A Successful Scam by Liberals That is By the Book

Dylann Roof took down your damned flag.......blame him
So JGalt is bragging about being scammed by gun and ammo sellers who jacked up the prices in response to your panic?

Why would you think it bothers me that you were scammed by gun and ammo sellers? That just means more reasons to laugh at you.

Actually you know very little about what you speak. I've bought alot of guns and ammunition the last couple years, but all from garages and estate sales. I don't need the federal government knowing what I own, so none of them are what you erroneously called "registered". There is no paperwork, and no questions asked.

Funny thing though, about two-thirds of them came from garage sales held by young liberal couples, in rather affluent neighborhoods. They usually don't put them on the table but if you ask them nicely if they have and guns, occasionally they pull some nice firearm out of their basement or closet. Since liberals know very little about firearms, I usually end up getting them for pennies on the dollar.

I just love robbing stupid people out of their family heirlooms. :banana:
Aw, the poor racists are sad. They can't use their "get out racism free by calling it heritage" card anymore.

Racist confederate-flag-loving crybabies, we're all laughing at you now. What are you going to do about it? I mean, other than whining and crying even louder. I suggest you all read pull out your little red books of sayings from your DearLeaderAlinksy and learn what he instructs to do in such situations. JGalt here seems to be an especially avid Alinksy knobgobbler.

What a painfully stupid post.

The Alinsky politicians had no trouble fooling you, did they? You really should read Rules for Radicals if you want to understand what your idols in Washington are planning for this country. It goes far beyond the simple talking points that you repeat. Far, far beyond those. Just to warn you, it requires reading comprehension. Liberals in Washington don't like to admit that they are following the plan. Some would approve, but most would reject them. Only the benighted people who only hear their fancy promises will keep supporting the radicals.

When I see the idiots laughing at the attack on a flag and thinking their own freedoms will never be touched, I realize how true the saying is: Liberal sheep are like frogs in a stock pot and swimming around happily because the water is getting nice and warm. Enjoy your swim.
A little deflection 101 from the righties. Right out of Alinksy.

The only people here who constantly quote chapter and verse from Alinksy are the righties. They hang on his every word. We on the left would literally never have heard of him, had the righties not kept quoting the holy scripture of their DearLeaderAlinsky.
A little deflection 101 from the righties. Right out of Alinksy.

The only people here who constantly quote chapter and verse from Alinksy are the righties. They hang on his every word. We on the left would literally never have heard of him, had the righties not kept quoting the holy scripture of their DearLeaderAlinsky.

Well hey, I'm not above using the same tricks you lefturds are fond of, in order to destroy everything you cherish. That is after all, my intent: To utterly bring down everything you people have worked so hard for, one piece at a time.

I clean and oil my guns with genuine hippie tears, you know. :biggrin:
Tricks? None here. Telling the truth is not a trick.

You've proudly announced your willingness to lie. We are not anything like you. The only consistent principle you have is "The ends always justify the means for my political cult." If any big lie aids your cause, you tell that lie with a smile on your face. And here you admit it.

And that's why you hate us liberals. The shining absolute morality of the liberals causes actual physical pain to the conservative moral relativists, so they lash out at the source of that pain.

Seriously, don't brag about your willingness to lie, cheat and steal and then try to take the moral high ground. You've staked your claim on the moral low ground and built a fortress there.
Tricks? None here. Telling the truth is not a trick.

You've proudly announced your willingness to lie. We are not anything like you. The only consistent principle you have is "The ends always justify the means for my political cult." If any big lie aids your cause, you tell that lie with a smile on your face. And here you admit it.

And that's why you hate us liberals. The shining absolute morality of the liberals causes actual physical pain to the conservative moral relativists, so they lash out at the source of that pain.

Seriously, don't brag about your willingness to lie, cheat and steal and then try to take the moral high ground. You've staked your claim on the moral low ground and built a fortress there.

You again? You sure use alot of words for a girl. Go get laid, you won't be so hateful in the morning, ok sweetmeat? I'd do it for you but I'm kinda busy right now um..ok?
Tricks? None here. Telling the truth is not a trick.

