A Thank You to Don Trump


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
"The Liberty of discussion is the great safeguard of all other Liberties."

And, Trump is the only public figure with the guts to take on the Political Correctness Nazis who have cowed the Nation.

He says Muslim immigration should be suspended until our leaders figure out what the Hell is going on. (It is at least as outrageous as when he said that we should put a stop to the Mexican Invasion.)

And the Political Correctness Culture has taken such a hold on this once great country, that every Fraud in the Democratic Party, and every Pussy in the Republican Party, has felt it a duty to Shoot at the Messenger.

But, as with the Mexican Invasion, he has started a discussion of just who we should be letting into this Country. Islam is not just a religion; it is a very harsh political ideology which is in direct conflict with every Jeffersonian Ideal on which this great Society has been built.

As with the Mexican Invasion, an unfettered free open discussion on immigration from Islamic States is a good thing. The citizens will be able to work through all the bullshit.

Yesterday, Trump called for a suspension of all Muslim immigration until we can figure out what to do with this Caliphate...which has territory and governs people...like the Nazis did Germany; like the Ayatollahs do in Iran.

Today, the Congress House of Representatives passed a bill, by a vote or 410 to 19, to restrict the visa program as to certain Muslim dominated Countries. Its downright Trumpian!

America is closer than we think to agreeing that something has to be done to keep a large portion of this Country from turning into Muslim No-Go Zones like the foolish Europeans are now having to endure. Places in England and France where Englishmen and Frenchmen fear to tread.

Is it wise to suspend immigration from territories which have declared war on us?

Democrat Roosevelt thought it wise to suspend the immigration of Germans after Hilter got power...even though most of those Germans just wanted to get away from Nazis; and Democrat Carter thought it wise to suspend the immigration of Iranians after they took American hostages...even thought most of the Iranians just wanted to get away from the Ayatollahs.

I think a real discussion will expose the Democrats as nothing but lying vote-whores, sacrificing the Common Defense and undermining Traditional America...obviously the greatest society on the planet...to achieve, with foreigners, the naked political purpose of securing an Electoral College advantage for their political party.

So, thanks Don. You have done America another favor...as you did with the discussion on the Mexican Invasion.

Its more than the Fucks in Washington have contributed.
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Incorrect. The political correctionists are nothing. It's the lobby groups. Trump is financially independent of them. That's why he has the guts to be politically incorrect.

The dried up old fuddy duddy thought police get lathered wet by Trump's money so he'll be receiving no frowning-of-a-lifetime from them. Oh they've tried, but he just brings out the Alpha and they are well lubed.they are nothing without the war chest of the international banks.

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