A Soul In Hell - Annette's Story. A cautionary tale for atheists, the irreligious, and the backsliders. Take heed!

Here is a rare glimpse into Hell from someone who has been condemned there for all eternity.

Attention atheists, the irreligious, and backsliders. PLEASE fix things while there is still time. Death could come at any moment, and then it's too late.

This account has so many truths in it.

You'll fall for anything, won't you? :heehee:
The OP began with a video, purporting to be about a vision someone had upon the death of a former colleague. The dead person said she was in a hell, where she chose to be, and would remain for all eternity. She was given a final to be in heaven with God, or to be in hell without God. She chose hell, and still wouldn't change her mind even if she were to be given the option to rethink things. She noted the vision was not meant for good but for evil. Also, she didn't describe it as a place of torture--rather a place for the tormented, giving the impression any torture wasn't done to them by God, they did it to themselves (i.e., hence tormented).

In later posts I noted I did not recommend others watch the video, and had some doubts about its veracity given it was not told by the person who had the vision, and obviously (to me) put together after a series of interviews and also included added depictions and sound effects.

Interesting that you have no wish to discuss the video, but would rather jump to how my parents raised me. Neither ever once brought up hell. In all my years as a Catholic, there have only been about four times hell was brought up in a sermon/homily/class. It was made clear, God sent no one to hell--but people could choose to go there--i.e., remain apart from God for the rest of eternity should they wish.

Now, do you want to discuss the video, or is your preference to make the thread about me? If you wish to make still another thread about me, now--as in the past--I will opt out of any further discussion with you.
good for you...

and yeh, we are right to be skeptical of this kind of thing... I focus particularly on the part where she says she isn't tormented... I think that is a total crock.

At Fatima, Mary showed the children Hell and it was horrific, so much so that the children were ... tormented as it were, for that minute or 2...

there was shrieking and burning

doesn't sound like anything that ever gets "fun"
good for you...

and yeh, we are right to be skeptical of this kind of thing... I focus particularly on the part where she says she isn't tormented... I think that is a total crock.

At Fatima, Mary showed the children Hell and it was horrific, so much so that the children were ... tormented as it were, for that minute or 2...

there was shrieking and burning

doesn't sound like anything that ever gets "fun"
Yes. And the takeaway from all that is that you'd better think twice before drawing the ire of this loving, holy being.
and yeh, we are right to be skeptical of this kind of thing... I focus particularly on the part where she says she isn't tormented... I think that is a total crock.
To be clear: She said she was in a place of torment, not that she was being tortured. I took it to mean people brought their torment with them.

She spoke of all the graces that were offered to her--right up to her final decision--and how she rejected them all, and would do so again.

Perhaps you have been in the vicinity when a child throws a tantrum and refuses to be comforted--he is that much into his tantrum. The parents did not place him in that tantrum, and they did their best to draw him out of it, with the child having none of it. No one insists that the parents put the child into that state of distress against the child's will, so why do some insist God places people in this place against their will?

Some seem determined to blame God for this unholy place. According to the video, the person in hell did not see it that way. She pointed out the times God tried to draw her away from it, but she refused and is determined to stands by that refusal.
you probably will once you are condemned

Jesus said that those who do not believe the Gospel will be condemned.. Mark 16, I believe

I have lived a good life. I have helped my fellow man and the animals we share the planet with. I have gone out of my way to harm none and to provide comfort to those who need it.

If that earns me Hell, because I didn't jump through the right hoops, I will accept that. But if it does, then you need to stop claiming God/Christianity is all about love.
Yes. And the takeaway from all that is that you'd better think twice before drawing the ire of this loving, holy being.
yes, that is so. God knows all because He created all. He has dominion over His creatures (or should... and will in the End) and they need to humbly acquiesce to HIS WAY rather than expecting Him to acquiesce to theirs...

kinda makes sense

What self respecting human father would let his 5 year old control him rather than the other way around?

I have lived a good life. I have helped my fellow man and the animals we share the planet with. I have gone out of my way to harm none and to provide comfort to those who need it.

If that earns me Hell, because I didn't jump through the right hoops, I will accept that. But if it does, then you need to stop claiming God/Christianity is all about love.
It is about love

but humans know nothing about that concept. They think love is when they feel good about someone... which as we know does not last long... Once the person makes a mistake... it's Goodbye to you, Fool!

whereas w/ God... He is more understanding and as Jesus said, He rejects no one (Jesus doesn't, that is)
The OP began with a video, purporting to be about a vision someone had upon the death of a former colleague. The dead person said she was in a hell, where she chose to be, and would remain for all eternity. She was given a final to be in heaven with God, or to be in hell without God. She chose hell, and still wouldn't change her mind even if she were to be given the option to rethink things. She noted the vision was not meant for good but for evil. Also, she didn't describe it as a place of torture--rather a place for the tormented, giving the impression any torture wasn't done to them by God, they did it to themselves (i.e., hence tormented).

In later posts I noted I did not recommend others watch the video, and had some doubts about its veracity given it was not told by the person who had the vision, and obviously (to me) put together after a series of interviews and also included added depictions and sound effects.

Interesting that you have no wish to discuss the video, but would rather jump to how my parents raised me. Neither ever once brought up hell. In all my years as a Catholic, there have only been about four times hell was brought up in a sermon/homily/class. It was made clear, God sent no one to hell--but people could choose to go there--i.e., remain apart from God for the rest of eternity should they wish.

Now, do you want to discuss the video, or is your preference to make the thread about me? If you wish to make still another thread about me, now--as in the past--I will opt out of any further discussion with you.
If you believe what you said in general (not sure, you made sure to stay slippery as always), that is gross, nauseating immorality.

Nothing more.

Yes, it speaks to the video, too.
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I have lived a good life. I have helped my fellow man and the animals we share the planet with. I have gone out of my way to harm none and to provide comfort to those who need it.

If that earns me Hell, because I didn't jump through the right hoops, I will accept that. But if it does, then you need to stop claiming God/Christianity is all about love.
I love the story Jesus told about the Kingdom of Heaven. He said the Kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. i.e., the Kingdom of heaven searches for fine pearls. (The first part of the story says the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field. When someone stumbles across this treasure, they sell all they have in order to gain the field which holds the treasure of the kingdom.).

If you are a fine pearl, the kingdom of heaven will find you. I went the other route, found the Kingdom and gave all I had to enter into it. Either way, we both enter.
So believing Jesus did not even exist is fine? Not believing in God is fine?
WinterBorn outlined his way of living which (whether realized or not) is God's way. I live that way, plus I have God. Why settle for less?

My best friend died nearly ten years ago. I have been fine. Given the choice, I would be fine and my best friend would still be alive. We had more to do! But I am fine, but it is no longer the same.

Why would I want to do without Awesome God? Why settle for fine when awesome is also available.
WinterBorn outlined his way of living which (whether realized or not) is God's way. I live that way, plus I have God. Why settle for less
Uh, okay. But sorry, it's not God's way. We did not have to be handed a moral code by God. The few commandments that are not immoral, hot garbage were things we figured out long before Moses was born.

Also, you forgot to answer the question. Now that you have had your time to type your prose, a simple yes or no will do.

Why dodge?
Uh, okay. But sorry, it's not God's way. We did not have to be handed a moral code by God. The few commandments that are not immoral, hot garbage were things we figured out long before Moses was born.
And all people were following that moral code? Are all people following that moral code today? There has always been choice.
You'll fall for anything, won't you? :heehee:
Actually, it's those who have no beliefs who will fall for anything. They're always searching, never finding. It's because they look in the wrong places.

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