You've proudly announced your willingness to lie. We are not anything like you. The only consistent principle you have is "The ends always justify the means for my political cult." If any big lie aids your cause, you tell that lie with a smile on your face. And here you admit it.

And that's why you hate us liberals. The shining absolute morality of the liberals causes actual physical pain to the conservative moral relativists, so they lash out at the source of that pain.

Seriously, don't brag about your willingness to lie, cheat and steal and then try to take the moral high ground. You've staked your claim on the moral low ground and built a fortress there.

You again? You sure use alot of words for a girl. Go get laid, you won't be so hateful in the morning, ok sweetmeat? I'd do it for you but I'm kinda busy right now um..ok?
You forgot to beat your chest and grunt.....
Aw, the poor racists are sad. They can't use their "get out racism free by calling it heritage" card anymore.

Racist confederate-flag-loving crybabies, we're all laughing at you now. What are you going to do about it? I mean, other than whining and crying even louder. I suggest you all read pull out your little red books of sayings from your DearLeaderAlinksy and learn what he instructs to do in such situations. JGalt here seems to be an especially avid Alinksy knobgobbler.

Actually we're laughing at you lefturds. The sales of Confederate merchandise soared up 3000% thanks to you people...

Confederate flag sales are skyrocketing - Business Insider

You've also forgotten how after your failed attempt to pass any gun legislation, gun and ammunition sales were the highest in recorded history.

Good going, lefturds! :banana:
Do you ever use context in your debasing schedule? I mean, you'd never make it as a propaganda machine...head....
So JGalt is bragging about being scammed by gun and ammo sellers who jacked up the prices in response to your panic?

Why would you think it bothers me that you were scammed by gun and ammo sellers? That just means more reasons to laugh at you.

Actually you know very little about what you speak. I've bought alot of guns and ammunition the last couple years, but all from garages and estate sales. I don't need the federal government knowing what I own, so none of them are what you erroneously called "registered". There is no paperwork, and no questions asked.

Funny thing though, about two-thirds of them came from garage sales held by young liberal couples, in rather affluent neighborhoods. They usually don't put them on the table but if you ask them nicely if they have and guns, occasionally they pull some nice firearm out of their basement or closet. Since liberals know very little about firearms, I usually end up getting them for pennies on the dollar.

I just love robbing stupid people out of their family heirlooms. :banana:
Tell me, what heirloom gun did you buy?
I'd do it for you but I'm kinda busy right now um..ok?

Sorry, I don't swing that way.

It doesn't surprise me to find out you're gay. Kind of goes with the territory for hardcore conservative men. I wouldn't really call them closeted, though, as no closet could ever hold them.
Aw, the poor racists are sad. They can't use their "get out racism free by calling it heritage" card anymore.

Racist confederate-flag-loving crybabies, we're all laughing at you now. What are you going to do about it? I mean, other than whining and crying even louder. I suggest you all read pull out your little red books of sayings from your DearLeaderAlinksy and learn what he instructs to do in such situations. JGalt here seems to be an especially avid Alinksy knobgobbler.

Actually we're laughing at you lefturds. The sales of Confederate merchandise soared up 3000% thanks to you people...

Confederate flag sales are skyrocketing - Business Insider

You've also forgotten how after your failed attempt to pass any gun legislation, gun and ammunition sales were the highest in recorded history.

Good going, lefturds! :banana:

I'm considering buying a confederate flag to hang on my front porch.
Tricks? None here. Telling the truth is not a trick.

You've proudly announced your willingness to lie. We are not anything like you. The only consistent principle you have is "The ends always justify the means for my political cult." If any big lie aids your cause, you tell that lie with a smile on your face. And here you admit it.

And that's why you hate us liberals. The shining absolute morality of the liberals causes actual physical pain to the conservative moral relativists, so they lash out at the source of that pain.

