A Soul In Hell - Annette's Story. A cautionary tale for atheists, the irreligious, and the backsliders. Take heed!

yes, that is so. God knows all because He created all. He has dominion over His creatures (or should... and will in the End) and they need to humbly acquiesce to HIS WAY rather than expecting Him to acquiesce to theirs...

kinda makes sense

What self respecting human father would let his 5 year old control him rather than the other way around?

The thing is, the god made inferior beings. If the god exists, and the story is true, then it looks like it opted to blame the flaws in its own work on--of all things--the work. As if that's not enough to convince one that the human ego created the god, then perhaps its threats of unending torture for those who stand as living proof of its flaws will help make clear who created the creator.

No self-respecting father would sentence a child to eternal Hell for not loving him. Those are the kinds of threats that come from the mouths of terrorists . . .
The thing is, the god made inferior beings. If the god exists, and the story is true, then it looks like it opted to blame the flaws in its own work on--of all things--the work. As if that's not enough to convince one that the human ego created the god, then perhaps its threats of unending torture for those who stand as living proof of its flaws will help make clear who created the creator.

No self-respecting father would sentence a child to eternal Hell for not loving him. Those are the kinds of threats that come from the mouths of terrorists . . .
Your argument completely removes the notion of consequences for actions. Who says consequences for actions are bad or uncompassionate? That is a human notion not even shared by most people.
And once again, you assign responsibility for the consequences on someone other than they who earned them What is it about leftwing atheists and the concept of personal responsibility?
The thing is, the god made inferior beings. If the god exists, and the story is true, then it looks like it opted to blame the flaws in its own work on--of all things--the work. As if that's not enough to convince one that the human ego created the god, then perhaps its threats of unending torture for those who stand as living proof of its flaws will help make clear who created the creator.

No self-respecting father would sentence a child to eternal Hell for not loving him. Those are the kinds of threats that come from the mouths of terrorists . . .
To reach your conclusions, someone either doesn't understand the story, or the one telling the story isn't telling it correctly. The original Hebrew does not translate well into modern English. Next, material was presented differently in ancient times than it is in modern times.
A reminder. Atheist regimes killed 150 million in the last century, more than all religions combined in history. Today, the five atheist regimes in the world remain murderous hell holes. No Christian country is remotely like those five countries.
A reminder. Atheist regimes killed 150 million in the last century, more than all religions combined in history. Today, the five atheist regimes in the world remain murderous hell holes. No Christian country is remotely like those five countries.
Of course, those regimes just replaced one God with another, in the form of the dictator. So these are also just instances of what religion can do to morality. Just as the post above is a good example of the damage religious nuttery can do to an adult intellect.
Of course, those regimes just replaced one God with another, in the form of the dictator. So these are also just instances of what religion can do to morality. Just as the post above is a good example of the damage religious nuttery can do to an adult intellect.
Atheist regimes replaced God with no God. Isn't it curious atheist regimes were the most murderous in the history of mankind? And look at the five atheist regimes today. All hell holes nobody wants to live in. Odd behavior for people who claim to have all the answers. If atheism were the answer, shouldn't those countries be the greatest kindest most benevolent places to live instead of the worst?

And personally, wouldn't atheists be the most together happiest most productive people in the world? Yet instead they lead all belief groups in addiction, broken relationships, and suicides? Why is that?
Atheist regimes replaced God with no God.
Wrong, of course. The dictators became the gods. North Korea is the most religious country on earth right now. The Kims are their gods.

Thats why your idiotic talking point gets laughed out of the room , by educated people.
Wrong, of course. The dictators became the gods. North Korea is the most religious country on earth right now. The Kims are their gods.

Thats why your idiotic talking point gets laughed out of the room , by educated people.
OK, so now you're saying atheism is simply replacing the real God with inferior gods. Got it.
Is that why atheists lead all belief groups in addiction, broken relationships and suicides? Because they've replaced the real god with some other inferior god?
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And personally, wouldn't atheists be the most together happiest most productive people in the world?
They already are. The reason we have these wonderful modern societies with individual rights is because of secular ideas. When a Muslim does science, he is practicing secular ideas. He is not practicing religious ideas. We gained all of this quite in spite of your religious nonsense.

In fact, one very good measure of the value of someone's morality is the extent to which they do not adhere to one of the Iron Age pile of shit mythologies.
Your argument completely removes the notion of consequences for actions. Who says consequences for actions are bad or uncompassionate? That is a human notion not even shared by most people.
And once again, you assign responsibility for the consequences on someone other than they who earned them What is it about leftwing atheists and the concept of personal responsibility?
Not even on my worst day would I punish someone who didn't love me by subjecting them to eternal torture.

You've brought divine love down to the level of an unevolved jilted lover. The love and mercy you've attributed to this god is below the level of human compassion. You don't mind that your god inflicts punishment for no purpose. No one is getting out of Hell to exercise the lesson they've learned.


You've been gaslit . . .
Not even on my worst day would I punish someone who didn't love me by subjecting them to eternal torture.

You've brought divine love down to the level of an unevolved jilted lover. The love and mercy you've attributed to this god is below the level of human compassion. You don't mind that your god inflicts punishment for no purpose. No one is getting out of Hell to exercise the lesson they've learned.


You've been gaslit . . .
Of course not. Any 6 year old without a mental disorder has better morality than the gross god character in the bible.
To reach your conclusions, someone either doesn't understand the story, or the one telling the story isn't telling it correctly. The original Hebrew does not translate well into modern English. Next, material was presented differently in ancient times than it is in modern times.
Okay. You don't agree that Hell is a place where people suffer torture. Then my argument isn't with you.

Here is a rare glimpse into Hell from someone who has been condemned there for all eternity.

Attention atheists, the irreligious, and backsliders. PLEASE fix things while there is still time. Death could come at any moment, and then it's too late.

This account has so many truths in it.

The account is devoid of truth – it’s yet another example of the arrogance of theists, and that religion is the bane of humankind.
OK, so now you're saying atheism is simply replacing the real God with inferior gods. Got it.
Is that why atheists lead all belief groups in addiction, broken relationships and suicides? Because they've replaced the real god with some other inferior god?

‘Atheism’ is neither ‘religion’ nor ‘belief’ – acknowledging the fact that there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists is neither ‘religion’ nor ‘belief’; theism is the aberration.

OK, so now you're saying atheism is simply replacing the real God with inferior gods. Got it.

I didn't state or imply anything resembling that. That is the lazy strawman you created for yourself because you are of low intellectual effort and ability.

LOL. You deny what you just wrote?
The dictators became the gods. North Korea is the most religious country on earth right now. The Kims are their gods.

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