A Soul In Hell - Annette's Story. A cautionary tale for atheists, the irreligious, and the backsliders. Take heed!

How soon do you expect all this to happen? When (and what) religions are trying to take over the public school system? What are they doing right now that affects any local school in your area?

Besides here online, where else (and when) are you hearing all this talk of hell?
Are religions are trying to take over the school systems? Which religions are attempting that?

I’ll note the courts have been responsible about maintaining the Establishment Clause in the face of creation ministries and their attempts to introduce religion under the guise of creationism.
Hell is a choice. A comparison might be, Are people condemned to prison, or is it their chose behavior that lands them there.
Not a good comparison. Prison is referred to as a place of rehabilitation. Hell is not even that . . .
Not a good comparison. Prison is referred to as a place of rehabilitation. Hell is not even that . . .
No analogy is perfect. However, what is valid is that one's behavior and choices determines whether one is in prison. How many do you think choose prison to be rehabilitated?
No analogy is perfect. However, what is valid is that one's behavior and choices determines whether one is in prison. How many do you think choose prison to be rehabilitated?
The point is that when you've paid your debt to society, you get out of prison. When is the debt to the god paid? Never! The ones in Hell are not paying a debt. Their unending suffering is for the purpose of satisfying a loving, holy being.

You're being gaslighted . . .
The point is that when you've paid your debt to society, you get out of prison.
You are addressing a second point, not the original point. The original point is that just as one's behavior and choices lead to prison, so it is one's choice that leads to hell.

Your second point likens prison more with purgatory, but with purgatory being a place of purification whereas prison can be a place of rehabilitation.
Their unending suffering is for the purpose of satisfying a loving, holy being.
Shrug. Does one choosing not to have to love anyone else, serve them, show them justice, mercy, and forgiveness, lead to a choice of unending suffering? Some may decide that is less hassle and less suffering than having to love and serve others for all eternity.
If the god exists and is intelligent, it probably made up the story about how its own creation made it so mad that it drowned all of them and now sentences modern people to eternal torture for not loving it. And the reason it made the story up was to separate the thinkers from nonthinkers. Good thing it did, too, because lots of nonthinkers have no problem believing blasphemous things about it simply because it's written in a book.

God loves you.

God uses the threat of eternal pain to coerce obedience.

You're being gaslighted.
If God "uses the threat of eternal pain to coerce obedience, then I would've realized soon enough." Instead, my belief has become deeper to being able to say I am 1000% positive from the Bible. I know that the disbelievers like you will end up being punished in the afterlife.
The point is that when you've paid your debt to society, you get out of prison. When is the debt to the god paid? Never! The ones in Hell are not paying a debt. Their unending suffering is for the purpose of satisfying a loving, holy being.

You're being gaslighted . . .
It's silly to argue about things that are. If you jump for an 11th-story building, your fate is sealed. Your chance to change your mind was over the moment you jumped. You had plenty fo chances before that, but choose not to to take them. It's the same with death. That's the point of no return. Up to then, you can repent. It's all up to you. Don't blame God for your decision.
Don't blame God for your decision.
I don't blame the god for my decision. I blame it for creating creatures, then blaming the creatures for their inherent flaws. And on top of that, I blame it for its vengeful nature which causes it to inflict endless suffering upon those who reject its "love." When you attribute a characteristic like that to a being of love, you expose your perverted sense of love.

Why do you worship a terrorist type being like that?
I don't blame the god for my decision. I blame it for creating creatures, then blaming the creatures for their inherent flaws. And on top of that, I blame it for its vengeful nature which causes it to inflict endless suffering upon those who reject its "love." When you attribute a characteristic like that to a being of love, you expose your perverted sense of love.

Why do you worship a terrorist type being like that?
Why do you ignore the fact that you are the one who initiates the rejection with God, and you are the one who creates the suffering? The decision is totally yours. That's why your complaining makes no sense.
. . . you are the one who creates the suffering?
No. I am not the one managing the torture-dungeon. That place is created, owned, and operated by the loving god as payback for those who rejected its love. The god chose that reaction to being jilted. Only an unevolved ego type responds to disappointment in such a way.
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Why do you ignore the fact that you are the one who initiates the rejection with God, and you are the one who creates the suffering? The decision is totally yours. That's why your complaining makes no sense.
I think there's something of a sociopathic personality type that uses a character in a book to level not so subtle threats against others.
I think there's something of a sociopathic personality type that uses a character in a book to level not so subtle threats against others.
Why do you keep calling it a "threat?" It's a warning.

Through faith, we realize what the truth is and that we were born with sin and this is what keeps us from our eternal reward. The Bible explains it all.

That said, it seems there are those who have faith in no God and thus choose the antiChrist without knowing it.
No. I am not the one managing the torture-dungeon. That place is created, owned, and operated by the loving god as payback for those who rejected its love. The god chose that reaction to being jilted. Only an unevolved ego type responds to disappointment in such a way.
False. For the third time, eternal separation from God is a decision a person makes. No one else is responsible. It's a silly as complaining about the sun rising in the morning. What is, IS.
What I want to know is: Does seeing people burning in Hell get Jesus aroused? Frisky? Hot and Bothered? Randy? You know what I mean...

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