealing with the troubles I expect will be incurred by a young and demanding client. Sometimes I discriminate because someone is old and I don't feel like dealing with the troubles I expect will be incurred by an old grumpy client. Sometimes I pick someone to discriminate against because they're a man and I had to choose between a man and woman, and hoped the woman might be attractive. Sometimes I discriminate because they're a woman and I'm not feeling up to dealing with a needy bitch. Sometimes I discriminate against people who have already paid but who seem like they're going to be a pain in the ass to deal with. I give them back their money and send them on their way.
What you don't understand is that I discriminate all the time in my line of work. In fact, it's a fundamental part of my work. At least once a week I have to go through and pick winners and losers, deciding whom we're going to accommodate and who we're going to refuse. Sometimes, a customer will walk through the door, and will say or do something that irritates me, and BOOM! They are immediately refused service.

Wow, am I talking to another GOP genius who employs like two people who'd rather be working somewhere else and he thinks he's Warren Buffet.

Get out of my face, Bigot.
What you don't understand is that I discriminate all the time in my line of work. In fact, it's a fundamental part of my work. At least once a week I have to go through and pick winners and losers, deciding whom we're going to accommodate and who we're going to refuse. Sometimes, a customer will walk through the door, and will say or do something that irritates me, and BOOM! They are immediately refused service.

Wow, am I talking to another GOP genius who employs like two people who'd rather be working somewhere else and he thinks he's Warren Buffet.

Get out of my face, Bigot.


Translation: You've lost and have nothing left but name calling before you run away.
Translation: You've lost and have nothing left but name calling before you run away.

Not at all. The fact is, if you discriminate against customers without a good reason, you can be sued.

The fact that you haven't been sued probably means you have a shop no one wants to shop at to start wiht.
Translation: You've lost and have nothing left but name calling before you run away.

Not at all. The fact is, if you discriminate against customers without a good reason, you can be sued.

The fact that you haven't been sued probably means you have a shop no one wants to shop at to start wiht.


You really have no idea what you're talking about. When I discriminate it's precisely because there are too many people coming in. It's up to me to pick the winners and losers.
guy, if you were a "successful" businessman, you wouldn't be here talking smack in the middle of a work day.
guy, if you were a "successful" businessman, you wouldn't be here talking smack in the middle of a work day.

Seriously? That's what you come up with? What do you know about me? Ever stop to think that perhaps today is my day off? You really are desperate, aren't you?
guy, if you were a "successful" businessman, you wouldn't be here talking smack in the middle of a work day.

Seriously? That's what you come up with? What do you know about me? Ever stop to think that perhaps today is my day off? You really are desperate, aren't you?

No, not really. i know it's MY day off. But what I've found is guys bragging on their internet about their business success have about as much credibility as people bragging about their penis size.
guy, if you were a "successful" businessman, you wouldn't be here talking smack in the middle of a work day.

Seriously? That's what you come up with? What do you know about me? Ever stop to think that perhaps today is my day off? You really are desperate, aren't you?

No, not really. i know it's MY day off. But what I've found is guys bragging on their internet about their business success have about as much credibility as people bragging about their penis size.


Speaking of penis size, you're making alot of insertions and assumptions. You have no idea what I do, but you sure like to pretend you know.
Speaking of penis size, you're making alot of insertions and assumptions. You have no idea what I do, but you sure like to pretend you know.

I think anyone who gets on the interet to tell us how successful he is has serious self-esteem issues.

But the topic here was discrimination. I guess you are all for it then?
I think anyone who gets on the interet to tell us how successful he is has serious self-esteem issues.


Where did I brag about anything? I told you that picking and choosing who to discriminate against is a regular part of my job and industry. You can't come to terms with that, so you feel the need to insert your own blathering bullshit, hoping you can resort to insults instead of having to deal with facts.

But the topic here was discrimination. I guess you are all for it then?

Again, discriminating is a regular part of my job. It happens in all kinds of ways. You can't seem to get that through your head. If I wanted to discriminate against gay people, I could, and I'd get away with it. I just wouldn't tell them that that was the reason why I picked them. The fact is, trying to legislate feelings into other people is a very poor way to handle this issue. Is a person who wants to discriminate against gay people a douche bag? Sure. But if that's what a business owner wants to do, then nothing good comes from trying to legislatively interfere.
Again, discriminating is a regular part of my job. It happens in all kinds of ways. You can't seem to get that through your head. If I wanted to discriminate against gay people, I could, and I'd get away with it. I just wouldn't tell them that that was the reason why I picked them.

Well, you have the decency to LIE about being a bigot.

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