A Soul In Hell - Annette's Story. A cautionary tale for atheists, the irreligious, and the backsliders. Take heed!

The atheist Marxists who want to take over the US for their own wealth and power, and who give marching orders to the US media are certainly standing against Christians.
There ought to be a law against atheism . . .
All Marxists are atheists. All Marxist countries declare atheism the official belief of the country. Tens of millions of religious people were murdered by these atheists BECAUSE they were Christians or Jews.

As for Christianity, Jesus never taught people to murder. Those who did so were going against Jesus' teaching. They were not practicing Catholics or Christians., whereas Joe Stalin and Pol Pot were fully practicing atheists. You could even call them great atheists. Horrible people, but great atheists.
All Marxists are atheists. All Marxist countries declare atheism the official belief of the country. Tens of millions of religious people were murdered by these atheists BECAUSE they were Christians or Jews.

As for Christianity, Jesus never taught people to murder. Those who did so were going against Jesus' teaching. They were not practicing Catholics or Christians., whereas Joe Stalin and Pol Pot were fully practicing atheists. You could even call them great atheists. Horrible people, but great atheists.

It's always important to fact-check religious extremists because they often manipulate and distort to press their extremist agenda.

It simply isn't true that all Marxists are atheists.

"Religious people sometimes express disdain for Karl Marx and his philosophies because he supposedly characterized religion as “the opiate of the masses.” It turns out that this isn’t exactly what Marx said. Furthermore, he wasn’t necessarily negative about religion and its role in social life"

Further, all Marxist countries do not "declare atheism the official belief of the country", because atheism is not a belief system. Atheism has no ritualistic practices, customs, "holy texts", supernatural entities to fear and no plastic effigies to be placed on dashboards.

As for Christianity, it has been the impetus for wars, aggression, infliction of human suffering and suppression of knowledge and learning. The Christian church literally held back humanity for 800 years during the Dark Ages. Not too many astronomers being tortured or burned at the stake for predicting the path of the earth around the sun these days.

It was practicing Catholics, the Conquistadors, who baptized the heathen South American Indian babies before bashing their heads on the rocks and drowning them to " send them to a better place".
No. The question to you is: Do you imagine that atheists stand against you in any real capacity?

Why are you not answering the question?
To me, it's you not admitting that you're a SAF and POS atheist. This is because of the atheists going to hell in the afterlife as...

"Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." Mark 16:16

Instead, it's some question that you came up with and that I have an answer to from the Bible. It is prophecized in the Bible that the atheists will take over the world, i.e. religious world and countries.

The following is why I believe we will experience the end of the world soon enough in 2060. The truth is...

"As long as scientists, professors, and philosophers peddle their atheistic viewpoints as truth and wisdom, people will continue to buy it because the idea of self-determination appeals to our rebellious natures. The attitude is nothing new, but the changing cultural norms are making it more openly acceptable."
To me, it's you not admitting that you're a SAF and POS atheist. This is because of the atheists going to hell in the afterlife as...

"Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." Mark 16:16

Instead, it's some question that you came up with and that I have an answer to from the Bible. It is prophecized in the Bible that the atheists will take over the world, i.e. religious world and countries.

The following is why I believe we will experience the end of the world soon enough in 2060. The truth is...

"As long as scientists, professors, and philosophers peddle their atheistic viewpoints as truth and wisdom, people will continue to buy it because the idea of self-determination appeals to our rebellious natures. The attitude is nothing new, but the changing cultural norms are making it more openly acceptable."

You don't allow anyone to not believe in the god. According to you, my disbelief comes with a bunch of side effects that I cannot escape. But the truth here is that you have judged me without knowing me, which appears to be a side effect of belief in the god.
Mod Note: Need to stick to the specific topic under which you created this thread. Which is the construct and meaning of a Hell. Cant open that up to be a general religion vs opponents thread.

Here is a rare glimpse into Hell from someone who has been condemned there for all eternity.

Attention atheists, the irreligious, and backsliders. PLEASE fix things while there is still time. Death could come at any moment, and then it's too late.

This account has so many truths in it.