Seriously, don't brag about your willingness to lie, cheat and steal and then try to take the moral high ground. You've staked your claim on the moral low ground and built a fortress there.

You again? You sure use alot of words for a girl. Go get laid, you won't be so hateful in the morning, ok sweetmeat?
Aw, the poor racists are sad. They can't use their "get out racism free by calling it heritage" card anymore.

Racist confederate-flag-loving crybabies, we're all laughing at you now. What are you going to do about it? I mean, other than whining and crying even louder. I suggest you all read pull out your little red books of sayings from your DearLeaderAlinksy and learn what he instructs to do in such situations. JGalt here seems to be an especially avid Alinksy knobgobbler.

Actually we're laughing at you lefturds. The sales of Confederate merchandise soared up 3000% thanks to you people...

Confederate flag sales are skyrocketing - Business Insider

You've also forgotten how after your failed attempt to pass any gun legislation, gun and ammunition sales were the highest in recorded history.

Good going, lefturds! :banana:
Do you ever use context in your debasing schedule? I mean, you'd never make it as a propaganda machine...head....

Such haughty language you use, Komrade. You must be one of those liberal intelligentsia elitists I keep hearing about. Or maybe just one of those union high school teachers. I'm so glad I live in a state where the governor ran those off back to Illinois. God Bless Scott Walker.
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Aw, the poor racists are sad. They can't use their "get out racism free by calling it heritage" card anymore.

Racist confederate-flag-loving crybabies, we're all laughing at you now. What are you going to do about it? I mean, other than whining and crying even louder. I suggest you all read pull out your little red books of sayings from your DearLeaderAlinksy and learn what he instructs to do in such situations. JGalt here seems to be an especially avid Alinksy knobgobbler.

Actually we're laughing at you lefturds. The sales of Confederate merchandise soared up 3000% thanks to you people...

Confederate flag sales are skyrocketing - Business Insider

You've also forgotten how after your failed attempt to pass any gun legislation, gun and ammunition sales were the highest in recorded history.

Good going, lefturds! :banana:

I'm considering buying a confederate flag to hang on my front porch.

You can find all of them you want at flea markets or other gatherings. Good luck on your search.
confederate flags confederate clothing rebel stickers featured at www.RebelStore.com
I like the way the people who use GROUP THINK, try and convince someone reading the thread that we are lying. Fortunately for us, they haven't had a personal revelation or thought on anything since belonging to the new democratic party. They are all about "buzzwords and catch phrases" put forth by their fearless leaders. How unfortunate for them we remember their lies, transformed into phrases, that they constantly used to get their way........which proves they are the liars I might add........

a. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor

b. your insurance premiums are going to drop 2500 bucks a year

c. I created 8 million good jobs

d. Iran will have to give up their nuclear program if they want a deal

e. I have drawn a red line, don't cross it

f. I will defend the constitution, so help me God

g. I believe that marriage is between 1 man, and 1 woman

h. I am going to use this money for shovel ready jobs

I. Russia is not a problem, you are living in the past

I will run out of the alphabet before I run out of his blatant lies. With him and the libs as we can plainly see, the ENDS do JUSTIFY the means. Lie, lie, lie, about everything important that MOST Americans want, then throw them all under the bus.

Now I ask ALL of you people from either side of the aisle; if Obama had told the TRUTH on the above, would he have gotten re-elected in 2012?

And for the poster who claims we follow rules for radicals---------------> did you know Barack Hussein Obama used to keep a copy on his desk when he was a community organizer?

Yes libs, you elected an Alinskyite, and of this there is no doubt. You can try throwing your crap against the wall to see what will stick, but you people are in deep doo. I have a feeling this election is going to be run differently than the last by the GOP. Informing people about Obysmal and Hilly is easy as long as we start now, because we have proof of a long track record in internet documents all over the place.
Have liberals shot up any churches yet?

Lol perfect.

I love how conservatives forget that it was a conservative who went into a church and killed 9 people believing in the rhetoric of the radical right.

But someone liberals are the bullies for calling racists racist? Oh that's just rich.

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