A Solution to the Indiana Law Protecting Religion (That 82% Support BTW)

Do you support Indiana's law as amended in the OP?

  • Yes, I think that's a good compromise.

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • No, it's 100% LGBT way or the highway

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Maybe, but I have another amending idea of my own (see my post)

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters
The other point I was making in the OP of this thread is that Indiana and other businesses should not be worried about the "backlash" for standing up for Christians to say "no" to enabling "gay marraige". 82% of Americans agree Christians should have this protection. Check the "should churches..." link in the OP for details. Companies should be running to Indiana for a boon in sales.

The funny part is that every state official in Indiana is busy telling us that this law has nothing to do with Gay marriage.

Are they all lying?
Yes, they probably are all lying. They need to be clear that Christians have a right to object to promoting gay marriage in any way, but not to deny housing etc. to anyone practicing a private sexual fetish. It's the "marriage" part that is the hinge in Jude 1 of the New Testament. It's about a cultural issue vs an individual gay one.

Jude 1 says about the individual homosexual for Christians to reach out and make a difference in their sexual disfigurement with compassion. It says about the culture as a whole to resist it OR ELSE... Marriage is the hub of any culture.
The other point I was making in the OP of this thread is that Indiana and other businesses should not be worried about the "backlash" for standing up for Christians to say "no" to enabling "gay marraige". 82% of Americans agree Christians should have this protection. Check the "should churches..." link in the OP for details. Companies should be running to Indiana for a boon in sales.

The funny part is that every state official in Indiana is busy telling us that this law has nothing to do with Gay marriage.

Are they all lying?
Yes, they probably are all lying.

Hmmm who is probably lying?

You- who I have shown repeatedly to be lying?

Or the millions of Christians who love their neighbors even if they happen to be gay?
You asked if the Indiana officials were lying "when they said the law wasn't about gay marriage". I said "yes" that they probably were lying about that because it is precisely about gay marraige and how a Christian is forbidden under pain of eternal death from promoting or enabling gay marriage. They aren't allowed to promote gay culture. Marriage is the hub of any culture.

Christians are to extend to individual gays however, the hand of compassion for the suffering from their psychological disfigurement.

People don't "happen to be gay". They are habituated-gay from environmental causes. And it isn't a permanent affliction apparently. Ask Anne Heche.
The other point I was making in the OP of this thread is that Indiana and other businesses should not be worried about the "backlash" for standing up for Christians to say "no" to enabling "gay marraige". 82% of Americans agree Christians should have this protection. Check the "should churches..." link in the OP for details. Companies should be running to Indiana for a boon in sales.

The funny part is that every state official in Indiana is busy telling us that this law has nothing to do with Gay marriage.

Are they all lying?
Yes, they probably are all lying. They need to be clear that Christians have a right to object to promoting gay marriage in any way, but not to deny housing etc. to anyone practicing a private sexual fetish. It's the "marriage" part that is the hinge in Jude 1 of the New Testament.

Jude 1 makes no mention of marriage. You're hallucinating.

And Christians are subject to the same laws as anyone else. If your religion makes it impossible for you to do your job, find a new job.
Jude 1 makes no mention of marriage. You're hallucinating.

And Christians are subject to the same laws as anyone else. If your religion makes it impossible for you to do your job, find a new job.

It makes mention of culture. And marriage is the hub of any culture.
Jude 1 makes no mention of marriage. You're hallucinating.

And Christians are subject to the same laws as anyone else. If your religion makes it impossible for you to do your job, find a new job.

It makes mention of culture. And marriage is the hub of any culture.

Culture isn't mentioned in any KJV, NIV, or English Standard Version, or modern English version of Jude 1. Demonstrating yet again that you're not a Christian. And your hallucinations don't trump US laws.

There's no prohibition in the Bible of selling cake to gay people. You made it up.
You asked if the Indiana officials were lying "when they said the law wasn't about gay marriage". I said "yes" that they probably were lying about that because it is precisely about gay marraige and how a Christian is forbidden under pain of eternal death from promoting or enabling gay marriage. They aren't allowed to promote gay culture. Marriage is the hub of any culture..

Yet Jesus never mentions gay marriage or homosexuality at all in the Bible.

For a non-Christian you sure seem determined to tell Christians what they are obligated to believe or do.
You asked if the Indiana officials were lying "when they said the law wasn't about gay marriage". I said "yes" that they probably were lying about that because it is precisely about gay marraige and how a Christian is forbidden under pain of eternal death from promoting or enabling gay marriage. They aren't allowed to promote gay culture. Marriage is the hub of any culture..