I think there's a different insight on Hell in Judaism. Jews are agnostic about the existence of actual construct of afterlife in Hell. It is or is not. BUT - the emphasis is on LIVING repentance. The entire reason for a yearly "absolution of sins" in the holiday of Yom Kippur.

This comes from the realization that MANKIND is responsible for "hell on earth" in many ways by being sinful but NOT repentant. And although the various churches do regular absolution thru "agents" of the church -- Yom Kippur is a duty to personally apologize for your sins to the VICTIMS of your sins.

Certainly, observant Christians who partake in their VERSION of repentance, dont worry about Hell and neither do Jews. But if you contribute to HELL on EARTH in the form of criminal acts, wars, breaking of Commandments, etc --- the NUANCE of HOW you repent - makes for a more personal -- pro-active happier state of affairs in your limited lifetime.
I’m curious to know what a “soul” is. Can anyone define that term? If a ‘soul’ can go to Hell, what does that mean? At what point during our evolutionary history did man obtain a soul? A "soul" has doctrinal meaning in various religions, and philosophical meanings in some discussions, but no meaning at all in biology. Aristotle had a definition which equated to something like a "motivating force" but even that attempt had no scientific basis.

So, we’re left with religious people cutting and pasting silly YouTube videos and issuing ‘cautionary tales’ about souls condemned to Hell but no indication this is anything but someone’s expression of mental illness.
I’m curious to know what a “soul” is.
Synonymous with 'spirit'. Some say we are made up of body, mind, and spirit. Others use the word 'soul'--body, mind, and soul. 'Soul' is not used as much in daily language as it once was--i.e. "Poor soul" when someone was going through tough times.
So, we’re left with religious people cutting and pasting silly YouTube videos and issuing ‘cautionary tales’ about souls condemned to Hell
Hell is a choice. A comparison might be, Are people condemned to prison, or is it their chose behavior that lands them there.
Synonymous with 'spirit'. Some say we are made up of body, mind, and spirit. Others use the word 'soul'--body, mind, and soul. 'Soul' is not used as much in daily language as it once was--i.e. "Poor soul" when someone was going through tough times.
So, other than “… because I say so”, ‘souls”, “spirits” are synonymous with “I have no idea what that is”.

Is that about right?
Hell is a choice. A comparison might be, Are people condemned to prison, or is it their chose behavior that lands them there.
We seem to circling back to terms and definitions you can’t define.

We seem to be claiming that undefined and nondescript terms such as souls and spirits can end up in undefined and nondescript locations such as Hell.
You don't allow anyone to not believe in the god. According to you, my disbelief comes with a bunch of side effects that I cannot escape. But the truth here is that you have judged me without knowing me, which appears to be a side effect of belief in the god.
You can believe what you want just like anyone else, but that's not what the Bible states and I listed one of its quotes. Thus, to me it's SAF and POS. Does my opinion not allow you to "not believe in the god?" That would be awesome if my words have that kind of effect.

However, the truth is it's what God states about how your "disbelief comes with a bunch of side effects that you cannot escape." Jesus is the One who will judge you and He knows you.
It's always important to fact-check religious extremists because they often manipulate and distort to press their extremist agenda.

It simply isn't true that all Marxists are atheists.

"Religious people sometimes express disdain for Karl Marx and his philosophies because he supposedly characterized religion as “the opiate of the masses.” It turns out that this isn’t exactly what Marx said. Furthermore, he wasn’t necessarily negative about religion and its role in social life"

Further, all Marxist countries do not "declare atheism the official belief of the country", because atheism is not a belief system. Atheism has no ritualistic practices, customs, "holy texts", supernatural entities to fear and no plastic effigies to be placed on dashboards.

As for Christianity, it has been the impetus for wars, aggression, infliction of human suffering and suppression of knowledge and learning. The Christian church literally held back humanity for 800 years during the Dark Ages. Not too many astronomers being tortured or burned at the stake for predicting the path of the earth around the sun these days.

