A Soul In Hell - Annette's Story. A cautionary tale for atheists, the irreligious, and the backsliders. Take heed!

Nope, sorry whiner. You won't even do me the courtesy of describing a standard of evidence.

I already explained why. It is not something you can even control. A bizarre feeling, I imagine... someone pulling your strings remotely through a cellphone and a few words...
Oops. I missed this post. I thought you backed down since you didn't reply for 12 hours, but no, you doubled down. Big mistake. You're gone. You're on perma iggy. I warned you about saying crap four times in a row after it's been refuted. Adios.
Our argument is over your assessment of God.
Well, no, not really. I'm contesting the notion that the god's reaction to rejection is to subject the rejecter to an eternity of torture without the possibility of parole.

If that's not your position, then we have no argument.
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Well, no, not really. I'm contesting the notion that the god's reaction to rejection is to subject the rejecter to an eternity of torture with no hope for parole.

If that's not your position, then we have no argument.
Very well...
No, you're certainly free to worship whatever inferior thing you worship. That's the beauty of Jesus belief. Strictly voluntary.; Unlike atheism which is forced upon people in certain countries.
I cut out the middleman and worship God directly. Are you implying God in inferior to Jesus?
LOL. You deny what you just wrote?
The dictators became the gods. North Korea is the most religious country on earth right now. The Kims are their gods.
You don't even understand why your non sequitur was a non sequitur. Which is why you were ignorant enough to craft it in the first place.
Getting some feedback that the OP is starting the process of changing some people's minds. That's what it's all about. Very pleased if I can get even a couple of people to turn away from atheism and keep them from burning in hell forever.

That makes my time in here worth it. I'm going to keep pounding and pounding away at atheism. I'll continue to expose it for the diabolical fraud it is.
So when did God create Hell? Before or after He created the earth? Before or after He created Adam and Eve? Before or after they ate that apple? It speaks to His motivation for this whole project.
Getting some feedback that the OP is starting the process of changing some people's minds. That's what it's all about. Very pleased if I can get even a couple of people to turn away from atheism and keep them from burning in hell forever.

That makes my time in here worth it. I'm going to keep pounding and pounding away at atheism. I'll continue to expose it for the diabolical fraud it is.
Do you spend your weekends standing on street corners and screaming at people while pounding your bibles?
So when did God create Hell? Before or after He created the earth? Before or after He created Adam and Eve? Before or after they ate that apple? It speaks to His motivation for this whole project.
Talking about the temporal order of events in the context of God is so ludicrous.
The founders were theists. Sorry.

In almost all of their writings, it is evident that many of the founding fathers were Deists -- they believed in a creator, but not such that Christianity or the bible offered. Instead, they needed a "supreme author" of existence but not one who necessarily was involved in the day to day requirements or needs of humanity.

Deism was very popular at the time, and waned when Darwin's Origin's of Life made it clear that a creator was not neccessarily required.

For example, Thomas Jefferson's Bible ends with Jesus crucified and nothing more. He does not return from the dead, which is quite essential from a Christian perspective. Jefferson "believed in Jesus Christ" as a philosopher, but not as a god incarnate. Thomas Paine, of whom it was said, "Without Paine's pen, Washington's sword would never have been wielded", was a thorough-going Deist who's "Age of Reason" deconstructed the bible completely. Franklin also uses very deist terminology, although Franklin did waver back and forth and his autobiography clearly depicts this.
Another piece of great information from the video. Paraphrasing:

"When God knows someone will not reach Heaven, they are rewarded for their good deeds while on earth."

That explains for example why Hollywood actors who live slovenly lives are still granted fame and wealth. You always wonder why scoundrels often have it easy on earth. This is why. They have an easy road on earth. Really holy people seem to have difficulties in life, yet they overcome them with a cheerful spirit. I know an 85-year old woman who attends daily Mass, and she was just involved in an auto accident in which she broke her leg and some ribs. You wonder why such things happen to a wonderful person like that. But I think this is to fully prepare her for Heaven. Perhaps it takes away the need for purgation after death.

Sometimes I think my life has gone so well and easy, that I need to be in for some rough stuff before I die. Perhaps a painful illness or some tragedy. Or perhaps the Communists will take over and I will have to die for my faith.
Talking about the temporal order of events in the context of God is so ludicrous.

First day god creates light, 4th day he creates the sun and the moon.


Just one of many bible errors religious believers ignores.
First day god creates light, 4th day he creates the sun and the moon.


Just one of many bible errors religious believers ignores.
Two things: God's terms aren't your terms. God does things you aren't close to having the capacity to understand.
Two things: God's terms aren't your terms. God does things you aren't close to having the capacity to understand.

Typical no counterpoint replies and a classic cop out.

First day god creates light, 4th day he creates the sun and the moon.

Maybe YOU can explain how the planet have light when no sun moon and star exist yet maybe your god moves in mysterious ways?
Typical no counterpoint replies and a classic cop out.

Maybe YOU can explain how the planet have light when no sun moon and star exist yet maybe your god moves in mysterious ways?
Again, you're looking at it like an earth-centered simpleton.
Maybe the light God first created was at the center of the universe, then he did our sun a few 'days' later. A day to God might be billions of years. Or maybe there are four, five, ten, or 20 dimensions, some of which things that happen earlier appear later. You have no idea what is possible. You don't know what you don't know.
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Again, you're looking at it like an earth-centered simpleton.
Maybe the light God first created was at the center of the universe, then he did our sun a few 'days' later. A day to God might be billions of years. Or maybe there are four, five, ten, or 20 dimensions, some of which things that happen earlier appear later. You have no idea what is possible. You don't know what you don't know.
Or maybe you make up this nonsense as you go along.

Or maybe there's a pattern of behavior among religious extremists who become angry and emotive when others point out obvious inconsistencies in biblical tales and fables.
First day god creates light, 4th day he creates the sun and the moon.


Just one of many bible errors religious believers ignores.
Have you considered how solar systems are formed...gases and particles and nebula. A nebula does glow, so in that sense there is light. Even once the sun and planets are formed there are generally clouds that can come between the two. Was there enough light coming from the sun to penetrate the clouds that may still have been covering the earth to bring forth plant life? In fact, can emerging plant life thrive without such protection from the sun?

Merely something to think about, because if those who wrote Genesis had this in mind, our ancient ancestors (as I suspect) were a great deal more intelligent than we credit them.

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