Yet Jesus never mentions gay marriage or homosexuality at all in the Bible.

For a non-Christian you sure seem determined to tell Christians what they are obligated to believe or do.

Jesus never mentions anything in the Bible. They are all second hand accounts from eyewitnesses. There is no "Gospel of Jesus Christ". There is plenty about homosexuality and the rules on that in the New Testament. Check out Jude 1 and Romans 1 for details..
You asked if the Indiana officials were lying "when they said the law wasn't about gay marriage". I said "yes" that they probably were lying about that because it is precisely about gay marraige and how a Christian is forbidden under pain of eternal death from promoting or enabling gay marriage. They aren't allowed to promote gay culture. Marriage is the hub of any culture..

Yet Jesus never mentions gay marriage or homosexuality at all in the Bible.

For a non-Christian you sure seem determined to tell Christians what they are obligated to believe or do.

Jesus never mentions anything in the Bible. They are all second hand accounts from eyewitnesses. There is no "Gospel of Jesus Christ". There is plenty about homosexuality and the rules on that in the New Testament. Check out Jude 1 and Romans 1 for details..

The Bible very clearly does quote Jesus

28One of the teachers of religious law was standing there listening to the debate. He realized that Jesus had answered well, so he asked, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”

29Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this: ‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord.30And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’g31The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’h No other commandment is greater than these.”

32The teacher of religious law replied, “Well said, Teacher. You have spoken the truth by saying that there is only one God and no other. 33And I know it is important to love him with all my heart and all my understanding and all my strength, and to love my neighbor as myself. This is more important than to offer all of the burnt offerings and sacrifices required in the law.”

Pretty certain Jesus was talking about Koshergirl and Silhouette when he said this:

38Jesus also taught: “Beware of these teachers of religious law! For they like to parade around in flowing robes and receive respectful greetings as they walk in the marketplaces.39And how they love the seats of honor in the synagogues and the head table at banquets.40Yet they shamelessly cheat widows out of their property and then pretend to be pious by making long prayers in public. Because of this, they will be more severely punished.”
You asked if the Indiana officials were lying "when they said the law wasn't about gay marriage". I said "yes" that they probably were lying about that because it is precisely about gay marraige and how a Christian is forbidden under pain of eternal death from promoting or enabling gay marriage. They aren't allowed to promote gay culture. Marriage is the hub of any culture..

Yet Jesus never mentions gay marriage or homosexuality at all in the Bible.

For a non-Christian you sure seem determined to tell Christians what they are obligated to believe or do.

Jesus never mentions anything in the Bible. They are all second hand accounts from eyewitnesses. There is no "Gospel of Jesus Christ". There is plenty about homosexuality and the rules on that in the New Testament. Check out Jude 1 and Romans 1 for details..

Jude 1 never mentions weddings, cake, selling cake to gays, or culture.

You're literally just making this shit up as you go along. And you've already admitted you're not a Christian. Making your 'religious interpretations' meaningless babble.
You asked if the Indiana officials were lying "when they said the law wasn't about gay marriage". I said "yes" that they probably were lying about that because it is precisely about gay marraige and how a Christian is forbidden under pain of eternal death from promoting or enabling gay marriage. They aren't allowed to promote gay culture. Marriage is the hub of any culture..

Yet Jesus never mentions gay marriage or homosexuality at all in the Bible.

For a non-Christian you sure seem determined to tell Christians what they are obligated to believe or do.

Jesus never mentions anything in the Bible. They are all second hand accounts from eyewitnesses. There is no "Gospel of Jesus Christ". There is plenty about homosexuality and the rules on that in the New Testament. Check out Jude 1 and Romans 1 for details..

Jude 1 never mentions weddings, cake, selling cake to gays, or culture.

You're literally just making this shit up as you go along. And you've already admitted you're not a Christian. Making your 'religious interpretations' meaningless babble.

I guess people can read for themselvles to see who is telling the truth.

Jude 1 King James Version Bible.com for Jude 1

Romans 1 King James Version Bible.com for Romans 1:26-on..
You asked if the Indiana officials were lying "when they said the law wasn't about gay marriage". I said "yes" that they probably were lying about that because it is precisely about gay marraige and how a Christian is forbidden under pain of eternal death from promoting or enabling gay marriage. They aren't allowed to promote gay culture. Marriage is the hub of any culture..

Yet Jesus never mentions gay marriage or homosexuality at all in the Bible.