It was practicing Catholics, the Conquistadors, who baptized the heathen South American Indian babies before bashing their heads on the rocks and drowning them to " send them to a better place".
Maybe technically not all Marxists are atheists, i.e. the majority are, and atheism is what the Marxist website promotes -- Why Marxists Are Atheists. However, atheism is a religion and Marxism and its aftermath of Communism led to...

'But Marxism in practice didn’t work out so well. Communist regimes produced the greatest ideological carnage in human history, killing more than a hundred million people in the last century. While some apologists claim it is unfair to Marx to blame him, the seeds of tyranny were there from the start.

Marx’s salvation scheme was built on a mystical foundation supplied by German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel. Though The New York Times' eulogy for Marx touted Hegel as an advocate of a “rational liberal state,” Hegel was derided in his lifetime as the “royal Prussian court philosopher” and for promoting the notion that the State is inherently rational. Hegel deified government, asserting that “the State is the Divine Idea as it exists on earth.”'

Hell is a choice. A comparison might be, Are people condemned to prison, or is it their chose behavior that lands them there.
A rather poor analogy. Any crime I commit against another human has here and now consequences in the corporeal world.

There is no reason to believe supernatural gods have a supernatural place for sinners who don’t accept Christian dogma.

Once again we’re circling back to terms, definitions and locations you can’t define but insist they exist.
There is no reason to believe supernatural gods have a supernatural place for sinners who don’t accept Christian dogma.
Precisely. If you are not a Christian why do you even care? It has nothing to do with you.

Personally, I don't believe in reincarnation a belief that rose out faiths that took root in India. It doesn't bother me in the least that some could believe I will return to earth as a rat. That is their belief and it has nothing to do with me and there is no reason for me to lash back.

In the same way, Christian beliefs have nothing to do with you. Why lash back?
Precisely. If you are not a Christian why do you even care? It has nothing to do with you.

Personally, I don't believe in reincarnation a belief that rose out faiths that took root in India. It doesn't bother me in the least that some could believe I will return to earth as a rat. That is their belief and it has nothing to do with me and there is no reason for me to lash back.

In the same way, Christian beliefs have nothing to do with you. Why lash back?
Who is lashing back?

Christian believers take actions that can affect me so I care. I care that they try and force their beliefs into the school systems and to make public policy that coincides with fundamentalist religious beliefs.

I care when religious people promote their fears of heavens, hells, demons and seem to be detached from reason and rationality. The same mythical “God is love” that people consider all-good is the same god responsible for creating hell and banishing there all “souls” who do not accept such a coercive deal - heaven or hell. Condemning someone to suffer eternal torment, particularly when such torment is the result of not accepting a coercive bargain, is arguably a true form of evil.
Christian believers take actions that can affect me so I care. I care that they try and force their beliefs into the school systems and to make public policy that coincides with fundamentalist religious beliefs.

I care when religious people promote their fears of heavens, hells, demons and seem to be detached from reason and rationality. The same mythical “God is love” that people consider all-good is the same god responsible for creating hell and banishing there all “souls” who do not accept such a coercive deal - heaven or hell. Condemning someone to suffer eternal torment, particularly when such torment is the result of not accepting a coercive bargain, is arguably a true form of evil.
How soon do you expect all this to happen? When (and what) religions are trying to take over the public school system? What are they doing right now that affects any local school in your area?

Besides here online, where else (and when) are you hearing all this talk of hell?
You can believe what you want just like anyone else, but that's not what the Bible states and I listed one of its quotes. Thus, to me it's SAF and POS. Does my opinion not allow you to "not believe in the god?" That would be awesome if my words have that kind of effect.

However, the truth is it's what God states about how your "disbelief comes with a bunch of side effects that you cannot escape." Jesus is the One who will judge you and He knows you.
If the god exists and is intelligent, it probably made up the story about how its own creation made it so mad that it drowned all of them and now sentences modern people to eternal torture for not loving it. And the reason it made the story up was to separate the thinkers from nonthinkers. Good thing it did, too, because lots of nonthinkers have no problem believing blasphemous things about it simply because it's written in a book.

God loves you.

God uses the threat of eternal pain to coerce obedience.

You're being gaslighted.

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