For a non-Christian you sure seem determined to tell Christians what they are obligated to believe or do.

Jesus never mentions anything in the Bible. They are all second hand accounts from eyewitnesses. There is no "Gospel of Jesus Christ". There is plenty about homosexuality and the rules on that in the New Testament. Check out Jude 1 and Romans 1 for details..

Jude 1 never mentions weddings, cake, selling cake to gays, or culture.

You're literally just making this shit up as you go along. And you've already admitted you're not a Christian. Making your 'religious interpretations' meaningless babble.

I guess people can read for themselvles to see who is telling the truth.

Jude 1 King James Version Bible.com for Jude 1

Romans 1 King James Version Bible.com for Romans 1:26-on..

And exactly as I said, no mention of culture, marriage, cake or sales. You hallucinated them all.

Sooner or later, you're going to realize what we already have: your hallucinations are gloriously irrelevant to the law.
A solution to the Indiana law that says Christians can refuse to enable a 'gay marriage' is found in understanding concepts #1 & #2 below. I wrote this post in response to a comment "ChrisL" made.

Any service having to do conspicously or overtly for a "gay marriage" may be able to be objected to by Christians. !

Hmmmm have you ever read the Constitution?

What makes you think that Christians are allowed special exemptions under the Constitution?
That's easy to answer. Freedom of religious practice is protected by the Constitution. Gay butt sex is not.

Doesn't mean the freedom to practice discrimination based on a religious belief is protected by the constitution.
The Constitution does not authorize the federal government to regulate the private interactions of individuals. Now you know.
Which one of those colors stands for boys' civil right to have a father or girls' civil right to have a mother in their home "as married"?

There is no such right- shown by the millions of children being raised by single parents.
Which is almost always the fault of the adults involved. Somehow you got it in your head that some people's screw ups justify others'.
1. Non Christians cannot define what real Christians are since, by their very nature, they would lend preference to worldly Christians who abandon their religious convictions.

Then, according to your logic, Christians cannot define what real non-Christians are.

As it turns out, your "no true Scotsman" argument is bullshit.
Here's an idea: Shut up and go somewhere fucking else. Nobody is under any obligation to provide you with cake.

Uh, they are when they put up a sign that said 'Cakes for Sale" and I came in with enough money to pay for one.
Uh, they are when they put up a sign that said 'Cakes for Sale" and I came in with enough money to pay for one.

No, they're not. Maybe they have no more cake. Maybe all the ones you see on display have already been purchased and are awaiting pickup. Maybe they're display items only, not fit for consumption. Maybe you're card is "declining." Maybe your cash looks suspicious and possibly counterfeit. Maybe they don't accept personal checks. Maybe they are now closed due to an unforeseen emergency. Maybe the cash register is suddenly malfunctioning and they can't complete the transaction at this time. Maybe you have a foul odor about you and you are disturbing other patrons.

Nobody owes you a fucking cake. Until they take your money with the promise of providing you a cake, they don't owe you anything. So why the fuck do you want to cause a commotion? Just go the fuck about your business and go find someone else who both wants your money and is capable of delivering.
No, they're not. Maybe they have no more cake. Maybe all the ones you see on display have already been purchased and are awaiting pickup. Maybe they're display items only, not fit for consumption. Maybe you're card is "declining." Maybe your cash looks suspicious and possibly counterfeit. Maybe they don't accept personal checks. Maybe they are now closed due to an unforeseen emergency. Maybe the cash register is suddenly malfunctioning and they can't complete the transaction at this time. Maybe you have a foul odor about you and you are disturbing other patrons.

Nobody owes you a fucking cake. Until they take your money with the promise of providing you a cake, they don't owe you anything. So why the fuck do you want to cause a commotion? Just go the fuck about your business and go find someone else who both wants your money and is capable of delivering.

Maybe your a racist, a homophobe or some other kind of bigot.

But you said you had cakes for sale, and I'm buying a cake, so you'd better provide one.

Or else.

Don't like it? Get out of the bakery business.
1. Non Christians cannot define what real Christians are since, by their very nature, they would lend preference to worldly Christians who abandon their religious convictions.

Then, according to your logic, Christians cannot define what real non-Christians are.

As it turns out, your "no true Scotsman" argument is bullshit.
Christianity cannot be whatever anyone wants it to be without losing its distinction. Anything that's all inclusive ceases to be because its identity is defined by its boundaries. So it's your argument that's illogical and therefore "bullshit".

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